Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 36

Felix roamed the town in a leisurely pace.

He was not in a rush.

Then he saw him. Stephen with his bodyguard Dietrich. They were walking and talking.

He waved down Stephen.

He knew what this looked like. He could only imagine Michael’s reaction if he saw just him on his own going to talk to the military commissioner of the Grand Military Council. The one hunting down Restorationists rebels in the country.

While it would be a massive payout if he did betray the Restorationists. He would have to wildly overestimate his chances to last more than like a week. The Restorationists had members who fought to the bitter end of the civil war and then held a grudge for over a decade. Yeah, he didn’t think he would live that long betraying fanatics like that.

More importantly he would have to be a complete fucking scumbag to betray Michael and Emily at this point.

He wanted to talk to Stephen to ask some questions and gauge their suspicion if shenanigans will be afoot.

“Ah, Felix! The man I wanted to speak with. If I have a moment of your time.” Stephen said as he greeted Felix.

“Interesting I wanted to talk to you actually.”

“There was the delightful bakery with great breads.”

“Ziegler Bakery? Yeah, it’s short walk from here.”

“Lead the way. Dietrich if I may could I have you take a walk? I would like to speak with Mr. Ruhle in private.”

Dietrich went to protest but Stephen already had his hand up,

“It’s quite alright sir Ansbach. It’s not like commissioner Joshua was stabbed to death in broad daylight up in Svarostadt. I’m certain this fine citizen has nothing nefarious planned for me.”

Dietrich sighed, “of course sir. I’ll be nearby should you need me.”

“I won’t but thanks, Dietrich.”

Stephen motioned for Felix to lead the way and Felix did so.

Soon enough they were at the Ziegler Bakery, and both got a buttery garlic loaf of bread.

They sat down at a small table outside of the bakery.

Stephen broke off a piece of bread and took a bite.

“Delicious. This is just what the healer ordered after a morning of walking around town.”

“Yeah, Marci runs a nice place.”

“It’s a shame there isn’t a place like this in the capital. You do what you remind me of through. That corner bakery a couple blocks from Saint Valentin church.”

Felix ears perked up, “oh yeah Saint Valentin? Right smack dab in the middle of Breslow. Nice enough church I suppose. Father Clemens was always too stingy with the free meals.”

Stephen chuckled, “imagine Clemens when he much younger and fresh out of university. Bean counter, still strict with rules and always lecturing.”

“Wait. You from Breslow?”

Stephen kept eating, “yes, sir. Born and raised. I’m from the east district my father was a cobbler.”

He then pulled out a book from his bag, “my record book have some holes in it on your history. Where are you from?”

Felix folded his arms, “looking into my past, eh? It’s not that exciting. I was from the south district.”

“Ah that side of the city. I do see some pickpocketing charges still on here.”

“You going to hold my record of pickpocketing against me?”

Also known as probing if Stephen replaces Felix a threat.

“No, you were a youth. A young man who needed to survive. I know just as well as you do it was rough living in Breslow.”

“Well thanks, I guess. Why are looking into my past?”

“Quite simple. Just curious. You are one of the few people in this town with real combat experience along with Samuel and Jakob. Oh, sure there are plenty of town guards that’s been serving for years but it’s a different beast to face real steel. Two years with the Order of the Ravens serving in the Anzio colonial conflict, additionally you done some monster hunting contracts. A service record equal to a true soldier.”

Felix took another bite and chewed.

He didn’t really want to talk about this. But it might be good to at least keep him interested and talking.

“Yeah well. It’s not I was greedy for conflict. We inflicted a lot of suffering on Tergeste and Spalathos for daring to be free and independent.”

Stephen nodded, “that’s the thing about suffering and conflict. Never seems to end, does it? Both of us born into a city where it a struggle to just survive. The civil war. Then occupation of the north. That’s the funny thing, isn’t it? The world never seems to run out of people born of strife despite everything. Always going to be more of us.”

“Hope this is going somewhere.”

Stephen laughed, “It is. I like to ask to have you ever considered joining the royal army?”

Felix scoffed, “the military? Please, I’ll hard pass. I will say my mom wanted me to become just like you. A military commissioner, go the academy at the capital. That was her dream through.”

“Not necessarily. With some training and discipline, you can still become a military commissioner. I was a son of a cobbler. My colleague James was a son of turnip farmers. We both served the military and climbed the ranked. Imagine joining the military now. You could make your mother proud.”

“Far too late for that. My mother passed away years ago. No thanks, I like being a raven.”

“Can’t blame me for trying to poach a talent like yourself.”

“I guess. That’s not why you are here through. What do you even want with Isaac?”

Stephen finished his bread and wiped his hands, “you know you are one of the few who actually even asked me what I even want from Isaac. You told me you don’t know him so why you would care?”

He leaned forward and rested his head on his hand. Seemingly uncaring but it was his eyes that gave it away. The way his eyes were focused on Felix. Like an eagle waiting for its chance to strike.

“You’re not wrong. I don’t really care, I’m just curious.” Felix replied.

Stephen smirked, “fair enough. Well, he is a soldier. Someone important to the military. He went missing and we been searching for him ever since.”

Felix frowned, “really? All this effort for one guy?”

“Don’t underestimate the value of one person. Even the humblest of foot soldier can make massive difference. Things are different now.”

“How so? Last time I checked there is plenty of conflicts right outside our border. New soldiers being born into this world as we speak.”

“And yet Lyris has been at peace and prospering under the steady hand of Manstein and Lehweht. You don’t understand, under him there is hope for a world without men like us needed. Manstein is a northerner man who united the south and north after the cataclysm of the civil war. Manstein a man who fought alongside his soldiers, ate with them, heard their problems, listened to them share their hopes and dreams. Unlike the nobility who sit in their ivory towers detached by the common folk suffering. Only a man like him could unify Lyris after what happened. There is a future worth fighting for, I can assure you.”

Normally Felix would sneer at what he said but he gave it some thought.

Wouldn’t that be nice? Live a simple life of a farmer with Lisa in peace.

Too late for regrets now, he was committed.

“That’s an inspiring speech but I don’t see how that has anything to do with me.” Felix replied.

“Ah. There is me rambling again, sorry. It’s more that I’m letting you know I care sincerely what happens to Isaac and he is important to the future.”

“I’ll keep an eye out for Isaac then.”

Stephen smirked “Much appreciated.”

Stephen then took a deep breath.

“Well. That’s enough of that. Now I believe I’ve wasted enough of your time.”

“It was a good conversation.”

“It was. Through, I have a feeling my time here is coming to an end soon. Keep my offer in mind.”

Felix nodded.

The window of opportunity is closing.

Felix stood up. Stephen offered his hand.

Felix hesitated slightly but then shook his hand.

“Take care.” Stephen said as he left.

Felix made his way back home.


He put his feet on the floorboards of the front porch that was renovated by Michael.

He was used to how the front door squeaks.

This was the longest he stayed at one place in a while.

Back in Svarostadt he moved from inn to inn and in the orphanage.

It was strange to be settling in.

He got back to his room and checked on his equipment. From his belt of tools to sharpening Edwin’s blade, Unwavering. Even now he never felt like it was his sword. Yes, it was given to him freely by Edwin and he has been wielding it ever since then, but he always felt like he was just borrowing it.

He took out his whetstone and oil and started his work.

He lost track of time as he was focused on his task.

He then opened his drawer and pulled out another sword. Black blade with red vines engraved. It almost identical to Edwin’s sword except for the vines because it was forged as a pair. It was Joshua’s sword, Edwin’s sword brother.

A man Edwin betrayed and murdered.

Felix thought Edwin was crazy for taking Joshua’s sword.

But he was starting to understand. To betray Joshua, that hurt. That had to cut deep into his soul. For Edwin to take and wield Joshua’s sword was a constant reminder to what his path cost him.

Which is why Felix was so desperate back then to get the sword back. To carry Edwin’s burden onwards. To give the sword to someone who would be worth to carry the same burden. The burden of Joshua’s lost dreams and Edwin’s lost dreams.

An incredible weight.

Besides not like he was going to dual wield swords, highly impractical.

He took care of the blade and then put it back in its sheath. The sword was also left unnamed, so Felix named it Devotion in honor of Edwin’s loyalty to the northern cause. The pair of blades, Unwavering Devotion.

Felix packed both blades in his pack as he left the house. As he expected, Emily and Michael were busy working on making a decoy staff piece, leaving an empty house.

He left and went down to the beach and then walked down the sand for a bit. Enjoying the warm sea breeze and the feel of the soft sand on his boots.

He stopped by a small cliffside and climbed up the rocks. Once on top he had a good view of the Skarrage Sea.

Felix then opened his pack and pulled out a small cross. A symbol of worship for the Goddess Herta. He planted it out on a small patch of grass. He lay down Devotion in front of the cross. He clapped his hands and prayed out loud. Desperately trying to remember what his mother and Father Gideon taught him to pray properly.

He was never a true believer, he found faith to be utterly baffling.

Went through too much shit to give a damn about a Goddess or whatever.

“Sorry if I fucking butchering it, Edwin. Also sorry for bothering you in the Underworld. You had a nice resting place back by that lake. I would wager with you. Your patch of Lyris is going to be way more peaceful than mine by a long shot.”

He then pulled out a flask from his belt. Took a good long swig of the stuff. The whiskey burned but it was still Edwin’s favorite. He poured out some for the man.

“You have some nasty tastes. We should have gotten drinks more often. I would have guided you through the wonderful world of high class wines.”

Felix sat down by the makeshift grave or maybe shrine to Edwin.

He sat for a bit just left to think about well everything.

Feeling the sea breeze and watching the blue waves lap lazily against the shore.


“There is where you are. What are you up to?” He heard a voice call out from behind.

Felix knew that voice well. He stretched his arms as he replied, “you know despite everything I didn’t know him very well. I mean our time together was short relatively speaking. Still today is an important one.”

Michael laughed, “I suppose it is. Edwin didn’t care much for his birthday. He wasn’t much for celebration.”

“I knew that much at least the guy was bit of a grump sometimes.”

Michael sat down besides Felix.

“Edwin was a good comrade and even better friend. I’m glad you are keeping his memory alive. It’s tough. Knowing his family wouldn’t be around to remember Edwin. It’s only a small comfort to know they are united in death.”

“Yeah...” Felix replied as he picked up the flask again for another drink.

“I been told a bit about of your plan. If I didn’t know better, I would think you were a criminal mastermind.”

“Don’t tempt me. Sounds real good to be just a thief, stacking up coin with no one to worry about or rely on.”

“Sorry don’t think that’s you anymore. As much as you might think you desire it. You believe in something. You believe in the princess.”

Felix laughed, “oh yeah what evidence do you have?”

Michael pointed at the sword left by the cross, “you still have that. Still carrying Edwin’s memory.”

“Tsk. Well, I haven’t found anyone I would want to give the damn thing too. Not like I can give away the sword like candy. I must at least attempt to try to give it some thought. Do you want the sword?”

Michael shook his head, “I have my own weapon, no thanks. You have to keep looking.”

“Your loss. The partner sword served me well. Besides it’s worth a pretty copper, you could have sold it for good price at least.”

“Pfft. Always about the money. There is more to life than coin. You always come back to coin but the more I’m around you the less convinced you actually care.”

“It always come back to money learned that lesson well when I was a kid.”

“What about Lisa? The time you spent together with her, that’s priceless.”

“How cheesy.”

“Same with the time you had with Edwin. The time you had with your mother. The time you had with Emily and myself...we been like a family. Felix I’m a father, you might not understand now but in the future when you have a family of you. You will understand, the time with your family. You won’t trade it for the world.”

“What are you Jakob? Trying to teach me life lessons?”

Felix was going to continue but he then sighed, “no. I’m sorry. I guess I’m not used to having people who care.”

Michael chuckled, “how about this. Once we are done and Emily is back on the throne, we should go out drinking to celebrate. We can even pour one out for Edwin.”

“Yeah...that sounds nice.”

Michael stood back up. He gave a prayer for Edwin, didn’t quite stumble through the words the same was Felix did.

“Come on now. We got work to do.”

Felix stood up, “yeah. Guess we do, don’t we?”

He went over and picked back up Devotion and saluted, “we will see again on the other side. Hopefully not for a long ass time so you better wait for us.”

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