Chapter 520

The group waited in the car for around ten minutes before the local police arrived.

Sophia and the others were then brought to the police station to have their statements taken. By thetime they were done giving their statements, it was well past eight at night.

Sophia was worried about Perrin not having anything to eat. Hence, they went to a restaurant nearby tohave dinner.

As soon as they were done with dinner, John's phone rang.

After hanging up the phone, John looked at Perrin and smiled. “Mr. Dawson, Carter is coming to get usand send us back into town.”

Right after John had finished his sentence, Sophia saw a middle-aged man and a young manapproaching.

The middle-aged man got emotional when he saw Perrin. “M-Mr. Dawson!”

Although Perrin's expression was still as stern as always, his gaze had definitely become gentler. “It'sbeen a while, Carter!”

“Indeed, Mr. Dawson!” Carter replied.

Carter Yach was a soldier Perrin had trained in Coldbridge over two decades ago. Two years ago,Carter retired from the military due to his injuries and became a captain of the police force in Newcove.

Perrin didn't think to contact Carter before going to Coldbridge because he thought the latter would bebusy. After all, the police force there was known to be hard-pressed.

However, after going through what happened that day, Perrin decided not to let those thugs off thehook so easily.

If not for Sophia's intelligence and John's fighting skills, things could've gotten dangerous.

“Carter, this is my granddaughter, and this is Kylie, my daughter-in-law. I believe you've met herbefore,” Perrin uttered.

Carter had attended the party when Lukas was born back then. Hence, he knew who Kylie was.

However, this was the first time he had met Sophia. All of Perrin's soldiers knew he had lost hisdaughter a long time ago. Besides, when they were in the army, Perrin would tell his soldiers to keepan eye out whenever they returned to their hometowns.

Naturally, everyone also knew Perrin had reunited with Sophia not long ago and how Rachel hadunfortunately passed away.

Carter was momentarily stunned when he saw Sophia. “Mr. Dawson, your granddaughter looks exactlylike the late Mrs. Dawson!”

Sophia smiled and introduced herself, saying, “Hi, Mr. Yach. I'm Sophia Yarrow.”

“Hi, Sophia. I'm so sorry. I came in a rush, so I didn't prepare any gifts for you,” Carter uttered.

“You're too kind, Mr. Yach. You're my elder. If anything, I should be the one preparing gifts for you,”Sophia replied sheepishly.

Hearing that, Carter scratched his head and exclaimed, “Mr. Dawson, Sophia even talks like the lateMrs. Dawson!”

Recalling what had happened earlier that day, Perrin couldn't help scoffing and chiming in, “I know!She's also as brave as her granny was!”

Perrin was beyond anxious when he, from inside the car, saw Sophia rushing forward to deal withthose thugs.

Having spent some time catching up, Carter noticed Perrin's fatigue and suggested, “Mr. Dawson,Kylie, Sophia, and John, why don't we return to town? The lodging here is less than ideal.”

Carter and his colleague had arrived at the location in separate jeeps. Therefore, Sophia and Kyliewere seated together in one jeep, while John and Perrin occupied the other.

Considering the circumstances, it was reasonable to assume that the men had plenty of topics todiscuss and reconnect on after being apart for an extended period.

Kylie was dog-tired, so she dozed off soon after getting into the car.

Meanwhile, Sophia was looking out the window because she didn't know the driver well.

While conversing in the other car, John shared with Carter the details of what had transpired. Carter

clenched his teeth and exclaimed, “Those j*rks! Mr. Dawson, rest assured, I will take charge ofaddressing the incident that occurred earlier today. I won't allow them to escape the consequenceseffortlessly, especially when a significant sum of one hundred thousand was involved. I will ensure theyare sentenced to three to five years in jail.”

Perrin scoffed. “Those individuals seemed like troublemakers. It's outrageous that they would have theaudacity to rob others!”

“I've looked into those punks' records. They are all small-time thieves, and the longest they have everserved in jail is three months.” It's not that we haven't been doing everything possible to keep themincarcerated. It's just that the crimes they have committed have been relatively minor in nature.

Perrin acknowledged Carter's comment with a nod. Suddenly, the latter had a realization andexclaimed, “Mr. Dawson, your granddaughter's name sounds incredibly familiar!”

“You must have heard of her! Nine years ago, she was attending Central High School and achieved thehighest score in the university entrance exam, surpassing all other students in the entire state,” Perrinresponded with a touch of warmth in his expression as Carter mentioned Sophia.

Upon hearing Perrin's explanation, Carter's memory was jogged, and he exclaimed, “That's it! Iremember now! I had heard about her! My son also attends Central High School, and just a few daysago, he mentioned that his homeroom teacher had invited a senior student back to the school. Hedescribed how beautiful she was, but I didn't pay much attention to her name at the time. Now it allmakes sense! He was definitely talking about Sophia! Mr. Dawson, your grandchildren are trulyexceptional!”

Perrin smiled and replied, “Well, Max is also doing great, isn't he? You often tease Max, but let's not

forget that you had to seek assistance from others to write your lines of apology back then! Max didextremely well to have been able to get into Central High School.”

“That child thinks he's smarter than all of us, but he's actually a cheeky boy!” Carter heaved a sigh.

He went quiet after a while. Exhausted, Perrin fell into a deep sleep moments later.

After approximately fifteen minutes, Carter glanced at the rearview mirror and noticed that Perrin haddrifted off to sleep. Taking advantage of the quiet moment, he asked John softly, “John, do you haveany idea why Mr. Dawson made a sudden trip here?”

John turned his head to briefly observe Perrin's slumber before responding in a hushed tone, “Do yourecall Rachel, Mr. Dawson's daughter? She was abducted some time ago and taken to Forest BankVillage. Mr. Dawson wished to meet the family who raised Rachel during her time there.”

“How did that go? Was the family decent?” Carter sighed. It doesn't matter if they're rich or poor. All thatmatters is if they're kind-hearted.

John shook his head. “It was the Sharp family, and one of the j*rks we dealt with today was from thatfamily.”

Carter and John had shared a battlefield in the past, so even though John didn't explicitly express it,Carter understood the significance behind those words.

“What... a bunch of j*rks!” Carter cussed.

“Mr. Dawson doesn't know about this because Ms. Yarrow instructed us not to disclose this information

to him,” John reminded Carter.

Clearly, John was aware that Perrin would be deeply saddened if he were to discover the truth.

“I've heard that Mr. Dawson's daughter had a difficult life. According to my son, Sophia's parentstragically passed away in a car accident right in front of their house on the second of January oneyear.” Carter had heard a lot of things about Sophia from his son. After all, she had not only been thetop scorer in the state but also the most accomplished student to graduate from Central High School. Itwas clear that Carter's son greatly admired Sophia.

Upon initially hearing the story, Carter couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for Sophia due to thetragedy that befell her parents. Little did he know that she would grow up to become a successfulbusinesswoman and turn out to be Perrin's granddaughter. It seems like everyone from the Dawsonfamily is highly capable!

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