Adventure of Exiles -
Chapter 35
Felix looked over to see a cloaked man with the goofy fish mask from the Sea Bounty Festival on his face.
Felix groaned.
“What in the Underworld are you doing?” He asked with some frustration now realizing who is it.
“What? You are the one that didn’t lock the front door.” Isaac replied.
“Ugh. Lisa come on, girl.”
“Sorry about this. I been worried and wanted to help.”
“You are just lucky the commissioner went out the back.”
“I been observing him from a distance. Besides I have this amazing disguise.”
“Disguise? All you did was put on a cloak and a mask. In fact, you look even more suspicious!”
“You are just jealous of my amazing disguise. This is the best way to be anonymous.” Isaac said as he raised up his fish mask.
“As if! Aw, whatever. In any case why are you being tracked down by this guy anyways?”
Isaac frowned, “I have no idea...that’s why I want to speak with him.”
“Yeah, but the military are bad news. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”
“If I can replace out why he is after me then we can work together to stop this.”
“Or he can just have you executed or torture you or something. Once they got into power, they were pretty bloodthirsty. Criminals and rebels hung in large number and thieves with chopped hands.”
“I can’t just run and hide. This is something that’s clearly tied to me. So, it is my responsibility to see this through.”
“I suppose...still let’s get some prep work done first. Let’s replace out where he is staying in Kurkenburg.”
“Oh, I already know that. He’s boarded at the Whispering Oak Inn. I saw him leave from there this morning.”
“Well, that was lucky you are at Chris’s house. What are the odds that you both would have been sleeping in the same building.”
“I mean the odds are pretty high. It’s the only inn in town.” Noah commented.
“Ah, Noah. Glad you volunteered. You will be with me.” Felix said.
“What why me and not your girlfriend?”
“She still has a shop to run, and Isaac should get back to Chris’s for now.”
“Fine. But don’t expect me to be useful. I’m a fine upstanding citizen and not a master thief like you.”
“You will do great.”
“So, what is the plan?”
“We tail the dynamic duo of Stephen and Dietrich. See what they do and who they talk to. See if they have any particular habits.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it. Just have good sense for a mark. Once you have that down just need one moment of vulnerability to strike. You are not a master thief. You are just an observer.”
“I think I can do that. I mean I do research a lot.”
“Exactly, you got the mindset.” Felix said as he stood up.
He gave Noah a pat on the back and started moving to the door.
“I’ll be seeing you later, Lisa.”
“Stay safe out there.”
“I’m always safe. It’s my middle name, Felix Safe Ruhle.”
“Oh whatever! Bye now!”
Felix smoothly grabbed opened the door and shifted his sword at his hip.
Noah stumbled behind him.
“I’ll be seeing you, Isaac.”
Isaac was busy poking at a bunch of vials and glass bottles that Lisa had lined up. Completely oblivious again.
That guy.
It didn’t take that long to track down Dietrich and Stephen. People around town tended to gawk at the two.
Stephen had a very commanding presence with the black leather uniform and black eagle coast of arms of Military Grand Council. He was hard to miss. The people would be familiar with the Duchy’s red griffin coat of arms.
Dietrich on the other hand was in the typical silver armor and cloak of the Knights of Lyris. He looked a lot more imposing in his full plate armor.
Felix kept himself and Noah at a distance to observe the two.
Dietrich kept a constant vigil around Stephen. His eyes always watching those around the commissioner.
Stephen did most of the talking to people. Asking questions about Isaac. Sometimes waving around the piece of the Staff of Eternal Night.
Felix watched as Stephen would put the piece of wood on his belt. Rough. Normally that would be simple to take. A little jostle of the hip and it’s gone.
But with Dietrich always’s a challenge.
Soon enough it was evening and Stephen and Dietrich went back to the Whispering Oak Inn.
Tailing them and then waiting for a decent amount of time. Felix entered in with Noah following. Felix took one look around the room and saw Stephen and Dietrich eating dinner in a back table.
Felix went up to the bar where Eileen was serving.
“Well, well. Look at what the cat dragged in, what can I get you two?”
“Just a couple of ales. You know anything about Stephen and his companion?”
“Well, they paid good money to have a room upstairs. I’d say they are staying at least for a few days from the sounds of it.” Eileen replied as she poured out two pints.
“Alright thanks.” Felix said as he passed over a couple silver coins.
Noah just kind of gave the pint a look, “I don’t drink.”
Eileen laughed, “oh yeah that’s right! Let’s get you something else and clean that up. Water, right?”
“Please. Thanks, Mrs. Eileen.”
Felix grabbed the glass of beer before Eileen could, “more for me.”
“You know that stuff will kill you. You know?” Noah commented.
“Good. Anyways room upstairs huh? What’s the room number?”
Eileen raised her eyebrow, “twenty-one. I hope you aren’t planning on getting yourself in trouble.”
“Why would you say that, Eileen? We are a couple of honest young men. Aren’t we, Noah?”
Noah nodded vigorously, “yeah. Honest. Totally honest.”
“Noah, yes. You, not even close.”
“It’s only trouble if I get caught.”
Eileen sighed and went over to help other patrons.
“We just need a distraction to be sure that they two idiots will stay down here.” Felix commented.
“I could try something.” Noah replied.
“No. My eyes sees something better.” Felix said as he motioned to have someone come over.
“Eh? Who is it?” Noah peering over to try to see what was going on.
Soon enough it was Emily with Sophie holding her hand.
“Hey, hey Felix what you up to?”
“Just hanging with my good friend Noah.”
“Oh, shush you.”
“What are you and Sophie are doing is the better question.”
“We get some butter rolls from Eileen. So fluffy and delicious and she sells to us on the cheap.”
“Can I have you do me a quick favor?”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Take Stephen over there. Get his attention. Keep him occupied for a bit.”
“You want me to help you with a favor, right? It’s not every day that I owe literally anyone a favor.”
“I guess it’s probably better if I don’t know what you are up to.”
Emily took Sophie and walked up to Stephen, “hello.”
“Ah hello, young lady.”
“Are you Stephen?”
“That’s correct. And you are?”
“Emily! And this is Sophie. You helped me out earlier with a ball. We were just curious about you. This the first time I see a military commissioner up close.”
“It isn’t mine.” Sophie commented.
Stephen laughed, “oh yeah? Who did you meet little lady?”
“Commissioner James in Svarostadt. I didn’t like him. He took away daddy on his commission and also he wouldn’t play with me and my friend, Hilda.”
There was a moment of silence, Felix thought Sophie offended him until Stephen burst into laughter.
“Oh, my gods, I needed that laugh. You met James alright. Professional and efficient. With a large stick up his butt and no fun at parties.”
Keeping an eye on the girls and determining they were distracted enough. Felix tapped Noah on his shoulder and motioned for him to follow.
Felix slipped away with Noah and made his way upstairs.
Room twenty-one. There was a pad lock on the door.
“Wait, Felix. Do you have a key? I don’t think you asked Eileen for one.” Noah asked.
“I got it.” Felix replied.
“You sure?”
“It’s a simple lock. Keep look out for me yeah?” Felix said as he knelt with his toolkit.
Noah looked around nervously, “I don’t like this feeling, it’s like we are criminals.”
Felix started fiddling with the lock.
“Because we are.”
“What do you mean, Felix? I’m an honest citizen. I am a scholar. I would never stoop to being a criminal.”
“Yeah, and that’s why you are standing guard while I’m picking a lock. Don’t worry, you get used to the feeling.”
“I don’t want to!”
“And done.” Lock opened and pocketed for now.
Felix and Noah snuck inside.
Felix looked around, “wow, this is a nice place. They have good looking beds, a writing desk, a bookshelf, a couple of chairs, a table, and even a couch.”
Noah gave Felix a look, “I mean yeah. Eileen runs a tight ship.”
“Yeah, but the room is really well put together. You’d think you are staying at an inn in the capital.”
“We are not here for interior decorating. Where would we replace Stephen would store the staff piece for the day?”
“I’m thinking.”
Noah shrugged and started checking out the room.
He opened the dresser and found a couple of folded uniforms. He checked the drawers of the desk and there was a lot of documents and a couple of maps.
Noah was thinking of the normal places he would keep important things.
“It would have to be somewhere that would keep it safe but also accessible. Somewhere where he could see it. I think.” Felix mumbled.
Felix thought about the room and went over to the bed.
He got under the bed to check.
“Woah what are you doing Felix?” Noah asked.
Felix ignored him and started patting down the bottom of the wooden frame.
He felt it, there was an indent under the bed and a small hole. He hooked his finger into the hole and pulled.
Out came a box.
“Got it.”
“What did you replace, Felix?”
“A box of something. Not sure.”
Felix took a closer look at the box. It was sturdy looking box of dark wood. It had a silver lock with some squiggles engraved.
This must be it.
He put his hand on the lock to examine it and was hit with a shock up his arm.
Felix grunted in pain.
“You, ok? What happened, Felix?”
“I got shocked.”
“Let me take a look.”
Felix handed Noah the box.
Noah put the box down on the desk and took out his notebook. He sketched out the lines on the lock.
“Looks like a glyph of warding.”
“Can you crack it?”
“I’ll have to do some research.”
“That’s fine. Not like the hunk of ancient wood is even here probably still on Stephen’s person. Come on let’s make sure the room looks the same as before.”
Felix grabbed the box and sorted it back down under the bed. As Noah shuffled around the room.
“You ready to get out of here?”
Noah nodded.
They left the room. Felix took the pad lock out of his pocket and locked the room again.
They were never there.
Felix and Noah went back downstairs.
Emily and Sophie were still talking to Stephen. Emily looked back and noticed Felix. After a moment she grabbed Sophie’s hand, “come on we should get you back home.”
Emily gave a wink to Felix and led Sophie away.
Stephen waved both off and drank some more,
“Good kids those two.”
“I don’t get it. Why do you bother talking with them?” Dietrich asked.
Stephen chuckled, “you’ll understand when you get to my age and have children of your own. Good natured and well-mannered girls like those are rare. Only in my wildest dreams would my daughters who act the same. That’s just how it goes. Still, it’s so fulfilling, children’s joy becomes your joy.”
“I suppose.”
Stephen gave Dietrich a heartily slap on the back.
They didn’t seem too worried about anyone potentially breaking into their room.
After a moment Felix took Noah and left the inn.
“Hey Noah. You did great today.”
“I’m glad I could help. Even though I’m not sure what I actually helped with.”
“Moral support.”
“Well, thanks. I’m going to head home. My dad is probably worried sick about me.”
“You know, I bet he is.”
“Thanks for encouragement. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you, tomorrow.”
They gathered around the Astral Aetheria the next morning.
Lisa kept the store closed.
Noah, Emily, Felix, and Isaac in his goofy disguise were sitting around the table.
After setting the closed sign Lisa joined the table.
She had cheeky grin on her face, and she sat on Felix’s lap.
“Oof. Woman there is an open chair right over there.”
“I know. But I don’t want to sit over there.”
“Come on. I’m not a seat.”
“Well then, get your arms around me, you scoundrel.”
Felix did so, “I’ll indulge you for a moment, but this is less than ideal.”
Lisa nuzzled Felix, “oh yeah? You embarrassed to have me sitting here?”
“No. Your thunder thighs are going to crush my bones if I let you sit too long.”
Lisa pouted and punched him on the arm.
“Jerk. That’s no way to refer to a lady’s legs.”
“Whatever. Just get off so we can start this meeting proper.”
Lisa rolled her eyes and sat down on an empty chair.
Felix looked around the table.
Isaac was observing a beetle or something at the window.
Emily was blushing at what just transpired, “so romantic.”
Noah was trying desperately not to laugh, “thunder thighs.”
Lisa punched Noah in the arm this time.
“Ah! What’s with those gorilla arms? That hurt, is this what Felix must put up with? My condolences.”
“Why are you making it sound like some sort of wild beast?”
“Well maybe you are!”
Felix could only rub his eyebrows in frustration.
This was the party of seasoned adventurers or something.
If he wasn’t there they would be so fucked.
Well even with him around they were still mildly fucked.
“You two would you put a pin on it.” Felix said.
Noah gave Felix a look, “put a pin on it, really? Are we a business guild?”
“No! It’s a line I got from my old captain Holzsch.”
“So lame...”
Felix slammed his palm on the table.
“Anyways we know this commissioner Stephen has the last piece of the staff, it’s going to be locked up in strongbox with a magical lock and he’s on the search for Isaac for some sort of reason.”
“So, you have a plan for this?” Noah asked.
“Aren’t you the one intellectual of this group?”
“I mean I am quite a bit smarter than you. However, for practical solutions I’ll leave that to you as the veteran mercenary.”
“Ignoring that little dig for now I do have a plan yes.”
“First is that box. We aren’t going to get anywhere if we can’t get it to open. Noah.”
“Yes. I did some research on locks and glyphs based on the sketch I have. It’s a glyph of protection.” He said as he grabbed the sketched glyph from his bag and put on it on the table.
Lisa grabbed it and examined the paper.
“Woah, that’s a pretty strong enchantment! Luckily you didn’t touch it.”
“I touched it. Hurt like the Underworld.” Felix replied.
“Oh! Well, you didn’t die so it all worked out.”
“You have a strange sense of optimism.”
“Thank you! By the way can I have your thieves’ tools?”
“I prefer to call them lockpicking tools, but yes.”
Felix pulled out his kit from his pack and threw the leather case over to Lisa.
Lisa looked through the tools and took a few minutes.
“I can make this work. As a master alchemist I can get these bad boys enchanted to deal with the lock. Just need a bit of time.”
“Is this a magic thing I’m not going to understand?”
“Yes, sir. Don’t worry your cute little head about it. I got this.”
“Good enough for me. Second thing is the imitation.”
“Imitation?” Noah asked.
“Yeah, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to leave an empty box. Then Stephen will never leave Kurkenburg, searching for whoever stole the staff piece. We make a fake. It’s the bottom part of the staff a long narrow piece with some engraving on the butt of the piece. Looks like some sort of symbol or rune.”
“Like this.” Noah said as he grabbed his notebook and flipped through the pages.
“Yeah, like that. Huh, why do you have that?”
“Um hello? Researcher of Neveria here. Also, Stephen has been showing the piece around town.”
Emily raised her hand.
“Yes, Emily.” Felix said.
“I think I can help here. I’m pretty good with wood carving. Uncle Michael taught me. So, I can carve a copy out. I can probably get the wood from him too.”
“I can help with the enchantment to at least mask the aura of the magic.” Noah added.
Felix nodded, “try your best you two. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just must fool Stephen long enough to do our thing. Which just leaves the distraction.”
“Distraction?” Isaac asked as he turned his attention away from the window.
“Yeah. If we are going to pull this off you need a good distraction, Isaac. Got any ideas in that empty head of yours.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Well lay it on me then.”
“I simply plan on walking up to Stephen and ask why he’s looking for me.”
“What? You have a death wish or something? I know you have some confidence. But seriously?”
“I know. That’s why it’s the best option. I’ll certainly get his attention.”
“Yeah, but he can have you executed on the spot. Then we would be shit out of luck.”
“Don’t worry I can be very persuasive. That or I can run really fast.”
“This is a stupid idea but for lack of better options I suppose we have to.”
“So, what’s the plan all together then, Felix?” Lisa asked.
“It’s about timing. I’ll give you guys the day to figure everything out your parts. Then next evening Isaac will distract Stephen and Dietrich. I’ll sneak into the room, unlock the box and swap out with the fake. Simple enough of a plan.”
Everyone nodded. Emily and Noah then started to get deep into discussion.
Felix stood up and went for the door.
“Where you are going?” Lisa asked.
“Got some shit to take care of myself. I’ll be back.”
“Okay, stay safe. Bye.”
“What’s my middle name again?”
“Oh, shush you!”
Felix waved a goodbye and was about to walk out when Isaac stopped him.
“What’s up?”
“Felix, I have something important to talk to you about...something on my mind. Please stop by Chris’s house tonight.”
“Sounds serious? I’ll be there.”
What could that be possible be able?
In any case, Felix left, he had places to be.
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