Being Pursued By Ex-husband -
Chapter 521
Chapter 521
As Jasper regained consciousness, he was momentarily blinded by the intense brightness of the light.Nevertheless, he quickly recognized his surroundings, as it was a place he would frequent numeroustimes throughout the year.
Upon seeing the familiar policeman sitting across the table, Jasper heaved a sigh of relief and greeted,“Hey, Cal! It's been a while!”
That policeman who sat across him was none other than Callum Little. With eight years of experienceon the force, Callum had apprehended Jasper on numerous occasions in the past.
However, Jasper had never been arrested for a severe crime. In fact, the offenses he had committedwere not even considered chargeable offenses, making it impossible for the police to send him to jail.
Jasper, Hubie, and the others were despised by everyone in the village as these men were as sly as afox. They intentionally engaged in minor crimes, ensuring that the police could only detain them for ashort period, thus evading more severe consequences.
Although their crimes were considered minor, Jasper, Hubie, and the others would regularly pilfer a fewhundred dollars every few days. Additionally, they resorted to stealing bicycles and selling them forquick cash. They would occasionally engage in acts such as dine-and-dashing and vandalism. Whilethey may not have been inherently evil individuals, the villagers still harbored deep animosity towardthem.
Callum, having arrested Jasper just the month before, was taken aback to see him once again at thepolice station.
In truth, Callum didn't see much value in obtaining statements from Jasper and the others. The groupof petty thieves would engage in casual conversations with the police, but Callum understood that therewas little the police could do in terms of taking significant action against them.
This time, Callum speculated that Jasper had been apprehended for a more significant offense,possibly involving the theft of someone's phone or handbag. It surprised Callum to see that Jasper hadprogressed to robbing people, and the amount of money involved in such crimes had escalatedconsiderably.
The authorities in town informed Callum and his colleagues about Jasper's attempted robbery bystopping a vehicle on the road. Given the serious nature of the crime, they determined that Jaspershould face severe punishment as a result.
Callum, noticing the mischievous grin on Jasper's face, reacted swiftly by slamming the documentdown on the desk. Firmly, he asked, “What is your name?”
“Don't you know that already, Cal?”
“I'm interrogating you! Behave yourself!”
Jasper's smirk vanished when he saw the serious look on Callum's face. “Cal, I—”
Callum shot Jasper a glare before the latter could finish his sentence. Frightened, Jasper replied, “Myname is Jasper Sharp.”
“How old are you? Where do you stay?”
“I'm twenty-nine, and my address is No. 33 Forest Bank Village.”
“Why did you guys go after Sophia Yarrow?”
“My grandmother adopted a girl in the past, and Sophia is that girl's daughter. So, technically, Sophia ismy cousin. I saw her on the street last night and tried to greet her, but she ignored me. I thought itwould be a good idea to scare her by bringing along Hubie and the others. We didn't intend to harmher; we just wanted to create some fear by placing nails on the road to puncture their tires...”
As Jasper spoke, he started to panic because he realized what he did was no longer a petty crime.
Callum was having none of it, though. “Tell me what happened yesterday afternoon.”
Jasper was visibly sweating and becoming increasingly nervous as Callum pressed him with furtherquestioning. Throughout his time in junior high and beyond, Jasper had been involved in mischief, buthe had never crossed the line into committing significant crimes.
That was why his panic escalated when Callum revealed that the attempted robbery was considered agrave offense.
“Cal, we really didn't do anything to them. All we did was puncture their tires! They're all well andhealthy, no? On the contrary, they shot us with their stun guns and assaulted us. My body still achesnow...” Jasper attempted to plead his case, hoping to persuade Callum and avoid further trouble.
Following the conclusion of the interrogation, Callum exited the room, leaving Jasper alone inside.
It was approaching midnight as Sophia and the others reached the residential area. Exhausted fromthe events of the day, they were all physically and emotionally drained, with Perrin particularly affected.Carter, understanding the situation, showed tact by refraining from disturbing Perrin that night.
With a basin of hot water in hand, Sophia approached Perrin to offer assistance by massaging his feet.Perrin, feeling guilty, insisted, “Sophia, it's enough for me to soak my feet in the water. You should takethe opportunity to freshen up and get some rest.”
He knew how tired everyone was.
Sophia lifted her head, wearing a smile, and reassured Perrin, “Don't worry, Granddad. Let memassage your feet for just ten minutes to alleviate any discomfort you may feel tomorrow morning.”
The elderly man felt both sorry and glad at the same time. Although Lukas is a filial grandson, he'llnever do such things for me. It's true that girls are more attentive than boys.
After she was done massaging Perrin's feet, Sophia went to knock on Kylie's door. “Aunt Kylie, I'll giveyou a foot massage.”
Kylie stood at the doorway, offering a smile to Sophia. “There's no need for you to go through thetrouble, Sophia. I can simply soak my feet in warm water. You can take a rest.”
Sophia couldn't help but feel remorseful, knowing that she was the cause of the incident earlier thatday. How could I cause my elders trouble?
Despite her initial reluctance, Sophia eventually yielded, understanding that Kylie was simply looking
out for her well-being and didn't want her to overexert herself. With a nod, she replied, “All right, then.Rest early, Aunt Kylie.”
“You too.”
“I will.”
With that, Sophia turned around and noticed John's presence. She grabbed a glass to pour him somewater, and grateful for his efforts, she expressed her appreciation, saying, “Thank you, Mr. Zinn, for allyour hard work today.”
“There's no need to thank me, Ms. Yarrow. I was simply doing my job.” John shook his head profusely.
“Rest early, Mr. Zinn.”
After drinking some water and returning to her room to freshen up, Sophia realized that it was alreadypast midnight.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of sleepiness, Sophia sent a goodnight message to Alexander andquickly succumbed to slumber shortly after.
The sun was shining brightly when Sophia woke up at around nine the next morning.
Everyone woke up a tad later than usual due to what they had gone through the day before.
As usual, when Sophia emerged from her room after finishing her morning routine, she found Johnalready back with breakfast.
Seeing that Perrin and Kylie were still in bed, Sophia uttered softly, “Good morning, Mr. Zinn.”
“Good morning.” John pointed at the breakfast he bought and said, “Breakfast is on the table. I boughtsome buns, oatmeal, and milk.”
“Thank you, Mr. Zinn.”
Sophia was never picky with breakfast, so she took a bun and some milk before keeping the food awayto keep them fresh for Perrin and Kylie.
Kylie only woke up at around ten that morning. When she came out, she saw Sophia and John sitting inthe living room. Upon letting out a chuckle, she commented, “Seems like I'm getting old! I stayed uplate and couldn't wake up on time this morning.”
“Well, it's only natural for things like that to happen, right?” Sophia responded.
As she said that, Perrin was seen walking out of his room.
With no specific plans for the day, they had originally intended to return to Jadeborough the followingday. However, Sophia made arrangements with Yvonne to reschedule their return due to the recentincident. Additionally, Perrin had just reunited with his former subordinate, adding another reason toextend their stay in town.
That afternoon, John received a call from Carter, and the latter invited them out to dinner.
Perrin hadn't seen his former subordinate in a long time. Since they had met up the day before, Perrinfelt it would be impolite to decline the invitation extended to him.
During the dinner gathering, Carter brought his son, Maximilian Yach, along as a guest. Coincidentally,Maximilian had crossed paths with Sophia on a previous occasion and had developed an admiration forher. As the evening unfolded, Perrin engaged in conversation with Carter, while Maximilian foundhimself engrossed in lively discussions with Sophia and Kylie.
“Sophia, I saw the scores you got during your exams back then. You scored full marks in mathematicsevery single time. How did you do it?” Maximilian asked.
A smile tugged at the corners of Sophia's lips as she replied, “Paying attention to detail is important.”
“But I always fail to get the last questions right in my exams!” the young man grumbled.
Needless to say, Sophia didn't have the answer to that question. Seated beside them, Kylie chuckledand playfully remarked, “Oh Max, you asked the wrong question! Sophia is undoubtedly a math whiz.You should ask her about the other subjects.”
Maximilian had a moment of realization. “Sophia, I've noticed that you often incorporate historicalquotes into your essays, and they come from various extracurricular sources. How were you able tomemorize them so effectively?” he inquired.
Sophia glanced at her junior and responded modestly, “I have a good memory, I suppose.”
“Oh? Did you go through lessons to improve your memory, Sophia?”
“No. I was born with a photographic memory.”
Promptly, Maximilian was rendered speechless. She's so talented!
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