Several Weeks Later

Congratulations. It’s now your business,’ I tell my clients.

Amy Eiden, a twenty-one-year-old social influencer, hugs her soon-to-be fifty-eight-year-old tycoon husband, chirping, ‘Thanks, so much for loaning me the money, Roy. I’m going to do well. I promise I’ll pay you back.’

‘You don’t have to pay me back. And you’re going to do great, honey.’ He pecks her on the cheek, then hugs her.

She cringes, then puts her fake expression back on before he releases her.

Roy puts his hand out. ‘Zara, it’s been great doing business with you.’

‘Thank you. You too. And best of luck to you, Amy.’ I shake their hands and then my assistant escorts them from the conference room.

I spend several minutes adding my signatures to a few documents and then hand over the pile of contracts to my paralegal. I return to my office and get lost in another client’s issues.

My phone buzzes. I pick it up and glance at the message.

Fiona: You’ve been avoiding me.

Me: Haha. No, I haven’t. Work’s been insane.

Fiona: Tell me about it. Early dinner? I’m dying for some sushi.

Me: Sounds perfect.

Fiona: Meet you in 30 minutes at Forty-Five Degrees? The new sous-chef over there is pure eye candy.

Me: What about Marcus?

Fiona: Well, what Marcus doesn’t know…

I laugh.

Me: You’re so bad. I’ll see you soon.

Fiona: Bye.

I finish the last of my work and then pack up for the day. I text Calogero that I’m ready, then make my way through the building. As soon as I step outside, he opens the back door to the SUV. I quickly get in and tell him, ‘Forty-Five Degrees, please.’

‘Seems to be your new hangout,’ he teases.

I exclaim, ‘It’s so good! It never disappoints.’

He shuts the door, gets into the driver’s side, then merges into traffic. Five minutes later, I step out in front of the restaurant as Fiona’s driver pulls up to the curb.

She exits the car, and we hug. Her eyes light up. ‘It’s about time you returned my text.’

I groan. ‘I’m sorry. You know how I am when I get caught up in work.‘

She wags her finger in front of me. ‘Uh, uh, uh. You can’t use that excuse all the time.’

‘I know. I’m sorry. Maybe I should have brought you flowers,’ I tease.

‘That would’ve been nice. Put it on the list for next time.’ She winks.

I pretend to be offended. ‘So much faith in me that there will be a next time.’

‘Yep. I know you well.’ She links her arm through mine, adding, ‘Let’s go inside. I’m starving.’

My stomach growls. ‘Me too. I haven’t eaten all day.’

We step inside, and Fiona points at the sous-chef. ‘See what I mean?’

I glance over the well-built, dark-haired twenty-something guy. ‘Not bad.’

She wiggles her eyebrows. ‘You want to sit at the bar?’

I grin. ‘Lead the way.’

We stroll across the restaurant, grab seats, and the server arrives. She pushes her red hair behind her ear. ‘Hey, ladies. What can I get for you to drink?’

‘I’ll have a prosecco,’ I state.

‘Same,’ Fiona says.

‘Great.’ She sets two glasses of water on the counter and grabs menus. She puts them in front of us and declares, ‘I’ll be back with your drinks.’

‘Thank you,’ we both say.

Fiona turns to me. ‘So, work’s been that bad, huh?’

‘You have no idea. I swear I’m cutting my head off if I don’t get this promotion.‘

She scoffs. ‘Yeah, well, Skyler’s been on the rampage.’

I tilt my head and furrow my brow. ‘Why? You usually don’t have any issues with her.’

‘Not with me, silly,’ Fiona says, slapping my arm.

Relief hits me. ‘Oh. Well, what are you talking about?’

‘It’s intern season,’ she tells me in an annoyed voice.

‘Ah, you got some good ones again, huh?’

She shakes her head. ‘Nope! Not one! I don’t know why Skyler keeps bringing these interns in. All they do is screw up our stuff, year after year, and then I get to fix it before fashion week.’

‘She’s lucky to have you.’

Fiona shrugs. ‘I shouldn’t complain. I have the best job on earth, and Skyler’s such an awesome boss.’

‘Yeah. I suppose every job has its ups and downs. So, how are things with you and Marcus?’

The server sets our flutes down. ‘Do you ladies know what you want?’

‘Same as usual?’ Fiona asks me.

‘Definitely,’ I concur.

She orders several rolls and a sashimi platter, and the server disappears. I hold up my glass and tap into my French roots, chirping, ‘Santé!’

‘Sláinte,’ Fiona replies, giving me her customary Irish cheers.

I add my Italian roots, singing, ‘Salute!’

We clink glasses, take a sip, and set our wine glasses down.

‘So don’t leave me hanging. What’s up with you and Marcus?‘

‘Not much. Same ol’, same ol’,’ Fiona answers, rolling her eyes and taking a big mouthful of wine.

‘That exciting, huh?’ I offer.

She sighs. ‘You know, on paper, Marcus is everything.’

‘Is he?’ I question, wrinkling my nose.

‘What? You don’t like him?’ Fiona asks.

‘Didn’t say that.’

‘Then why the face?’

I shrug. ‘He’s a partner at his dad’s firm and head of the auditing department. You’ve got a good catch. What’s not to love?’ I tease, but deep down, I couldn’t date him. Marcus is so vanilla. But Fiona’s always gone for the ‘good on paper’ guys.

She groans. ‘Maybe that’s part of the problem.’

‘Since when don’t you like CEO-type guys?’ I question.

‘I do, but…ugh.’

‘I thought you and Marcus were going strong. Besides, you know I’m just teasing about his job. It’s good he’s smart and successful, and I know you love that about him. So what’s the problem?’ I ask and take a sip of wine.

Fiona glances behind us and then leans closer. ‘Can’t a girl be choked during sex or get a spanking once in a while?’

I practically spit out my wine and start coughing.

She rubs my back. ‘Sorry.’

I take a sip of water, wait for my cough to settle, then lock eyes with her. ‘Is he that boring?’

‘Eh…’ She winces, then downs several mouthfuls of prosecco.

‘So you need to spice it up, and it’ll all be good?’ I suggest.

Mischief fills her eyes. ‘I’m serious, Zara. If he doesn’t choke or spank me soon, I swear to God I’m going to have to just cut off his cock and leave him to bleed to death.’

‘Jesus. That’s pretty graphic,’ I say, but I can’t help but smile. Fiona always cracks me up.

She adds, ‘I mean, you know how it is. You can’t tell me you don’t want a big palm on your ass.’

‘Your brother’s into spankings,’ I blurt out before I can think about it.

Fiona goes quiet, her eyes turning to slits.

‘Oh, geez. I’m just joking. You don’t have to glare at me like that,’ I say.

‘Out of all the men in this city, you bring up my brother? And how do you know he’s into spanking?’

‘I don’t. It’s just a joke,’ I lie.

‘It doesn’t sound like a joke. It sounds like you know more than you should,’ she reprimands.

‘Ugh. Fiona, come on. I was joking.’

She softens her tone. ‘Seriously, is something going on between you and Sean? If it is, will you tell me? I don’t want to be lied to.’

I groan. ‘I swear. Nothing is going on between Sean and me. You know we wouldn’t do that.’

She gives me a look like she doesn’t believe me.

I continue, ‘It’s true. I’ve never even kissed your brother, so don’t worry. He’s not spanking me anytime soon.’

She cringes. ‘Ew. It’s disgusting to even think about you two together.’

‘Is it?’ I question, and once again, I shouldn’t have opened my mouth.

She freaks out. ‘Oh my God. Please tell me you two are not hooking up.’

‘We’re not,’ I reiterate, holding up my hands defensively.

She takes a sip of wine, then warns, ‘It’s a horrible idea. You both get bored too easily. It’s a total sinking ship!’

‘I know. I know. Neither Sean nor I can maintain a relationship for very long. Trust me. We’re never going down that path,’ I claim.

‘You were with Zach for a while,’ she points out. ‘I thought maybe this time it would be for good.’

I scoff. ‘I was eighteen when we started dating the first time. I definitely shouldn’t have opened that door again. There’s a reason people break up and the merry-go-round doesn’t go anywhere. So my longevity with Zach when I was younger doesn’t count.’

She nods. ‘Okay. Zach aside, you and my brother don’t keep anyone around. If you ever hooked up, you would have your fling, get bored, and then you two would never be friends again. I’d be in the middle and lose my bestie. It would totally suck!’

I lean closer, teasing, ‘Or, we could live a long, happy life, and I could be your sister-in-law.’ I bat my eyelids.

Her face falls. ‘You two are hooking up, aren’t you?’

‘No, silly.’ I slap her leg, then add, ‘Stop asking me if I’m hooking up with your brother. I’m not hooking up with him.’

‘Okay, because that wouldn’t be good if you weren’t friends anymore. You know that, right?’ she frets.

‘Yes, Fiona. I know the repercussions of wrestling naked with your brother.’

‘Ew,’ she spouts, wrinkling her nose.

I laugh. ‘Stop worrying about a situation that is never happening, and tell me more about what the issue is with Marcus. Is he that bad in bed?’

She puts her hands over her face, then widens her fingers to look at me. ‘He’s not bad. He’s just not…’

I toss out, ‘He’s small?’

She lowers her voice, admitting, ‘He could be bigger, but his size isn’t the main issue. I mean, a guy can be average and still rock your world.’

‘They can?’

She swats me. ‘Yes, Zara.’

‘Good to know.’ I finish the rest of my wine and motion to the bartender to bring another round.

Fiona continues, ‘He’s not great, but he’s not horrible. You know what I’m saying?’

‘Unfortunately, I do.’

‘You know when a guy knows what he’s doing and knows what to do with you?’


‘Marcus doesn’t have those skills.’

My eyes widen. ‘That’s not good.’

‘I know.’

‘But, I will admit, guys with grade A talent are few and far between.’

‘Right. And on paper he has everything else, so I thought I just needed to give him some time and maybe make some suggestions. So I asked him to hold my throat, and he got all freaked out.’

I muffle a giggle with my hand just as the bartender refills our glasses.

She huffs. ‘It’s not funny.’

‘Sorry. So, what are you going to do? Is it breakup time?’ I question.

She sighs. ‘I don’t know. It’s so hard. My mom loves him. Hell, Dante even loves him, and that never happens.’

‘But do they really like him, or are they just putting up with him?’

‘Why would they lie? If you didn’t know about our sex life, you’d say we’re perfect together, wouldn’t you?’ she inquires.

‘Eh, I don’t know. He doesn’t fit into the family dynamics, does he?’

‘Yeah, but we’re not part of that world,’ she reminds me.

My mind quickly flashes to my conversations with John Smith.

‘What’s that look for?’ she asks.

‘What look? Nothing.’

‘Are you sure about that? I suspect you have something on your mind.’

I hesitate, then answer, ‘No. Just a lot going on with work.’

She studies me.

The last thing I need is another Sean situation. So I assert, ‘Don’t read into my facial expression, Fiona. Work is crazy. That’s it.’

Thankfully, she changes the topic. ‘Okay. Well, are you dating anyone yet?’

‘No, I’m taking a break. Zach wore me out.’

‘Lucky you,’ she says, nudging me.

‘I wish it were that way.’

‘He’s bad too?’ Fiona asks.

‘No, I wouldn’t say bad. He’s… You know, kind of like Marcus, but I’m assuming with a few more skills, based on what you’re telling me.’

‘Did he wrap his hand around your throat?’

‘No, he did not,’ I answer, then ask, ‘Do you really want to legit get choked?’

She tilts her head, peers at me closer, and in a shocked voice, questions, ‘Zara Marino, have you never been choked?’


Her eyes widen. ‘You’re missing out.’

‘I am?’


‘So which of your boy toys introduced you to this little kink of yours?’

‘Oh, it was a long time ago. Maybe like five years ago. God, what was his name?’ She furrows her forehead.

I snicker.


‘You just admitted you slept with someone and don’t remember their name.’

She scoffs. ‘Don’t tell me you remember every single person you’ve slept with?’

‘I do,’ I claim.

‘Really? Who’d you have sex with when you were twenty-six?’

‘That was two years ago.’

She nods. ‘In March.‘

I tilt my head. ‘You want me to tell you who I had sex with over twenty-four months ago?’


‘I might not know dates, but I know the names of everyone I got busy with,’ I claim.

She swirls her wine in her glass, challenging, ‘Prove it. What about that guy from the club when we were twenty-three and on vacation in Spain?’

I cringe, admitting, ‘He was foreign. He had a weird name.’

She laughs. ‘He did not. His name was Javier.’

I put my hands over my face. ‘Oh, no. That’s bad, isn’t it?’

She laughs and takes another sip of wine.

A server arrives with our sashimi tray and sets down the soy sauce. ‘Your rolls will be up shortly. Can I get you anything else?’

I reply, ‘I’m good.’

‘Me too,’ Fiona says.

We fill our trays with soy sauce and wasabi, and I pick up a piece of salmon and pop it in my mouth. It melts right away, and I groan. ‘This is so good.’

‘Yeah, the sushi is the best here. I kind of hate going anywhere else these days,’ Fiona declares.

‘Agreed.’ I take a sip of water, then ask, ‘So, are you breaking up with Marcus?’

She chews her fish and shrugs. ‘No idea.’

‘Maybe it’ll get better,’ I suggest.

She winces. ‘Yeah. I thought that the first dozen times we had sex, but I think it’s him.’ She closes her eyes and shakes her head. ‘Man, why is it so hard to replace somebody you’re compatible with on all levels?’

‘I don’t know. You’re asking the wrong person,’ I answer.

‘Maybe we should start dating each other,’ she says, leaning closer.

‘You’re into women now?’ I ask, amused.

‘No, but we could figure out how to be and then we wouldn’t have to deal with these men.’

‘I don’t think it works that way,’ I reply.

She sighs again. ‘You’re right. But I need to figure out how to get Marcus to become an animal in bed instead of a puppy.’

‘Woof! Woof!’ I tease.

‘Stop!’ she orders, laughing.

‘That situation sucks.’


We finish our dinner and discuss some family stuff, and then I head to my yoga class.

I’m feeling pretty Zen when my driver drops me off at my door afterward. I tell him for the millionth time, ‘You don’t have to walk me to my apartment.’

‘Your father’s orders,’ Calogero reminds me.

I roll my eyes. My father is overprotective, but I learned to accept it because fighting it only causes me stress. I groan. ‘I know. I know. All right. Have a good day.’ I step inside and shut the door. I shower, put on my pajamas, and go into the kitchen to get a glass of water. And I freeze.

I can hear soft music playing. It’s barely audible, but I can tell it’s coming from the family room.

My insides quiver, and the hairs on my arms rise. I grab a knife out of the wood block.

‘You don’t have to be scared,’ a woman’s voice declares in a Greek accent.

I peek around the corner, gripping the knife over my head.

A petite woman in her late forties or early fifties sits in my chair. She has black hair with gray streaks running through it, and it’s in a neat French twist. Her makeup is perfect, complete with dark-red lips and long, curled lashes framing her golden-brown eyes. She’s dressed in a navy-blue skirt suit and conservative heels.

‘Who are you?’ I question, staying semi-hidden behind the kitchen wall.

She points at the couch. ‘My name is Sylvia Stevens. Sit down. Let’s chat.’

‘Sylvia Stevens,’ I repeat, realizing that her last name is just as popular as Smith, and I think of Sean.

‘Yes, Sylvia Stevens. I think you know my associate, John?’ She arches her eyebrows.

‘Yes,’ I reply.

‘Then, you know I’m not here to hurt you. Sit down,’ she orders again, pointing to the couch.

I put the knife down and join her in the family room. I choose the cushion directly across from her and cross my legs. I tap my fingers on my thigh and stare at her. ‘How did you get in?’

‘That’s a dumb question,’ she replies.

‘Why is it dumb? It’s my house. It’d be good to know how you got in so I can fix the security issue so nobody else can intrude.‘

She scoffs and waves her hand in front of her face. ‘No one else is getting past your father’s men. I’m the only one who can. Well, me or any of my associates.’ She smiles arrogantly.

A chill runs deep into my bones.

‘Stop being scared,’ she instructs.

‘I’m not,’ I claim.

She leans toward me, peering closer and asserting, ‘Really? You look a tad on the frightened side from where I’m sitting.’

Annoyed and a bit freaked out, I question, ‘Why are you here?’

‘Ah, don’t worry. I come bearing good news from the Omni.’

‘The Omni? John used that word, but I don’t know what it means,’ I blurt out.

‘Omni is short for Omnipotence.’

I cross my arms over my chest. ‘And why are you talking about omnipotence?’

‘Well, the Omnipotence, or again, Omni for short, are our leaders. Their authority overrides all others in The Underworld. They’re all-powerful, and they have no limitations. They are the ones we answer to. They are the ones we get permission from. They are the ones we go to when we need to seek truth.’

I stay silent, processing what she’s saying.

‘You still want the truth, correct? About your father?’ she questions.

I release an anxious breath. ‘Yes, of course.’

‘Great. Well, the Omni have decided to approve your bid for initiation.’

‘My bid? I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ I state.

‘Yes, your bid to join. I’m sure John has talked to you about initiation, hasn’t he?’

‘Not really,’ I say, more confused than ever.

‘Well, if you’re going to join The Underworld, you must go through initiation. And, like I said, I have good news. The Omni has approved your bid.’

‘I didn’t place a bid, nor would I know how. I don’t even know if I want to be part of whatever this organization is,’ I claim.

Arrogance washes over her features. ‘You’ve already decided. There’s no question you want to pledge. You just don’t want to admit it yet.’

‘That’s not true,’ I blurt out.

‘Ah, but isn’t it?’ she asks, giving me a knowing look.

My stomach flips and my heart races.

She continues, ‘You have proved you’re elite enough to have a bid for initiation. This is a good thing.’

‘It sounds like a snobby country club,’ I reply.

She snaps, ‘Don’t ever disrespect The Underworld. Never, never, never. Do you understand me?’

I put my hands in the air defensively. ‘Sorry.’

Tense silence fills the air between us, and goose bumps break out on my skin.

She finally speaks again. ‘I thought you wanted answers, Zara.’

I choose my words carefully. ‘I do want answers, but I don’t understand all this Underworld stuff. I’m not looking to get involved in something I don’t know all the details about.’

‘You’ve not told anyone about your encounters with John,’ she states.


‘That’s because you want in.’

‘Not true,’ I insist, but I wonder if she’s right.

She studies me until I feel uncomfortable, but I don’t flinch. She asks, ‘Don’t you want better for your children someday?’

I jerk my head backward. ‘My children? I don’t have children. I don’t even know if I’m ever getting married.’

She purses her lips, then cautions, ‘Don’t speak such foolishness.’

‘I’m being honest. Besides, women don’t have to get married these days. I have a career. I can get married later. And who says I need to have kids?’

She keeps the same expression on her face, and I realize I’m saying the wrong things. She returns to her friendly smile. ‘Zara, I come bearing gifts, and you should be excited about this.’

I glance around. ‘I don’t see any presents.’

‘Ha-ha. You’re a funny one, I see,’ she says.

I tap my fingers on my thigh. ‘If you don’t mind getting to the point of this, I have to work early in the morning,’ I say, ready to have my apartment back to myself, and still freaked out that this woman is in my living room when my dad has top-notch security on me at all times.

‘Fine.’ She lifts her chin and stares at me momentarily, then reveals, ‘I came to show you who you’ll be paired up with should you prove your worthiness to get through initiation.’

‘Paired up with? Worthiness? Once again, I’m lost,’ I admit with annoyance.

She glares at me.

The hairs on my arms rise. I stay silent, afraid I’ll say something that will upset her again.

She continues, ‘It’s an important decision.’ She grabs a thick binder off the table I hadn’t noticed before and holds it toward me, adding, ‘This is for you.’

I cautiously ask, ‘What’s in it?’

‘Pictures of men,’ she states.

My heart races faster. ‘Why do I need to see pictures of men?’

She rises. ‘If you’re lucky, one of these men will be given the authority to choose you. You can choose them and move forward, or the opportunity will disappear. And then…’ Her voice trails off. She looks away and swallows hard.

A shiver racks my body. I sternly ask, ‘The opportunity disappears and then, what?’

She takes a calculated breath, refocuses on me, and her lips tighten into a thin line.

I tense at the look she gives me.

‘You’ll soon replace out. And trust me, you don’t want to be on the unchosen side.’

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