Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 32
“Heave ho!” Felix said as he tossed another bale of hay into the top of the barn.
It was somewhat fun to go to Wittenden in a perverse way of almost getting murdered by the spirit of a long dead queendom.
But it was time to get back to work. Besides he still needed some time to recover from his wounds.
“Heave ho! Heave ho!” Felix said again and threw the last of the bales.
“Thanks Felix. Herta knows that would take me forever to get done myself.” Klaus said as he watched Felix finish.
“That’s why you pay me the big stacks of coins.”
“You mean the moderately sized stacks of coins.”
“Minor details.”
Klaus laughed, “could you go into town for me? Deliver some eggs to Mrs. Ziegler and drop off the rest of the orders.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Klaus and Felix walked back to the house. Out on the porch was a stack of wooden boxes with dozen eggs.
“Here are the orders.” Klaus said as he gave the list to Felix.
Felix looked through the list,
“Looks good. Shouldn’t be a problem. Do you want anything while I’m in town?”
“I’ll be good. Just make sure the orders are delivered, is the important part.”
Felix put the boxes with egg into a bag and put it on his back.
“Well then, I’ll be back.”
“Thanks again, Felix. See you soon.”
Felix went into town and was greeted by the townsfolk as he walked through and dropped off eggs.
He made his way to the bakery.
It was busy as always,
“Hello Felix. What brings you here?” A woman behind the counter asked.
“Delivery. Got some eggs for you Mrs. Ziegler.”
Felix put the boxes down out the took the order sheet.
“How many times have I told you can just call me Marci.”
“Yeah, but I’m trying to be part of polite society.”
“That will never happen, Mr. Ruhle.”
“Ouch.” Felix said with a laugh and handed her a delivery receipt.
“Thanks again for the eggs.”
“Don’t thank me, thank the chickens.”
Marci chuckled and put the eggs behind the counter.
“By the way, have you heard the news?”
“What sort of goofy gossip you have now?”
“Not gossip! Look out in the town center. An actual military commissioner! He even stopped by and bought a couple pastries.”
Felix froze up.
“A military commissioner?”
“Yes! I’ve never seen a real one before. He looks so intimidating. Did you see him yet? He is riding a beautiful white horse. He is a big guy too.”
“Yeah. I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks for the heads up, Marci.”
“You’re welcome, Felix.”
“Have a good one.”
“You too.”
Felix rushed out the door.
“Where’s the fire, Felix?” Someone asked as he left the bakery.
Felix ignored the comment and worked his way to the center of town.
He went through a small crowd to see a tall man wearing a black leather uniform and a plumed black cap. On his uniform and cap was emblazoned the white crest and black eagle of the Grand Military Council. The always watchful eagle.
“Who is that guy?” Someone asked.
“Isn’t he a military commissioner?”
“Never seen one of them before.”
“Do you think he is here for?”
“Who knows?”
Felix got a look at the man.
The man had a black goatee and a scar running down his face. His dark brown eyes were full of a deep intensity as he talked with another man in armor.
Felix remembered what Felicia said back at Wittenden, a military commissioner in the duchy looking for some man. What rotten luck brought him to sleepy Kurkenburg. How could this get any worse?
He heard some commotion from the opposite side.
He saw Lisa and Emily playing ball with some children. The ball was thrown out wildly and towards the military commissioner.
Felix watched with some horror as Emily chased after the ball.
“Move out of the way. Please!” She cried as she ran after it.
Of fucking course.
Felix started to work his way forward, his hand on his flip knife. He didn’t want to stab a military commissioner in broad daylight, but he would do what he would need to protect Emily.
But the commissioner was quick and grabbed the ball.
Emily ran up to him and looked up at him, seemingly no fear of the uniform.
“I’m sorry, sir! May I have the ball back?”
The commissioner looked down with a smile on his face.
“Of course, here you are.” He said as he held the ball out.
“Thank you, sir!” Emily said happily as she took the ball.
He reached out.
For a brief moment Felix had genuine fear as he watched.
But the soldier just patted on her head and ruffed her hair a little.
“Oh sorry. Force of habit, you remind me of my own daughters. You have fun.”
“Oh no worries. Thanks again.”
The commissioner went back to the armored man and the crowd dispersed.
Felix breathed a sigh of relief.
The military commissioner sharp eyes gazed at Felix, “can I help you?”
“Ah nothing. That was just my cousin, Emily.”
“Oh. Don’t worry I’m here to protect all citizens of the Kingdom of Lyris. Not hurt them.”
“I suppose. How noble.”
The commissioner’s eyes glimpsed at Felix’s neck,
“Well, well. A member of the Order of the Raven I see. I ran into another member of your famed mercenary company earlier today. He wanted nothing to do with me.”
“That was probably Jakob and that’s sounds like him alright. Count yourself lucky the old bird didn’t pluck your eyes out.”
“But you seem the more reasonable one. Can I ask you a couple of questions?”
“I suppose.”
The military commissioner put out his hand,
“Commissioner Stephen Lutz.”
Felix paused for a moment,
“Ew. Germs.”
Stephen laughed, “that’s rich coming from a man covered in dirt.”
“Yeah, those are good germs.”
“Show some respect! He is the representative of his majesty King Augustus and the Lord Protector Manstein.” The armored man said.
Stephen waved him off, “it’s alright. Sorry, this is my companion and bodyguard. A knight of Lyris, Sir Dietrich of House Ansbach.”
The knight was a young guy, dark blond hair, and blue eyes.
“Nice to meet a friendly and upstanding knight like yourself. The name is Felix Ruhle.”
Dietrich looked at Stephen with some irritation, “why are you being friendly with this ruffian?”
“You wound me, Dietrich. This ruffian happens to be a respectable citizen. Also a knight of the Lyris shouldn’t forget their vow to people and their needs.”
“Just let me get one good punch on him. A quick bop on the nose would straighten him out.”
“I would love to see you try.” Felix said with a smirk.
“You two can go at each other later. We are here for a reason.”
Dietrich grumbled.
Felix shook Stephen’s hand.
“So, Mr. Ruhle. I been told there was a couple of ravens that tied up some loose ends of a commission in Wittenden. Commissioner James Mansfield was assigned that little affair. Do you know anything about what happened?”
“Wittenden is a long way from here, commissioner. I wouldn’t know what is going on over there.”
“Hmm if you say so. I tried asking the Vice Marshal in the city and I didn’t get much from her. She was cute through.”
“Senna? She’s out of your league.”
“And I’m a married man. But that is neither here nor there. I ask because whoever was there would know about this.” Stephen then pulled out a piece of black wood with a white symbol of a tree on it.
Felix knew instantly that it was a piece of the staff of Eternal Night. He was glad Noah or Lisa was not here they would have freaked out and given up the whole game. Felix just shrugged,
“Nice piece of wood you have there.”
Stephen raised an eyebrow, “it’s an interesting replace. I’m not sure what it is. I been told by my superiors that they got this from a guarded tomb for the Laughing Knight, Garrick. Apparently, it’s a piece of the Staff of Eternal Night. An old fable from the old Queendom. You’ve heard of it, haven’t you?”
“Oh yeah. That was the old legend where the Witch Queen Natasha had a secret weapon of power. Some magic thing, right?”
“Yeah, I don’t put much stock in it. It’s more folklore than anything else.”
“Alright. Did you need something else, commissioner? Because I got to go deliver the rest of these eggs.”
“Yeah, yeah. You wouldn’t happen to have seen a young man matching this description around town, would you? He has brown hair and hazel eyes. Goes by the name Isaac.”
Stephen then pulled out a drawing of Isaac.
Felix looked at the picture,
“Hmm. No. But I have to say, your artist is really bad.”
Stephen smiled, “I drew that.”
“Ah well. As I said, the artist is bad.”
Stephen laughed, “that’s alright. Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Ruhle. And remember if you do see that young man, Isaac. Please tell us.”
“Will do.”
“And good luck with your egg delivery. Have a nice day.”
“Yeah, you too.”
Felix turned and left.
He worked his way to Chris’s clinic.
Felix knocked on the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me, Felix.”
The door opened.
“Well, hello Felix. What can I help you with?” Chris said as he opened the door.
“Is Isaac here?”
“Yes, he’s in the back sorting some medical supplies. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I need to talk to him.” Felix said as he moved pass him.
“Well, okay then.”
Isaac was in the back with some medical supplies.
“Hello, Felix. How are you today?”
Felix grabbed his shoulders and pinned Isaac against the wall.
“Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?”
“Shut up, you idiot! The Military Grand Council is here. A commissioner and his lackey.”
“Why are you mad at me for? What did I do?”
“I have the exact same question man. The commissioner is looking for you. Do you know why?”
“No. I have no idea. Who are they? What are they doing here?”
“They are the enforcers of the Grand Military Council. Basically, the guys who do the dirty work. This guy’s name is Stephen Lutz. He has a piece of the staff of Eternal Night, and he is looking for you.”
“What does he want from me?”
“I have no clue, but you are going to have to lay low. Maybe you should leave the country. Maybe the Republic of Anzio.”
“What do you mean, leave the country? I don’t know anything about Anzio. I also don’t want to leave!”
“Good point. I figured you would say something like that. Just stay out of sight.”
“You are the one who is pinning me to the wall.”
“Ah, good point.”
Felix let him go.
Isaac dusted himself off, “so what do we do now?”
“You go back to Chris’s house, and we wait. When I talked to the guy, he didn’t seem to know you were in town. Hopefully the bastard leaves.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“I will figure it out.”
Isaac put away some supplies and then made his way outside,
“Well, I guess I will see you later.”
“Stay safe, Isaac. Remember lay low.”
“I will.”
Isaac left the clinic.
“Oh, hey Lisa what are? Oh ok.” Felix heard Chris say from the other room.
Lisa marched up to Felix and without a word she put her hands on Felix’s shoulder and tried pinning him against the wall.
Felix just braced himself.
Lisa was trying her hardest, but Felix didn’t move.
“Dang Felix. You are big.” She finally said.
“What? Are you calling me fat or something? If so, I’m not.”
“No, that isn’t what I meant. I just mean. Ah, whatever. You are going to tell me everything, you big jerk.”
Felix sighed and let himself be pushed against the wall.
“What could you possibly want to know, Lisa?”
“Why did you send Isaac away?”
“The military commissioner in town is looking for him for some reason. Who knows, maybe Isaac was a famous cookie thief. Who knows? Just as likely as anything else since he can’t remember his past. Regardless, he’s a wanted man.”
“But he didn’t do anything.”
“Well, technically he didn’t. He also has no memory of his past. So, there’s no proof he didn’t commit some horrible crime like stealing panties.”
“Felix, I’m being serious here. Shouldn’t we try to help him?”
“Well, how exactly would we help him? Convince the commissioner to leave?”
“That brings me up to my next bone to pick with you.”
“I’m afraid to ask what.”
“How come you were so tense around the man? I saw you reach for your knife when Emily got close to him. You were completely unafraid when we ran into the military at Wittenden. What changed?”
“What? You are imagining things.”
“Felix, I been around you long enough. I can tell.”
She then leans forward and whispered in his ear, “I talked to Noah too. He told me about Michael. You are hiding something from me. Come on, talk to me. What is going on? I want to know.”
Felix took a deep breath and pushed her back.
“This isn’t the place. I’ll tell you later.”
“I’m holding you to that.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“You better or I’ll beat your ass.”
“You couldn’t even you tried. I got to go.”
“Fine, jerk.”
She was already leaned forward and on her toes. Felix just grabbed her by her back and pulled her closer, planting a kiss on her lips.
“I’ll see you soon.” He whispered and let her go.
“Yeah, you better.” She said and she ran off too.
Felix walked back out front where there was Chris reading a book and heating a cup with his other hand. His hand with a small flame conjured in the palm.
“Aren’t you the popular one.” Chris commented without looking up from his book.
“Eh. I guess.”
Chris snuffed out the flame in his palm.
“I’ll keep an eye out on Isaac.”
“Thanks, Chris.”
“No problem.”
Felix sighed, “what do you think of the Military Grand Council?”
Chris looked up from his book, “what are you talking about?”
“You know. The guys that control the government.”
“Ah, them. Well, the military does what it needs to protect the kingdom and the people. When I was in Svarostadt I even assisted in a commission done by James Mansfield.”
“I heard the name before. How that go for you?”
Chris frowned, “not good Felix. Good people died including the good Duke Rudolf. I won’t bore you with the details, but it turned out to be a plot by the Restorationists.”
“Oh yeah? Did you ever catch the assassin of the duke then?”
“No. We couldn’t. He disappeared after the duke died.”
“That’s crazy.”
“It’s the truth.”
“What are you getting at?”
“I don’t know. I learned a lot from that commission. Those commissioners aren’t above using dirty tactics and the royal army methods on dealing with potential rebellion is horrifying. I sympathize with the Restorationists, but that doesn’t mean they should start another war.”
So close to the truth, Chris. Yet so far. Better for you in any case.
“Fair enough. Well, I better get going.“” Felix said with a shrug.
“Take care, Felix.”
“You too, Chris.”
Felix left the clinic and went back to Klaus’s farm.
Back to work like nothing happened.
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