Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse) -
Broken Dreams: Chapter 3
The dark web is full of really fucked up people.
It’s been two weeks since Adira’s birthday, and I haven’t stopped my search for Quinn now that I have a direction to go in. I’m running searches for omegas who are sex workers at clubs, but so far most of them are at stationary locations. I have a contact I trust as much as I do anyone I’ve only ever communicated with on the internet who has never steered me wrong, that I need to tap next.
I’m trying not to specifically ask for the club I’m looking for so as not to raise any alarms as I ease into my search. According to Adira and her guys, Rock Dresmond thought that I’d never be able to replace the club.
He obviously had no idea how resourceful or how determined I am.
If we were able to best an insane alpha like him, I have a feeling we can replace this club. It just may take more finesse than usual to do it.
“It’s a bust so far, isn’t it?” Duncan asks, walking into the living room where I’m set up.
“Only because I started out playing it safe,” I mutter, pulling up my contact’s information to message him.
It’s going to be pricey to have them do the legwork on this, but that doesn’t matter. Quinn is worth whatever it takes.
“I gather by your tone that you’re going to take a more aggressive approach,” he suggests.
“Correct. Though, less aggressive and more assertive is how I’d prefer to describe it,” I say. “I’ve put out feelers that haven’t returned favorable results, so now I’m reaching out to a contact who has always gotten me what I need.”
“Why didn’t you start there?” he asks, smirking when I growl at him.
“You’re annoying,” I remind him. “Hush or get out.”
You’d think I was the older brother at this rate, but alas, my curse is to always be eleven months younger.
Smirking, I send out a message to my contact on the dark web, asking if he knows of any services available for single alphas I’d be interested in. I don’t have to wait long before they’re roasting me in their return message.
Isn’t that what a dating or escort service is for?
Rolling my eyes, my lips twitch in amusement. This person never gets down to brass tacks until they’re good and ready to.
Too boring. I was looking for something a little more illicit. Maybe a heat for sale or some kind of sex club? Looking to switch things up.
I’m pushing a little harder than usual, but I meant it when I said I needed to replace Quinn. I did some research on these clubs and the omegas that are forced to work there. This isn’t a job people are hired for. Instead, it’s one where the owners buy men and women.
If Slick Dreams is a sex club, it’s not the only one of its kind, just the only one that I know of that has a transitional structure. Some of these clubs have just omegas working there, while others have different designations as well. At the end of the day, they’re all slaves indentured to their owner through no fault of their own.
I’m asking about a heat, because I know through my research that not even heats are sacred in these sex clubs. Everything about an omega’s life is for sale when they’re a sex worker.
You know that info will cost you.
Your usual fee?
Double. I’ll set it up for you too. Is there a specific type of omega that you’re looking for?
Taking a deep breath, I glance at my brother.
“If they’re interested in replaceing this for us, a little more information won’t hurt,” he says.
I hear that Slick Dreams has a blonde with baby blue eyes. That’s who I want.
I don’t know what name she goes by now, or how Rock knew she was our girl, but none of that matters. All Duncan and I want is her.
There’s no response from my contact for minutes that stretches into an hour, and my leg begins to bounce as I stare at the screen. Duncan leaves and comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of scotch and two glasses, filling them up as he sits with me. Sipping slowly, we wait some more for my goddamn contact to say something.
“Fuck, man,” I groan, well on my second glass.
My phone rings as we wait, and I answer without checking to see who it is.
“What?” I ask.
“Did something happen with Quinn?” Adira asks, astute as ever. God, we don’t deserve this girl.
“I’m sorry,” I sigh. “I’m waiting for my contact to respond to my request on the dark web, but I’m afraid I scared them off.”
The app on my phone dings, telling me there’s someone at the gate, and I check it to replace it’s Adira with Morris as her driver.
She’s still working on getting her license, but to be honest, no one is hurrying toward that goal. Adira Firestone is a force of nature, there will be nothing holding her from getting into trouble once she can legally drive.
I like the fact that there’s always someone with her. Lord knows the world isn’t safe for omegas with the Regional Omegas Women’s Society and other unsavory assholes selling omegas.
“Well hello there,” I say, chuckling under my breath as I let her through the gate.
“It sounds like you’re drinking,” she adds. “Do you not want company?”
The phone is on speaker, and Duncan sighs. “We always want you around, Short Stuff,” he says. “I just don’t think I’m up for anyone else.”
I can vaguely hear Morris say something to her, and I imagine it’s in response to what Duncan said.
“Morris is dropping me off,” Adira replies. “He’ll either come pick me up later or—”
“They can handle not having you for a night and we’ll keep you,” I mutter. Duncan and I probably won’t be able to drive for a while.
“Morris is giving me a look, but that’s fine,” she says. “Let me in.”
A simple touch of the key pad on my phone unlocks the front door, and I hang up. Duncan wasn’t kidding when he said we were going to be shit company. Dropping back my head, I release my phone to fall on the cushion beside me, and then Adira is climbing onto the couch between my brother and I.
“Hey,” I grunt, lifting my glass to take another sip.
“Hmm,” is her answer, making me sigh.
“Don’t judge, Short Stuff,” Duncan says. “We’ve been staring at the computer for forever.”
“Then stop,” she suggests. There’s not a lot of room for her because we haven’t shifted to make space, so she is sitting on our thighs. “You need to eat if you’re going to brood and drink. I’ll go make something.”
“Woah there,” Duncan says, sitting up from his previous sprawled position. “Being packed up doesn’t mean you immediately know how to cook.”
“Then why don’t you come with me?” she asks.
My lips twitch because I know Adira is trying to distract us. Duncan will allow it because he doesn’t want her to burn the kitchen down. For whatever reason, measuring ingredients and cooking is beyond her. Or, Adira does this to get us to help her, which sounds more like her speed.
I’m pretty sure this girl can do anything, which is why her cooking issues are funny.
“I guess I’ll have to,” Duncan sighs, smirking. “What are we making?”
“Pasta. You two will need something to soak up all of this alcohol,” she grumbles, standing.
“Is it possible you have a craving and aren’t at all as magnanimous as you’re pretending?” I tease her.
Rubbing her stomach, she gives a small, secret smile as she turns to face me. It’s still very new, but fuck if I’m not happy for her. Adira will be such a fierce mother.
“I really want fettuccine Alfredo,” she admits.
“Want a protein with your pasta?” I ask her.
Adira has had a hard time with food, so Duncan and I refuse to fuss at her about her preferences. Whatever she wants is hers, even if we have to substitute something here and there to try to see if we can widen her options.
“Chicken sounds really good,” Adira says, thinking. “I’m craving something sweet too.”
Duncan chuckles under his breath, leading her out of the room.
“Anything you want, Short Stuff,” he says.
Mission accomplished. Well, at least on her end.
Glaring at the laptop, I take another sip of my scotch. I want to curse out my contact, message him to see if he’s taking the job or not, but that’ll make me look fucking psychotic. I typically tone down my crazy, since I’ve learned it gets me the best results.
Forcing myself to take a breath, I piece together the ragged edges of my control.
Wow, you’re patient. Still want that information?
“Goddamn fucking asshole,” I growl. I’m not at all amused.
If that one word could say everything I’m feeling, this person would burst into flames. Since there are no names exchanged, and I wire money to them when the job is completed, I don’t even know if this person is male or female.
You have to be willing to trudge through the worst parts of society to gather the information I’m looking for. I’ve also portrayed myself as a predator, someone searching for sex for hire, even if I’m doing it to replace Quinn.
There’s an omega as described whose heat is being sold next month. It’s ten thousand dollars a person. How many people are you looking to book with her?
The way they speak about this omega makes the hair stand up on my arms with disgust. It’s like they’re talking about an amusement park ride or a hotel room. Clearing my throat, I shudder as bile threatens to rise up my throat.
God, I fucking hate the human race so much.
How many people are they booking for her heat?
Putting the glass down, I grab the bottle, unscrewing the top to swallow down a swig of the expensive alcohol. At the very least, it’s helping to wash away the taste of battery acid from my distaste surrounding this all.
It appears that there are five spots total, but only two are left.
Fuck. I was hoping I might be able to buy out her heat, but that’s not going to be possible.
I’ll take the last two. Let me know where to wire the money to.
Short and sweet, even though I’m seething with rage. I’m unsure how Duncan and I will be able to handle seeing Quinn with someone else, or pretending not to care about her. God, what happens if it’s not her?
Do we fuck the poor girl anyway?
I thought the hardest part of this would be replaceing Quinn, but I was wrong. It’s everything else after as well. After her heat, Duncan and I will have to smuggle Quinn out. Even if it’s not Quinn, that omega will not be staying at the club.
I made a promise to myself that I would be removing someone from the owner’s current roster, and I always follow through on those. Even the ones I make to myself.
“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter as I read the time, date, and where to send payment. Writing down the details, I send an untraceable wire with money to both Slick Dreams for the deposit and the fee to my contact.
Needing to move and talk to my brother and Adira, I stand, snatching back up the bottle of alcohol as well. Stalking across the house to where they are, Duncan and Adira still as they see me.
“How bad is it?” she whispers.
“You forgave Morris for what he did to you, right?” I ask instead, rubbing my face. “I think we found her, but her boss is selling her heat to five alphas, and we’ll have to be part of it to get her out.”
My best friend’s eyes grow large, and she grabs onto the island to steady herself as the room threatens to swim in front of her eyes. That’s my fault because I didn’t give her any sort of warning about what I was going to say.
“Fuck,” Duncan growls in admonishment. “Give the girl some warning, would ya?”
“I’m good,” she mutters. “Yes, I forgave him, Callum. These are two different things in a sense, though. You’re infiltrating the club in the only way you can. That doesn’t mean Quinn will understand that, so it’s something you’ll need to talk to her about once she’s out. Don’t be like my idiot pack and drag your feet. You’ve already lost so much time.”
“Agreed,” I say. “I hope she doesn’t hate us for this. There’s no other way I can think of to get to her. Gaining entrance to this club outside of her heat could take longer.”
“We’ll have to hope for the best then,” Adira says, her face hardening. She knows better than most how awful the world can be. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Make sure we don’t make an ass out of ourselves once she’s out,” I say, my brows drawing down. “The caveman in me may threaten to come out.”
Duncan snorts, rolling his eyes. “I definitely can see that,” he says. “We can’t stifle her, even though that’ll be the first thing we want to do. I don’t know what our exit will be like, if we can bring weapons in since…”
“You’ll be naked and rutting,” Adira says, cheeks heating as she picks up a piece of cheese that Duncan set out for her. “I can see how it’ll be difficult to prep that. What about having my guys back you up? Obviously not inside of the club, but outside to make sure you get out with Quinn?”
“Would they do that?” I ask, taking another sip from the bottle.
“You weren’t born in a barn,” my brother mutters, grabbing glasses from the cupboard. “Use a damn glass, Callum.”
Smirking, I place the bottle on the island.
“Adira?” I ask, ignoring the glasses.
“Hold on,” she murmurs, already making the call. “Jed?”
Duncan listens as he begins plating the food that’s on the stovetop, awaiting to be eaten.
“Hey, baby. Morris said he dropped you off with the Kellys’. Everything okay?” Jed asks.
“They think they found Quinn,” she says immediately.
“Alright boys,” he says, already assuming that he’s on speaker. “How can we help?”
It’s amazing how connections and slow friendships happen when you’re focused on other things. Keeping Adira safe and helping her survive has been Duncan and my sole worry for months. Somewhere along the way, Pack Dresmond started to grow on me.
Plates of pasta are slid onto the island, because we need to take care of Adira and her baby. There are so many things to take into consideration as we forge our own way to replace Quinn.
I know she’s meant to be ours.
Forearms braced on the table, I glance at the crown that has the place of honor on my skin. For some reason, Adira leans over at the same time to put the phone down, and she gazes at the Roman numerals under the tattoo. Her eyes widen as she realizes while reading the numbers in her head, and her lips part in surprise.
I continue talking to Jed even as Duncan follows the direction of Adira’s thoughts, his arms moving around her to squeeze her tightly.
“Your birthday is also the date she disappeared,” he whispers in her ear. “Thank you for caring.”
I can tell Adira is struggling not to spiral as she processes that, but she manages to pull herself together as Jed agrees to help. The heat is happening in two weeks. We’ve pulled rescue missions in less time.
We can’t fuck this up.
We’re moving locations today, and everything is packed up in white panel vans. It seems cliche in many ways that this is how we travel, and thoughts of kidnapped people trickle through my mind as I climb into one of the vans. I don’t know what city we’re in or where we’re headed next.
I vaguely remember that I grew up in Minnesota, but don’t know if my family is still there or not. It probably wouldn’t do any good even if I could get back there, since I don’t know who sold me to the sex traffickers that took me. I was brought right to Alpha Miles that night, and the rest was a foregone conclusion. There are so many unanswered questions about my life, it’s better not to think about it.
Holding back a sigh, I scoot into a seat toward the back, knowing the world will soon be coated in darkness, despite the early morning light. These vans don’t have any windows except the front windshield, and there’s a security panel separating the front of the van from the rest of us.
I know it’s so no one can signal for help or see us. It’s sad to know with such certainty that there are so many steps to ensure we’re never found. Guards stand watching as omegas wearing pajamas climb into the van, because we’re expected to sleep during the drive.
There will be setting up to do when we arrive, unpacking with the help of the guards, and then clients to see. It’s a revolving door of activity, meant to keep us compliant due to being so exhausted.
Linus manages to snag the spot next to me, and I glance at him gratefully. I sleep better when I’m able to use his shoulder as a pillow, the scent of dark molasses and tea settling me. These vans tend to smell metallic and stale, not to mention when you pack ten omegas into the back all of those scents can be overwhelming. Some of the girls use peppermint lotion under their nose to help block everything else out.
I would do the same, but as I am not allowed to have many possessions, and Bret doesn’t allow others to share their things with me, I just deal with the smells. Bret will protect me to keep me alive, but despises me with the same breath.
I’m resilient, smart, and I have loyal clients who would miss me if I ended up dead. By the same token, it’s why I’ll never be sold to anyone else. It’s a very double edged sword that is fairly dangerous in this life. I’m not stupid, I know Christian Sanchez is enamored with Linus and I. I can read it in his demeanor and how he treats us, even in how he fucks us.
However, Bret is a selfish, greedy alpha and wants to continue to make big money off Linus and I. My heat alone in three short weeks is bringing in a shit ton of money. Fifty thousand dollars to be exact. The only reason I know that is because Alisa overheard him say that and repeated it.
The way she said it was in awe, but it’s simply disgusting. My mother used to talk to me about biology and the birds and the bees, if you would. Every conversation about the “sex talk” was about how alphas are meant to take care of their omega, and betas keep the balance in a pack.
She made relationships sound beautiful and respectful. Mom made me think about Duncan and Callum Kelly, hoping they’d wait for me to grow up and choose me.
God, I was so stupid back then. Naive and silly. I think that’s why the universe turned its back on me the day I was kidnapped. I didn’t deserve happiness.
The panel van’s sliding door closes behind the last omega, locking immediately afterward. There’s no way out as we put our seatbelts on, no hope. A guard is driving the van, and the beta who is in the passenger seat is armed.
Turning slightly in the darkness, I bury my face in Linus’ shoulder, breathing deeply and evenly. After all of this time, I still despise the darkness. Usually, I force myself to sleep as quickly as possible, but there are so many thoughts racing through my mind.
His arm wraps around my waist, trying to be discreet. The last thing either of us need is for someone to complain that we’re being inappropriate. Sex doesn’t happen for anyone unless Bret is getting paid for it. Even though we obviously aren’t having sex in the van and he’s offering me comfort, it’s not something that’s encouraged.
I can hear the engine turn over, making me close my eyes in resignation. Nothing is ever going to change. I’m going to live the same miserable day over and over with small slices of happiness until someone eventually kills me.
Alphas have no sense of control, at least not very often in my opinion. Ruts, sex haze, whatever it is that you call it make them lose their minds. This is when accidents happen, hands tighten too much around omega’s throats, and necks are snapped. Unless it’s discussed previously with Bret or there’s a murder kink buried in the alpha’s mind, everyone involved sweeps it under the rug and reparations are paid.
Christian has a tight fisted self discipline that I saw unravel the last time he was with me. I’m unsure if something is different or if I need to factor in the length of time between our last visit and the one before. Time is hard to track for me unless someone forces me to mark its passing. However, Alpha Sanchez definitely stayed away longer than normal.
So are all alphas like this? In my limited experience as a sex slave, because that’s what I am without any choices, I have to imagine that they are.
“You’re thinking so hard,” Linus breathes in my ear. “Let the thoughts go, Baby Girl. You know we have a long night ahead.”
He’s right, as he so often is. His strong fingers rub my scalp, forcing my body to relax. He knows me so well, and can turn my body into putty so easily. And yet, Linus doesn’t use it against me.
Slowly, my thoughts become less anxious and distressed. I can’t sleep yet, but my breaths become more even as I drift. Not for the first time when I finally fall asleep hours later, I dream of freedom with the omega next to me.
How would it feel, taste, and smell to be able to collect blankets for a nest, wash my clothes in whatever detergent I want, have sex just because I want to? Or fuck, even lounge around in clothes I pick out and buy for the sole purpose of liking the way they look and feel.
The privilege of freedom is something I won’t ever take for granted. I only had it until I was fourteen, but God was it amazing.
“Quinn, do you have to go out with them today?” Callum groans, dropping onto my bed in defiant complaint.
His blonde hair had a red tint, his face freshly shaved. God, girls must love how pretty he is. My every thought has become about Callum and Duncan Kelly and how they are probably inundated with date requests from girls who have bigger tits than I do.
Glancing down at myself for what has to be the fourth time today, I shrug. I’m wearing a pretty denim skirt, a halter top, and a pair of converse sneakers.
I can only hope I may meet a guy my age at the mall that’ll think I’m cute. Callum and Duncan can’t be those guys for me, even though we’ve been friends for our entire lives. My father and theirs cornered me two days ago to tell me that I need to give them room to live.
Apparently, my best friends are too nice and can’t tell me it’s “embarrassing and inappropriate for a fourteen year old to be so enamored with grown men.”
It’s mortifying and I’m trying to be respectful of that conversation. It’s so freaking hard though when Callum or Duncan are always calling me or coming by. I can practically feel my father’s disapproval coming in waves from downstairs.
“Yes, Sadie and Riley have been bugging me to go out with them,” I say, deflecting as I grab my purse. “It’ll be just a few hours. It’s summer, and I’ve been dying to go out and just be normal.”
“Normal is boring, Quinnie,” Callum groans, flipping onto his back on my bed. His t-shirt begins to crawl up his abs, and I swallow my tongue.
Why are you so damn hot? Why can’t my best guy friends be at least my age?
Callum and Duncan presented as alphas one after the other when they turned sixteen, and I’ve had a crush on them since I was twelve. It’s so not okay, the age gap is illegal in every state I know of.
I’m pretty sure it is, anyway.
“Besides,” Duncan says, poking his head in, “you know damn well you’re anything but. Your father has enemies, Quinn. It’s safer to stay at home or look, we’ll take you to the mall with your friends.”
“I somehow don’t think that’s going to solve things,” Callum mutters, sitting up. “Are we suffocating you? Is that what’s happening?”
“Please tell me you don’t want to flirt with pock faced teenagers,” his brother groans.
“I can’t flirt with you two,” I say unthinkingly before my cheeks heat. “I mean, ugh.”
“Cute,” Duncan says, smirking. “I’m coming to replace you in two hours, Quinn. You’re to take guards with you as well. Is that understood?”
God, they act like my parents sometimes or the seriously overbearing brothers I’ve never had. That’s the issue at hand, right? They don’t see me for me.
And if they do, that’s completely inappropriate according to our parents. I can’t win for losing, and I’m going to cry if I have to stay in this room much longer.
My hormones are a freaking mess today. My mom said it’s a sign that I may present any day. I just hope today is not that day. I would hate to have this conversation tied to the memory of having such a monumental thing occur.
“You’re not my daddy,” I mutter, feeling as juvenile as the words I speak. “I’ll have guards with me, Duncan, okay? We’ll stay in a group too. This isn’t the first time I’ve ever left the house.”
“I don’t know why it feels different this time, but it does,” Callum says, frowning as he stands. “I don’t like it.”
“Guys,” I groan. “You’re making this out to be a bigger deal than it is.”
Duncan crosses his arms over his chest, his blackberry scent souring.
“Omega teens are going missing, Quinn. Didn’t your father tell you? It’s all anyone can talk about!” he yells at me.
I know he’s doing the equivalent of shaking some sense into me, but I flinch in shock. They never yell at me. What the fuck?
“I’ll be careful,” I whisper, blinking away the tears that are threatening to fall as I push past him.
“Quinnie,” Callum sighs.
“Fuck me,” Duncan says under his breath as I run down the stairs like the hounds of hell are chasing me.
I can’t continue to talk to them. I can feel the word vomit beginning to rise. The kind that will cause issues because I’m not supposed to tell anyone what my father and theirs told me. Everything inside of me is telling me to run away.
My father is standing by the front door as if waiting for me, his brow raised. Glancing past me, I can tell he knows who I was speaking to.
“I didn’t say anything,” I hiss. “They don’t want me to go, though.”
“The guards are waiting in the driveway,” Dad says in a bored tone. “Sadie and Riley’s parents both told me how excited they are to be going with you to the mall.”
This entire thing is a mafia family stunt to solidify our ties. The idea is, if the daughters can play nice, then so should the families. Everything lately is political in my life. It’s gross, but I’m doing my part to help.
That was another conversation I had with my father after the Kellys’ dad left. I’m sick of talking at this point. Nothing good comes of it except another broken dream or reminder of my responsibilities.
“Great,” I say brightly instead, moving around him to open the front door. “I’ll see you later then.”
The guards bustle me into the SUV, while Fergus drives to pick up Sadie and Riley. The thought is that it’ll give us more time to bond. Fergus and another guard remain in our vehicle as we drive to the mall, and the small talk is awkward.
Sadie and Riley eventually ignore me, talking about a party they went to recently. Gazing out the window, I’m reminded of why I don’t like seeing these girls. They’re very judgemental and boy crazy, while I enjoy playing on my computer and talking with the Kelly brothers.
They don’t typically act as if I’m a silly girl, and Callum taught me how to code. I’m a bit of a nerd, which isn’t exactly how other mafia daughters act. It’s all so exhausting.
I fucking hate it. Can I go home yet? I thought this was what I wanted, but I think I was wrong.
“I want to go to Prada first,” Sadie says with a giggle as we exit the vehicle.
I have a cross body because it has my essential items. It’s not fancy in my eyes, though it’s designer. When Callum saw it the first time, he teased me about it. He was right: the purse isn’t really “me.” It was a gift from my mother.
I’m doing my best to fit in, but I’m straddling the line between what I want and what’s expected of me badly.
I trail the girls from store to store, our guards getting more and more bored as we trek across the mall. The agreement was that the three of us would have guards who would ensure our safety.
In reality, they end up chatting with each other by the fifteenth store.
“Now would be a good time to blow them off,” Riley hisses as she glances at a top disinterestedly.
I don’t have a great feeling about this, and I say as much.
“There are girls disappearing,” I remind them. “We have guards for a reason. We shouldn’t go out of our way to lose them.”
Sadie rolls her eyes, shaking her head. “I would know if anyone was disappearing, Quella,” she says. Giggling as if calling me the wrong name on purpose is funny, she walks further into the store, dragging Riley and I with her. “Daddy would have told me.”
“Exactly,” Riley says. “My dad would have told me as well. I think you’re lying, and trying to make yourself seem more important. You’re a little dumpy, Quella. You should work out or do something to look prettier instead of getting into business that has nothing to do with you.”
Holy hell. I really want to punch her. Callum taught me how, I could totally do it. I hate myself as I rein it in, taking a deep breath. If Riley and Sadie’s fathers haven’t told them about the missing girls, then maybe they’re the ones who aren’t important enough.
Or the people who told me this want to keep me in my place. Or… they trust me?
I just don’t understand or know why I have information no one else does. I’m very confused, so I make a bad decision at the spur of the moment.
“It’s Quinn, girls. You really should be able to remember it,” I remind them. “Where are we going if we’re blowing off our guards?”
“To the diner to meet some cute guys!” Riley squeals, hurting my ears as she pulls me right out the back door of the store.
Well, I’m in the thick of things now. I can’t turn back. Walking together, we chatter as if we’re actually friends, not paying attention as we walk through the parking lot to the diner. A van squeals behind us, making me turn in alarm as I see the doors open.
“Run!” I scream, turning and pushing the girls away.
I can see the guards running toward us through the parking lot, almost as if they noticed pretty quickly that we’d given them the slip. I know it’ll be too late as arms reach out for me even as I struggle, pulling me through the open doors of the van.
I fight hard, scream, kick, and hit. None of it helps. The sting of a needle sinking into my throat as the doors slam shut, and a masked alpha catches me as I begin to sag.
“She was exactly where they said she’d be,” he mutters, watching my eyes begin to shut. “The girl is already sold for big money. It’s a well deserved payday, boys.”
My life is never the same when my eyes open again.
Gasping in a breath, I sit up as I look around. It’s twenty years since that day in the parking lot, and I’m reminded of how someone helped those men replace me.
I was meant to be sold. This is the only life I’ll ever know.
“You okay?” Linus asks, barely moving his lips as I unbuckle my seatbelt.
We’re no longer moving, and a moment later the sliding panel door opens.
Shaking my head in the barest of movements, I follow everyone else out as we file into the Slick Dreams’ newest location.
I doubt I’ll ever be okay again.
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