Call of Descent
Chapter Thirty-Five

Morningdawned as Reniko awoke, confusion in her mind off-setting the peace thatsurrounded her. Her dreams had been marred by visions that were not her own,incomplete flashes of memory with nothing but images attached to them. Theyjust couldn’t help themselves, she sighed as she remembered the councilmeeting. I wonder what makes them think they have a right to bring memoriesto my mind for their pleasure. Because you can do a thing does not mean youshould do it. Reniko shifted the covers off her form and noticed Rimcalying comfortably beside her. She reached out and touched her shoulder; Rimcastiffened under her touch and woke immediately.

“Reniko?Are you all right,” Rimca asked sitting upright as she spoke.

“I’mfine, just a little too sensitive.”

“It’sbecause of your connection with Orric,” Rimca stated with finality. Adiscussion I was not privy to? Rimca noticed the look on Reniko’s face andexplained herself. “I talked with Queen Ulee and King Hibron after youcollapsed.”

“Wasviolated,” Reniko corrected. Rimca glared at her.

“Theydon’t usually do such things without consent, which is almost always given,especially to our King and Queen.”

“Wellyou didn’t seem to think it important to ask me the first time either,” Renikoreplied.

“Ididn’t think you would have let me,” Rimca said downcast.

“Ofcourse I wouldn’t have. No one should be allowed that privilege.”

“Don’ttalk morality with me. You’re not from here. I wouldn’t expect you tounderstand.”

Renikoplaced her hand on Rimca’s shoulder and sighed, “I understand, but it doesn’tmake it any more right in my eyes. It’s too intimate, not something that shouldbe used lightly. Something reserved for close companions.”

“Uleegave me permission to come with you to Tordaskar,” Rimca said.

Renikowas dressing by this point and didn’t comment until she had made her way to thedoor of the room, “I know.” Rimca stared after her retreating form in horror. Shecan’t have found out. Not like this.

Renikofound Malik out with Orric. He was packing the new provisions that Rimca’sfamily had given for their trip. When he saw Reniko he gave her a smile.

“Gladto see you awake,” Malik said.

“Wereyou and Rimca going to leave without me?” Reniko asked.

“Ofcourse not. Orric said that you would be fine by the morning.”

Renikonodded. “When do we leave?”

Maliklooked at her puzzled. “Anxious to leave this place?”

“Truthfully?Yes. The Le’a’to seem nice, but their morals seemed to have slipped if theywere ever there to begin with.”

“Whathappened at that council meeting, Lyss?”

“Aserious invasion of my privacy.” Once was enough, a second round felt nobetter, damn Rimca.

“I’msure it was not intentional.”

“Iwish I could believe that it wasn’t, but… I replace it hard to believe that thesepeople would have so little self-control. Can we not talk about this? Let’sjust go.”

“WhenRimca gets here we will leave.”

“I’mhere,” Rimca said as she came out the front door followed closely by herfamily.

“Yourhospitality was greatly appreciated. If ever I can repay you…” Reniko said.

“I’mjust glad that you harbour no ill will toward our species,” E’tane said.

Reniko’seyes flashed with anger. “That remains to be decided, however, actions of a fewcannot attribute the many.” Even if the few happen to be in power. “Iharbour no ill will toward your family in any case. You’ve been nothing butkind to me in every way.”

“Mayyour journey be safe. You always have a place to come back to here. You are welcometo come and go as you please in the domain of the Le’a’to. Queen Ulee sends herblessings, as well as her apologies. She meant you no ill will, Reniko, she wasmerely curious to know.” In the fastest way possible, Reniko suddenlyrealized.

“I’msure…” Reniko was suddenly unable to think of something to say and insteadturned away from the group and looked instead at Orric’s hulking frame.

“Intime, I’m sure things will mend themselves,” Orric said to no one inparticular. Reniko looked at him with a sigh. Why are things always soconfusing? Malik and Rimca joined her on Orric’s back after their ownfarewells had been made and they left as abruptly as they had come.

Afew hours into their journey, when no one had spoken, Reniko decided to speak.The mountains were looming into view and the city was far behind them when shehad compiled her thoughts enough that she could speak.

“Youknow it was odd, when we were in Reflaydun and the hologram was scanning ourbrains I had strange dreams. I think I saw images from the cities archives, butwhen I woke, I couldn’t remember them. The same thing happened when the Le’a’tohigh council lost control. I had strange dreams of strange places that Icouldn’t remember upon waking.”

“Itsounds to me to be a residual side effect of your connection. Randominformation surfacing and being filtered out. Hopefully you never encounterthose conditions again, but if it does, just use the same principle youexercise when you engage me. I’m sure that would filter out the feedback,”Orric said.

“Youmake me sound like some sort of computer with white noise,” Reniko said.

“Idon’t know what either of those are,” Orric replied.

“Ofcourse not,” Reniko said.

“Areyou curious to remember what you saw?” Rimca asked.

“Sortof. But really, what would it do but create more confusion. It’s not like Iwould understand incomplete information from another person’s mind.”

“It’san art, no mistake about that.”

“Somethingthat I don’t have. I can only feedback from it.”

“Isee your point.”

“Youhave to admit though, there is a connection,” Malik said suddenly, his mindseeing something that no one else in the group seemed to grasp.

“Whatdo you mean?” Rimca and Orric both asked; Reniko remained silent.

“Well,if Reniko can tap into both Teoko engaging and Le’a’to sight, then doesn’t thatmake them similar processes?”

“Maybenot similar processes, but they at least have to function in the same part ofthe brain,” Reniko said.

“Evenso, Orric and I can’t interact on any level,” Rimca said.

“Maybeall you need is a conduit. Something that will connect the two processes. Kindof like the corpus callosum connects both halves of the brain. You know I betwith the right materials we could figure out what centres in the brain causethese abilities, maybe even stimulate it in others. I mean Engaging could bequite useful as a communication tool,” Reniko rambled on while both Rimca andMalik stared at her dumbly.

“Ithink you must be talking Latin too much Reniko, I have no idea what you werejust talking about,” Malik said.

“Wellmaybe not Latin, but might as well be to you, eh? Sorry, I got a little caughtup in implications.”

“Ithought you didn’t like the idea of Engaging?” Orric said.

“Well,it’s growing on me,” Reniko said sheepishly. “I’m allowed to change my mindaren’t I?”

“Ithink you’re right Reniko. Given time, it’s something to look into,” Orricsaid. He knew what I was talking about? Reniko thought surprised. Orricknows more than he lets on. I wonder what the Teoko know that the humans don’t.He knew about the Levanith being the goddess, what’s to say that he isn’tkeeping other things from them as well. But to what end? Reniko puzzledover this for a while before speaking again.

“I’mno scientist. It was just a thought.”

“Youhave the great makings of one. Who knows what the future holds,” Orric said. Ihave a feeling you do, Orric. Orric glanced back at Reniko and grinned. Iwonder if he heard that, Reniko couldn’t help but think.

Aday and a half later, the group had reached the other side of the mountainswhere plains stretched in every direction as far as Reniko could see. Theycamped at the base of the mountains, using a large group of bushes to concealthemselves. As soon as they had landed, Malik and Rimca had decided to scoutthe area for the Rük. Reniko set up camp with Orric while they waited for themto return. As the sun was setting, Rimca and Malik returned, their faces grim.

“Wehave a serious problem,” Malik said as Reniko dished him a bowl of stew.

“Serious,as in we can deal with it serious, or serious in we have no chance?” Renikoasked as she helped herself to the meal.

“TheRük have amassed a huge army. When we checked over the rise, all I could seewas Rük right to the edge of Ocean’s Wall. Tordaskar has to know they arethere, but it doesn’t look like either side is doing anything. The Rük seem tobe biding their time, but I don’t know what they are waiting for.” Malik said.

“Well,it’s not like they can breach Ocean’s Wall. They would have to suddenly sproutwings,” Rimca said.

“Theymust have some plan or they wouldn’t be waiting here,” Reniko added.

“Maybethey don’t want to cross over Ocean’s Wall,” Orric put in.

“Maybethey are waiting for something,” Rimca said looking at Reniko.

“Howcould they know? How could they get here so fast? You don’t really think thatthey are all here waiting for me?”

“Wellwe do know that Orborok has one of those devices that you have Reniko. What ifhe contacted the gray, Morgoth, here on Mo’an Delar?”

“Morgoth?”Reniko asked.

“He’sthe ruling Rük of this continent,” Malik said.

“Wellwhatever happened, it doesn’t change our situation,” Reniko said.

“Wefly at night,” Orric said.

“Willthat be good enough? I mean, it’s another day and a half to get to Tordaskar.That’s a lot of Rük in between here and there, and the last part we won’t havethe shadows to hide in, not to mention any place to land. Besides, theparalysis drug they have is deadly to you. One shot and –” Reniko stopped; shedidn’t like this situation at all.

“Wehave to take the chance Reniko,” Malik said.

“Dowe?” Reniko slammed her bowl down and stood up, pacing the length of the fire.

“Whatare you thinking?” Rimca cautioned.

“I’mthinking that if it’s me they’re after then maybe I should give them what theywant. I can’t risk all of you getting hurt just because of me.”

“Thereis no way I am letting Orborok lay a hand on you ever again Reniko,” Maliksaid. “We are together in this, to the end, whatever that may be.”

“It’snot too late to go back to Corbasin,” Reniko said to Rimca.

“Andhide behind those stone walls for the rest of my life?” Rimca said gesturing tothe mountains. “I don’t think so.”

“Well,can we remain here until tomorrow night?” Reniko asked.

“Ithink our position will be over run before then. We go tonight or not at all,”Malik said.

“Thenlet us go,” Orric said.

“Ihave a feeling we are all going to regret this,” Reniko said.

“Orric,we have to move faster, daylight is coming,” Reniko whispered.

“Isee Reniko, but I can’t, I’m so tired,” Orric said.

“Malikhand me my bow,” Rimca said.

“Idon’t like where this is going,” Malik said as he tossed Rimca her bow andquiver. Rimca positioned herself at the back of Orric and took aim.

“Idon’t think I’m going to be able to fight them all off,” Rimca shouted. Renikoglanced over the edge and looked at the ground below. A shout was going up andall the Rük in the surrounding area were waking to it, preparing to take downthe intruders in the air. Reniko sighed and grabbed the bow that Rimca hadbrought for her. She was taking aim when a thought struck her, and instead ofshooting her arrow, she released the tension and thrust the bow into Malik’sgrasp.

“Goodas time as any to learn how to use a bow,” Reniko said. “Hold the arrow likethis, pull it taught, aim, and fire.” She instructed showing Malik the motionsquickly.

“Reniko,you’re the better shot, why are you giving this to me. This isn’t really timefor lessons.”

“Ihave an idea, and I’m really the only one that can do what needs to be done.Trust me Malik.”

Maliklooked into Reniko’s eyes and smiled, “I do.” Taking the bow, he went toRimca’s side and began defending their increasingly dangerous position.

“Orric,I don’t know if this is going to work or not, but I have to try,” Reniko saidtaking a deep breath. Remember Jekkah, remember the energy. She Engagedand focused. Please let it work this way. Orric who was confused by thesudden Engaging began quickly to understand as his tiredness fled him.

“Holdon everyone, this is going to get a little bumpy,” Orric said. Malik and Rimcabarely had time to register Orric’s words before they had to abandon theirdefense and cling to Orric for their lives. Reniko sat, her arms clutchingOrric’s back, her eyes closed, as Orric dogged and weaved through the missilesbeing thrown.

“We’realmost there, hold on, I’m going down,” Orric said. Reniko opened her eyes atthe same time she heard a massive roar of water, almost deafening. Before her,she saw Ocean’s wall. It was incredible, breathtaking as the light shone on it.A river was boiling into the mirror that was now under her. She watched thewater of East Eco mix with the waters of Ocean’s Wall and suddenly found thesource of the deafening roar. A cliff face was rapidly approaching and thefrothing water that surrounded the edge of this cliff was boiling over almostin an unbroken sheet. She felt her stomach lurch as Orric followed the waterover the cliff and down. Suddenly, for a small instant, she felt a prickling atthe back of her neck and involuntarily glanced backward and saw the silhouetteof a single Rük standing at the edge of the water’s surface staring after themand he was gone swallowed up as Orric descended into the abyss.

Renikolooked behind as Orric flew watching the water breaking from an even sheet asit flowed down the cliff face, bumping against the uneven surface causing mistto spray up, rainbows forming as the sunlight hit the water. She watched itflow down until all she could she was black emptiness.

“Iseveryone okay?” Malik asked.

Renikonodded her head and glanced at Orric. “Are you going to be okay to get us toTordaskar?” she asked.

“Thatenergy boost you gave will get me there just fine. How are you feeling?” Hereplied.

“Alittle taxed, but otherwise fine,” Reniko replied and looked down into the bottomlessvoid below. “How far down does that go?”

“Anyonewho has had the misfortune of replaceing out has never returned to tell the tale,”Malik said.

Renikolooked back at the receding cliff face, the water falling down steadily. “TheLevanith must have built that,” she said.

“Whatmakes you think that?” Rimca asked.

“Wellit had to be made, it’s not natural. The lip of the cliff is even as far as Ican see. The water falls everywhere at the same time, I’ve never seen anythingin nature that does that.”

“Ithink you may be right,” Malik said looking at the falling water as well, “I’venever really taken the time to notice. It’s been so long.”

“Areyou afraid, Malik?” Reniko asked.

Malikdid not reply and Reniko didn’t press him. Instead, she looked forward towardthe cliff face that approached them. “Did anyone else see that Rük at the edgeof Ocean’s Wall?” she asked.

“Therewere a lot of Rük,” Rimca said.

“Thisone was different,” Reniko replied.

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