Call of Descent
Chapter Thirty-Four

Theyarrived in Corbasin City well into the next day. Reniko was awed by thebeautiful view of the city from the sky. It sat in the centre of a wide prairiethat was covered in yellow grass. It was a sight like no other. The city itselfblended in so well with its surroundings that it was only the smoke from thefires, and the movement of people as they made their way along the streets,that made Reniko realize she was, in fact, looking at a city. When Orric landedin the centre square of the city, he was greeted warmly for the first time.From ground level, the city was quite distinguishable as a city. Amazing, acity camouflaged from the air. Buildings surrounded her, all in soft creamsand pale yellows. Despite the colours, Reniko noticed that most of thebuildings were, in fact, made of stone, or some material like it. The roofslooked like they were made of clay shingles. The city reflected an elegancethat she could only compare to feudal Japan. She was still unable to believethat entire cities could spring up and look like they had belonged in natureall along; it was something the denizens of earth had never been able toretain.

Outsidethe city, on a hill to the far north, stood a series of buildings that did nothouse the simplicity the others seemed to have, but instead looked regalamongst their surroundings. Reniko could plainly see this was the home of theroyal family.

Asthe three of them disembarked, Rimca looked both relieved and disheartened.Rimca’s feelings tore at Reniko who understood the depth of her situation here.I do not envy her, Reniko thought as Rimca made her way toward aparticular Le’a’to and started a rapid conversation that neither she nor Malikcould overhear. When they had finished talking, the man bowed slightly to Rimcaand headed off toward the castle. Rimca turned back to her friends, her faceshowing a heaviness that it had not earlier displayed.

“Ihave asked for the high council to convene. There are things that I mustaddress there. I know you want to be on your way to Tordaskar, but I imploreyou to please stay until after I have had a chance to explain what is going onbeyond the confines of the Le’a’to lands,” Rimca said.

Maliksmiled. “Of course we will stay Rimca,” he said simply.

“Comeon, I’ll show you to my family’s holdings. They will be all too happy toentertain guests,” Rimca said and started down a street that led to the east ofthe city.

“Whatabout Orric?” Reniko asked.

“Heknows where I live,” Rimca replied.

Theyarrived an hour later at a large estate on the outskirts of the city. A woman,who bore the same auburn coloured hair as Rimca, was tilling a field near theentrance to the estate; she stopped her work and looked at the small group asthey made their way closer to the estate. Her eyes flashed happily at the sightof Rimca.

“Ourprayers are answered, my young sister returns to us,” she exclaimed droppingher work and running gracefully to embrace her sister.

“Falji,seeing you well brings joy to my heart. How fares Tibon?” Rimca asked.

“He’sout back helping father with the larger fields. I will get both of them andmeet you in the house. Hurry inside, mother will be so relieved to see youwell. We feared the worst when you disappeared.” Falji glanced quickly in Malikand Reniko’s direction and added, “We’ll leave introductions until we are allmore comfortable inside.”

AsFalji ran off to replace her husband and her father, Rimca led Malik and Renikointo the house. The sound of shattering plates accompanied Rimca’s entrance asone of the household caught a glimpse of her.

Rimcasmiled and began helping clean up the mess.

“Don’tbother, milady, you must see your mother immediately. Everyone has been soworried since you ran away.”

“Whereis she, Assha?” Rimca asked, but didn’t wait for the answer as she heardfootsteps coming lightly down the stairs. She raised her eyes to see her motherstanding gracefully at the bottom of the stairs, her eyes awash with relief.She also bore auburn hair like Rimca’s, which was accented by a flowingcream-coloured gown and a pearl white circlet in her hair.

“Ithought you would never come home, my dear Rimca,” she said as Rimca stood upand bowed her head to her mother. Her mother stepped closer to her and gentlyplaced her hand under Rimca’s chin, raising Rimca’s downcast gaze. “It makes meglad to see your young face in this house again.” Her smile warmed and shefinally hugged her daughter.

Aftertheir embrace, she turned to Malik and Reniko and smiled. “I see that Rimca hasbrought guests. I am E’tane of Corbasin, lady of this estate. I bid youwelcome.”

“Itis an honour Lady E’tane, I am Malik of Tordaskar, and my companion here isReniko of Earth,” Malik said bowing.

“Earth,”E’tane whispered drawing her full gaze on Reniko. “This is news indeed. Thecouncil must be convened.”

“Itis already done, Mother. I go to speak at sunset.”

“Wemust get you ready. Come child, we have much to do before sunset. Malik,Reniko, please follow Assha, he will see to it that you are fed and clothed.Once you are both comfortable we will talk. Until then, please make our homeyours.” With her kind words, Malik and Reniko watched as Rimca was usheredupstairs by her mother, leaving them in the hands of Assha, who was smilinghappily at the both of them.

Asshaled them down a long hallway that branched off in many directions. Near the endof the hall, he opened a sliding door and ushered Malik inside. After gettingMalik settled, he stepped outside the door, slid it shut, and took Reniko tothe other side.

“A bathhas been drawn for you. Falji will be in shortly with some clothing,” Asshabowed his head, and as Reniko returned the gesture, he slid the door closed anddisappeared down the hallway.

Renikowas relieved by the sight of a steaming bath and eagerly stripped off hertravel worn clothing. She was glad to be rid of the dress. Though mended by thevillagers in Tresca it still looked tattered from the fall she had sustained.New clothing would be a welcome sight, unless they give me anotherencumbering dress. What I wouldn’t do for a nice pair of pants. Slidinginto the hot water, Reniko washed and relaxed as she waited for Falji to returnwith clothes.

Faljientered not long after Reniko had finished soaking, carrying fresh clothing inher arms. Reniko stepped out of the bath and gratefully took the clothing fromFalji.

“Thankyou very much, Lady Falji,” Reniko said bowing slightly.

“Noneed for thanks, it’s the least we could do. And please, call me Falji. Thereis need for formalities between us. When you are dressed, Assha will be waitingjust outside to take you to the dining hall. We await you there,” Falji said,smiling courteously as she stepped outside the room and vanished down the hall.

Renikoturned back to the piles of clothing. She lifted the first piece off the pile,a rich navy blue chemise and donned it. Underneath it was a beautiful silverjerkin and a pair of breeches the same silvery colour. Once she was clothed inthese, she grabbed the last article of clothing and held it up. She was mystifiedby it. The skirt she held before her was silver in colour and held a large bandof navy blue fabric that extend down from the front of the skirt in a widesweeping arch leaving the front completely open. The navy fabric bordered thebase of the skirt on both sides finally meeting in the back. Once she had iton, she felt renewed. This is the kind of clothing I should have beenwearing from the beginning, practical yet feminine. Finally clothed, sheslid open the door and wandered out to where Assha awaited her.

“Milady,you are a vision,” he said bowing to Reniko, “but your hair! Come we can’t haveyou going before the council with your hair tangled.” Reniko blushed at Assha’swords and did not protest as she was led back into the room she had emerged from.Assha sat her on the floor to one side and Reniko was surprised by howcomfortable it was. Glancing down she saw that most of the floor was coveredwith large tatami mats. Again she wondered whether the Le’a’to had borrowedJapanese culture or if it was the other way round.

Asshawasted no time as he brushed and styled Reniko’s hair. Reniko felt at odds. Thepampering reminded her of home, and of Ava, and she tried to push back tears asthoughts raced into her head. No matter what I do now, I lose something dearto me, she thought as her family and Malik raced through her thoughts.Assha broke Reniko out of her downward spiral when he announced that he wasfinished. Handing her a gilded mirror, Reniko looked at his handy work. Herhair was a vision of tiny braids twined with silver scattered in her fallinglocks.

“MistressE’tane gave this to me, to give to you, a gift. It will be the final touch,”Assha said as Reniko felt a slight weight fall onto her head. Glancing in themirror, she gasped as Assha laid a silver tiara onto her head. It lay on herhair like twining vines, coming to a downward point in the centre of herforehead. The beauty of it sent Reniko reeling.

“Ican’t possibly,” Reniko whispered.

“It’salready been done, Earthling,” Assha said stepping back toward the door. “Comealong, Master Ri’shon and Mistress E’tane await your presence.”

Renikogot to her feet and self-consciously made her way to the dining hall, notingwith a subtle clarity that Malik had never seen her like this before. Hethinks I don’t know anything about the fineries of life. I’ve told him solittle about my past.

Asthey entered the dining hall, she noticed a low-lying table where Rimca’sfamily, as well as Malik, were reclining. Upon her entrance with Assha at herside, the assembly rose and E’tane and Ri’shon bowed.

“Weare grateful to be graced with your presence and for the honour of being yourhosts while you stay in Corbasin,” Ri’shon spoke, “please sit.” He gestured toan open place next to Malik, and Reniko sat. She noticed Malik’s gaze restingon her and she glanced over with a humble smile.

“Yourhospitality is greatly appreciated, Milord and Lady. You are too kind to such alowly traveler such as me,” Reniko said bowing her head with respect and notingMalik’s bafflement at her diplomacy.

“Youbring with you great hope for our planet, I highly doubt that is lowly.”

“Imust confess that whatever Rimca has said of me may be highly embellished. Mypresence here was accidental, my goal, to go home.”

“Ofthat we are sure you are headed,” E’tane said with a secret smile.

Renikosmiled back unsure. “I have promised to provide whatever help I can, as littleas that might be. Maybe my mere presence will be enough to encourage others toaction.”

“I’msure the council will be glad to hear that. I know our people here areteetering on the edge of action, you presence may well be the weight that tipsthis precarious balance we have found.”

“Itseems that I have that effect on everyone here,” Reniko said and started asE’tane’s words sunk in. “The council? I’m to go before them?” Please say no,she pleaded to herself, I can’t stand before an entire assembly of peoplethat can see right through me.

“I’msorry, Reniko, I had every intention of telling you. The council requested yourpresence at my behest.”

“Ifyou think I’m needed there,” Reniko said trying very hard to hide her unease,but apparently failing as she felt Malik’s reassuring hand rest on top of hers.The tension she had felt sitting there was replaced by comfort.

“Letus eat before your rendezvous,” Ri’shon said gesturing to Assha who wasstanding silently in the corner of the room.

Asthe food was set before them and all at the table began to eat, introductionswere finally made. The only two people unfamiliar to Reniko at the table wereFalji’s husband Tibon as well as Lord Abhek who Reniko realized half waythrough the meal was Rimca’s betrothed. She noted that they all had ivory whiteskin which seemed to be the common thread among their race. They felt etherealand intangible to Reniko.

Themeal concluded after a short while, Reniko feeling that the whole affair hadbeen shortened to accommodate Rimca’s meeting with the council. As they leftthe room, Reniko leaned over and whispered into Rimca’s ear.

“Thatwas a heavy reminder of what I left behind at home,” Reniko said.

Malikwho had heard Reniko’s comment looked at her incredulously. “You could havefooled me. All this time we’ve spent together and I never knew you could besuch a diplomat.”

“What’sthat supposed to mean?” Reniko said glaring at him.

“Well,let’s just say that tact has never been allotted to me, you seemed so brazen.This is a side I never expected to see of you, Lyss.”

“Ididn’t hear you speaking up in there,” Reniko said.

“Iwasn’t the focus of the conversation, besides I’ve been here before.”

“Andthat’s supposed to acquit you? I think not. It’s a good thing I can takecriticism or I may have never talked to you again.” Reniko said teasingly.

“Iwouldn’t call that criticism, Lyss, I’d call those cold hard facts.”

Renikogave Malik a playful push and regained her seriousness. “Are you coming to thecouncil meeting?”

“Iwasn’t invited,” Malik said glancing at Rimca, who had been silent through thewhole conversation.

“I’msorry, Malik, I didn’t think that your presence was required. I mean, as yousaid, you’ve been here before. I’m sure my family will want a more detailedreview of everything that is going on. I would be grateful if you could provideit for them while we are gone.”

“Orcourse, Rimca,” Malik said as he took his leave and disappeared down thehallway. Rimca led Reniko to the doorway where Orric waited to take them to thepalace.

“Mymother sure dressed you up as the warrior,” Rimca said as they climbed ontoOrric’s back. Rimca herself was wearing a simple violet dress, light and airyto accommodate the coming summer.

“Warrior?”Reniko questioned as she looked down again at her clothing, “That’sinteresting.”

“Notreally, I told my mother as much. Besides, I knew you would be more comfortablein something of that fashion.”

“Youknow, I was so relieved when I found a pair of pants amongst the clothes thatwere given,” Reniko said laughing. Rimca joined her in the laughter as Orrictook flight.

“Reniko,I must warn you of the council. I really wish we had more time to go throughthis.”

“Don’tworry I’ve been before royalty before. I won’t act garishly.”

“Iknow you won’t, not after what I saw you do with my parents. It’s just that thecouncil members are very old. Queen Ulee is nearing the end of her life; shecan almost remember the time before Rük rule, when the Levanith were stillalive and well. Being around them can be intense, oppressive even. Just becareful what you say, they read things from the simplest phrases and theirjudgment isn’t light.”

“Justwhen I thought I was okay with this whole thing, thanks.”

“WellI couldn’t just throw you in there all alone.”

“Alone.Wait. You won’t be with me?” Oh hell!

“Thecouncil will see us separately, yes. It’s not customary for one person to speakfor another, so they don’t give you the opportunity. You’ll do fine, just don’t–” Rimca trailed off. Be myself, Reniko filled in for herself.

“Lyss,I’m sure you will be as infectious as ever,” Orric said as he landed and Rimcaled Reniko into the interior of the palace. Let’s hope that’s a good thing, Renikothought as a palace guard greeted them and led the pair into a small waitingroom.

Renikoended up pacing the anteroom while she waited for Rimca to return. Each timeshe passed the door, she heard small portions of the conversation in the innerroom. Reniko tried not to impose on what was being said, but couldn’t help hercuriosity, and the conflict between being polite and just giving into hercuriosity kept her pacing slowly back and forth. The guard at the other end ofthe room was staring at her with a knowing smile on his face, and Renikostopped and smirked in his direction.

“Itnever gets easier does it?” she asked.

TheLe’a’to just shook his head and added, “You’d be surprised by how uneasy theyfeel as well.” Reniko stopped her pacing and just stared at the guard. Howwould you know? Why would you say that? Her thoughts were interrupted asshe heard words filtering in through the closed door.

“–Is not aware…” Rimca voiced, then there was a long pause.

“Whyhas no one –” An unfamiliar voice spoke.

“–Watcher’s line… for whatever reason… I think… out… own… ready to face this…doesn’t remember… will not bode well…” Rimca said.

“–Please… through this difficult time… in Tordaskar… be her strength when allabandon her… Malik troubles me…”

“Itried to warn her… I fear… he discovers the truth… will crumble Shylaya.”

“Youmust be strong… regardless if it was forbidden… we cannot deny it now… do youthink… has returned?”

“–No indication… Tordaskar would be their destination…”

“–Travels are not over… take care of our…”

“Withmy life, Your Highness.”

Ahand on Reniko’s shoulder startled her, and she turned from the door and thecryptic conversation. Whatever had been said confused her more than ever. Notsomething I needed to hear. The guard had made his way to Reniko andgestured to the seat on the opposite side of the room.

“Ithink we’d all be more comfortable if you took a seat,” he said.

Wellthat’s a polite way of saying that I shouldn’t be listening in on the councilmeeting,Reniko thought as she complied. Her uneasiness didn’t last long as Rimcaemerged from the council room with a determined look on her face. Uleedoesn’t sound very trusting of Malik, and Rimca agrees. I wonder if that was whyhe was not invited. Maybe I shouldn’t be heading to Tordaskar, what have Igotten myself into?

"Theywill see you now,” the guard said gesturing to the door. Reniko glanced atRimca who was now seated.

Rimcalooked at Reniko and smiled. “It will be over soon enough.”

Renikostepped through the door and was met by a brightly lit room. Grace guide me,she thought as she took in her surroundings. Eight chairs stood before her,each one filled with an imposing presence. The two in the centre were filledwith the most imposing of those. The King, Hibron sat in one, his face startingto show his age, which startled Reniko who had figured that age only showed inthese people at the very end. The Queen, Ulee, was even frailer than Hibron,her very presence told of the length of her journey, her eyes held the thoughtsthat her body gave away, that it was nearing the end and she would be glad forthe rest.

Renikotook her place in the middle of the room and kneeled before the council herhead bowed to the floor. She spoke no words, only waited.

“Please,Earthling, rise,” Ulee spoke, her voice a wave, youthful despite her apparentage.

Renikostood and her gaze flitted from one member to the next. She was uneasy, afraidto place her gaze on any one for too long. This did not go unnoticed by theassembly.

“Whydoes your gaze stray from us so? Does our age offend you?” Hibron spoke.

Renikobowed low and spoke piously, “I meant no offense, your Eminence, I only wishfor you to know as much about me as I know of you.”

Silencefilled the room. “It seems we have that,” Ulee spoke. “Rimca did not tell usthat you knew our secrets. Please give us your gaze, we will not impose uponyou.”

“Iwill, Your Grace, but please I beseech you, if you are to gaze upon me knowthat it does work both ways.”

Againsilence as Reniko lifted her eyes from the floor and steadied them on theQueen.

“Youryouth hides your wisdom,” Ulee said.

Renikohesitated and spoke once again, “Please, I am curious to know of why I wasbrought before, Your Graces?”

“Merelya curiosity of ours I’m afraid. It’s not every day that an Earthling falls fromthe sky and starts a revolution.”

“Hardlya revolution, Your Eminence, I am merely on my way home.”

“Thatyou are,” Hibron said relaxing into his seat.

“Imade a promise to a friend that I would do what I could to help before I left.”Can I really leave now? Malik…

“Isee indecision in your eyes,” Ulee said.

Renikolooked into the ancient woman’s eyes and words escaped her.

“Youhave hard choices ahead of you,” another spoke.

“Yourpast is conflicting with your future,” a man’s voice this time.

Renikoglanced around the room, felt it swaying, stumbled in her steps and whisperedthe only words she could clearly think, “Stop!” She felt herself falling towardthe ground and was confused as a hand grabbed her own and eased her to thefloor. When her eyes came into focus she saw Ulee staring down at her, her headin the woman’s lap.

“Forgiveus. Our curiosity got the better of us all. We saw so much,” Ulee said andReniko slid away, her own mind overwhelmed by the sight of so many others.

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