Broken Dreams (Unhingedverse)
Broken Dreams: Chapter 4


I was sold at twenty-two years old to Slick Dreams through an auction house after I was kidnapped off the streets of Chicago. I was drowsy from being drugged, but I think the Madam of the house was named Clara. While I’m not sure of that, I do remember that she was an alpha and smelled like crisp apples.

She was very abrupt, businesslike, and ruled her house with an iron fist. Clara gave no shits about what my life was like before I came to the auction house, her only interest was getting paid for selling me.

I learned very quickly that Slick Dreams should be called Broken Dreams, since this is where they come to die. I was about to graduate from college at the top of my class, I even had an internship at a computer firm for the following year as well.

It all disappeared the night I was jumped, beaten up, and knocked unconscious. All of it is dust in the wind now.

My first days here at Slick Dreams were difficult. I had only had sex a few times with beta girls at school, and I’d never been with a guy before. Bret had Makayla walk me through what to do, which was difficult since she didn’t say one word to me.

This wasn’t her job, and I even heard the other omegas mutter that she didn’t typically help orient new people. I remember the way my cheeks heated when she had me undress, how her eyes clinically looked me over, and then she shaved the happy trail of hair that went from my belly button to my dick.

She even held my hand when Bret injected me with something I later learned would control my heats and also had an increased dose of antibiotics to keep me from getting an STI. Being a sex worker isn’t in the slightest bit glamorous, every step is mired with regret and throwing away any morals you may have once had. At the time, I had no idea why any of it was happening. I was just following instructions while feeling scared and confused.

I didn’t know Makayla at all, yet here she was with her hands all over me to get me ready for my first night as one of Slick Dreams’ omegas. Makayla somehow helped settle my anxiety despite the shitty situation. No one complained around me, everyone did what they had to. Which is what I did when I walked out that first night in the tiniest pair of black shorts I’ve ever worn, my muscles all on display.

I don’t have a single tattoo on my body, and Bret made a big deal out of my debut at the club. The entire time, I felt really hazy, my muscles languid and loose. I didn’t know at the time there were drugs being pumped through the vents to keep the new omegas in line.

I have quickly learned during my time here that this is what he typically does when there’s a new addition to his crew. It made my body react to the alphas touching me, who made me suck their dicks, and my asshole leak slick. There were male as well as female alphas in the crowd, but for some reason, I was very popular that night with the males.

It didn’t keep my eyes from watering any less as I gagged on their cocks or my soul from wanting to die when one of them impaled me with their dick as he fucked me. The only thing that kept me from sobbing was watching Makayla dance, her body’s movements almost angelic.

I completely disassociated even as noises were pulled from my body from the force with which I was being used. It felt as if Makayla was watching me even though the bright lights above her couldn’t have allowed her to see me.

Yet it helped in a small way, and I made a vow to be her person, because she was already mine. She just didn’t know that yet.


Bret is in a pissy mood today, and I’m trying to stay off his radar. I’ve been getting ready for tonight, grooming myself because hair has a way of getting out of control so I’m waxing it all off.

I found a spot with a little privacy and got to work. It took forty minutes to do my entire body and I had to get Linus to help me with a few spots I couldn’t reach. His smirk was all man, and he kissed my forehead once I was done, leaving so I could get into the shower to wash off.

Being a girl is awful these days. Blowing out a breath, I moisturize once out of the shower to soothe my reddened skin and wrap a towel around my body. I don’t want anyone to complain that I’ve been spending too much time here. It’s the reason I started getting ready for tonight early, to attempt to stay off the boss’ radar.

“Makayla!” Bret yells, banging on the door as I close my eyes briefly.

Wonderful. It’s going to be that kind of day. Everything is already set up, I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

Opening the door because I never lock it, I gaze at Bret dispassionately. I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t really understand what else I can do to deescalate this.

“You never fucking talk,” he snarls. “It’s the creepiest shit ever, Makayla.”

Grabbing my arm, he pulls me along next to him as he walks. The girls studiously look away, and I have a feeling one of them may have sent him sniffing in my direction.


“The clients don’t care because they just want to fuck your tight holes,” he continues.

Isn’t that the point? I think. No one cares what I do or don’t have to say. It’s easier to stay out of trouble by remaining silent.

“I know that I can make you scream though,” he growls, speaking to fill up the silence.

It’s one of the things that makes Bret Harris so weak. He can’t allow himself to sit in the quiet, because for whatever reason, it makes him uncomfortable. That shouldn’t be my problem, but it seems as if he’s going to make it mine.

Dragging me into the office, he throws me across the room. My shoulder hits the wall, making me wince. I listen to Bret continue to scream at me, and Linus peeks his head in, eyes wide.

I refuse to look at him because it’ll either pull him into this or make Bret decide to use him to punish me. Neither option is something I want, so I keep my eyes on the screaming alpha.

I can feel when Linus leaves, his scent a trace of burnt tea in the air. Bret sneezes twice as I continue to stay silent. My words aren’t going to solve anything at this point, even if I were to beg, which I won’t.

The only way to stay semi true to myself is to hold onto the girl who refuses to back down. I’ll survive whatever he throws at me because I have to.

“I bought a new cane today,” he finally says.

There are BDSM items in the club for those who wish to use them. Consent isn’t something that’s necessary here when our voices don’t matter. It’s yet another reason why I refuse to use mine.

Whatever will happen isn’t going to be changed by the words of a sex slave, so why bother?

“I think I’ll make an exhibit of you tonight. Saxon will be in charge of this, and afterward you’ll take a place at the gloryhole,” he decides.

I’ve spent time in various positions at Broken Dreams, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been a faceless hole for an alpha. Bret decides the hole it’ll be, and some kneel as they wait for a dick to be thrust into the hole in a board that’s set up, their mouths open. Others are maneuvered so that it’s their wet pussy that’s waiting or a tight asshole.

What’s even more interesting is that a female alpha sometimes steps up to the board with toys or plugs for the glory hole to fulfil her fantasies. No one knows who will come to be serviced at the board, and the alphas don’t know which omega will be waiting.

I think the worst part of this in Bret’s mind is the humiliation of being put on display to be punished, but everything about performing at Broken Dreams is degrading. None of it is something anyone would want to do of their own free will.

And so I say nothing. My hair is dripping wet, making a mess on the floor because I didn’t have a chance to use a towel on it. My outward appearance hasn’t changed, not even my heartbeat has. I’m not going to enjoy this farce that’s being done to make Bret believe he’s won or that his dick is going to grow four inches because of his decision.

This is a power move by an alpha with tiny dick energy, and not even a very good one at that.

“Fucking bitch!” Bret complains. “Go get ready. I’ll make sure to tell Saxon to pull out the spanking bench.”

Saxon is a big, burly beta guard who does whatever he’s told. He’s not here by choice any more than I am. Someone sold him to Bret in a card game as collateral. The man who sold him was his alpha.

I’ve only heard whispers about this over the years. I’m sure there’s more to the story, but it’s made Saxon angry and cruel. This is going to suck.

Swallowing hard, I hurry past him, gasping when Bret yanks my towel away from me so I have to continue to walk naked.

“Don’t get dressed or cover yourself at all today,” he says. “I want you fucking naked when you’re whipped for being so damned stubborn, Makayla.”

The funny thing is I’m not being stubborn. Like they simply won’t understand that while not speaking is a choice, most days I forget I even can. I’ll go days without speaking to even Linus. He can talk enough for the both of us.

I mean that in the best of ways. I love the sound of his voice.

The omegas stare at me as I walk to the dressing area, while I ignore them to sit down and begin blowing out my hair. Giving into their attention doesn’t benefit me, and Bret wants me to be uncomfortable. If I pretend I can’t see them, I can simply do the tasks needed.

At some point, Linus takes the blow dryer away from me, and as I force myself to focus, I see my hair’s completely dry. Losing time is the only way I’m going to get through tonight.

“I’m going to do space buns,” he mutters under his breath. “It’ll keep anyone from pulling on your hair. I’ve noticed it’s something Saxon likes to do when he’s in charge of carrying out punishments.”

He’s not wrong. Along with being a guard, he’s Bret’s enforcer as well. When people are out of line, he typically has Saxon take his place to dole out humiliating punishments. I found out quickly why he does this when Bret beat the fuck out of me in his anger.

He can’t afford to lose control or hurt me so much that I can’t go through my heat without being black and blue. The caning across my ass and thighs will hurt, but it’ll heal within the next three weeks with the help of arnica cream.

Bret is trying to keep his cash cow healthy even in the face of his anger. I won’t thank him for it, though. I’d rather be beaten so badly he won’t be able to sell me. That’s how much I despise my heats.

One day, I’ll die as a sex slave. I know it. There’s no way out from this.

Sitting quietly, I watch as Linus parts my hair, brushes it, and then I lean forward so he can braid up my scalp before he wraps the hair into space buns and secures it with pins. His hands are shaking slightly, showing how upset he is about this.

Giving him a sad smile, I wink at him before I do my makeup and shoo him away.

“I love you,” he whispers in my ear before he leaves. It’s the first time Linus has ever said the words out loud. Fuck, that scares me unlike anything else could. Those words don’t belong in a place like this, but it doesn’t keep me from feeling the same way.

I love you too, I think. Bret walks into the dressing room just as Linus passes him, almost surprised to see that I’m almost ready.

Did he think I’d be crying or something? I’ll take anything he can throw at me, he can’t hurt me.

If he’d decided to use Linus against me, that would have been a different story. So far the idiot hasn’t thought to do that, for which I’m very grateful to the universe.

Finishing with my makeup, I gaze at my dark eyeshadow, full painted lips, and naked body. This is as good as it gets, I guess. Standing, I turn to face Bret who gazes evilly at me as he shows me a very large butt plug with a knot on the end.

“I hope you can replace some slick for me, little whore,” he says. “Turn around and put your hands on the table. Spread your legs wide.”

Taking a breath as I stare at the monster plug, I swallow hard and do as he says. There are still people in the room going about their business, but they’re no longer talking. Instead, they all watch as they pretend to do their makeup.

Fuck, I don’t think I’m going to be able to do this without crying. Thinking about Linus going down on me or Alpha Sanchez, I force myself to slick as I hold onto the table.

“You really are a fucking whore,” he grunts, spreading my ass wide as he coats the plug in the slick I was able to manifest.

Otherwise I’d be dry as a bone. I’ve never been in a situation like this in the sixteen years I’ve been here. This is a new low even for Bret. He’s not gentle as he shoves the plug into my ass. I can’t get myself to slick anymore, so I grit my teeth as I force myself to relax and not lock up.

It still hurts. Fuck does it burn as I drop my head to take the thick plug.

“Julissa, you’re watching us awfully hard,” Bret drawls as he twists the toy before pushing it in deeper.

“No, no, sir,” she says quickly. “I’m just finishing up. May I go?”

“I have to go speak to Saxon actually,” he says, surprising her. “Come take over and get this thing inside of Makayla. Don’t use lube. I’ll know if you did. I want to hear her scream or you’ll join her tonight. Is that clear?”

Fuck. I doubt he’d force her into a punishment for not making me scream, but he just ensured that she’ll be extra cruel. Julissa has been at Slick Dreams for four years or so that I can tell since time seems to move oddly as we rarely get to see the sun or a calendar.

All that means is that she’s seen enough to know she should give it her best shot.

“Yes, sir,” she whispers.

As he strides out of the room, she walks over to me tentatively.

“Just do it,” Star hisses. “Better her than us.”

The damn thing is halfway inside of me, stretching me uncomfortably. Unfortunately, I know if I move the wrong way it’ll slide right back out because it’s not far enough inside of me to stay. I really don’t want to go through this again.

As it is, I’m struggling to hold it inside of me, my muscles squeezing around the plug.

“Julissa, don’t be cruel,” Linus says softly from the door. “He’s too far to hear her scream even if you were able to get her to. It’s difficult to slick when you’re under this much stress. Each of us knows this.”

He’s up to something, but I can’t imagine what.

“Push the plug inside of her while eating her pussy, Julissa,” he says, making me glance over my shoulder in shock. “The odds aren’t high that she’ll make any noises even then. Pretend it’s a client if that helps. I can tell you she tastes delicious, though.”

Dropping to her knees, Julissa does exactly what she’s told. She’s not half bad with her tongue, and I begin to pant from the mixture of pain and pleasure as she works the plug down to the knot. There’s a sheen of sweat along my skin from the stress, my breasts heaving from the exertion of taking such a large anal plug without very much prep.

Julissa has me right on the edge of an orgasm, but it won’t be enough to push me over.

Linus moves over to me, his fingers gripping my chin as he forces me to look at him.

“You’re made for knots, Baby Girl,” he reminds me. His fingers appear to be tightly holding my face in place, but they’re not.

We both know that gentleness can’t live here. There’s a weird energy as the others in the room watch us, and I can smell their arousal. Working for Bret will give you some fucked up kinks.

The knot hurts as Julissa pushes it inside of me, and I finally make a sound in pain. She’s no longer trying to help me through it, wanting to finish this. While I don’t blame her, it fucking hurts. Focused on Linus’ eyes as they stay on me, I groan as the fake knot spreads me wide.

Wincing, Linus moves away until I hear him spit on my asshole, easing the way for the knot a little more.

“Everyone, get moving before he comes back,” he demands. “It won’t take much to replace yourself where Makayla is. She did nothing wrong, the boss is just in a bad mood.”

Scrambling, everyone finishes up and leaves, and then I’m left with Julissa and Linus.

“Julissa, I’ll snap your neck if you speak a word about what happens next,” Linus growls, moving to sit on the table I’m holding onto.

He has to shift me so my arms are on either side, and I look up at him in confusion.

“Suck my cock,” he murmurs, pulling his tight pleather shorts down. “This way no one hears if it hurts, and maybe it’ll help you slick for me.”

Fuck, I don’t know what it is about those words, but I whimper at them. The small change in language where I’m choosing to slick for him and no one else is sexy as fuck. I have a feeling he knows that too.

Opening my mouth, I suck on his crown, the taste of his precum making me moan a little.

“I feel like I shouldn’t be here for this,” Julissa mutters under her breath.

Linus’ hand on the back of my head doesn’t press against it, merely resting there as I let his cock slide further into my mouth. His light grunt is attractive as I suck him off, the sight of his head dropping back finally making me slick where I need to.

What we’re doing is against the rules, but the plug is pushed into place with less pain than before. Every sexual activity has to be one that Bret can gain from and there’s no fornication allowed. Linus and I ride the line, but we’re breaking them entirely for this.

As much as I love his dick gagging my throat, I lift my head up until it’s bobbing against my lips.

“Good girl,” he rasps. “Even if you are edging me right now.”

Julissa scrambles up as I stand, glancing at the two of us.

“I should feel sorry for you, but I’m seriously jealous,” she whispers, turning to walk out of the room quickly.

Eh, as long as she keeps her mouth shut, she can feel however she wants about my relationship with Linus.

The plug is uncomfortable as I stand, making me wince as I shift on my feet.

“That thing is bigger than some of the alphas who come in,” Linus jokes.

Rolling my eyes, I shrug.

“Don’t be a hero, Makayla,” he mumbles as I try to get used to having something so large inside of me. I usually have a lot more prep work before something like this because my regulars don’t want me to tear.

It’s another reason Bret hates me: He can’t always toss me to whatever alpha he wants to, but that’s his fault for providing his top clients with a roster of where we’ll be next. His need to accommodate them fucks with his ability to be petty.

Unfortunately, there’s no one here tonight that I know I guess, if he’s going through with this farce of a punishment.

Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the dressing room to see Bret still talking to Saxon. The large beta has a coil of rope in his hands, and he comes over to me to tightly tie my arms behind my back. While he’s doing that, Bret squats behind me to yank on the plug, forcing me to clench down on it. While it won’t go very far, it’s my body’s natural instinct to hold the “knot” inside of me.

Slapping my ass cheek like he would a horse, the asshole stands.

“Open,” he says, moving around me to show me a latex gag that’ll keep my mouth open and watering.

This is overkill, but I open my mouth obediently.

“I don’t get you,” he mutters, forcing it inside of my mouth. It makes me gag several times, the taste of latex disgusting.

My first owner had a thing for this before Bret bought me. He’d make me sit naked at his feet with my legs and ankles bound, and a gag in my mouth. I was fourteen fucking years old, but that’s part of why he bought me. It’s why Bret has to work very hard to faze me.

I’ve lived through some of the worst moments of my life already. Alpha Miles was a pedophile who waited until I presented at fifteen before he took my virginity. It was very calculated, and he taught my body to slick on demand.

It was harder back then, because I had nothing to think about that would get me aroused. Except the Kelly brothers. Even though I was still hurt by the last words we ever had together, I used their faces to help me get through everything Alpha Miles put me through.

I can’t think about that. Not when I’m being led through the club by Saxon, people already having arrived and standing all around. I have to box away the memories, or I’ll crumble under the weight of it.

It’ll have nothing to do with Bret, but he’ll think he broke me. I can’t accept that. It’s more than being a “hero” as Linus said. I can take anything Bret can dish out because he’s simply not inventive enough to break me.

Saxon leads me up the stairs before his meaty hand pushes my chest down on the spanking bench and straps my ankles into a spreader bar, so I’m bared to the audience behind me. I can hear the omegas cooing to the alphas in the room as they get to work, and Brett begins to talk with a microphone.

“We have a very naughty omega who has forgotten her place, so Saxon here will be reminding her of it. Ten strikes from the pretty cane across her ass and thighs for our enjoyment,” he says. “After that, I’ll open up the floor to anyone else who wants to spank her with a ruler, their hand, or a paddle. If anyone wants their dick sucked during that time, I’m sure she wouldn’t have an issue with it.”

“She’s not paid to have an issue,” an alpha yells.

Ha, we aren’t paid at all, dickwad. This must be amateur night, because the regulars know we’re sex slaves. Slick Dreams has a lot of people come through as Bret advertises the club, and they learn what we’re about if they watch for long enough.

I’ve always wondered how he’s able to always have a full house and how people replace us. Bret doesn’t share that information with any of us, though. Why would he?

“Very true,” Bret says with a small chuckle. “Please feel free to enjoy yourselves. We’ll let the punishment go on for forty-five minutes before we move on.”

There’s no warning except the slight sound of air displacement before the cane hits my ass. Surprise makes my eyes widen as I feel the pain spread over me. My body shivers as I clamp down on the butt plug, and the muscles in my thighs tremble.

Every strike hurts more than the last, and I keep waiting for my body to go numb, but it never happens. Saxon is methodical about his strikes, ensuring it’s never in the same spot. He’s even managed to get my toes to rise from the force of his strikes, but not one sound emits from my vocal cords.

My fingers instead bury themselves into my palms, my eyes closed in pain as I count the number of strikes. Except, the asshole gives me an extra two. There’s something so fucked up about that, because I was counting so I’d know when it was supposed to end.

Instead, that tightly held belief that I could hold out and handle it quickly fizzled out with the extra two. I’m struggling to breathe as he tosses away the cane, gagging on the saliva I’ve produced because of the gag. Dropping my face down on the bench, I let myself drool so I won’t choke on it.

I have no pride by this point. I have the knowledge that I withstood Bret’s stupid power play, which means that everything after this is beyond his little game. I’m actually hoping someone will come up to have me suck their dick to give me something else to focus on.

How fucked up is that?

The light steps of a female walk up the steps. I know how evil women can be, so I lay still as I pant, my breaths harsh. Her cool fingers move over my skin, and I hold onto that feeling because it feels good.

“Someone was a bad girl,” she says softly. “Your skin is such a pretty shade of red. I wonder what it’ll look like once we’re done.”

Heavier steps walk up beside her, and she responds to him.

“Go get your dick sucked, darling, while I ask for a flogger,” she says.

Inwardly cursing to myself, I listen as she speaks to Saxon. I hate floggers. At least, the ones that Bret has because they have tassels on the end to make each flagellation extra stingy.

The other alpha moves around to my face, and I lift my head to look up at him. Unzipping his slacks, he pulls out his cock, looking down at me as he fists it. As expected, it is much easier to disassociate while sucking his cock, even when the female alpha begins to use the flogger on my back.

I can pretend the alpha fucking my throat is the reason for the tears sliding down my cheeks which makes me feel better. The alpha duo uses a large amount of Bret’s offered forty minutes, because the next alpha who comes up to spank me after I swallowed a load of cum doesn’t get more than five strikes with the paddle before I’m being moved.

Fuck. Everything aches as I’m released from the spreader bar and led down the stairs by Saxon and through a curtained off area where the thick wall with holes is set up. I’m so in my own head, I barely notice my surroundings as I walk. Usually, I’d immediately look for Linus, but I feel very spacey at the moment.

The feeling doesn’t get any better when I’m released from the ropes, only to have a harness wrapped around my waist to keep me against the glory hole as I brace myself on my hands and feet. It’s a very odd, crouched position to allow the alpha to fuck me without having to get on his knees.

The only thing that I can thank is the butt plug because it means there won’t be a cock in there tonight. I’m locked down too tightly on it, I doubt it’ll be removed until tomorrow. My body is in need of knots, even though my heat shouldn’t hit for a few more weeks.

This is just a small precursor to show me how bad my heat will be. There are three other omegas behind the wall with me, though I can’t see who it is since it’s dark back here.

No one bothered to remove the gag, though it does help to restrain the squeal I make when a large cock is unceremoniously shoved through the glory hole into my pussy. The other omegas moan or cry out as they’re used, the four of us unhappy with this turn of events.

It’s uncomfortable, without any hope to come as we’re fucked. My body is stuck in that position for longer than the others as they’re moved around, which means by the time the night is over, I’m so stiff it’s almost impossible for me to stand.

If there’s a God, I hope Bret Harris is impaled repeatedly by sharp implements in his anus before he’s delivered to hell. Limping as I also remove the gag, the alpha himself stops me in the now-empty club.

“I hope you learned a lesson today,” the idiot says.

This is a footnote in my life. It doesn’t define me, and within a week I’ll be completely healed. I have a very strong feeling the injections Bret gives us is laced with something that improves our healing time. I can’t prove it, but I strongly suspect it.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to allow us to be used as roughly as he does without fear that we’ll scar or be damaged in some way. Tonight alone, a female omega fucked me through the hole with a large dildo that had a strange curve in it.

If I was to look at it now, I’d swear it was a fucking tentacle. Some people should leave their spicy fantasies in books instead of fucking my cunt with it.

“Still not talking,” he sighs. “I didn’t even get to hear you scream! I should have carried out the punishment myself in the office, but we both know I can’t control myself. Go wash up and get the fuck out of my face.”

He sounds disgusted, but the reasons are his own. Tonight will haunt my dreams, but it’ll warp itself until I’m sixteen with my old master who beat me black and blue before giving me to his friends to fuck. I haven’t thought about that night in a long time.

Thanks for that, Bret.

Leaving him stewing as he closes down for the night, I replace Linus waiting for me, looking upset. Squeezing his hand to tell him I’m fine, I tug on it so he’ll follow me. Unfortunately, there are spots on my body I won’t be able to reach after my shower that I’ll need help with when I play doctor on myself.

Antiseptic cream isn’t sexy, and neither is arnica. Some fantasies definitely don’t hit the same way because the reality is too awful.

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