Every day that goes by, I grow antsier. I’ve been having dreams about my father. I see his face, and his hand with the skull. He never says anything, and I always wake up sweating.

I’ve barely spoken to Zara, or anyone for that matter, since Shannon’s party.

I’ve blown off my uncles’ and my cousins’ text messages, as well as those from my friends. I’ve only replied to necessary work issues, but I’ve especially avoided Uncle Finn. He wants to talk to me about what happened at the party between my mother and me.

Dante won’t get off my back either. He keeps sending me text messages and leaving me voicemails. But he and my mom are back in New York. So, I’m more worried about Uncle Finn.

I can’t be sure, but my gut tells me that the skull needs to stay between myself and Zara. I shouldn’t have brought my mother into it, but I was desperate for answers.

I still am.

Every time a text message comes in, my anxiety grows.

Why haven’t they sent me any more messages?

When and where is this fight, and who do they want me to beat up?

Who are these people and the Omnipotence?

What is all this talk about a bid?

I search and search for answers, but they’re nowhere, and I never receive the text message they warned is coming.

I’ve been working out every morning in my building, avoiding the family gym where I normally box. I spend my days getting the information I need that Uncle Nolan and Declan request from my job at O’Malley Cybersecurity. Other than that, I’m diving into the Darknet. I’m searching for anything about The Underworld or skull brands. I’ve searched photos and looked for any chatter about discussions of the Omnipotence.

I’ve even been searching for John Smiths, which I know is a waste of my time. There are thousands of them on different threads.

Today, I went deeper, even though I shouldn’t have. I searched for my name, Zara’s, and the rest of our family members. There’s nothing besides the typical chatter about our crime family activity. It’s a dead end, and it’s driving me crazy.

Now, it’s Friday night, and I should be out. But I’m obsessed with replaceing something, so weekend or not, I’m committed.

I get up to make a cup of coffee. I put in the pod and hit the button when my doorbell rings.

I groan. Only a few people have clearance to come up without security notifying me. I consider acting like I’m not here, but my family members would replace a way to get in, so I open the door.

My best friend, Brax, says, ‘Mate. Where the fuck have you been?’

‘Oh, it’s you.‘

‘Gee, thanks for tossing out the welcome mat,’ he teases.

‘Sorry. Come in,’ I invite, opening the door wider.

He steps inside and pins his eyebrows together. ‘Who did you think it was going to be?’

I shrug. ‘I don’t know. Somebody in my family.’

‘Since you’ve been hiding out and we’re about to put you on the missing posters at the post office?’ he offers.

‘I’ve not been missing.’

‘You might as well be. Why haven’t you been in the gym? It’s not fun for me to box the old geezers, you know,’ he whines.

I grunt.

The days of my uncles ruling the O’Malley gym are over. They’re better off as trainers now, and they spend their time helping all my cousins and me.

Uncle Liam, Finn, Killian, Nolan, and Declan still work out. They can’t go as hard as they used to, but they could still take out any guy twenty years younger than them. So I take all the advice I can get from them regarding fighting. But I understand Brax’s frustration, so I say, ‘Sorry, I’ve been busy.’

He studies me. ‘Doing what?’

‘Nothing,’ I lie.

‘Something’s going on if you’re holing yourself up in here. And, Jesus’—he inhales deeply—’your place stinks. Why don’t you let some air in and clean up a bit?’

I glance around my house. There’s an empty pizza box on the table, but that’s it. I claim, ‘My house isn’t that dirty.’

‘It’s going to be if you continue to hole yourself up and jack off all day. Now, go get changed.‘

‘Nah, I’m good. I can’t go out tonight,’ I say, glancing at his outfit of sweatpants, a hoodie, and sneakers. I add, ‘You don’t necessarily look like you’re trying to woo the ladies.’

He crosses his arms. ‘Sorry, we’re not going pussy hunting. At least not right now. We’ve been summoned.’

‘Summoned?’ I question, my gut sinking.

His expression turns serious. ‘Yeah. Liam ordered me to personally escort you to the gym. So go get changed, or we’ll be late.’

I groan and scrub my hands over my face.

‘Come on. Don’t get me in trouble, man. You know what happens when we keep Liam waiting. I don’t need another round of grave duty all week,’ Brax adds.

I scoff but can’t argue. So I turn and go into the bedroom. I toss on some workout clothes and then grab my keys. I step outside my bedroom.

Brax points to my hand. ‘Put your keys away. I just told you Liam said I have to escort you there.’

I groan again. ‘My family’s ridiculous sometimes.’

‘Yeah, well, at least you have a family.’

I feel bad for a moment. Brax is an orphan, and I remind him, ‘You’re an O’Malley through and through. You know that.’

He has a strong connection with Finn and Aunt Brenna. Maybe it’s because they never had kids and Brax needed parental figures. He’s even lived with them at times.

Something flashes in his eyes, but it doesn’t linger. ‘Yeah, no shit. You guys are lucky to have me.’

I chuckle and pat him on the back. ‘Yep. Come on. Let’s get this over with.‘

We leave my building and head out to his rebuilt 1982 Mustang.

Finn and Brax are always buying old vehicles and restoring them. And Brax likes to drive them around even in crappy Chicago weather. It’s like he has to prove the car can withstand the horrible weather conditions.

The snow’s falling, and I get into the Mustang, suggesting, ‘Maybe it’s time to upgrade your vehicle to an SUV in the winter.’

He grunts. ‘No need, man.

‘Suit yourself.’

He turns on the engine, and Led Zeppelin blares at full blast. It’s another thing he’s taken on from Finn. They listen to the same music. Sometimes, I wonder if Finn’s his blood dad, even though I know it’s impossible.

I turn the volume down and question, ‘Did Liam say why he’s calling a meeting on a Friday night?’

Brax glances quickly at me before turning his attention back on the road, and answers, ‘Does he ever?’

‘Yeah. Good point,’ I say and then lean back in the seat, glancing out the window at the lights on the buildings. I mutter, ‘I thought the snow would be gone by now.’

‘Yeah, me too. I’m over it. We need to get some ladies and fly off to the Caribbean for a week. We’re way overdue, don’t you think?’ Brax suggests.

I nod. ‘Sea, sand, and sex. Sounds good to me.’

Brax holds his fist out, and I bump it with mine. We turn the corner, and he pulls up to the curb. ‘Let’s get this over with. Then, we’re going home and showering, and you’re putting on some nice clothes. There’s pussy to be had tonight.’

I shake my head. ‘I got shit to do, man.‘

‘Jesus. Sean, whatever’s going on, you need to tell me.’

‘Nothing’s going on,’ I lie.

He grunts. ‘Bullshit. Since when do you pass up pussy?’

‘I’m just busy,’ I claim as I get out of the car.

He follows, and before I can step into the gym, he puts his hand on the front door so I can’t open it.

‘What are you doing?’ I question.

His eyes turn to slits. He glares down at me. There are few men taller than me, and Brax is one of them.

He asserts, ‘You’re hiding something, Sean. I know it, and they know it. The longer you’ve stayed away, the more the old geezers have recklessly gossiped like little old hens. Even Finn’s asking me what I know.’

‘They’re getting soft, aren’t they?’ I tease.

He chuckles, but then his expression sobers. ‘They’d only do that if they’re super worried, so why don’t you cut the shit and tell me what’s going on?’

I clench my jaw.

He lowers his voice. ‘Does it involve ratting someone out?’

‘Fuck no. You know I’m not a rat,’ I spout.

Relief fills his face. ‘Okay. Then what is it?’

‘I can’t discuss it, Brax.’

Anger flares in his eyes. ‘I’m the one person you tell me you always trust.’

‘I do trust you, but I can’t tell you this right now. I’ll tell you later, though. I promise. Just… I can’t right now. Okay?’ I give him a look, silently begging him to let me off the hook for the time being.

‘Is it because I said Finn is asking questions? You know I won’t speak a word,’ he states.

‘No. It has nothing to do with Finn, and I know you’re not a tattler,’ I assure him.

He finally sighs and yanks open the door. ‘Fine. Let’s get this over with. But you’re going out with me tonight. I need my wingman. I’m not taking no for an answer.’

I realize I need a break away from my computer, so I agree. ‘All right. I’m game.’

He looks up and presses his hands together, as if in prayer, saying, ‘Thank you, pussy gods!’

I chuckle.

We walk inside the gym, and I freeze. ‘What are you doing here?’

My mom’s brothers are all here. Brody, Aidan, Devin, and Tynan are lined up next to my O’Malley uncles.

Brody turns his head to the others. ‘That’s the welcome we get.’

Brax and I cross over to them. ‘No, but you were in town a few weeks ago. Why are the four of you here? That never happens unless there’s something special going on.’

Brody’s eyes darken. ‘Time for a workout, Sean. Brax, get into the ring. Work off some steam. We’ll talk about business later.’

My chest tightens. While I love a good workout at any time of the day, I hate it when I know something’s looming and I don’t know what.

Uncle Aidan takes a lighter out of his pocket and starts flicking it. It’s something he always does, and I’m usually mesmerized by how he can let the flame burn practically on top of his fingers. But for some reason, today it makes me antsy.

I ask, ‘Can you stop doing that?‘

‘Why? What’s it to you?’ Aidan says, flicking it faster.

‘Maybe he’s worried the place will go up in flames,’ Tynan jabs.

‘Shut up,’ Aidan orders.

I get in the ring.

‘Come on, now,’ Liam says, nodding toward the ring. ‘Make the fight good.’

‘Yeah. We’ve been bored the last few weeks,’ Nolan calls out.

Finn goes over to Brax and helps him lace his gloves, and Killian helps me with mine. They both talk to us, giving us their coaching advice. And then Declan rings a bell.

Brax and I practice in the ring for the next hour, tossing punches at each other until we’re covered in sweat, a bit of blood, and out of breath.

‘That’s enough,’ Liam calls out.

Uncle Killian comes over and helps me remove my gloves. I take my hand out and get a flashback of my dad’s hand flexing just like I’m flexing mine now. I grab the top rope of the ring and close my eyes, feeling slightly dizzy.

‘What’s going on, lad? Are you all right?’ Killian questions.

I steady myself. ‘Yeah. I just haven’t eaten a lot today.’

Killian says, ‘Devin, grab a protein bar and some electrolytes.’

Devin brings it over and hands it to me.

I guzzle the drink and then rip open the protein bar. I down it in two bites, realizing I’m starving.

Declan jumps up and holds his hands to his mouth, shouting, ‘Everyone get your fucking asses out.‘

The gym erupts in loud grumbles, but they all listen. That’s the rule. When an O’Malley speaks, you don’t question it. You listen and do what you’re told.

‘You too, Brax,’ Finn orders.

His face falls. ‘Seriously?’

‘Yeah. Get your arse out,’ Declan follows up.

Brax gives Finn another look, pleading to stay.

Finn shakes his head.

‘I’ll be in the car,’ Brax huffs as he exits.

When the gym is clear, I feel outnumbered. My uncles are the only ones left, and all nine men are staring at me.

Liam starts. ‘What have you been up to lately, Sean?’

I shrug. ‘Not much.’

His eyes narrow. ‘Why have you been staying away?’

‘I’ve just been busy,’ I say, singing the same song and dance I gave Brax earlier.

‘That’s a great way to put it,’ Nolan says.

‘What does that mean?’ I snarl.

‘Sounds like you’ve been digging into a lot of stuff and going places you shouldn’t,’ he declares.

Anger hits me. I accuse, ‘You hacked into my computer?’

Nolan grins. ‘Nah, it wasn’t me.’

I spin. ‘Fuck you, Declan.’

He chuckles. Then innocently asks, ‘Why am I to blame?‘

I point between him and Nolan. ‘You two are the only ones who know how to hack into my system.’

‘Maybe Simona did it,’ Brody suggests.

I glare at him.

‘Don’t bring Simona into this,’ Declan protectively asserts.

‘Well, she is smarter than both of you,’ Killian states.

‘Enough,’ Liam says in a stern voice. He’s the head of the O’Malleys, just like Brody’s the head of the O’Connors. When either of them say to knock it off, we all obey.

Brody says in his thick Irish accent, ‘All of ya watch your mouth, or I’ll smack it off. Don’t let me remind any of ya again.’

I stand there, waiting and hoping they don’t have any idea what’s going on. And I still don’t understand why I need to hide it. But if Zara’s hiding it, it tells me I need to too.

And I don’t know why my father had that skull on his hand. Maybe I’m staying silent as some sort of loyalty toward him. Whatever it is, I keep my business to myself.

Finn steps forward. ‘Why were you questioning your mom about your dad’s tattoo?’

‘It wasn’t a tattoo. It was a brand,’ I blurt out, then remind myself to step carefully in this conversation.

Finn’s eyes grow darker. He nods. ‘Yeah, it was. And then ink was in several stages. And you know that. So why were you questioning your mom about it?’

I’m more determined than ever to replace out the truth and keep my business to myself at the same time. ‘Why does it matter? My mom said she didn’t know anything about it, that it was just something my dad doodled. So why are you asking me questions about it? Is there something you want to tell me?’ I toss back at him.

Nolan states, ‘Your father was a dreamer. He had unrealistic ideas about a world where we could coexist with our enemies and there would be a place where there would be peace for you kids in the future. But we all know that we can’t trust our enemies. There is no real utopia.’

I take a moment to process everything he said, then charge, ‘So there was meaning behind the skull, and you know about it?’

‘Meaning is different from reality,’ Declan states.

I stand taller, demanding, ‘I want to know what my father was involved in.’

Brody warns, ‘He wasn’t involved in anything. Stop looking for things, Sean, or it’ll ruin your life.’

‘If there’s nothing there, then why would it ruin my life?’ I retort.

Liam steps up and points at me. ‘Look at you. We haven’t seen you for weeks and then we replace out you’ve been searching for pictures of skull brands and everyone’s names all over the Darknet. That’s reckless, and you know it.’

I stay quiet. It is risky, and I can’t deny it.

‘What do you have to say for yourself?’ Liam questions.

Before I speak, I think. Then I slowly state, ‘You’re right. I shouldn’t be searching anyone’s names. But I’m trying to get to the truth, so please tell me everything you know about my father and that brand. I’m not a kid anymore. I’m not someone who has to be hidden away or taken away from his family or not know what really happened to his father.’

Killian groans. ‘We’ve gone through this before. You know what happened and why your mother had to keep you away from the O’Malleys for several years.‘

‘No, I don’t. I thought you guys didn’t know the whole truth either. But I’m getting the feeling you do, which means you’ve lied to me. And it’s my father we’re talking about. So I have a right to know,’ I declare.

Aidan scoffs. ‘No one’s lying to you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.’

‘Sorry for myself? Your father’s still alive. You aren’t searching for answers. But why does that mean I feel sorry for myself? Just because my father’s dead and I want to know the truth, that means I’m some pussy feeling sorry for myself?’ I sneer.

Brody steps forward next to Liam. ‘Listen, Sean, and listen closely. Do not go all over the Darknet searching for your father’s mark. It was just an idea. And when he died, so did his imaginary utopia. But it’s buried. Let it lie. Looking for something that doesn’t exist will only cause problems for everyone in the family. And not only ours but the Marinos as well as the Ivanovs.’

I don’t reply.

Liam adds, ‘You’re going to drive yourself nuts looking for something imaginary. Don’t put the families at risk. And that’s an order.’

I blurt out, ‘But what if it does exist?’

Liam’s gaze burns. ‘It doesn’t.’

‘What if it does?’

‘Is there something you know you’re not telling us?’ Finn interjects.

I sigh. ‘I’m just asking, what if the world my father wanted to create did exist? Then what?’

Killian shakes his head. ‘Then, it’ll be nothing like what your father intended it to be. There’s no way on earth O’Malleys and O’Connors can ever exist and play nicely with Baileys or O’Learys.’

‘Alaina’s an O’Leary,’ I point out.

Brody crosses his arms and barks, ‘Not anymore. She’s an O’Connor. She left them.’

‘I’m only going to tell you one more time, Sean. Let it lie,’ Liam threatens. ‘As much as we loved your father, we can all agree on one thing.’

‘What’s that?’ I seethe.

‘There’s no way we would ever get into bed with our enemies. He was a fool to ever think that we could,’ Liam snarls.

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