Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 414
Chapter 414
Justina froze briefly after hearing her story. “You now have two choices. You can either terminate yourcontract with the company right away, or give Ms. Yarrow some time to cool off before asking her forforgiveness again.”
Neither of those options were great for Sharon.
If she terminated her contract with Midway Media, no other company except Planetary Media woulddare sign up with her.
And even if Planetary Media did take Sharon in, there was no guarantee that it would make her famousagain.
If Sharon refused to terminate her contract and stayed with Midway Media, then she would not be asfamous even if she made a comeback a few months later. Midway Media would also no longer focus itsresources on her, so her loyal fans would be her only source of support.
Therefore, neither of those options was favorable to Sharon at all.
“You have only yourself to blame for this. It's about time you reflected upon your mistakes,” Justinacontinued with a sigh. She was deeply disappointed in Sharon, whom she had high hopes for.
Of course, the incident dealt a blow to Justina, as well. Because of Sharon, the company demotedJustina's position and was transferring her to Fairlake. It would take her at least three to five years torebuild her career and get back to her current position.
Even so, she understood that what happened was beyond her control as Sharon had made that
mistake during her own free time.
Justina had given Sharon a scolding the first time she tried to smear Sophia, but that was all she did.
Not taking further action to prevent Sharon from doing it again was an error on Justina's part, so it wasonly fair that she suffered the consequences as well.
Since Sharon was a mature adult, she would have to be held accountable for her own actions.
“Is there no other way, Justina?” Sharon asked while tugging at the other woman's sleeve.
Justina brushed her hand off. “Do you have any bright ideas?”
“I-If I terminate my contract and go to Planetary Media—”
Justina's forehead creased with shock and disbelief when she heard that. “Have you lost your mind,Sharon? Planetary Media is Midway Media's rival! Putting aside the fact that Planetary Media probablywouldn't care about your development, have you forgotten that Cataleya Young is there too? Do youthink you can put up with her bullying you? Even if you could put up with her, do you even realize whatyou'd be doing? How do you think your fans would react if they found out that you switched over toPlanetary Media? Do you think you'd be able to survive in this industry after that? Midway Media couldsquash you like a bug, Sharon! Do you really think you're all that?”
The audacity of her to even consider that! She got herself into this mess, and she can't even wait a fewmonths for all this to blow over! Justina was fuming.
“Anyway, I'm no longer your manager, so you're free to do as you wish,” Justina said with adisappointed look in her eyes before walking off, leaving Sharon rooted to the spot with her mindcompletely blank.
Justina was the one who helped her get where she was, so she still saw Justina as a respectable eldereven though she was no longer her manager. As such, Sharon was shocked to see her react sostrongly when she mentioned switching over to Planetary Media.
I don't think I said anything wrong, though. Midway Media is going to blacklist me, so what's wrong withme seeking another way out?
Of course, Sophia did not know about the conversation that took place between Sharon and Justina.Since she no longer felt sleepy after hanging up the phone, she decided to bring out a mat and dosome yoga instead.
At about four in the afternoon, Katherine sent her a screenshot of Sharon announcing the terminationof her contract with Midway Media.
Sophia couldn't help but admire Sharon's courage when she saw that.
Katherine was in the middle of a photoshoot when she texted: I bet Sharon is going to join PlanetaryMedia soon! Hahaha! Everyone knows Planetary Media and Midway Media are rivals, so Sharon ispretty much dooming herself! She's definitely done for this time!
Sophia let out a chuckle as she replied: Since when did you get so smart?
Katherine texted: Oh, please! I have always been smart!
Sophia arched an eyebrow and replied: Sure, sure.
Katherine could almost feel Sophia's sarcasm through the screen of her phone. Inhaling deeply, shetexted: Hey! This is prejudice! You can't just assume...
Sophia had only read half of the text when someone rang the doorbell aggressively, so she wentdownstairs to open the door.
The heat from the sun was no longer that intense at five in the evening, and the winds were getting alittle chilly as well.
As Sophia had just finished her yoga session, she didn't have time to change out of her yoga outfit.
Thalia saw Sophia elegantly making her way over from about seven to eight meters away.
As much as she disliked Sophia, she couldn't help but admit that Sophia was indeed good-looking.
From her slender legs to her slim waistline, everything about Sophia looked amazing.
As if that wasn't enough, the yoga outfit she had on helped highlight her curves even more. She lookedas beautiful and graceful as a swan in a lake with sweat droplets trickling down her flawless, fair skin.
Thalia pursed her lips and suppressed her burning envy as she said, “There's something I need to talkto you about.”
Sophia wasn't expecting Thalia to come and see her, though. If I recall, Thalia went looking for me atSunshine Group yesterday...
Sophia flashed her a faint smile and replied, “I don't think we have anything to talk about, Ms. Xenos.”
“Just open the door and let me in. I only need five minutes of your time.”
Sophia arched an eyebrow in amusement when she heard that. She then opened the door and steppedaside to let Thalia in.
Instead of entering the house, Thalia simply made her way underneath a tree in the garden as shesaid, “I want to make a deal with you.”
Huh... Thalia wants to make a deal with me? I certainly did not see this one coming!
“Oh? What kind of deal are we talking about, Ms. Xenos?” Sophia asked as she walked up to the treeand stood about one meter away from her.
Thalia had never feared Sophia in the past, but she found herself being a little scared of Sophia eversince the latter divorced Alexander.
She felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness even though Sophia was just staring at her.
“I'm sure you already know about Alexander not being my mother's biological son. I believe my motherhas already spoken to you two about who Alexander's biological mother is.”
Sophia's lips curled into a smile when she heard that. “Let me guess; you came to see me because you
know who his biological mother is. Am I right?”
“Yes, and I am prepared to make a deal with you. Don't worry; I'm not going to ask you to rescueLeonard.”
“What do you want, then?”
Thalia pursed her lips as she held up five fingers and said, “I want fifty million. You pay me that money,and I'll tell you who she is.”
Wow... I have to admit, Thalia is a lot smarter than Kristen! Even so, I'm not about to just give her whatshe wants!
With that in mind, Sophia said, “I think it would be more appropriate if you make this deal withAlexander instead.”
Thalia's expression froze when she heard that. “My mother is keeping a close eye on us, so I can'teven contact Alexander.”
“I'm not that interested in who Alexander's mother is, though,” Sophia said with a chuckle.
She then paused for a few seconds before continuing, “Besides, I don't even know if the informationyou're offering is true. I'd be paying fifty million for nothing if you feed me false information.”
“I'm not lying! I got this information from my mother! She told me that—”
Realizing that Sophia was trying to trick her into revealing that information, Thalia quickly stopped
herself mid-sentence and said, “I'll even make do with thirty million if you can't afford to pay me fiftymillion.”
Sophia clicked her tongue. “Fifty million isn't too much, but I don't feel like giving it to you. I'm afraid wedon't have a deal, Ms. Xenos. Please leave.”
“Sophia! Alexander doesn't give a crap about Leonard, and my mother is prepared to take the secretinto the grave! Don't you want to know who Alexander's biological mother is? There isn't a singleperson out there who wouldn't want to know who their real parents are, and Alexander is no exception!If you love him so much, then you should have no issues spending some money to buy him thatinformation! Isn't this a great deal?”
Sophia stepped forward and looked down at Thalia as she asked, “It is a great deal. However, we canreplace that out on our own, so why should I pay you for that information?”
Thalia went pale when she realized that Sophia was right. She had actually been hesitant to come overbecause of that.
“I can provide you with another piece of information! It's about Dillon! He's planning to make a move onAlexander!”
Sophia arched an eyebrow at her in response. “I can see that you're really desperate for money, but I'mnot some charitable organization. Please leave now, or I will call the police.”
Thalia was fuming at being humiliated, but there wasn't much she could do about it. “You'll regret this!”she yelled before leaving.
“I'll worry about that when that day actually comes,” Sophia replied with a faint smile.
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