Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse) -
Broken Dreams: Chapter 32
My lips are curled into a more real smile now, my body less stiff as I process the fact that I think I just witnessed my mother meet her scent match. She looks lighter and happier, and any reality where my father isn’t berating her in her head is a good one.
I’m standing next to Callum now, listening to people talk around me. If I’m honest with myself, I didn’t bring my tablet downstairs because I’m not in the most sociable mood tonight. The other reason is that it’s an experiment in seeing how people treat me, and gives me a chance to stretch my verbal skills, even as minimal as they are.
The doctor told me that there’s nothing physically wrong with me, which means it’s up to me to be able to speak.
I am, however, reminded of how much I dislike some of the daughters and their fathers that are at this party. Conri Fadden makes it his mission to replace me once we walk back into the ballroom, and I replace myself pressing closer to Callum. The alpha is a big man, his eyes dark and beady.
Our families were close while I was growing up, but I would also replace a reason not to spend the night at Sadie’s house if I could help it. I wasn’t always successful, and her dad still gives me the creeps all these years later.
“Still giving your poor father grief, I see,” he says gruffly. Thankfully, he doesn’t have enough weight in the community to be involved with my plans, so I just gaze impassively at him. “Yes, he told me you were both deaf and mute. It really is a shame.”
“You’re an idiot if you’re listening to Hudson,” Callum grunts.
Taking a breath, I beg my body to allow me to prove my father wrong. “Hello, sir,” I murmur.
I’m not at all the meek omega that I’m showing him, but it does make my father out to be a liar.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned,” Conri mutters. “Sadie is around here somewhere. I’m sure she’d love to say hello too.”
“I’d rather swallow nails and then have to shit them out,” I say to Callum through the bond. He begins to choke as I nod at the alpha in front of me as if I would ever want to see his daughter again.
I may punch her if I do.
I didn’t think about that part of this party. I’ve been so focused on all the other things about tonight, I think I blocked out people like Sadie or Riley.
“I wouldn’t put it past those bitches to help your father again,” Callum murmurs as we leave Conri behind. “If you need to go anywhere, I want to be with you. Even the bathroom.”
“Kinky,” I say, smiling at someone in passing even as I nod. “I promise.”
“I really love hearing you talk,” Callum sighs. “Linus should be getting here soon. Duncan has been blowing up Augustine’s phone for updates.”
I’ve been trying to feel any anxiety or worry from Linus, but we’re too far away from each other. I’m glad Duncan is keeping tabs on our omega, because I really can’t wait for him to be back.
He took his suit with him, which means he can join us all right away. Ugh, I miss him. I want him to help buffer some of the creepy men. Callum will glare, but he doesn’t see the looks people give me when they think he’s not paying attention.
I’m drinking a glass of water next to him, when someone tries to pull Callum away.
“I’m actually not comfortable leaving Quinn alone,” he begins to say. There’s a group of them as they talk over him, and my dad sidles over to stand next to me.
“Finally, I get to see my daughter,” he says. “Callum won’t be able to break away without punching someone, so listen closely. Your hours are numbered, Quinn. Whores don’t get to have a happy ending. They’re simply holes to be filled.”
“Fuck you,” I say simply, enjoying the widened eyes of shock and rage.
My words are rudimentary and simple, but my point stands.
“You little bitch,” he growls, gripping my arm tightly.
A gun appears at his temple as he starts to yank me toward him and water spills a bit from the motion. Taking advantage of the moment, I toss it in his face.
“I believe name calling is beneath you, Hudson,” Christian says smoothly. My body responds to his voice as he holds the gun at my father’s head without a care. “Let the girl go and move on with your night.”
“The girl is my daughter and property,” my father says.
“No,” I say, shaking my head as the water drips from his enraged face.
“Regardless, she’s a person and not chattel,” Christian says conversationally. “Move away or be prepared to wear your brains on the outside of your skull.”
Holy fuck, why is that so hot?
“Why do you care?” my father asks.
“That’s none of your concern. I’ll give you to the count of three. I’m sure there’s enough muscle here tonight to make quick work of burying your body so no one will ever replace it,” Christian says. “One—”
“I swear, I don’t understand how you’re so protected,” Dad mutters before pushing me away so hard I trip over my feet. “Your cunt must be magical.”
A hard chest and very warm arms catch me, and I breathe in the familiar scent of dark molasses and sweet tea. My father stalks away from me and Christian makes the gun disappear as if it never happened. No one glances in our direction, but Callum finally manages to wrestle away from the group with a yell.
That draws attention as my alpha stalks back to me, shaking his head in anger.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” he growls, his fingers moving over my skin to replace the damage
“What happened?” Linus asks, though his eyes are on Christian.
The alpha winks at us and walks away, and I can feel Linus’ heart pounding through his chest.
“I was physically removed from Quinn’s presence,” Callum rumbles. “Fuck, I’m so glad Christian has zero fucks to give.”
I’m glad too, and my panties are completely destroyed, which is ridiculous after such an awful encounter.
“I’m glad I finally got here. It’s as if everything that could possibly happen to keep us from leaving the club did,” Linus sighs. “I haven’t seen Duncan yet.”
I thought I saw him across the room earlier, but as I search, I see that there’s too many people for me to be able to replace him now.
“I’m about ready to throw everyone out,” Callum mutters.
I am too, but if my father is trying to drag me away from everyone, then there’s a reason. I need to know if Bret is here, and if he is, I want to end this all.
“Callum, I’m going to need you to pretend to be really busy,” I say through the bond. “I have a feeling that Bret is here, but the slimeball is a coward.”
“Quinn,” he says, his voice grumbly.
“Please,” I add with a pout.
“Little scheming omega,” Linus says, kissing my shoulder as he hugs me from behind.
“I’m too young for gray hair,” Callum sighs. “Head to the bathroom, I’ll go replace Duncan to tell him about our insane omegas.”
“Love you,” I tell him. His eyes darken before he walks closer to kiss me hard.
“Tell me again after this,” he grunts. “It sounds too close to a goodbye right now, and that’s not acceptable.”
At my nod, he’s moving through the room to replace his brother, and I struggle to remember how to breathe.
“Our alphas are gorgeous,” Linus says, his eyes on our alpha as he walks. “Christian too.”
Chuckling, I nod as I link my fingers in his and we begin to move toward the bathroom. Grandma Diedre loved parties in her youth, so there’s a bathroom further down the hall that’s set up for several people to be able to use.
We pass a few people as we walk, and Riley waves at me. She’s standing next to someone I don’t know, making me wonder if she brought a date to this. I don’t trust her or her current red hair color. Everything about her is a lie, even her nose and lip implants.
I don’t usually judge, but I really hate her.
“You’re growling, baby,” Linus whispers in my ear.
“Riley,” I say in explanation. I still haven’t seen Sadie, and with the way I’m feeling, I hope that I don’t.
“Fucking cunt,” he says loudly, making me feel warm and happy. I love when his petty matches mine. “Let’s not be martyrs, Quinnie.”
The water I’ve been drinking throughout the night catches up to me, and I walk into one of the stalls once we’re inside the bathroom. The space is beautiful with green wallpaper and flowers, the tiles on the floor a pretty cream marble. The stress of the night is making me spacey.
I finish my business when I hear a noise. Linus is supposed to be waiting for me by the stalls, and any sounds make me uncomfortable right now. Flushing quickly as I fix my dress, I pull my knife, laying it against my thigh as I open the door slowly.
Riley Lynott is standing against the wall with a smile, but I can’t see Linus.
“Where is he?” I ask, forcing the words out as I move closer to her.
“You’ll see him soon,” she says in a rhythmic and creepy voice. “You really shouldn’t have come back.”
A hood is thrown over my head from behind, so I do what any self respecting mafia daughter would do. I stab the person in the stomach and stomp on their foot. I hear the man grunt as he pulls tighter on the hood to cut off my air as he lifts me off the ground.
“Shit, did she stab you?” Riley asks.
“Open the fucking door and check to make sure the coast is clear,” the man growls. “I still have the damn knife in me.”
Deciding to fix that as my arms flail, I replace the knife and throw it in Riley’s direction. Her screech and the man’s curse can’t really tell me if she’s been hit or not.
“Fuck, you can’t stab her back, Riley,” the man gasps, and if I could breathe, I’d laugh.
Unfortunately, I can’t, so I let my body sag as if I passed out. I’m willing to pretend so I can fight some more later.
“Finally,” he mutters, turning my body to move it over his shoulder. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
I’m worried that they may just be my dad’s henchmen, and I force myself to breathe normally as I think. I won’t allow them to leave the house.
Their movements are furtive as they avoid people, and I hear them move further away from the party. I can feel Duncan and Callum through the bond, sending them back a message to be patient.
I have no problems being the biggest pain in the ass possible when I need to be.
I hang listlessly as Riley complains that I stabbed her, and I wonder where Linus is. I can’t hide the grunt of pain as the man carrying me throws me on the ground, because it’s hard and cold.
“Wake up, Makayla,” Bret says, kicking my foot.
Pulling off the hood, I push myself up, twitching my dress to ensure my weapons aren’t found. I don’t care about modesty, nor am I moved by his greedy gaze as he drinks in my appearance.
I can feel Linus behind me, though not his thoughts. One of them must have knocked him unconscious while I was in the bathroom stall. While my plan worked, I have to decide when to make my move, because Bret is quick to pull a gun on me as I figure out my surroundings.
“You are such a cocky bitch,” he sneers, glancing at Riley and her slimy boy toy. “Thank you for your help, I’ll send money to your accounts once I’m away from here. You may want to get those looked at. How you let this tiny girl get the drop on you is beyond me.”
The way you underestimate me is exactly why you’re going to die, I think as I watch Riley hold her hand on her shoulder and leave with the other man.
“No one will bother us here,” Bret says conversationally as he watches me. “Your father promised to give us some time to get reacquainted, Makayla. I haven’t decided if I’m going to kill you now or sell you to the highest bidder to fuck until they kill you.”
“Neither, thanks,” I say saucily, enjoying the way his face reddens.
“Now you fucking talk?” he growls.
I don’t, but I’m getting there. Shifting on the ground, I squeeze my thighs carefully together to make sure none of my weapons have been lost.
“You’re so much damn trouble,” he mutters.
He continues to talk too damn much as I scoot away from him to get closer to Linus. Bret enjoys hearing himself speak, so I half listen for anything important as he rails on about me.
“Why the fuck are you still here?” my father asks, peeking his head into the room. Slime ball numbers one and two. “They’re sounding the alarm for them. Get the fuck out or just kill them.”
“Thanks for helping me to decide what I want,” Bret says as the door slams shut again. My hand slides down my leg as I watch him lift his gun again, and I have to twist my hand in order to pull my weapon from the holster. “I suppose we’re not going to get that time after all.”
My firearm shifted in being thrown around, and it takes seconds longer than I have to pull it free. Bret’s gun goes off as my arm goes up to shoot him, and a large body runs in front of me as I scream.
Who the fuck was that?
I scramble to my knees as I struggle to calm myself enough to aim, however Linus rouses himself enough to get into my line of sight. Dammit, he told me not to be a martyr and yet here he is doing exactly that.
Bret’s next shot goes wild due to Linus shoving his hand away, and my heart threatens to burst from adrenaline. Knowing I’m safe from being shot for now, I turn to the body of the man who saved me.
If I can’t shoot Bret with Linus in my way, I may as well figure out who this is. Dark brown hair greets me along with broken glasses covering eyes that I know will rock me.
“Christian,” I breathe, pulling away the glasses carefully. He’s bleeding through his tuxedo jacket, and I pull my other knife from between my breasts in an effort to cut my dress to the knees to help stop the bleeding.
Linus is struggling with Bret as I open Christian’s coat and ball up the material of my dress to apply pressure. The dickweed has lost his gun, and I can see it in the corner of the room. As long as Bret can’t use it, it can stay there.
Linus is beating the shit out of Bret, his anger getting the best of him.
“Knife!” I yell at him, knowing my best friend has forgotten he’s even carrying one. He enjoys pummeling people instead, and we don’t have time for that.
Linus smiles cruelly, causing me to roll my eyes. Bret doesn’t deserve an easy death.
“Don’t kill him!” I call out, nodding as Linus pulls the knife and stabs him in the side.
Our alphas taught him all about the best places to stab but not kill someone. I’m so glad that is something he remembered.
Duncan and Callum rush in as Linus clocks Bret again for good measure to knock him out. My omega drops to his knees and I gasp, worried that he’s hurt.
“Linus,” I tell Callum, shaking my head as he starts toward me. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”
Duncan stares numbly at me, but I don’t know why. I’m working on autopilot, trying to make sure Christian doesn’t bleed out on me.
“Stupid alpha,” I whisper, shaking my head. “I had this.”
“God, Quinn, I don’t think you have any idea how amazing you are,” Duncan mutters, dropping behind me to pull away my hands. “I know, I want to see how bad it is.”
Adira and her men slam into the room a second later, my lips twitching despite the insanity of the moment. Kane is wearing his doll on his back tonight in some type of cloth, keeping it from falling.
Remembering my dad and Riley, I sigh.
“Did anyone see my dad?” I ask. They stare at me as if I’ve grown several heads, but my mind is already on the next thing. “Lynott also jumped me in the bathroom. Fucking twat.”
“I’ll see if I can replace her…” Adira says, eyes wide. “Jed, see if you can replace Hudson.”
Morris ignores everything else to check on Christian, helping Duncan to pull off the tuxedo. Sighing, I hand them my knife before I stand with my gun, making sure the safety is on. I want to know if Linus is alright.
Walking closer, I’m hit with the full force of his scent, and I moan softly.
“He’s in heat, Quinnie,” Callum says, his voice shaking a little. If I can smell him a few steps away, then this could be difficult for the rest of the house.
Biting my lip, I see Kane and Damon. One of them has already found the gun, and Kane has his boot on Bret’s neck, the baby doll perfectly balanced still on his back.
“Can someone clear the house?” I ask softly. The realization that I’m speaking full sentences hits me, and my jaw drops.
“Just realized, huh?” Kane asks. “Don’t stop. You’re good in a crisis, Quinn. Keep your head in the game. I know better than anyone that your brain is a damn liar. Don’t let the world mute you again.”
“I’ll clear the house, Quinn,” Damon says. “I can’t wait to tell these fuckers to get out. Anyone else you want me to make sure to detain?”
“Sadie,” I growl. “And Riley had some guy working with her. I stabbed them both. They won’t be moving quickly.”
“You got it,” Damon says, walking out.
“Linus looks rough,” Kane mutters. “Where can I put this guy on ice?”
“Callum?” I ask. I still don’t know all the secrets of the house.
“There’s a hidden room in the basement that’ll work just fine as a cell,” he murmurs, his hand rubbing Linus’ back. “Come on, breathe for me, Linus. That’s it. Just two more minutes. We’ll take care of you. I promise. Ah, there may be some rope you can use to string him up, Kane. Use your imagination, but don’t let him die while we’re taking care of Linus.”
“Can I play with him a little?” Kane begs.
My lips twitch with amusement before I answer. “Yes, just keep him alive, okay?” I ask.
“I would never take this kill from you, Quinn,” Kane says sagely, yanking on Bret’s arms to drag him away. “I’ll be thinking up really fucked up ways to torture him for you!”
“Thank you,” I say appreciatively as I chuckle under my breath. I can hear people leaving as Damon yells for everyone to get the fuck out.
Pack Dresmond are very effective.
“What should I do about this guy?” Morris asks, brow raised. I’m unsure of what I’m about to suggest when Linus grabs my hand.
His pupils are blown between pain and desire, and all I can smell is his slick. I swallow back a whimper, because he’s triggering all of my instincts to help him.
“I need him, Quinn,” Linus groans. “Please.”
Realizing that he means Christian, I begin to recognize the signs of a scent matching. Fuck me sideways.
“Patch him up and take him to Linus and my nest, Morris,” I decide. Glancing at him with wide eyes, I add, “Please.”
“You’re in a groove, you don’t need to be polite to me,” Morris says, smirking.
Christian’s stripped from the waist up of clothing, and the beta grabs his arm and puts it over his shoulder. Hurrying to help, Duncan grabs his other.
“The bullet went straight through, so I’ll pack the wound and leave you all to it. Are we feeling kind enough to offer painkillers?” Morris asks.
The question makes me smile wider. “I’m kind enough,” I tell him with a grin. “He saved my life.”
“Jesus Christ, Quinn,” Duncan sighs, dragging Christian out with Morris.
“Let’s take care of our guy,” Callum murmurs, picking Linus up. Linus whimpers as he shoves his nose against our alpha’s throat, sucking on the skin. “Oh fuck.”
“Knot, alpha,” Linus begs as we hurry out of the room.
“We’re hurrying, I promise,” I rasp, following Callum as he takes a back staircase up to the second floor.
The house could be going to hell in a handbasket for all I know, my only concern lies with helping Linus with his heat. What’s been a rough few days, is going to devolve into sex, slick, and knots for him.
I can’t think of any other way to end tonight.
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