Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse)
Broken Dreams: Chapter 30


Evan is waiting for me once I’m done with the group routine at the club. Cerenity decided that this meeting was more important than cage dancing, so I gave Linus a kiss and let him get me ready. I had a bag packed with clothes to change into, helping me remain as calm and confident as possible.

I’m neither, to be honest.

“How many weapons do you have on you?” Evan asks once he pulls out of the parking lot toward the meeting.

I’m wearing my crossbody for my mini tablet and pull it out as I think about it. The weather is still warm, which means I have to hide my weapons accordingly. When it’s cooler, I’ll have more flexibility since layers mean more hiding spaces.

I guess I am a mafia man’s daughter after all. I just needed to be reminded of it. There’s too many shadows that want to swallow me up if I tread down that road, so I answer Evan instead.

“At least eight pins that are sharp enough to take out an eye or kill someone in my bun, a gun on my right thigh, and a knife strapped to my other thigh. There’s also pepper spray in my purse,” I say.

My dress is knee length and full enough to hide all of it. Demure, pretty, and deadly is the look I’m going for. Linus had to add a few hair extensions to make my low bun fuller, but it isn’t noticeable. Men tend to not pay attention to things like that anyway.

I’m not planning for trouble, but without my alphas, I’m loaded for the promise of it. Evan met me in the back hallway so I wouldn’t have to walk through the club.

My tablet makes a sound, reminding me that I also didn’t say goodbye to Duncan or Callum who were inside Club Serenity while they waited for Linus to finish up.


Forget something, Quinnie?


I’m nervous and I’m trying to keep my head in the game. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye.


I get it. Break a leg, baby. It’s going to go exactly the way you want it to. We love you.

Taking a deep breath, I nod as if he can see me. I know he can’t, but I’m feeling anxious and scared.


I love you too.


Now I know why Linus wants to spank you when you do things like this.

A laugh escapes as I roll my eyes.

“Is it true you want to spank me?” I ask Linus through our bond. I haven’t tried to do this from a farther distance.

I’m not sure it’ll work.

When the response comes, it’s weak, but still there. “Sometimes. You’re as infuriating as you are beautiful, baby,” Linus says.

As we get closer, I bottle up my worries. My face is a mask, my hands no longer trembling as I put away my tablet. When you know there’s nothing you can control outside of your actions, there’s no longer any reason to freak out.

I’m releasing all of the bullshit to the universe to sort tonight.

Evan opens my door after he slides into a parking spot, helping me out of the car. My high heels strike the pavement as I walk beside him to the door. We’re about to make an entrance since I’m still late.

Yet another thing I can’t control, so I’m going to own this. Chin up, look confident, and ignore the annoyed looks as Evan escorts me through the gentleman’s club and into the private room where they’re conducting business.

The thickness of the scent of cigars and alpha pheromones is poignant as I move through the room, and I catch Adira’s gaze as she lifts her hand in greeting. I nod, seeing that there’s not a chair open next to her.

“Miss Kelly, there’s a chair for you right here,” Cian says, pointing at the front of the room.

Fucking great. It figures I’ll be facing everyone as they’re voting. Trying not to breathe too deeply, as I lament not thinking of buying my own alpha blocking pheromone cream, I block everyone else out as I slip into my chair.

“Fancy meeting you here,” a smooth, low voice says. The scent of cinnamon and whiskey rolls over me, clearing the chaos of scents around me.

Oh fuck, that’s nice. My gaze snaps up to meet amber eyes that I know well. My breath catches in my throat as I take in the beautiful alpha next to me. He’s gained muscle since I last saw him, and he somehow seems to take up more space.

Taking another deep breath, I shake my head slightly. I know Christian called me his, but I didn’t think about what that meant, nor that my instincts would be screaming at me as loudly as they are now.

I need to concentrate on literally anything else, while the omega whore inside of me tells me to mount and claim him.

Fucking hussy.

“Quinn?” a voice asks, sounding worried. Turning toward the sound, I see that it’s Corbin, who is sitting in my direct line of sight. God. Why? “Are you alright? Do I need to replace another seat for you?”

You mean, so I don’t end up in Christian’s lap? Ha, I think that ship has sailed. Someone knew he would be here, knew our history, and didn’t fucking tell me.

I shake my head at Corbin with a small smile, and he nods.

“Now that Quinn is here, let’s continue,” Theo grumbles. I can’t seem to win this man over.

I think he is just a grumpy old man.

I half listen to the various issues they’re voting on, my ankles crossed to keep myself still. I’m aware there are a lot of people in front of me who are going to be voting on my future, and I don’t want to give my nerves away.

“I want to bring something up now that most of the senior body is here,” Bryce O’Neil says. “Did you notice the flyers and radio commercials recently about the latest Regional Omega Women’s Society?”

“The mixers?” Cian asks. “Yes, I personally wouldn’t want my daughter at one of those if she was single and without a pack. It’s absurd when you really listen to what Emilia and her cohorts value.”

I straighten slightly at their words, trying to figure out why she’s being mentioned. Christian shifts next to me, his thumb brushing against my thigh. I have to tamp down the shudder and whine at his touch, reminding myself that I said I didn’t want him.

There has to be a damn good reason for me to go back on that, despite the fact that my body is screaming at me to reconsider.

“Yes, I think we should tell everyone we can to avoid them,” Bryce says. “There are other ways to meet a pack outside of ROWS.”

I replace myself nodding my head without noticing, unfortunately catching Corbin’s eye.

“Do you want to add something to that, Quinn?” he asks, brow raised.

Oh fuck me. There are way too many eyes on me right now. I doubt that even if I could easily speak, my vocal cords would be frozen in fear. Christian stiffens next to me as I pull out my tablet, lifting my stylus to respond.

I don’t need to be saved by anyone.

“I’ve been doing my best to immerse myself in things I’ve missed while I’ve been gone,” I explain with the speech enabled on my tablet.

Those around me are immediately quiet, though I’ve noticed there’s been side conversation here and there throughout the meeting. If they want to hear me, they need to shut up, because I won’t repeat myself or compete with other voices.

“Part of that has been through podcasts on Omega’s Link. Emilia has a lot of audio recorded there that revolves around propaganda,” I say. “If I had no one else after being caged for the last twenty years and I was just a little more gullible, I would believe every word she said. Her vitriol toward strong willed omegas is dangerous.”

“I’d agree with that,” Corbin murmurs, looking around to the nods around the room. “As someone in your unique situation, what would your suggestion be?”

“A list of other options, along with reasons why this council believes ROWS to be harmful,” I tell him. “No one wants to be dictated to. However, the fact that you have to fit a certain criteria to be allowed to attend her mixers says a lot. Not to be rude, but how do we know that she’s not using this as a way to replace omegas who could be sold or mistreated in some way? There’s no way to know.”

“I’ve been worried about that,” Adira calls out. “The kind of omega who would be accepted would be those who are sheltered or innocent, and could easily be hurt. Emilia Richardson’s been feeding omegas to the auctions, which is well known to you all.”

“Fuck,” Patrick Ryan mutters. “Spread the word, tell your families to avoid these mixers. If I need to replace a way to start up the business of parties in an effort to introduce single omegas to our eligible alphas, I fucking will. I’m too damn old to play matchmaker, but my wife would love it.”

Cian chuckles under his breath, nodding. “My sister would enjoy that. Don’t tell her unless you actually mean it, because she’ll run with it,” he says.

I’ve been gone for so long, I’m reminded of how many people I don’t know in the community. I’ve done my best to get reacquainted, but this party will be the true test as I’m introduced to everyone.

“You’re right,” Patrick sighs. “Emilia is a damn menace, though. We’ve voted to kill her many times, but it’s always been agreed that we can’t.”

“There are also other dating options,” Adira says. “Cian, Aisling, and I have been in communication with those people. If we push out the communication that Emilia’s mixers need to be avoided, we should be fine.”

“Fine, fine,” Corbin murmurs. “Next order of business is Christian Sanchez, who many of you have met. He would like to stay in Minneapolis in an effort to court his scent matches.”

Every part of me wants to snarl, but I hold tightly to my control. I’m right fucking here, and yet you’re acting as if I’m not.

“Corbin,” Cian mutters.

“Fuck, sorry, Quinn,” Corbin says, wincing. “Ah, surprise?”

Murmurs fill the room, and I roll my eyes, lifting the tablet in front of me for attention. I’m able to command the silence of these men who are much older than me quickly, while Adira looks a little pale.

I don’t know if she knew about this, but she doesn’t owe me an explanation. I’m a big girl, and I doubt these men care about my love life. I frankly am surprised this is a vote at all.

“Stay or not, it doesn’t change my mind at all,” I say coolly.

“Quinn,” Christian says under his breath.

I refuse to respond, and Patrick begins to put this ridiculous question to a vote.

“As everyone here knows, we are a tight knit group,” Patrick says, standing. “Generations of families live in Minneapolis and the surrounding communities. While we don’t put everyone through this type of scrutiny, we are choosing to here since he is a single alpha petitioning to relocate.”

“Christian, do you want to stand and tell everyone what you’ve been doing?” Corbin asks.

I swear I hear him mutter, “Do I have to?”

I don’t think I’ve ever really heard him talk about himself in the years that I’ve known him, and I wonder if there’s a reason for that. Taking a breath, he stands, shoving his hands into his pockets. He’s dressed sharply, even though I can see the slight bulge of a gun at his back. If I wasn’t sitting where I am, I’d never be able to catch a glimpse.

And now, I’m staring at his ass and perfect thighs. I’m doing everything I can not to perfume for him because it’s so damn inappropriate.

I’m not supposed to want anything to do with him, yet I replace myself needing to check the corner of my mouth for drool.

“My name is Christian Sanchez, and I came here on the trail of the beautiful girl next to me and the man who is her best friend,” he begins. “Biology and destiny are the reasons I initially wanted to stay, but I had to prove that I can be an asset to the community. I’ve never cared much about things like this, but here we are.”

Christian looks around at the men and Adira seated in front of him before continuing, gathering his thoughts.

“Omega’s Haven needed bodies, and I am not a carpenter. However, I can follow directions, which I’ve been doing every day to help build their transitional housing,” he says, surprising me. I remember that Wren had mentioned they were building this, but that the community had to volunteer to do it since they couldn’t get anyone else to agree to the contract.

It had been said in passing, but it helps solidify his words for me.

“I’ve found that I’ve enjoyed its construction, and I’d like to see it completed, regardless of what you all decide,” Christian says. “I’ve also met with many of you, and discussed different aspects of the community, including the safety of those who do night work in the city.”

“Therefore, the patrols were born, and we’ve been able to help control the kidnappings, sexual assaults, and violence in the city,” he adds. “It’s amazing to me that we haven’t come across one police officer on our nightly walks.”

“We don’t understand it either,” Cian sighs. “We’ve needed to organize something like this for way too long.”

“Be that as it may, I’m glad to be a part of it,” Christian says. “No matter what’s decided, I’ve gotten to see at least glimpses of my scent matches. I know they’re happy, and I’ve grown from the experience of knowing you all.”

He slowly sits down while the heat builds behind my eyes. My eyesight is bleary from the tears shimmering at my waterline, threatening to overflow and show my weakness in front of these men. I hold my eyes open as wide as I can, staring at a table as I beg for the tears to dry.

I listen to the vote as it passes for Christian to be able to stay in Minneapolis, and I wonder whose cereal I must have pissed in, because someone hates me. I usually have a great ability to be able to suck it up and keep moving.

It’s failing me tonight.

Blinking, I feel relief as the wetness clears without falling from my eyes, all while I sit impassively, as if I don’t care about what’s happening around me. These men don’t understand how fucking difficult it is for me to sit next to Christian, and I fully understand now why Linus punched him.

I’m beginning to feel both violent, horny, and sad. A definite recipe for disaster.

“Last on the docket is Quinn Kelly,” Corbin says as I gaze stonily at him. He swallows hard, understanding how unamused I am. “She’s⁠—”

“Corbin, come the fuck on,” Adira growls, standing. “I swear, you’re all getting on my last damn nerve. Quinn’s disappearance when she was fourteen is well known, and Hudson Hughes needs to pay for his crimes. When he’s killed in whichever way Quinn sees fit, she will take his place as the head of their family as his heir. As we all moved heaven and earth to ensure that neither he nor Rory Kelly would be here, we know her claim is legitimate.”

“Putting it to a vote that when this happens, no one will look for retaliation,” Cian continues, standing next to Adira. “She will also gain her father’s position on this council. Aye or nay.”

The vote passes by a majority, and I make sure to memorize those who voted against me. I need to make sure that I know who not to trust.

“Thank fuck for that,” Corbin mumbles. “We’re dismissed.’

Standing quickly with my tablet in hand, I shove it into my bag, my feet moving forward to replace my escape. I need to get the fuck out of here.

“Mi amor,” I hear whispered before his hand is on my back, helping me out of the room. I gasp in a breath, unable to regulate my emotions. “Talk to me?”

“No,” I say, looking around for Evan. God, he’s probably still with Cian and Adira. Dammit.

“You’re still talking to me,” Christian points out as I whirl around to face him. My face feels wet, and I realize I’ve finally lost my fight with my damn tears.

Raising my hands I drop them at my sides in frustration.

“Okay, fine,” he says. “I’m going to take a tiny bit of advantage here. I fucked up, Quinn. I should have done more at the club, insisted on buying your freedom. Or even planned some crazy escape the way your perfect alphas did.”

I feel a curl of worry from Duncan, but I can’t ease it. I feel like I’m falling through a tunnel of despair and anger. I want to fucking hate Christian, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt such an intense emotion outside of my feelings for my abusers and my father.

I want to rail and scream at Christian, but the words are stuck. I’m so frustrated, I shove ineffectively at his chest as I sob. I want to tell him that he failed Linus and I. I want to ask why he would care enough to help omegas that he’ll probably never meet by building the transitional house.

I want to know so much, but none of it matters because I fucking can’t get a word out.

Dashing away my tears, I practically growl at Christian.

“That’s cute,” he sighs, though not in a condescending way. “I didn’t know you were going to be here, I swear. None of these fuckers told me. It’s torture to sit near you, knowing you’re so close but vibrating with such anger. I could smell your incredible scent, Quinn.”

“Rude,” I mutter. His eyes widen, because I’ve never spoken to him like this before. He doesn’t understand that it’s a near miracle I’m able to say anything now since my very tongue feels as if it’s swelling from the stress of being near him.

I’m spiraling, and that’s a dangerous place for me.

“I’m not going away, baby. We’re end game, especially now that you know I’m your scent match. I could tell the second you smelled me,” he rumbles. “You’ll always look for me, just like I’ve yearned for you for sixteen fucking years.”

I flinch at that. Has he been feeling like this for so long? I don’t understand how when I can’t figure out if I want to climb him like a tree or stab him.

Evan runs out, his gaze zeroing on me before glancing at Christian.

“You’re not bleeding, which I guess makes you a lucky fucker,” he mutters.

“What?” Christian asks, appearing confused.

“Quinn could have killed you five different ways while you stood here looking like an idiot,” Evan says, sounding proud. “If you’re not bleeding, I dare say you may have a chance.”

Glaring at my self proclaimed guard, he merely smirks at me before seeing my tear stained cheeks.

“Can I kill him?” he asks softly. “Or at least stab him a couple of times?”

“You’ve triggered Evan’s wrath, I see,” Cian says, walking up to us quickly along with Adira.

I roll my eyes at them both, angry.

“Home,” I mutter, turning away. I don’t want to deal with anyone right now. I want to crawl into my nest and cry.

“Fuck,” Adira says. “There wasn’t time to tell you, Quinn.”

Cian knew. My steps stutter to a stop, my hands fisting. Unzipping my bag, I pull out my tablet, practically stabbing the words as I write.

“And now I’m cursed. Get fucked, Cian.”

Shaking my head, I continue walking as Cian, Adira, and Evan follow me for a very uncomfortable car ride home. I refuse to speak the entire time, my eyes gazing out the window, my tablet tucked away.

“You mentioned you didn’t know if you were scent matches once. Fuck, there was something keeping you from knowing until tonight, wasn’t there?” Adira whispers finally as the gates to my home open.

My head nod is jerky as I answer, and I flinch as Cian curses.

“Goddamn it, I should have thought about that,” he grunts. “I didn’t know you had your senses back that way.”

I’m shoving the door open the second the car stops, ignoring their gasps as I nearly fall out. I need to be somewhere I feel safe.

Panic is clawing at my insides as I run for the door, and Duncan opens it in time to catch me.

“What the fuck?” he whispers.

“Nest,” I gasp.

Duncan slams the door closed without a word, sweeping me into his arms.

“Linus, Callum!” he yells. “Nest, now!”

His long legs eat up the ground as he jogs to the stairs and up to the second floor. Pounding steps follow behind him as I sob, having a hard time breathing.

Duncan purrs as he rubs his cheek against mine. The slight sting of the hair of his beard helps to ground me slightly, but I feel as if I’m choking.

“You’re doing so good,” he whispers. “I felt all of this anger, but you didn’t answer your tablet. You also slammed the door in your mind from all of us. All we could do was wait for you to get home.”

Oh shit. I didn’t realize I’d done that, and I can’t relax enough to figure out how to undo it.

“She’s having a panic attack,” Linus says as Duncan opens the door to the nest, leaving the lights off.

“Help me with her clothes,” Duncan murmurs.

Hands help him to pull off my shoes, dress, and all the weapons. The second my hair is released, it somehow helps the clawing panic that something bad is happening to me.

There’s this gnawing hole inside of me that doesn’t go away, even when the guys close the door to the nest and strip down to wrap their bodies around me on the mattress.

The panic eases, their scents help remind me of what I have, and their love. The door in my mind that I slammed shut opens, which means their presence fills me through the bond as well. It all helps, but something is missing.

“I saw Christian tonight,” I whisper through the bonds as the tears continue to drag down my cheeks.

I’ve gone from panicked to slowly feeling numb and shaken.

“Cian knew he’d be there, and he didn’t warn me. I don’t think he realized⁠—“

“Quinn,” Callum whispers, kissing my shoulder as he hugs me. Duncan is on the other side of me, and Linus is half laying on top of me, his head resting on my ribs. “Fuck. You’re scent matched.”

“There’s no way he’d have done this on purpose,” Duncan says, blowing out a breath. “Life is about to get a lot more interesting, Sweet Girl. We’re here, hold onto that for now.”

Their purrs help in the darkness of the nest, while my mind replays the night to them through the bond. Linus holds me tighter as my breaths get harsher, the threat of another attack very real.

They hold me, tell me they love me until my eyelids droop with exhaustion, but my soul has a Christian-sized hole inside of it and I don’t know how I’m going to survive it.

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