Chapter 413

Because Sophia went to bed at around two in the morning, it was almost ten by the time she woke up.

The room was dim as the curtains were still drawn. She still felt somewhat drowsy due to sleeping latethe night before.

“Genie, open the curtains.”

Having received her command, Genie slowly opened the curtains to let the sunlight into the room. Itwas so bright that Sophia had to shield her eyes from it, and whatever sleepiness that remained wasgone in an instant.

The weather was great with the sun shining brightly up in the clear, blue skies.

Sophia got out of bed and made her way into the bathroom. After washing up, she got changed beforeheading downstairs.

She could hear Alexander talking on the phone before she even got to the second floor.

It was late September, but Jadeborough was still hot from the summer heat. The full-length windows onthe second-floor balcony and the dining hall were opened to let air flow through the house. That way, itwouldn't be too hot indoors.

Upon hearing her footsteps approaching, Alexander told Felix over the phone, “Talk to you next time.”

He then put his phone aside and turned around to face her as he asked, “Want to have somebreakfast?”

“I want some oatmeal,” Sophia replied with a nod.

“Perfect. I made you some oatmeal,” he said while making his way into the kitchen.

Alexander then returned a few minutes later with a bowl of oatmeal and a few slices of beef pie.

Sophia shot him a glance and asked, “You made beef pie?”

“Yeah,” he replied while placing the food down on the dining table.

As Sophia had gotten used to sleeping and waking up early, her sleeping late last night threw her bodyclock off and affected her appetite.

She only managed to finish some of the oatmeal and a single slice of beef pie.

“Do you want to go back to sleep?” Alexander asked as he helped finish off the two remaining slices ofpie.

Sophia shook her head. “No, that won't be necessary.”

Alexander didn't say anything further when he saw how listless she looked.

He also prepared lunch that day, and it was a Thymion dish that he had learned online. As the seafoodand ingredients were delivered that morning, they were incredibly fresh and helped bring out theauthentic flavor of that dish.

Sophia actually had a meeting scheduled that afternoon, but she called Yvonne and had it canceledbecause she didn't feel like going to the office.

She was so tired from staying up late that she went to take a nap in the bedroom shortly after lunch.

As Alexander had a meeting that he absolutely had to attend later that afternoon, he drove to the officeafter Sophia had fallen asleep.

Sophia was sleeping soundly at three in the afternoon when her phone's vibrations woke her up.

With a somewhat cold and annoyed look on her face after having been disturbed, she reached for herphone and answered the call. “Hello, this is Sophia speaking.”

Although her tone sounded no different from usual, those close to Sophia and who knew her well wouldknow that she would be in a bad mood whenever she was awakened.

Upon glancing at the unknown number on the screen, Sophia was about to hang up the phone when afamiliar voice said, “Hello, Ms. Yarrow. It's me, Sharon.”

Sophia frowned when she heard Sharon's voice. “Ms. Xerxes? Is there something I can help you with?”

“I'm sorry to disturb you, Ms. Yarrow, but I—”

“Oh, so you do know that you're disturbing me? I believe we have settled things between us last night,Ms. Xerxes.”

The look on Sharon's face turned gloomy the moment she heard that, but she knew that Sophia wasthe only person who could help her out. “I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Yarrow. I only called you because I hadno other choice.”

After taking a few seconds to clear her head, Sophia got up, opened the curtains, and stepped onto thebalcony.

The weather was rather hot during the afternoon, but the strong winds helped keep the place cool.

“What is it?” Sophia asked while glancing at the garden below.

“You told me yesterday that you have already forgiven me, right? In that case, could you help me speakto Mr. Schild? It wasn't easy for me to get where I am today, and I truly regret my actions. Please havemercy on me, Ms. Yarrow! I promise to behave myself from now on!”

Sharon was really getting desperate at that point. She had assumed that the incident would be overafter she apologized to Sophia. As Sharon was currently Midway Media's milk cow, she believed thatthe company wouldn't blacklist her so easily.

However, she did not receive any messages from her manager telling her that she could return to workeven though she had been waiting at home for over an hour. Feeling worried, Sharon made anotherapology to Sophia on Twitter.

Thinking that her apology was sincere enough and that Sophia would surely forgive her after that, shedecided to go to bed.

It wasn't until she woke up and saw no updates from her manager that Sharon realized she was wrong.

Just two hours ago, Justina gave her a call and told her to take a long vacation. Not only did Justina notspecify how long that vacation would be, but she also asked Sharon to make a trip to the office andcancel all of her ongoing projects. That included product advertisements and television shows.

Having worked in the entertainment industry for a long time, Sharon knew exactly what that meant.

They're trying to blacklist me!

With that in mind, Sharon drove back to the office and asked Justina what was going on. Justina simplytold her, “These are Mr. Schild's orders.”

In other words, it was Samuel who told them to blacklist her.

Although Midway Media would suffer huge losses if they blacklisted a famous singer, they had nochoice but to do so anyway.

Given the amount of losses incurred as a result, it became obvious that Samuel did not do it out of hisown will.

Not many in Jadeborough had the power to make Samuel do something against his will, so it wasn'thard to figure out who it was.

Alexander, Sophia's boyfriend, was the only one among the few who held a grudge against Sharon, sothe latter figured Sophia must've had something to do with it.

Sharon was dumbfounded. She thought everything was over after Sophia forgave her yesterday, but

that was clearly not the case.

Even so, there wasn't much she could do if Sophia decided to take revenge on her.

Sharon was frightened and angry at Sophia at first, but Justina reminded her that Sophia wouldn't havemet her the day before if she really wanted to destroy her.

Therefore, Sophia was merely a part of the equation. It was actually Alexander who wanted to teachSharon a lesson.

Terrified, Sharon called Sophia immediately after hearing what Justina told her.

Sophia let out a chuckle after hearing what Sharon said. “I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong treehere, Ms. Xerxes. What happened to you was between you and your boss. Coming to me for helpwon't do you any good.”

“You're friends with Mr. Schild, aren't you? I'm sure he'll let me off the hook once you tell him that youhave forgiven me!”

Sophia was instantly amused by her words. “Why would I do that for you, though? If I recall correctly,we've only worked on one show together before you tried to ruin my reputation.”

Sophia's casual and nonchalant reply left Sharon completely speechless.

Not wanting to waste any more of her time talking to Sharon, Sophia added, “Anything else? If not, I'llbe hanging up the phone now. Oh, by the way, I don't answer calls from unknown numbers on mypersonal phone. I accidentally answered your call this time because I was too sleepy earlier. I will not

be so nice to you if you call me like this again.”

Sophia then hung up immediately after saying that.

Sharon went pale as she stood there and stared blankly at the screen of her phone.

Seeing her in a daze, Justina sighed and approached her. After all, Sharon was a celebrity she was incharge of, and she felt bad for her. “What did Ms. Yarrow say?” she asked.

“She asked me why she should help me out.”

Tearfully, Sharon then recounted everything Sophia said earlier to Justina.

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