Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 34
The next day Felix has back at work at Klaus’s farm.
Klaus and Felix were tending to the sheep.
Isaac moved out of from the inn and tucked back into Chris’s house for now.
Felix still wasn’t sure what do even do with him but turning him into the military commissioner is a no go.
He also still hasn’t figured out how he was going to deal with the Stephen.
But Felix had more pressing concerns.
“Get a move on with your fat ass!” He yelled at a stubborn sheep.
“Come on, come on, just keep moving.” Klaus urged the sheep.
She moved forward.
“I swear they listen to me more than you.”
“It’s all about the tone.”
“Yeah whatever.”
Klaus smiled.
“So, how are you and Lisa, Felix?” Klaus asked.
Hmm? Did he ever tell the father that he was dating his daughter? Whoops.
“Oh, you know. Things are fine. She’s a really nice girl.”
“Yes, yes. My daughter is very special.”
“She sure is.”
“And you take care of her, right?”
“Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”
“You better. Otherwise, you would answer to me and even worse, my wife.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. I got everything covered.”
“Good, good.”
The two of them moved the sheep from the field to their pens for the night.
“Thank you, Felix. It’s always a lot easier with an extra pair of hands.”
“Yeah, no problem. I’ll be off then to do some training with Jakob.”
“Oh no you don’t get off that easy.” He heard a woman’s voice from behind.
Soon there was a sharp pinch on his ear.
“Ah! What do you want, I said I was going to be a good boy.” Felix said as looked back.
There it was the sharp steely grey eyes.
Same as her father’s.
“Come on, let’s have a chat.”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Not really.”
“I thought not.”
Maria pinched his ear harder and pulled him along.
“Good luck. Don’t die.” Klaus commented.
“Gee thanks. Goodbye, Klaus.”
Maria dragged Felix all the way back into the house.
“Sit.” She commanded.
“Alright, alright. Damn.”
Felix took a seat at the dinner table.
Maria sat across from him.
“Guess what Felix.”
“Oh, shit the moon is made of cheese after all.”
“You are the first boyfriend Lisa had.”
“Call me unsurprised.”
“And I would like you to be gentle with her.”
“I am very gentle, thank you very much.”
“Don’t be a smartass, Felix.”
“Okay, okay.”
“So, I want you to tell me everything.”
“What is there even to say?”
“Well, are you going to marry her?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.”
“How are you going to provide for her?”
“I have a lot of money that should be enough.”
“Have you told your parents that you are dating?”
“Pfft. Mom is dead and my dad left me as a kid. So might as well be dead. Besides, how would I tell them? Using the wind? The ocean?”
“Do you always have to be a smart ass?”
“Yes. Even in the face of death itself if I can’t crack a joke, Halja can finally have me.”
“Are you taking me seriously?”
“I swear I am. You are just asking answering questions honestly. But it’s just how I am. Sorry.”
Maria sighed.
“Look, Felix. Lisa is a good girl, and she deserves to have a man in her life that will provide for her and will cherish her. For her sake.”
“You think I’m just a scoundrel that will just use her and dump her when I’m done?”
“My father was also in the Order of Raven. I know what mercenaries are like. All the booze, whores and violence.”
“I like to formally apologize on your behalf to all the ravens out there you insulted with that statement.”
“You know what I mean, Felix.”
“Maria, I’m serious. I’m not some sort of monster. I do love Lisa. I’d do anything to protect her.”
She sighed, “I suppose. I’m her mother and I can’t help but to worry. You know.”
“Of course. You can count on me.”
“I can see that. Just make sure she’s happy. Okay?”
“I swear on my life, Maria. I will take care of her.”
“Don’t test your luck, Felix.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m off to train with Jakob.” Felix said as he stood up from his chair.
“One last question.”
“What now?”
“What are your thoughts on children?”
“They are a good punchable height.”
“That’s not an answer. Well not a good answer.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll be honest, Maria. Children is not something that I’ve really considered. This is also a weird question to be asked by the mother of the girl I’m dating.”
“Well, you have to consider the possibility that one day.”
“Whatever. I’ll keep it in mind.” He said as he waved her off and left the house.
Felix arrived at the training ground outside of the Astral Aetheria. Jakob was already out waiting for him.
“When is the next time I’m going to see you actually working, old man?” Felix quipped as he approached.
Jakob gave him a sharp glare,
“I don’t know. When will the next time I’m going to see you make an actual good decision in your life?”
“Why is everyone on my case today?” Felix asked aloud as he throw his cloak to the side with a dramatic flair.
“Probably because you deserve it.”
“You always have my back.”
“I do when it comes to training. Speaking of, get into position.” Jakob said as he tossed a wooden sword and dagger over to Felix.
Felix caught both with ease.
“Come on, Felix. Let’s spar.”
“Sure. Don’t blame me if you have an accident. I’d hate to kill you.”
“You have a good attitude but that’s all you got. You couldn’t kill me even if you tried.”
Jakob drew his practice longsword and shield.
“Gods I hope I get to be as big of an asshole as you are when I’m your age.”
“You have to be good to get to be my age. Now let’s begin.”
Felix drew his practice sword and dagger.
The two got into stance.
Felix was in a low stance with his sword forward and dagger pointed towards Jakob’s face.
Jakob was standing tall with his shield in front of him and his sword pointed over top.
Jakob rushed in and slashed at Felix.
Felix dodged back and slashed at Jakob.
Jakob parried and swung again.
“So, Jakob. What you think about the military commissioner and his knight coming into town?”
Felix asked as he slashed at Jakob, his sword bouncing off Jakob’s shield.
Jakob grunted as Felix’s blade bounced off his shield.
“That is not a concern. If they are not here for us, then it is not our business. We should stay out of it. The Military Grand Council are a bunch of thugs anyways. Rats who ended up on top of the shit pile by virtue of being the most willing to backstab.”
“Woah there. Those guys are one of our biggest clients. Can’t just bite the hand that feeds us.”
Felix stabbed at Jakob and managed to score a hit on Jakob’s armor.
“I can and I will. They can shove it. You can’t be so stupid as to not know about the horror stories of what they did to the north. To handle rebellion, they say. Slaughtering thousands of people and burning their homes to the ground.”
Felix slashed at Jakob, but Jakob parried and scored a hit on Felix’s shoulder.
“Hey as long as they pay well. That’s all that matters.”
Jakob’s slash grazed Felix’s cheek.
“Then you are a bigger idiot than I thought. I would not want to have anything to do with the Military Grand Council. I don’t know about your generation of ravens but mine had honor. Respect. Integrity.”
“Really hitting me with the young man stick. You can’t say we were the only ones who did the job. If not us some other company would have taken the contracts.”
Jakob swung his sword with such ferocity Felix could feel his bones shake.
Followed by a fast bash with his shield. He knocked Felix to the dirt.
Felix got back up.
“You are correct. We had standards.”
“Standards? Please.”
“Tsk. You don’t understand now because you are just a kid with an attitude problem. Everyone you killed, the comrades you lost, the wrongs you’s going to weigh down your soul. The older you get the heavier that weight is, and you carry that weight till the very end.”
“I thought you said I wouldn’t get to be your age without being good.”
“That’s right. You should retire. I heard from my dumbass son-in-law you are a half decent farmer.”
“I’m not good. I’m great. And I don’t want to be a farmer. I’m a mercenary. A damn good one. I still have quite a bit of distance left before I hang up my sword and pick up the plowshare.”
“Fine, fine. Just don’t be surprised when you wake up old and your body fails you.”
“You sound like the guy who has one foot in the grave already.”
“Just the truth. You are too full of yourself and reckless. One day one of Halja’s reapers come for your soul. If you will die at peace with yourself or full of regrets will come down to you, fledgling.”
“Well, I’m a good fighter. I fancy my changes to fight off a reaper.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.”
Jakob’s wooden blade whiffed through the air as Felix dodged.
There was the sound of clapping.
Felix and Jakob looked over to see Dietrich and Military Commissioner Stephen coming over.
Stephen was clapping and had a smile on his face.
“Good show you two. Both of you are quite skilled. If I was younger, I would enjoy to spar. Alas, my job is often a desk job these days.” Stephen said.
“Tsk. What is the meaning of this? This is private property.” Jakob demanded.
“We just came by for a casual visit. My guardian Knight of Lyris here is an excellent warrior. I think it would be good to test his skills.”
“No. I don’t work with hounds of the Military Grand Council.”
“A pity. There is no need for such hostility. We are all friends here am I right?”
“This is private property I have no business with you. You have no business here. Good day, gentlemen.”
“Now, now. We were just admiring the beautiful village of Kurkenburg.” Stephen said as he stretched his arms.
He put his arms down and gave a sharp look at Jakob, “of course there was a reason I came by today. I was told there was a boy who matched my description of Isaac who would spar here. Yet I was told that you didn’t know him. Curious don’t you think?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Jakob said bluntly.
“Oh, is that so?” Stephen replied with a chuckle. “Well, I suppose there is nothing that can be done today. I have plenty of time to investigate and replace out the truth in any case.”
Dietrich stepped in and whispered to Stephen.
“Ah I see. Looks like there is something I forgot about. Apologies I need to take my leave. You have a good day.”
“Have a good day.” Jakob spat out.
“Good luck with your investigation.” Felix added.
Dietrich and Stephen turned around and left the training ground.
Felix and Jakob watched them as they left.
“Could it kill you to be at least attempt to be more diplomatic with them?” Felix asked.
“It could. Besides I have no reason to.”
The backdoor of the Astral Aetheria burst open and Lisa and Noah basically tumbled out the door.
“Was that the military commissioner?” Lisa asked.
Felix nodded.
Noah paled and shivered, “he’s so scary. He asked me and Lisa some questions. He might sound friendly but it’s those eyes. Piercing into me, feels like I’m naked.”
“Don’t worry. He wouldn’t want to see you naked. Just like every girl you ever met.” Felix joked.
“Why have you got to do me dirty like that, Felix? We are friends you know.”
Lisa ran up and grabbed Felix’s hands, “we need to get inside and talk about this guy.”
Noah nodded and practically ran back inside.
Jakob sighed and picked up the wooden weapons off the ground.
“What does my granddaughter see in you?”
“My charming smile?”
“Give me a break. More like your annoying smug face.”
“My roguish rugged charm?”
“You wish.”
“I have a lot of money.”
“And what are you implying with that one? My daughter is just a gold digger?”
Jakob’s eye twitched and Felix swore he saw the old man’s blood vessel pop.
“I’m just joking.” Felix said.
Lisa giggled and tugged on Felix, “let’s get you inside before grandpa smack you for being a smartass.”
“What else is new?”
He was then dragged in by Lisa.
The three of them sat at the table.
“Okay, what is the plan now? They are still looking for Isaac. And they are obviously going to be here in town. We can’t just pretend everything is fine.” Lisa said.
“I can’t believe this is happening. What did Isaac even do? I don’t want to be a traitor to the kingdom.” Noah lamented.
“Maybe Isaac poached the king’s favorite golden goose? How would I know?”
“What’s worse is he has the last piece of the staff. How in the Underworld did he get his hands on that?”
“By beating the Laughing Knight, Garrick. Him or one of the cronies of the Grand Military Council not too sure on that detail.”
“That’s unlucky. The Laughing Knight was mighty. He was the second most powerful knight in the queendom. Now Stephen is so causally parading around the staff piece like a stick.”
“I mean it kind of is to him. It’s a glorified back scratcher for as much good as it is to him.”
“It’s a piece of ancient history and a national treasure to the kingdom!”
“Sheesh. Don’t yell at me Noah, I’m just telling you how it is.”
Noah fell flat on the table and stretched out his arms, “how did it come to this? Also why are you so calm about all of this?”
“Because the solution is simple. Keep Isaac’s head down and just take the stick from Stephen.”
Noah sighed, “you make it sound so easy.”
“Because you are looking at an expert pickpocket who worked the streets of Breslow. Never been caught by anyone but my mother. Through back before the Military Grand Council, they didn’t chop off hands of thieves.”
“Why do you look so smug about this fact about yourself?”
“Takes a lot of skill to be good at what I do.”
“Please don’t rob me. I have nothing worth taking anyways. I just have a bunch of dusty old books.”
“Pfft. You are lucky you are Lisa’s friend, or I would have robbed you a long time ago.”
Lisa bonked Felix on top of his head.
“Ouch. I’m sorry, okay.”
“Behave yourself, Felix.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“But yeah, I’m not going to rob you, Noah. Unless Noah is being a jerk. Then I’ll consider it.”
“Gee, thanks. That makes me feel much safer.”
Lisa rubbed her chin, “what will you do with about his knight? Dietrich, I think his name was. He’s probably going to keep an eye out for anyone trying something fishy around Stephen.”
“Which is why you have to track your mark and replace the right moment. Can’t always be on guard all the time. It’s just not possible. Besides he’s bound to put the stupid magical stick down at some point. Lockpicking into where he’s staying is also simple enough. Just need a good distraction as well.”
“Do you think he’ll just have the staff piece in his pocket or something? Like are you sure this will be simple.”
“It’s not like he’ll have the thing on him all the time. Have you tried sleeping with a hard and long in your pocket? I’d have something in my room that valuable I would lock it up tight and sleep peacefully.”
“Hmm...ok what about a good distraction? I prefer something that won’t be tracked back to us, my mom will kill me.”
“Maybe I could help with that.” A voice called out.
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