Adventure of Exiles
Chapter 42

It was a couple of days since they were at the temple ruins.

It was early morning.

Between Emily and Chris, the wound he took fighting Dietrich was completely healed.

He went to the inn where Isaac was resting. Soon the Duke Albrecht will be here, he needed to get Isaac.

He opened the door to the Whispering Oak Inn.

He saw only one woman patron and Eileen at the inn.

He was surprised. Normally it was quite busy at this time of the day.

“This bacon is so good! Crisp and juicy as well.” The pale woman with black hair enthused.

“I’m glad you like it not often I get compliments on my cooking anymore. The locals are starting to take for granted.”

“Why of course. You must be thankful for good food. It is a blessing.”

“That’s a good outlook on things. What’s your name sweetie?”

“I go by many names.”


“I may not look like it I been to many places and lived quite an eventful life.”

“Well, I suppose that’s why you can’t judge a book by its cover.”

“That’s true in a sense. A cursory read on a person definitely can’t give the full story but sometimes you can learn much from a first look.”

“So, what did you think of me then?”

The woman gave a smile and an intense look which did not match the eyes. A glare into Eileen’s soul.

“When I look at you, I see someone who has lived a good life.”

Eileen shivered slightly and looked back at the guest in her eyes.

“Are you who I think you are…”

The guest shrugged, “perhaps or perhaps not. I think you lived a life you should be proud of.”

Felix approached the counter and sat down besides the patron.

“What are you even doing here?”

“Pfft. Are you really demanding questions out of me?”

“Yes I am.”

“Fearless. I like that. Could I have you away from us for a moment, Eileen? A private conversation.”

“I don’t remember ever telling you my name.”

Felix looked over to Eileen,

“If you could get me a coffee Eileen that would be great. Just a black coffee.”

“Sure, I can do that…”

As she turned to leave she gave the guest one last look,

“When will I see you again?”

She merely shrugged, “does it really matter how I answer you? You’ll see me one day. When you see me again you will have no regrets and much to talk about, I’m sure.”

Eileen nodded and turned away to make the coffee. Felix didn’t quite understand Eileen’s reaction to that. Was that a face of resignation, hope or perhaps acceptance? He had no idea.

“You are Halja aren’t you?” Felix asked.

Halja gave a slight smile, “the one and only.”

“I ask again what you are doing here?”

Halja bite into another piece of bacon, “I just felt like it.”

“Really? You came all this way on a whim?”

“Simple as that.”

“I really don’t understand women.”

“Don’t you have a girlfriend?”

“My statement still stands.”

“Shouldn’t you be more respectful and fearful around me? What if I do…what was it again? Ah, what if I instant death you like boom!”

“At least take me out for dinner first.”

Halja burst into laughter, a laugh that seemed to reverberate the inn. “Ha! Fearless little bird, aren’t you?”

“At this point you had several opportunities to cut my life short don’t know why you would decide right now during breakfast to off me.”

“Still, you should have a little more respect for the gods.”

“I don’t particularly care for them. What did they ever do for me when I was living in the slums of Breslow?”

“That’s rich coming from the guy blessed by my father.”

“It’s not like I asked for the Sky Father’s boon.”

“That’s fair. Papa did like picking winners or those he thought could turn into winners.”

Felix sighed and then gave her a look.

“…did you really show me my mother one more time back there? Was that real?”

“Yeah, that was real. I felt like you deserved it, nothing more or less.”

Felix sighed and then gave her a look.

Felix bowed deeply at her.

“…thank you.”

“See? You can be respectful with great effort, I’m sure. Now stand up, that bowing thing is annoys me.”

“As you wish, your divine highness.”

“Hahaha! Oh, you are too much. So, what would you think Felix, I like to give you an offer. Become one of my reapers? Shepherd souls and guide the dead.”

“And work for all eternity for no pay? Give me a break. Hard pass.”

“Ha! Well, the offer is on the table same thing as I did with your friend Isaac.”

Felix sighed and leaned forward in his seat.

“Look lady. I plan to just have a little patch of the Underworld for me, Lisa and my mom. We wouldn’t need much but we would have each other.”

There was a moment of pause.

Then Halja did something Felix wouldn’t ever expect not in a million years.

She pinched Felix’s cheek.

“That’s very sweet of you.”

“Stop that’s so embarrassing!”

“Ok, ok. I just like teasing. You are cute when you get flustered.”


Felix felt himself blushing.

Halja stood up and stretched, “well your story is going to be very interesting I know. Unfortunately, it’s about time I get back to work. Give my offer some thought, yeah?”

“Wait! I just have one last question.”

“Hmm? I’ll indulge you. What’s the question?”

“Aren’t you mad at Lisa for defacing your statue?”

“Pfft. No! It was cute.”

“Ok you are just messing with me!”

“I’m answering you truthfully! Ah, you should have seen her as a kid. She was a real cutie.”

“Ah whatever.”

She laughed again and waved goodbye, “take care of yourself, Felix. I need you alive. Your story isn’t over yet, and you my friend have a big part coming soon. Bye, bye.”

And she faded away.

Felix rubbed his face.

He felt embarrassed and tired.

He heard a clink, and he looked over.

Eileen had returned and put the mug of coffee in front of Felix.

Felix immediately grabbed the mug and drank the coffee.

Then he paused.

The coffee was good.

It was bitter.

“You really were talking with her, weren’t you?”


“She was so beautiful.”

“I suppose.”

“Show some respect Felix.”


“It’s soon about time for you to leave Kurkenburg, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. We will back through.”

“You better.”

“Don’t worry I will.”

“Good. You know Felix. I’m not good at this stuff. I’m not good at giving advice or comforting people but...”

“What are you talking about, Eileen?”

“I’m sorry about Michael. He was a good man.”

“He sure was. He was the best.”

Felix looked up to see Isaac coming down the stairs.

“Looks like I should be going. Take care, Eileen.” Felix said as he finished the coffee.

“You too.”

Felix stood up and left the inn. Without saying a word, he motioned for Isaac to follow.

Once outside, Isaac smiled weakly at Felix.


“How are you feeling?”

“I feel fine. I just want to say I’m sor-”

“Leave it alone, Isaac. I heard you apologize too many times now. Let’s just move on. You want to atone? You protect the princess with me. Actions speak louder than words.”

“’re right. I will do my best.”

“Good. And stop apologizing. Now let’s get going, we still got a lot to do. The duke will be here soon.”


Felix and Isaac made their way through the town and towards the northern gate.

There was Lisa, Emily and Noah standing waiting.

It looked like Lisa was reassuring Emily as she stood there.

“Come on. It will be fine.” Lisa said, putting her hand on Emily’s shoulder.

“I don’t know.” Emily muttered.

“What is the worst that could happen?”

“I could be killed!”

Lisa laughed nervously and gave Emily an awkward hug, “I’ll protect you, princess.”

Emily sighed and shook her head.

“You are horrible at this, Lisa.”

“It’s the thought that counts, right?”

“I suppose.”

Felix and Isaac came up to the two women.

“Hey girls.” Felix said.

Lisa looked at him and then frowned.

“It is ok if I borrow your guardian for a bit, Emily?”

“Uh yeah I mean he is your boyfriend.”

“I will be back, Emily. I need to have a quick chat with Felix.”

“No worries, Lisa. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about.”

“Thanks, Emily.”

Felix looked over to Isaac, “keep your eyes glued on to her.”

“I can’t. I lack glue to stick them to her. Also, that would be inefficient.”

“For fuck sakes you know what I mean.”


Isaac nodded and kept a watch on Emily.

“Ok let’s take a walk.”

“Sounds good.”

They walked in silence for a bit.

Felix didn’t say anything until they were a distance from the northern gate.

“Are you going to chew me out?”

“What are you talking about Felix?”

“You are acting like a mom.”

“I am not. You are being ridiculous.”

“Come on Lisa. I know a lot has been on your mind since what happened back down there. Honestly the time since then has been a massive blur.”

“Well, it is good to see that you have been looking out for Emily.”

“Of course, I have been. She needs all the help she can get.”

“True. That is true. Ok, fine. What happened back there. One moment you were about to kill Isaac the had a change of heart.”

“I’ll tell you everything of what happened, but you can’t laugh. Promise me.”

“Oh, come on, Felix. Yeah, I promise.”

“I saw a vision. I was by a river, and I mom. Edwin and Michael too.”

Lisa didn’t say anything.

“My mom talked to me.”


“It’s true.”

“You know what? I believe you. After everything that has happened, why wouldn’t I? What did she say?”

“After I stopped crying like a baby, she said the world is wide open. Go forth and live a happy life. Don’t let the pain define you.”

“That’s so sweet Felix. I wouldn’t laugh at that. What about Edwin and Michael.”

“They dumped the duty of protecting the princess on me.”

“I’m sure they put it more nicely than that.”

“I yeah but that was the gist of it.”

“Did you speak with Halja then?”

“I did this morning actually.”

“Ah casually talking to an actual goddess, that’s the Felix I know and vaguely tolerate. What did she have to say?”

“She wanted to offer me a job as a reaper.”

“What did you say?”

“I said no. I wasn’t going to work for all eternity are you kidding me?”

“Of course, that would your answer.”

“Then she just disappeared. I guess she had stuff to do.”

“I mean guiding souls to the afterlife does seem like a busy job.”

“I did also ask her about the statue.”

“Oh? And?”

“She was pretty amused and thought it was cute.”

Lisa burst out laughing.

“Laugh it up. Laugh it up.”

“Oh. That is great news. I can’t believe Halja herself thought that was funny.”

“It’s not like I’m lying. That’s all I have.”

Lisa sighed, “I guess that answers my questions.”

She stopped and pointed a finger at Felix’s nose.

“Just remember this. That side of you when you were hunting down Dietrich and Stephen...I didn’t like that. That’s not the Felix I know. You need to learn how to control that.”

“I get it, mom.”

“Don’t be a smartass, Felix.”

“That’s just the way I am.”

“Ugh. Whatever.”

Felix smirked and with a quick motion picked up Lisa,

“Look at you! Using my whatever against me.”

“Because you use it all the time! Put me down, Felix!”

“As a mercenary I demand payment first.”

“Really now? What could you possibly demand out of me?”

Felix lowered Lisa down so their faces were closer.

“How about a kiss?”

“Fine, you big goofball. How about a kiss then.”

They kissed.

“Is that enough payment?”

“I’ll consider it, Miss Scherzer.”

“You are insufferable, Felix.”

“But you love me anyways.”

Lisa smiled, “yeah I do.”

Felix let her back down, “I love you too.”

“Come on let’s go, Emily is waiting for us.”

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