Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse)
Broken Dreams: Chapter 31


Listlessly laying on the swing outside, I watch as Linus practices his routine for tonight. His body appears to fly as he rotates through the air on the pole, and I wish I had the energy to throw myself into dancing.

It’s as if someone cut my strings, and Linus carries me out here to make me stretch my muscles with him and makes sure I’m comfortable on the swing before he starts to practice.

The sun feels nice, which is why I’ve napped here for the past two days since the scent match snapped into place between Christian and I. I’ve ignored all calls, refused to speak outside of my mate bonds, knowing that I’m going to need to get my shit together for tonight.

The party my father insisted on, the one I’ve been preparing for, is finally here, and it’s hard to replace the will to care. I can feel the worry emanating from my alphas, but closing down the bond would hurt us all more. So I open my eyes and watch Linus dance.

My scent matching with Duncan and Callum didn’t feel like this, but maybe it’s because I’m always with them. There was happiness, joy, and excitement when my senses cleared of the shit Bret was pumping into my system.

Christian… my emotions are all over the place when it comes to him. Linus told me he feels the same way, and he’s angry that my choices were taken from me. I’m always going to feel as if there’s something missing now.

A torturous thought enters my mind, asking me what Christian must be feeling. Is this why he’s been working so hard to impress the mafia community?

I looked up images of the construction on the building through video cameras the neighbors have, and its beauty made me cry. I’m a sap right now. Christian’s energy was different the night I saw him, almost sounding humble as he discussed his actions.

I can tell he meant it when he said this city has changed him.

My heart hurts, because I don’t know if it’s enough. I’m confused by what I’m feeling, and I know I need to pull myself out of this deepening depression.

A gentle touch through my hair surprises me, making me flinch. I’ve become jumpier than normal since the vote happened, a day and a half ago. Since I’m often lost in my head, I’m unaware of my surroundings.

Fuck, I’m going to get myself killed tonight if I can’t pull out of this funk.

“It’s just me,” my mother murmurs. The only reason my hair is clean is because Linus has been forcing me to shower. This is hitting me so fucking hard. “You’re worrying everyone, honey.”

Sighing, I nod to show that I heard her. It feels as if I’m in a deep hole where water keeps pulling me down, and kicking and clawing at it just makes it worse. If anyone was due for a breakdown, it would be me.

“I do have contacts in this world, Quinn. If I thought it would help, I’d have Christian killed,” Mom offers.

Tipping my head back to see her, I raise my brow. If I hadn’t seen the way my father pisses her off, I would say she didn’t have a mean bone in her body. He’s changed her though, made her more determined to gain her freedom.

“I mean it,” she says, her lips twisting to the side. “Is Christian a cruel alpha?”

Thinking about it, I pull my tablet into my lap. This deserves an answer, though I keep the voice portion off on it.

No. But there’s cruelty in negligence, I tell her. We were easily accessible, fuck toys.

Mom winces, coming around to sit by my feet.

“I heard he’s been invited tonight,” she says. “Diedre called me. Apparently, people are talking about what happened the night of the vote.”

I can’t even fall apart in private. I still live in a fishbowl, I mutter, snarling.

“Maybe, but I think they’d be talking either way. It’s not every day you get to see a love story play out,” Mom murmurs.

Side eyeing her, I shake my head. Do I love him? I saw him at Slick Dreams for sixteen years. God, if I’m honest with myself, I’d say he was the best part about my time there, other than Linus.

The time I clinged to in order to survive.

Maybe that’s why this hurts so much. It feels like every cell in my body is screaming at me to replace him, but that feels wrong when I have a pack who adores me. Is this considered greedy and ungrateful?

Biology sucks.

I need another scandal to happen so I’m not as interesting, I grumble.

Mom chuckles under her breath, her gaze now on Linus.

“Is he okay?” she asks softly, watching as his hands rake through his hair.

I can feel how charged his bond is between us. Linus’ body is fighting to break free of the remnants of medication in his system. His skin felt really warm when he carried me outside, and he’s really irritable. Most of that irritation is being thrown at his routine. He’s being very critical of every movement.

No. I think he’s very close to going into heat, I say honestly. Linus is in denial because of the party and everything else.

“It’s going to be a long day,” she says. “Get up and help him. No more wallowing, Quinn.”

Glaring at me, she waits as I throw my legs to the side and pick up the water bottle on the ground. Mom pulls away the tablet I’ve already forgotten about while I take a sip of water and stand. It feels odd to be upright, and I have to stay still to ensure my legs will hold me.

I need to move more than the paltry stretch exercises I’ve been doing. My feet take me to Linus, and I hand the water bottle to him. Gazing at me with his beautiful green eyes, he takes it with a dare in them.

“Show me what I’m doing wrong,” he says, stepping away to drink some water.

He’s not actually doing anything wrong, and I roll my eyes at him. Pulling off my frumpy top to reveal my sports bra, I toss it at him with a small smirk. My hand ghosts up the pole, slowly walking around to gain momentum. There’s a freedom in this, especially when I leap, my feet extended, as I hold onto the pole.

My body feels weightless as I move through Linus’ routine, my muscles complaining at me as I make them obey.

Sometimes you just need your mom to kick your ass into gear. I can feel Linus’ awe as he watches me, and a feeling of happiness bubbles up as I hang upside down and the world flies by.

This is how it feels to be me right now. There’s chaos and uncertainty, but there are moments of joy too. It’s a disservice to everything I’ve lived through to not accept it all.

Even the parts that hurt.

“It’s really hot,” Linus groans, flopping into our nest.

Biting my lip, I crawl into the mattress with him. I need to get ready soon for the party, but I need to help Linus to take the edge off this. It feels like the blind leading the blind right now, though.

I’ve never had a natural heat, and usually I hide away when the cramps start. He doesn’t appear to be cramping, though his eyes are a little glassy.

“Where?” I ask, though I trip a little over the word.

Linus’ head swivels toward me, his arms grabbing me to haul me closer.

“The blankets are too warm, and so is the mattress,” he complains.

You’d think that a bed was supposed to be warm, but I understand what he’s saying.

“Pillows?” I ask as well.

“Yes,” he groans. “There’s not a single cold side, Quinnie.”

He’s just so cute. I can’t stand it. He’s also started calling me by the nickname that Callum does. It’s only when he’s really worried or irritated, but he’s been both recently.

“Okay, Linus,” I say, cheering slightly to myself as the words come easier. I doubt I’ll be a chatterbox any time soon, but this is important.

“Can one of you get us some of the cooling pillows and a mattress topper, please?” I ask Duncan and Callum through the bond.

I could have sworn that I had some of those pillows in our bed, but I can’t see any of them, and now I’m being snuggled against a very warm omega. Linus is stripped down to his birthday suit, his cock heavy against my thigh.

“I’m on it, Quinnie. Should I grab fresh sheets too? I threw some in the fridge earlier,” Callum says, making me sigh happily.

We are so lucky to have the Kelly brothers. I don’t think I would have thought to do that. It’s an insane thought, but it is exactly what we need.

“Please,” I whisper through the bond.

Linus and I lay together quietly, his fingers replaceing their way under the band of my sleep shorts. Since I’ve had the need for comfort, I’m wearing a sports bra and these shorts.

That’s it.

So when his hand replaces my ass and squeezes it, all I can do is wiggle against him. We don’t have time to have sex.

“You smell so good,” he murmurs, kissing me. “I want you to sit on my face and drown me in your sweet cream, baby.”

“Linus, you’re making it very difficult for me to not climb in there with you two,” Callum murmurs. “I hear your nest isn’t right. Can I help with cool sheets and pillows?”

“Really?” Linus asks, looking up hopefully.

We’ve been so starved for care, it’s hard to accept it. Fuck, it was hard enough for me to ask for anything, even though it’s Duncan and Callum. In my head, I know they’ll be more than willing to help.

It’s my heart that worries we’ll be rejected.

“Fuck,” Callum mutters, saying so much with that word. It means he sees the neglect we’ve suffered. “Yes, do you want to help and make sure I do it right?”

Together, Linus and I stand to strip the sheets and fix it the way Linus needs the nest. He wants everything cool, almost to the point of freezing, and I’m glad I’ll have warm bodies against me the next time I’m in our bed. Otherwise, I’m likely to freeze.

“It’s right now,” Linus breathes. It’s as if he’s worried that if he’s too loud, it’ll fuck up the aesthetic of the room.

I don’t blame him. The dark gray sheets, bright sweatshirts laying on top from our alphas as if in decoration, and the new cream curtains around the bed works. If our heats are going to be off kilter for the rest of our lives, maybe destiny will also allow that they won’t fall on the same time too.

Duncan and Callum’s dicks may fall off otherwise from overuse.

The thought makes me smirk as I wrap my arms around Linus’ waist and kiss his shoulder. I wouldn’t want to be on this crazy train with anyone else. That’s for damn sure.

“Now that I don’t feel as if I’m losing my mind, let’s get you ready for tonight,” Linus says.

“I need to make sure I can tempt you both with food before I take Linus to work,” Callum grunts. I love that he’s obsessed with taking care of us.

I know I could use some food now that I’m rising from the ashes of my two day slump. My stomach grumbles and Callum huffs out a laugh as he leaves. While there is a caterer coming in for the party, I’ll probably be too nervous to eat later.

My father will definitely be here, and there’s a lot of logistics involved to make everything run smoothly.

As Linus drags me to the shower to get ready, I recognize how many balls are going to be up in the air.

“Breathe, baby,” Linus murmurs as he shampoos my hair. “Callum is going to take me to work, and Augustine and Cerenity are driving me home. The club’s manager is going to close since the bosses need to be here tonight with their pack. You’re going to be incredible, I know it.”

A party means people will want to talk to me. I grew up with a lot of the younger generation that’ll be at the party, while others I won’t know at all. The idea of it all is overwhelming.

“Someone will be with you at all times,” Linus adds. “Duncan, Callum, your mom. Ah⁠—”

Adira or Cian. That’s been the plan, anyway. People that I trust helping me move through the night. Fuck.

“I know,” I murmur. His strong fingers work through my curls as he rinses out the conditioner.

Picking up the body wash, he puts some in my hands and gives me a natural loofa to scrub with. He does the same for himself, and I get busy washing my body.

A part of me believes that Adira didn’t know that Christian would be at the meeting. Another realizes that Cian is a closet romantic. I’ve heard stories about how he lost his scent match because she didn’t want to raise their daughter in the mafia. Maybe he thought he was helping?

As my heart thumps with every tumbled thought, I sigh. Here’s to being a big girl and doing what needs to be done.

“You’re already psyching yourself up to see them, aren’t you?” Linus asks with a smirk. “I know that look. It’s what you’d do whenever you had to see a client you didn’t want to.”

God, he knows me so damn well.

“I…” It’s jumbled and complicated, and it’s like my brain and mouth don’t want to communicate with each other. “Fuck.”

“Damn, it’s so sexy when you curse, Quinn,” he growls, wrapping his hand loosely around my throat as he kisses me. I love the way he’s so confident now when he touches me.

I imagine a world with this Linus walking around it, moaning. Callum and Duncan pulled some strings so he could start school in a few weeks. I don’t know how since he didn’t have time to apply, but I’ve learned to ask less questions from my alphas.

They just make shit happen.

Linus’ credits still work from ten years ago, but he’ll need a graduate degree to stay competitive in his field. When the University of Lyons said that they are committed to opening doors for their community, they mean it.

“No time,” I whimper against his lips. I would love to get lost in his arms, lips, and on his dick, but I can feel the passage of time ticking by.

I feel as if I’ll blink and people will be walking through the door for the party.

There will soon be caterers, security, and valet to help park cars, and I can feel the urgency to finish getting ready.

“Ugh, I’m going to replace you when I get home and drag you into a closet to fuck you, Baby Girl,” Linus groans. “My cock hurts.”

I can’t help it. I replace myself snickering as my best friend shuts off the water and sticks his tongue out at me. I’m equal parts turned on and tickled with amusement at his words.

If his heat hits when he gets home, I’ll gladly kick everyone else out and let him drag me to our damn nest. It’s our house.


“What?” Linus asks, grabbing towels to help me dry off.

“I just realized that we have a home,” I say through our bond. “I don’t know why it hit me so hard.”

“Because it’s a big deal,” he says, lifting me to stand on the fuzzy bathroom rug.

I could help him, but my arms are pinned to my sides as he rubs the towel over my skin. I may as well just enjoy it.

“We never knew where we’d be going next,” Linus says, moving on to dry himself off. “We’ve been in Minnesota for a month and a half. That’s the longest we’ve been anywhere in ten years for me and sixteen for you.”

I nod because during the time I was with Alpha Miles, I never left his home. I remember many times wishing he’d just kill and bury me in his expansive backyard. I’m happy I’m alive to enjoy the rest of my life now, but back then everything was buried under a haze of terror, shame, and sadness.

“We’re looking to the future,” he murmurs in my ear, his hand on my back to direct me into our bedroom. “That includes making you even more beautiful than you already are.”

Linus is a charmer, but he’s right. The future is going to treat us well, even with the current dangers in it. Opening our closet, I gaze at the black sheath gown hanging up. It’s backless with a high leg slit, perfect for hiding all of my weapons.

Let’s step into the future, baby. Please be good to us.


Quinn’s small hand is on my arm as we walk together around the party, her smile arranged just so. I hate these things just as much as she does. I know the security is solid, the valet is full of mafia college students who are armed and watching for anyone who shouldn’t be here.

They all grew up in the families and in this community. Someone who shouldn’t be here is going to stick out like a sore thumb to them. Every person here is acting as an extra layer of protection tonight.

Still, I’m on edge. Quinn hasn’t been herself in two fucking days, and I want to chain Christian to the floor at our omega’s feet so he can figure this out with her. I can feel this hole that she has in her heart and I want to fix it.

There’s no ignoring the fucker now they’ve officially scent matched. She’ll always look for him. That’s just the way biology works.

My hand covers Quinn’s as we stop in front of Cian, and I feel her draw herself up as tall as possible. She bottles everything up, gives him an automatic smile and says, “Hello, Cian.”

She refused to bring the tablet, saying it was too bulky. I think she’s trying not to rely on it more than she needs to as she pushes herself to use her voice. It’s not more than a few words, but it’s something.

Cian turns to face her, taking a sharp breath as he does. His eyes take in the perfectly done makeup, her curled and pinned bun, and tries to replace the signs of how she’s truly doing. Quinn isn’t giving him anything. Purring low in my chest to offer her comfort as I move to stand behind her, I raise my brow at him.

“Hello, Quinn,” Cian says stiffly. He doesn’t know how to fix what he broke and is struggling. “You look beautiful. Have you seen Duncan’s grandmother yet?”

She shakes her head, confused by the question. I don’t know what he’s up to. I’ve been walking through the ballroom introducing her and mingling. I didn’t even know my grandmother had arrived as I haven’t seen her yet.

“Let’s go say hello,” he murmurs, offering her his arm. She only hesitates for a moment before taking it, and I follow as they walk.

I usually wouldn’t think twice about leaving her with him, but he’s proven that he doesn’t always pay attention to her best interests.

“I’m sorry,” he says under his breath as we walk. “I didn’t think that meeting through, nor the repercussions of seeing Christian.”

“Old man, I don’t give a fuck how scary you are, I will stab you and leave you dead if you make my girl cry,” I say conversationally.

“I would probably let you,” he mutters. “I fucked up, and I’ve been worried about her.”

“I’m fine,” Quinn says, but it’s a muffled squeak.

“Fuck,” I growl.

“Okay, none of that,” Cian sighs. “We’re going to see Diedre. She’s in the courtyard and mentioned that she wanted to see you. So let’s take a walk.”

As we get closer and walk out of the ballroom, I see my grandmother. I removed the pole earlier today after Linus finished practicing, but left the carabiner hooked to the steel frame overlooking the courtyard. Grandma Diedre is looking up at it with a secret smile, and I can only imagine what she’s imagining.

Sex swing, I’m sure.

“Hello, grandmother,” I greet, grinning at her. “I don’t believe you’ve had a chance to see Quinn yet.”

“I haven’t, because you’ve been keeping her to yourself,” she complains, turning to face us. Her smile is wide as she steals Quinn’s hands. “Oh, I love your hair, darling. You look just beautiful.”

“Hi,” Quinn says with an answering smile.

“Have my grandsons been worshiping the ground you walk on and giving you orgasms?” she asks.

Cian and I hide our smiles as Quinn’s cheeks burn, and Grandma Diedre nods happily as if that’s answer enough.

“Good, good,” she says. “What is this hook above my head, Duncan?”

“It’s, ah, for flying pole dancing, Grandma,” I say softly. “Linus and Quinn have been practicing their routines for a club.”

“Well what kind of club?” she asks.

“Not stripping,” Quinn says quickly.

“Meh, I wouldn’t care if you were,” she says. “You have a beautiful figure, darling. My grandsons may have to burn the club down, but that’s none of my nevermind.”

Chuckling, I say, “You’ve always known us very well.”

“It’s my job,” my grandmother says. “I promised your mother I’d always watch out for you two.”

Grandma Diedre is not my father’s mother, and dislikes him deeply. I can see Quinn worrying at her bottom lip with her teeth, and I wonder if she’s hit a mental wall with speaking.

“Ayla is around here somewhere,” I tell my grandmother to spare us all the awkwardness of silence. My mother’s ghost has a way of hanging around when mentioned.

I can’t be distracted by her right now, so I’ll light a candle after the party.

“She’s just over there,” Grandma Diedre murmurs, turning. Ayla is in the large swing sitting as she watches everyone.

I’m sure she’s taking a break from speaking to people, because everyone has been very supportive as she’s come back out of her shell. When you’re used to being a ghost, I’m sure all the attention can be overwhelming.

As I follow behind my grandmother and Quinn, I glance at Cian, who trails next to me as he watches Quinn. He’s deep in thought, struggling to figure out if he should leave her be or attempt to speak to her again.

“She’s going to need time,” I tell him. “Quinn only pulled herself together because she knew she needed to. Stop playing matchmaker, Cian.”

“The kid is trying,” Cian mutters. “I’ve spent the last month listening to him plead his case and he’s changed a lot.”

“Quinn doesn’t know that because she’s been avoiding him,” I say. “He’s banned from Cerenity’s club too. As far as she knows, he could still be a self involved dickweed.”

“Christian was never that,” Cian says, chuckling softly. “Watching them in a room together was like witnessing a car crash and being unable to stop it. He’s here tonight, somewhere. Imagine how much worse it would be if this were to be the first time they saw each other after everything.”

“I’d be kicking everyone out,” I grunt. “I wouldn’t be dealing with the betrayal that she’s feeling now, though.”

I know he has a point, but it was still shit timing. Leaving him, I join Ayla, my grandmother, and Quinn as they chat.

“This is such a lovely addition to the courtyard,” my grandmother says with a nod, looking at the swing. “What else is new?”

Quinn glances at me, and I take a breath to explain. “Ah, the sunroom has been transformed into a dance room for Linus and Quinn,” I tell her. “It’s beautiful in there in the mornings, they can play music as loud as they want, and⁠—”

“The dance pole fits there,” Ayla adds, snickering.

My grandmother grins. “Please tell me people are still having sex in there,” she says, shrugging as Quinn covers her face with her hands. She’s so cute when she’s flustered and embarrassed. My grandmother has a way of doing that.

Bryce O’Neil comes to join us before the conversation devolves further, saving us all.

“I thought I’d come over to say hello,” he says, his gaze on Ayla. I thought he’d have met her before, but he seems to be very intently staring at her.

“Hello,” Quinn murmurs, her eyes bouncing between her mother and Bryce. “Mom?”

“I’ve never actually met your mother,” he murmurs, holding out his hand to her.

Ayla is stock still as she takes a deep breath before her head shakes slowly. Her hand is trembling as she gives Bryce her hand, her eyes filling with tears.

“Who are you?” she whispers.

“This is Bryce O’Neil, Ayla,” I say, trying to figure out what I’m witnessing. “He moved to Minneapolis about fifteen years ago, I think?”

“That’s right,” he rumbles. “It was soon after my wife passed away. While I’ve heard of you, our paths never crossed.”

Ayla swallows hard, and Quinn looks as if she can’t figure out whether or not to try to help.

“It’s so quiet in my head,” Ayla says. “All night, Hudson has been screaming at me. But now… You made the voices stop.”

“I think that’s a sign that you should stick close, don’t you think?” Bryce asks smoothly, tucking Ayla against his side. Holy shit. He doesn’t ask about the voices, just accepts it.

They continue to talk as he walks with her while Quinn reaches out to grip my hand.

“I think we just witnessed a miracle,” Grandma Deidre says, dabbing at her eyes. “Don’t hesitate when you kill your father, girl. I have a feeling your mother will be just fine.”

I don’t have time to say anything, because someone is calling Quinn’s name and I’m moving in that direction to continue to mingle. The nerves slowly start to die down, though, especially every time I see Ayla smile across the room.

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