Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 41

Felix looked back briefly to see Emily trying to save Isaac.

He looked over to Michael...he didn’t make it. He stopped breathing.

No time to mourn now.

His blood was boiling.

He tightened his grip on his sword.

Felix laughed. Uncontrollably. He pointed his sword at Stephen.

“Normally I need to be paid well to kill someone. But you, you are on the house. I fucking despise you.”

Stephen gave a small smile, “...this isn’t how any of this was supposed to go.”

Just then he heard a gasp of air. Felix peeked backward again.

Isaac...was alive!

The cut on his neck was closed.

Stephen was wide eyed in shock, “that’s impossible! No normal healer can do that only someone blessed by Herta the gods! There was a survivor from House Strass! The princess! That’s the only way. Impossible...”

Dietrich moved to protect Stephen, “you must escape! Let the council know what transpired here! They must be warned a Strass survived! I’ll hold him off.”

“What will you do.”

“I will sell my life dearly.”

Stephen looked conflicted.

But Dietrich grabbed Stephen’s shoulder, “go! I will handle this.”

Stephen curled his fists, “I promise you did not sacrifice your life in vain.”

Stephen then turned and fled the room.

Felix couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The man who was going to kill Emily. Who forced Isaac to kill Michael. The man who forced Isaac to commit suicide.

Felix couldn’t allow him to escape.

He was seeing red.

He roared and charged.

Dietrich blocked him with his spear.

“Do you have any idea who you are dealing with?”

Felix didn’t even hear him. He was blinded by rage.

“Out of my way!”

Felix channeled lightning into his sword.

A burst of lightning hit Dietrich.

But his armor absorbed the worst of it.

Still, he was staggered, his armor was charred.

Felix slashed his sword.

His rage focused him to a single focus aggression.

The tip of the blade slashed across Dietrich’s eye.

The man screamed in agony.

He was blinded.

But his years of training kicked in.

He thrust his spear.

But Felix dodged and slammed the flat of his blade on the side of Dietrich’s head.

Dietrich staggered back.

He readied his stance again, “do you think this is what we want? We aspire to kill our own countrymen! We did what we must for peace. If you let her live another civil war with all its horror and pain will scar the kingdom.”

“Fuck you!”

Felix charged.

He swung his sword.

But Dietrich was still skilled.

Even if he was partially blinded.

He dodged and parried the attack.

Felix went in for another strike.

But Dietrich used his spear and stabbed Felix’s side.

Felix grunted in pain.

He vaguely felt it, but the wound wasn’t enough to stop him.

Dietrich went for another attack.

Felix’s eyes flashed and his arm was surrounded in electricity.

He blocked the blow with his arm.

The lightning shocked Dietrich’s hand.

He dropped his weapon.

Felix used the opening to attack again.

He cut a deep slash across Dietrich’s chest.

The blood sprayed onto the ground.

Felix slashed again.

He cut into Dietrich’s leg.

“Augh!” Dietrich screamed.

He tried to move to pick up his spear, but Felix slashed his back.

Dietrich fell to the ground.

Blood pooling beneath him.

For a moment he laid there.

But then he crawled forward to get his spear.

“No, I can’t die here. My sister is waiting for me. I can’t fail her.”

Dietrich muttered, as he struggled.

Felix stepped on him.

Dietrich desperately kept reaching out for the spear.

“Don’t struggle.”

Felix lifted his sword and drove it through Dietrich’s back.

“Alice...I’m sorry.” He gurgled and a final shudder, Dietrich died.

Felix yanked his sword out of Dietrich’s body.

He looked up and saw the stairs were Dietrich and Stephen came down from.

He had to replace Stephen.

He ran up the stairs.


Stephen desperately was trying to escape. He held back his grief.

His old friend sacrificed himself.

But now wasn’t the time for grieving.

He had to get back to Strausehaven.

The Princess was alive.

The council had to know.

He made his way up the stairs.

There was the entryway they came from. Using Thirteen and Dietrich skills in tracking they found the ruins and the entrance to the underground temple long abandoned.

He opened the door and was blinded briefly by the sunlight.

Once his eyes adjusted, he looked around.

And he saw a man standing there waiting for him sword in hand.

“Who are you?” Stephen demanded.

“Just an old man.”

The man’s voice was calm. He had a tattered cloak and a chipped and worn sword.

Stephen realized he knew this man.

“Jakob. One of the Order of the Raven. By what right do you have in stopping me?”

“I heard enough of the noise from below to piece together you done something terrible. For a military commissioner you were too easy to follow. My trainee wants you dead. But I can’t let him do that. I know where the path of revenge will lead.”

Stephen sneered, “Something terrible? That’s rich coming from the butcher from Gaul. I know what you did during the Chevauchée. You killed women and children. How dare you judge me? I’m doing what needs to be done for our kingdom. So, we may survive.”

“That’s right. It didn’t matter to me back then. Perhaps it still doesn’t matter. You claim lofty ideals, but it doesn’t matter in the end. It is all the same.”

Stephen gritted his teeth.

He had to escape.

He charged forward at Jakob.

The old mercenary was ready.

He blocked the blow and countered with a quick stab at Stephen.

He dodged and attempted another blow.

But Jakob was faster, and he stabbed his sword through Stephen and stabbed.

The tip of the sword cut across Stephen’s cheek.

“Argh!” Stephen grunted as the blood spilled from his cheek.

He stumbled back.

He didn’t have much time even if Dietrich defeated the younger mercenary without Thirteen he couldn’t defeat everyone still down there.

Jakob didn’t allow him to recover.

He attacked again.

Stephen dodged and counterattacked.

Their blades clashed.

Jakob’s sword struck Stephen’s.

They were locked in place.

Both men struggled to overpower the other.

Jakob was strong, stronger than Stephen expected.

“How dare you judge me! I did what I had to for the kingdom! That girl will bring around ruin to Lyris!”

“Pretty words to hide the truth.”

“You are a fool! A blood sucking parasite who kills for money. What would you know about duty!”

“I don’t claim to be anything more or less. I am a man, and nothing more.”

Jakob broke the lock and slashed his sword at Stephen.

He deflected the blow.

Stephen attacked.

He slashed at Jakob.

But his slash was sloppy, he lacked form. He lost concentration.

Then he felt Jakob’s blade slashed across his side.

Stephen staggered back.

He felt the burning pain, the warm blood seep out of his wounds.

He was losing a lot of blood.

He was breathing heavily.

Stephen tried to keep his stance, but the pain was overwhelming him.

The sword he was using slipped out of his hand.

It was so heavy.

His eyes were heavy.

He felt his eyes closing.

He remembered back when Thirteen was a teenager.

How he would care for him, feed him. Sometimes he would shake and tremble in his sleep and Stephen would sing him lullabies.

When he was assigned to be his handler, he was told Thirteen wasn’t a human anymore. He was just a tool.

Even though Thirteen was just a tool he would still greet him with a smile and a cheerful voice.

Where did Thirteen’s smile go?

Thirteen wasn’t a tool...just a boy.

He realizes now.

Thirteen was a good boy.

Stephen had seen his fair share of death.

But seeing Thirteen take his own life was too much.

Stephen looked up to see Jakob standing in front of him.

“Is this it then?”

“It is.”

Jakob raised his sword, “any last words?”

“Tell...Isaac. I’m sorry.”

“I will.”

Jakob brought down his sword and stabbed Stephen in the heart.

He twisted the blade and ripped it out.

Stephen only wished Isaac could have just lived a normal life.

He coughed out blood and his lifeless body fell to the ground.


Felix made it above ground.

He saw Jakob standing there.

He looked tired and covered in blood.

Felix’s eyes then went behind him at the body.

Stephen. That bastard.

“I got him, lad. You should go and be with the others.”

“I wanted to do it.” Felix replied, his voice was cold.

“You might think you do but you have no idea where that road will lead you. Trust me, I did you a favor.”

Felix ran up to Jakob and grabbed him by his shirt and gave out a wordless scream.

A scream of pure rage, anger, and grief.

Jakob didn’t say anything.

Felix just stood there with Jakob’s shirt clenched in his hand.

“I wanted to kill him. I needed to kill him.” Felix said, his voice was low and shaky.

Jakob didn’t answer and just nodded.

Felix released him.

“Go, you have someone who needs you. Let an old man clean up this mess.”

Felix just looked at him.

“I know those eyes. I know where the road you were going to go down will lead. Remember I was much like you? I let the flames of rage and need for revenge burn inside. In the end those flames burned those around me like wildfire. I am still trying to atone.”

Felix’s eyes narrowed, “you know nothing about me.”

“I know enough. Now go. You have people waiting for you.”

Felix looked away, “I won’t forget this.”

“Good. Let this moment burn into your memory.”

Felix went back downstairs to replace his friends.

Lisa had a look on her face as descended back down.

He didn’t care.

Noah and Emily also looked at him with concerned as he stood over Isaac who was breathing shallowly.

“Felix what are you are going to do?” Emily asked.

Felix still had his blade in his hand.

His grip on the blade was firm.

“Felix?” Noah said, his voice filled with concern.

“I have to.”

Felix raised his blade and was prepared to plunge it into Isaac.

Emily pushed him, “it’s over Felix!”

“He killed Michael!” Felix shouted.

“It’s not his fault!” Emily cried.

“She’s right.” Noah agreed.

Emily and Lisa grabbed him and started pushing him away.

He struggled against them.


That voice. He knew that voice from anywhere.

He blinked.

He was in a dark place shrouded in a grey fog. There was a dark blue river.

Where was he?

He blinked again because he couldn’t believe his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes and blinked again but it was there still.


She was ethereal but Felix would always know what his mother would look like.

He staggered over to her.

“Mom? Is that really you?”

She blinked and then looked at Felix with concern,

“Oh, my got so tall, haven’t you?”

It broke him.

He threw away his bloodied sword in shame and collapsed into her arms.

He started crying.

Weeping uncontrollably.

He clutched on her. Holding on to her, determined to not let her go again.

“I’m so sorry, mom. I have been a bad son. I love you, mom! I should have told you when I had the chance. I should of came home that night. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

Karla gave Felix a small smile, he could barely see it through his blurry eyes.

“Oh, my Felix. It’s alright, baby. I know. You were always too headstrong and too full of energy. Could never just sit still. Sssshh. Sshh. It will be ok.”

She cradled Felix in her lap. Stroking his hair.

“I miss you so much. I’m sorry for everything.”

“Don’t worry baby. Everything will be alright.”

“But mom!”

“No buts! It was always something else with you I swear. Now listen to me. I won’t be able to stay long.”

“No! I don’t want to lose you again.”

“You know we can’t stay like this so listen to me and listen well. You must keep moving forward. Do you understand? Go and live a happy life. That’s all I ever wanted for you. Don’t let the pain define you.”

“...I understand.”

“Good. I’m sorry for leaving you being, Felix. But I know you will be strong for mama.”

He felt her fading away. Returning into the mist.

“I love you. I will see you again.”

“I love you too, Felix. Always.”

She was gone.

Felix looked across the river to see Edwin and Michael looking back him.

“Really you two have to see me like this?” Felix complained.

Michael chuckled and Edwin grinned.

“Why am I seeing you two?”

“I have no idea.” Michael replied.

Edwin shrugged, “it’s what she wanted. You get used to her acting in mysterious ways. I’m just glad to see you again.”

Michael nodded and turned back to Felix, “We will always be keeping an eye on you, kid. Always. So don’t get into too much trouble.”

“Take care, Felix. Tell the kids back at orphanage I’m always watching over them. Tell them to be good. When you get the chance of course.”

Felix sighed, “yeah. I will.”

Edwin smiled, “that’s the Felix I know.”

The three of them shared a laugh.

Michael gave Felix a mournful look, “and tell Emily. That I’m sorry for dying on her. Tell her...I will always love her and watch over her.”

“I will. I will warn you. I’m not the best with comforting others.”

“Well, you are the best I got.”

“I’ll take care of her, Michael and Edwin. Don’t worry.” Felix replied.

“I was never worried. I always believed in you since we met.” Edwin replied.

Then the two soldiers saluted.

Felix saluted back.

Michael and Edwin then faded away as well.

Felix blinked and he was back at the temple chamber.

Lisa was staring at him.

“Are you going to be alright?” She asked.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m alright.”

Felix wiped away the blood off his sword and put it back in its scabbard.

Lisa looked back at Isaac.

“How is he?” Felix asked.

“He’s fine, no thanks to you.”

“I...I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“You weren’t. That’s the problem.”

Felix sighed, “yeah I’m sorry. I really am. It’s just...”

“You were grieving. I get it. But still...that’s not like you. I mean. The Felix I know would never do that. What happened?”

Felix gave Lisa a weak smile, “we can talk about it about later.”

He went over to Emily.

Emily was sitting next to Isaac. Her eyes were red and puffy.

She looked up at Felix.

Felix knelt at Emily, “what should we do my princess?”

“What are you doing, Felix?”

“Without Michael. I will be your guardian. I swore to him that I would protect you with my life.”


“But we need you to lead. What should we do? The stairs will lead us to the outside. Jakob is waiting for us out there.”

“Grandpa?” Lisa asked in disbelief.

“I still can’t believe Emily is a frickin’ princess.” Noah muttered.

Emily took a deep breath.

“Ok. Let’s have Jakob help us carry back Isaac. We will get Chris to help take care of him. We will carry back he can be brought back and buried up north. Home.”

“It will be done my lady.”

“Also, I will reach out to Duke Albrecht and tell him the what happened here.”

“Are you sure?”

“The truth must be told. Let the cards fall as they may.”

“As you wish.”

With that it was time to leave.

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