Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 31

Working together without saying a word Michael and Isaac got the boat out to sea and they were on their way.

Emily sat next to Isaac on the boat.

After a while out on the calm blue waters of Skarrage Sea, Emily put her hand on Isaac’s.

Isaac looked up and saw Emily’s gentle smile, “what’s up?”

She squeezed his hand.

“What do you think about everything that was said?”

Isaac thought for a moment, “I’m not sure. It is a lot to process. I still have no memory of the past, the civil war, or even if I was a northerner or not. I only know the world now from what I see and hear. I don’t know if I can give an informed opinion.”

“Yeah, I’m not sure what to do either. The only thing I can say matter what happens we are friends. We have each other’s backs, no matter what.”


“Good.” Emily replied as she gave Isaac a hug.

“Thank you. I don’t know where I would be without you, Felix, and the others. I’m glad I have a friend like you.”


Emily then stood up and went to stand by Michael’s side.

Her gaze drifted out to the horizon,

“I hope the future will be bright for us all. That’s what my father used to tell me. That the future is filled with endless possibilities. That no matter what hardships life throws at us we should always look to the future with hope and determination. Just keep going forward.”

“Your father was a good man.” Michael said.

“Yeah, he was.” Emily replied, her voice full of pride.

Noah was just chewing on somewhat soggy bread, “I just want to go home and see mom again.”

“Yeah, yeah, it has been a long day.” Emily agreed.

The sun was setting over the horizon.

It was time to go back home.


It was time to go back home.

Felix got back to his house.

He could already sense it, no one was home. Odd, it was around time for dinner.

He opened the door.

“Hello! We are back!” Lisa yelled as she slid past Felix.

“No one is here. Besides shouldn’t you go back to your parents?” Felix said as he started to undo his sword on his hilt.

“Oh, it will be fine! They are used to me going off on my own adventures.”

“Poor Klaus. Sorry you had to deal with such a handful of a daughter.”

Lisa stuck her tongue out, “my dad thinks it is funny when I do this.”

“I can believe it. What about mom?” Felix replied.

Lisa just made a face.

“Oh. Yeah, she wouldn’t approve.”

Felix shook his head and chuckled.

“So, now what is for dinner? I am starving.”

“You should make yourself something.”

Lisa groaned, “I’m not a very good cook.”

“You sell yourself short. Last time you cooked something for me it was mildly edible. Just erm boneless?”

“Ugh! What does boneless even mean? Well, fine then. Why don’t you cook then and I’ll handle the cleaning.”

“Fine. I will cook.”

He then opened the door to his room. He paused for a moment. Noticing his bed sheets were swapped out with bright blue ones. His desk had flowers and he had bright yellow curtains.

He sighed. Literally the only thing he told Michael not to do is let Emily redecorate his room, the jerk.

“Pfft! Look at the roost of the fierce raven Felix.” Lisa teased with a laugh behind him.

“Silence, woman!” He said as he closed the door behind him.

He put away his sword and other gear away. He went back into the main room.

“What are you planning to make?” Lisa asked as she saw Felix some back.

“Fish and bread.” Felix said, as he walked towards the kitchen.

He got to work. He put salt and pepper on the dried trout. Chopped up some scallions and some bread. Went over to the fireplace with a cast iron pan. Lit the fire, put the pan down and coated the pan some pig fat.

He sat and waited till it heated up and then put the dried fish on to cook.

It sizzled nicely. He kept an eye on it so the fish would be a nice even brown.

He was vaguely aware of Lisa behind him dusting off parts of the house.

“Wow, Felix. I didn’t know you knew how to cook.” Lisa commented as she peaked over Felix’s shoulder.

“What do you think the only thing I know is how to fight?”

“Kind of.” Lisa replied as she went back to dusting.

He flipped the fish over, checking for evenness.

“Well, Lisa you would be shocked to know I’m skilled with many different things cooking included. Mom used to get home late sometimes because of work. I got used to making my own dinner as a kid. I also picked up a thing or two with the ravens. I have had to make do with limited supplies at times. Spicing up bland rations makes all the difference.”

“That makes sense. I always knew you were a reliable guy. Just the kind of man I was looking for.”

“You don’t have to butter me up. I’m already cooking.”

“I’m not! I really mean it!”

Felix looked behind him and saw Lisa’s expression. She wasn’t lying.

“Alright, alright. I get it.” Felix said.

He then grabbed the pan out fire, fish was done.

He put the fish on plates. Took the bread and sliced some bread and buttered it up. Then he sprinkled chopped scallions on the trout.

“Food is done.” He said as he put the plates down on the table.

Lisa rushed over, “Finally I’m starving.”

She clasped her hands, “Thanks for the meal!”

She took a bite of fish.

“Woah. It’s delicious!”

“I know.” Felix said with a smirk as he started to eat too.

“What’s more curious is how you as a self-proclaimed great such a terrible cook.”

“Hey, not you too! Mom and grandma already tease me about it!”

“Well, it’s true. But I guess it makes sense.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that you are too impatient. Too impulsive and reckless. Always running from place to place. You just must learn patience. Also following the recipe would help.”

“Sounds so boring. Where is the fun in that? I’ll show you all. I’ll learn how to cook the best meals someday and when I do...I’ll impress you and then you’ll apologize and bow down before me!”

“In your dreams! But if that ever happens...then I will.”

“Haha! Just you wait. I’ll get you one day.”

“If that day ever comes. I’ll give a bow.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

They kept talking about a lot of nothing really.

But it was nice.

After dinner Lisa stood up and grabbed the plates. She leaned over at Felix.

“Eh? What do you want?”

“Don’t be like that, Felix. You know what I want.”

Felix chuckled, “aren’t you a needy one.”

They kissed.

“Yeah. You better get used to it.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

She took the dishes and went to clean them.

Felix leaned back in his chair.

His mind wandered.

He then sensed footsteps coming to the door. He leaned forward in his chair and put his flip knife in his hand.

The door opened.

It was Emily and Michael.

They were injured, Emily had a bandage around her leg. Michael was cut up in various places.

Emily ran over to him and hugged him.

“Oh. Felix. It’s so good to see you!”

“Yeah. It’s good to see you too.” Felix said as he hugged her back.

“Just uh what the fuck happened to you guys?”

“I could say the same to you! You been cut up in the chest?”

“Yeah, I got in a fight with a demonic possessed spirit no big deal. Tuesday, am I right? I’m more concerned with you Emily. What happened, I thought Michael said he would always protect you.”

“That was protecting her. We found another piece of the ridiculous staff you been searching for we had to fight the Black Knight Stannis and it was a tough battle. Tougher than yours.” Michael stated.

“What no way! We had to fight Lyndis the Knight of Delusions, that bitch mentally scarred me! She was the one who cut me up in the chest.”

“Really? You think that’s tough?”

“Yeah, I do!”

“Well, we had a real battle against Stannis’s forces and won.”

“Oh please. Stannis was a washed-up stubborn soldier who didn’t know when to quit. Lyndis was an actual nightmare. She had crazy magical powers that could warp reality and she was just batshit insane.”

“Errm. How about we leave these two to their bickering and I have something for you from our time in Wittenden.” Lisa said as she pulled out a plush raven from her bag.

Felix facepalmed seeing the goofy, bead eyes of that black raven plush.

“Did we really have to stay another day at Wittenden for that thing?” Felix commented.

“Oh, come on Felix! It’s so cute. Besides another day of rest at Wittenden was good for your health.”

“Sure, sure.”

“Oh, it’s so cute!” Emily said as she looked over the raven.

The two of them started to talk enthusiastically and left out the front door.

Michael got up and into the kitchen. Opening a cabinet, he returned with a couple of tin cups and a scary looking bottle.

“What the fuck is that?” Felix commented.

“Niebieskawa. A nectar from my people.” Michael said as he poured out a bit more than Felix would have liked for the both of them.

Felix took his cup and took a sniff.

Smelled like pure alcohol and a hint of grass.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“I’ve seen you drink worse than this. Come on, lad. It isn’t a challenge. You just need it.”

Felix shrugged, “if you insist.”

Michael raised his cup.

“To the future. Let’s keep fighting and never forget the past.”

Felix nodded, “cheers.”

They both drank their cups.

Yeah, that burned.

“By the gods that was vile.” Felix commented.

“Vodka distilled up in Kristianburg. With blades of Azure Grass from outside the city put into the bottle.”

“You know now you mention that I do taste the Azure Grass.”

“How would you know what that would taste like?”

“I ate some before.”

Michael gave Felix a somewhat disappointed look.

“Ah don’t give me that look. It’s a bit of a story.”

Michael chuckled and poured out some more vodka. He poured some for Felix as well.

“Besides the fact I had the harder time than you. It’s good to see you back alive and well.”

“I suppose. I have a bone to pick with you, Michael.”

“Oh? What now? Because your room was decorated?”

“Well yes! But not that. I met your buddy, your good pal, Jan. Tell me. How much are you Restorationists are going to meddle with the Order of the Ravens sacred duty?”

“Sacred duty, what are you babbling on about?”

“Sacred duty of making ludicrous amount of coin. How can we get the best deal with we are already committed to one side already? The whole point of the ravens is that they are a neutral party. We are a mercenary group.”

Michael downed his cup and raised an eyebrow,

“What’s the big deal about that? The Restorationists will pay the better deal, simple as that. Ah, Jan. Always too talkative to those he considers allies.”

“We are talking about the same guy right?”

“Oh yeah. Jan Nowak, loyal to the cause to a fault. Did you tell him about your little adventure for the Staff of the Eternal Night?”

“More like he sniffed it out from me. What? You annoyed I didn’t tell you about this? I figured you would have killed me putting the princess in danger.”

“Well, you would have been right. But it is a moot point, is it not?”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“No problem. What did Jan say what to do with the staff?”

“What did you think? He wants the Restorationists to have it.”

“I have the same opinion. Better to have it our hands.”

Felix downed the cup in front of him, “Our hands? Don’t get it twisted I’m not in it for your righteous cause. I’m in it for the money. I expect to be paid well.”

“And you will. I will make sure of it.”

“I don’t doubt that. But you know the problem with fanatics? They are crazy. I’m starting to think literally no one should have this damn thing. This staff has been protected by spirits of a long dead queendom and legendary in its power to destroy. The stupid thing should be thrown into a fireplace and at least it will serve some use in keeping warm someone.”

Michael poured another round for Felix and himself,

“You are being unreasonable, Felix. The staff has the power to end this conflict and bring about an era of peace.”

“I hate to break it to you, Michael. But the world is shit. There will always be conflict. They told us the same shit when I was fighting in the Tergeste and Spalathos Colonial War. Once the Anzio main fleet arrived it would have the power to end the war. Turns out the people of colonials just dug in and fought more stubbornly against the odds.”

“And yet in the end the fleet brought an end to that war. And now you want nothing to do with the staff and its power? What was the point of killing all those people?”

“What was the point of killing all those people? The point is there isn’t any. People just get fucked. It doesn’t matter if the people are from the north or south. Doesn’t matter if the cause is righteous or for selfish nobility. It’s all the same to the boots on the ground. The staff is just going to fuck over more people.”

“If that is your belief, then what will you do?”

“...nothing. You all will do what you want to with that piece of wood. I don’t get paid to care past that point and I’m just a mercenary. I’ll protect Emily, I will. That is my duty. I just can’t let my opinion go unsaid.”

Michael smiled, “I’m so fond of you, Felix. You speak your mind. You may be a mercenary and a pain in the ass but at least you have a code.”

“What can I say, I’m a man of my word.”

Michael raised up his cup.

“To a better future, then.”

Felix clinked his cup and nodded,

“To a better future.”

They both downed their cups.

Felix got up unsteadily and headed towards the door,

“I need to take a walk.”

Michael was quiet, and poured himself another cup,

“Very well, see you in the morning.”

Felix got out into the cool night.

He started to walk aimlessly to the beach.

He could feel the buzz from the drink, and the night was chilly.

But the cold night felt good on his skin.

It was a good feeling, even though it was dark he could make out the path well enough.

His eyes adjusting to the night.

He saw the water and walked down the pier.

He was glad no one was around. He could just be alone.

He walked over to the edge and looked down at the water.

He sat down and leaned back on his arms.

Looking up at the moon and stars.

The water below rippled gently.

“This is not a bad life.” Felix commented.

He felt the side of his neck,

On his left, the mark of the Raven was still there. He could feel the soaring raven in an open sky.

The cool Skarrage Sea breeze felt nice.

“What are you still thinking about?” Lisa asked as she sat down besides Felix.

“Nothing. I’m just enjoying the view.”

“Really? You can enjoy a view back home.”

“You know I love it here.”

“You are right. I love it here too.”

Lisa took off her socks and shoes.

She dipped her feet into the water, “ooh. The water is cold. But not so bad.”

“It feels pretty good.”

Lisa leaned against Felix’s shoulder.

“Are you alright, Felix?”

“Kind of. Went drink for drink with Michael, big mistake.”

“You are lucky I’m here then.”

“Why is that?”

“Well, if you got sick or whatever. Who would take care of you? You are so useless, Felix.”

“I can’t help but feel the love.”

“You better! If anything happens to you, who would I go on adventures with? Remember you promised me you would take me across the world.”

“Yeah, yeah, I did promise that.”

“Good, because I’m holding you to it.”

Felix laughed and leaned his head on top of Lisa’s.

“Alright then. Where would you want to go first?”

“Hmm. Somewhere far away from Kurkenburg.”

“Any specific place?”

“Gaul. Grandpa told me there were poppy fields as far as the eye can see. They bloomed after the Twenty Year War. Those fields are a beautiful sight at sunsets. And the food. Grandpa always talks about the food.”

“That sounds nice.”

“It does. Doesn’t it? I would love to wear a dress that shimmers in the light and be dancing. Gaul is know for the dancing too.”

“Dancing? Are you serious?”

“Yes. Why are you laughing? I can dance.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you can. It just sounds odd. Dancing in a ballroom, fancy dress, the whole package. I don’t think I could ever imagine it.”

“You should! Because you are coming with me. You will wear the nicest suit and we can dance all night long.”

“Over my dead body. I never went to a fancy pant school to learn that sort of stuff. I would make a fool of myself.”

“Oh please, it isn’t so hard.”

“What would you know?”

“Well, I know some dances from the southern lands. It is just a matter of learning.”

“You really are something else, you know that?”

Felix said as he took off his socks and boots as well. He felt the cold water.

“Well, it would be fun to see you dressed up in a fancy dress.” He said idly out loud.

Lisa stood up with a wicked smile on her and offered her hand to Felix.

“What is this?”

“Oh, come on. We can dance right here.”

“Right here?”

“I bet I could teach you how to dance. Come on, it will be fun.”

Felix stumbled up on his feet, “could you picked a time when I didn’t have a bunch of vodka and still had my boots on, woman?”

“Haha! Too late. We can start slow. You just take my hands like this.”


Lisa took his hands, “now follow my lead.”

Felix just shook his head and smiled.

He did his best to follow along with Lisa’s steps.

“Hey, you aren’t too bad!” Lisa said.

“What are you talking about? I’m just following along with you.”

“Come on, you can’t say you aren’t enjoying this.”

“Well of course it would be. We could be rolling a ball of dung between us, and I would enjoy it if it’s between the two of us.”

“I would roll a ball of dung with you anytime, anywhere, Felix.”

“You know what, I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“Good! Now just follow along with my feet.”

They ended up dancing the night away.

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