Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance -
Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 17
Owen and I don’t see each other for the next few days, although we speak multiple times on the phone. He isn’t happy about the separation, but this time, it’s not out of anger, but necessity.
His mother is only in town for a short time. They need to spend quality time together.
Me? I’m busy helping Beth at the shelter, in between visiting my father and throwing up at least twice a day.
Owen’s inquiry about me being pregnant is never far from my mind, and now that I’m a week late, I have the sneaking suspicion he’s right. Granted, with the upheaval of the last month, anything is possible. All my body systems may be on hiatus, or strike, or whatever.
It’s probably nothing.
You should take a test.
Brain, sit down, and shut up. You’re not helping the situation.
The ongoing debate in my head continues, as it has for the last seventy-two hours. My brain will win, but my delusional self isn’t going down without a fight.
But that’s an argument for another day. Today is about staff call-outs and uncooperative patients—the joys of nursing.
Yay, me.
Owen’s muttered curse floats over to my seat at the nurses station, and I swivel in my chair. We offer pleasantries at work, but it’s getting increasingly difficult. Hey, I deserve some credit. It’s damn near impossible to act nonchalant around the man I want to jump 24/7. I think our ruse is working, too. Unless Dr. Empreso, aka Dr. Sleaze, starts flapping his gums.
“Stupid thing.”
I bite back a laugh before strolling over to Owen’s chair. I lean over, taking control of the mouse. “We have an ongoing joke that this computer is possessed by the ghosts of patients past. It’s not just you.”
“Is that a fact?” Owen catches my gaze, his finger sliding along mine in the slightest of caresses. “You smell good.”
The man is becoming more brazen at work, but I don’t mind the affection. I think it’s time to call us what we are—in love.
“I’m not wearing anything, Owen.”
“On the contrary, you’re wearing way too much.”
I try to play it off, but he knows me too well. “Behave.”
“I’m sick of behaving. I want to see you tonight.”
With a final click, the computer is once again cooperating. “There you go, handsome.” I wink at him, throwing in an extra hip shake for kicks. I know he’s watching me walk away. My only hope? I’m making him as hot and bothered as he makes me.
All’s fair in love.
I’m not two minutes into my coffee break, hoping that Owen will sneak in for some playtime when I hear the dreaded announcement.
There are two words that every nurse and doctor know—and hate.
“Code Blue, room 410. Code Blue, room 410,” the voice sounds over the loudspeaker.
Fuck. My floor, my unit. I tear out of the break room, grabbing the code cart as I race down the hallway.
Owen is already at the bedside, while another seasoned nurse administers compressions.
I fly into reactionary mode. It’s a gift and a curse. A gift because I’ve seen enough codes in my life to know the steps by heart. A curse for the same reason.
But today is a good day. Today, we get the patient back, with a few cracked ribs after some zealous compressions. Hey, a small price to pay for life. There’s a ton of activity during a code, but you get tunnel vision, focusing on the task at hand. The noise is a low roar in the background, existing in the periphery.
But once it’s finished, reality swoops back in, in vivid color. There’s also generally one hell of a mess to clean up, but again, a small price to pay. I send the opened code cart downstairs with a staff nurse and reorganize the patient’s room.
Owen left a few minutes after the patient stabilized, to write some new orders. At this point, he’s likely back in his office or rounding.
Or…visiting with Hot Doc, who is on this unit. Again.
“Some fancy work this afternoon,” Nicole coos, and I resist the urge to take a swing at her perfect button nose.
“It’s a team effort, Nicole.” Owen is cordial, but he doesn’t seem fixated by the gorgeous doctor’s ministrations. Lucky for him.
I, on the other hand, am captivated. I am also plotting her demise, but she’s far too involved with my boyfriend to notice.
Wait, did I just refer to Owen as my boyfriend?
Owen and I need to have a talk. I’m ready for our relationship to become public. That way, I can break Nicole’s neck is she looks at him again.
I’m joking. Kind of.
“You’re a natural leader and the way you sprang into action. Such talented hands.”
“Thank you,” Owen replies, his gaze focused on his phone.
So far, so good.
“I remember how talented they were the other evening.”
Oh, now the bitch has my attention. What other evening?
Owen shoots a look in my direction, and I’m sure he’s scalding under the intensity of my gaze. So, that’s what he’s been doing these last few days.
The lying, sorry son-of-a-bitch.
“Do you have plans tonight? Let’s get dinner.” Nicole edges closer to Owen’s side, but I’m not sure whose neck I want to wring more—his, hers, or my own for believing the man.
I don’t know what variety of dining Dr. Hedges is offering Owen tonight. A co-worker soiree or a ‘fuck me in the car’ dinner, but my stomach won’t let me stick around to replace out. A wave of nausea overtakes me, and I turn, sprinting for the bathroom.
I splash water on my face, as my delusional side tries to convince my head that I have food poisoning or a stomach bug. Maybe it’s the concept that Nicole may be sleeping with the man I love. That’s it. We’ll use that logic.
I groan and head for the changing room. I’m beyond ready for this day to be over. Stick a fork in me, Memorial. I’m done.
I hear the door open behind me but pay it no mind. There are always people in and out of the locker room. Privacy is at a premium in a hospital.
“That was great work today, Tally.”
Inwardly, my body heats hearing Owen’s voice. Externally, I’m far more composed. At least, I hope I am. Likely not. “What are you doing in the women’s locker room?” I ask, not bothering to turn around.
“Trying to catch you alone for a few minutes.”
“Why is that?”
“Maybe because I miss you, and I want to talk to you.”
“About what?” I hate feeling jealous. My only saving grace is that Owen might not know that I am.
There’s a chance, right?
“So,” he hedges, stepping closer to my spot near the bench, “would this sudden frostiness have anything to do with Nicole?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I mutter, shoving on my Converse.
“I always said you were a terrible liar. Just admit that you’re jealous.” He’s baiting me. The conceited prick.
It doesn’t matter that he’s correct. I’m not giving him the damn satisfaction. That, and I’m furious that he hung out with another woman after we agreed to be exclusive.
“Not my business who you’re fucking, although I’d be careful. She’s got a reputation on her. Then again, apparently, so do you.” Damn. I have to say, I have a wicked tongue sometimes.
Owen’s eyes widen as the smile slides from his face. “Jesus, Tally! I was joking. Nothing is happening between Nicole and me. Nothing. You know that, don’t you?”
I finish fixing my ponytail, hoping the slight shrug will suffice as an answer, and he’ll leave. It doesn’t.
I turn to face him, and my heart catches at his easy manner as he leans against the door. He’s so beautiful, even if he is a closet man whore. “Whatever you say, Dr. Stevens.”
He rolls his eyes at my formal reply. “Remember what I said the last time you called me Dr. Stevens?”
“It’s your title. It’s appropriate.”
“Well, the things I want to do to you are highly inappropriate.” He jostles my arm, trying to make me smile.
Fat chance of that.
He opts for another tact, realizing he gained zero yards with the last play. “Are you hungry? I know an incredible pizza place that this sexual dynamo showed me.”
“I thought you and Nicole were having dinner.”
“You are jealous.”
I flip him the bird because I lack an intelligent response. That, and my stomach is threatening to upend itself. Again.
“You’re a brilliant woman, Tally. But you’re an idiot if you think, for one second, that I want anything to do with that woman.” He nods toward the exit, offering his famous sex on a stick smile. “Come on, grumpy girl, let’s go get pizza. You can glare at me the whole time. Even douse my slice with crushed red pepper.”
I shake my head and push my glasses up my nose. Usually, I replace him impossible to resist. But the whole Nicole situation stinks. Worst part? It’s my own damn fault. I wanted to keep our relationship on the down-low. Nicole has no such hang-ups. “I’m heading home, but thank you. Enjoy your dinner.”
His large, talented hands grasp my shoulders. “Am I going to have to pull rank here, Tally?”
“For pizza?”
“To spend time with you.” He frames my face, his thumbs dancing across my cheeks. “I miss you. I know it’s only been four days, but I feel you putting distance between us again.”
“Apparently, you were busy with Nicole,” I grumble, my little green monster getting angrier by the second.
“First, it was a group of doctors grabbing a drink. I showed them that card trick. That’s why she claims my hands are talented.” His brows raise, waiting for me to admit that he’s not a cheating scoundrel. He’s lucky his tongue is so talented. It would be far easier to remain angry if it weren’t. “Second, I’m never too busy for you. It’s not healthy for me to be away from you. I think about you way more than I should. And by that, I mean all the damn time.”
“It can’t be that bad. You’re busy settling in, with Nicole’s help.”
“Tally,” Owen warns, sending me a scathing glare.
I guess I have to let the Nicole situation drop. For now. “The rumor is you’ve been here until after ten the last few nights.”
“Yeah, working out until I’m too exhausted to do anything other than sleep. Otherwise, I’d go nuts from sexual frustration.”
“It’s been less than a week, Owen.”
He pushes me against the bay of lockers, his hands curving around my hips. “Are you saying that you don’t miss the feeling of my cock inside you? My tongue on your pussy?”
This man and his dirty talk. It’s sexual lighter fluid. One sentence, and I’m a flaming torch. I move my gaze upwards, devouring every inch of him. I know it’s a blatant eye fuck, but hey, Dr. Stevens is hot as hell. “I’m not having this conversation.”
He smiles, winding his hand in my hair. “Why not? You’re the cause of my frustration.”
“You know where I live.”
“I know where I want you to live, but you’re a stubborn, gorgeous pain in my ass, and you won’t do it.” He shakes his head. “You’ve been distant since the other night. Remember, I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
I bite my lip, staring at the ground. I know that I’ve been distant, although I hoped I wasn’t obvious. But I’m having issues feeling relevant in this golden god’s world.
There, I admit it. Sue me. Granted, I’ll only say it to myself because I’m not voicing those words aloud.
Owen strokes his finger along my cheek. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you the other night. It wasn’t my intention. I just want to help you.”
A flush washes over me as he hits the nail on the head. “I don’t need your charity.”
“It’s not charity. It’s love, Tally. Hasn’t anyone ever spoiled you?”
The sad fact? Never. I shake my head, nausea mixing with tears. “I took care of them.”
“And now you take care of your Dad. You’ve spent your life taking care of other people.”
“It’s what I do.”
His fingers curl around my nape, offering a subtle caress. “And what I want to do is take care of you.”
Okay, I suck at emotional moments. I cover them with sarcasm and jokes, which are far less painful than showing my true vulnerability. “How many sexual favors will be involved in your assistance?” I inquire, giving him a wink.
Owen huffs out a laugh, shaking his head. In exasperation, likely. “I’m about to turn you over my knee, Tally; spank the sass out of you.”
“Don’t tempt me with your promises, Owen. I’ll bend over right here.”
His hand smacks against my ass, and I startle as the sound echoes off the walls. It’s unexpected and hot as hell, firing up every nerve cell. “Please do. I’ve got several days of pent-up energy, all aiming for you.”
I roll my eyes, but his words flame me to the core. I ache for Owen. Never mind that the image of sweat dropping off his tattooed muscles is enough to make me swoon.
“Don’t roll those gorgeous eyes at me. You remember what happened the last time you did that, don’t you?”
Do I ever. It started with Owen tossing me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold and ended with him buried inside me. A delectable experience, but my ever-present nausea interrupts my trip down memory lane.
“Tally, you okay?”
Not even close. With a strangled whimper, I push past him and sprint for the bathroom, losing the contents of my stomach for the second time today. How is there anything left?
I think I’d better give up on eating. It’s hazardous to my health.
Get a test, Tallulah.
Shut up, brain.
I dally in the bathroom, hoping Owen will grant me some privacy. Even better, I’ll circumvent those inevitable questions if he’s gone.
I emerge a few minutes later, my insides settling after my latest round with the toilet. “Stupid stomach virus.”
“Are you still sick?”
Shit. He’s still here. “I’ve got that bug that’s going around.”
Owen presses his hand presses against my cheek. “You’re not feverish. What bug?”
“The stomach virus that’s making the rounds.”
“No one has a stomach virus.”
Just this one time, can my poker face be on point? Please?
“Food poisoning, maybe?”
Owen crosses his arms, cocking his head as he smirks. So much for the poker face. “Ms. Tally, are you pregnant?”
“Of course not!”
“You sure?”
Yes. No. Who the hell knows?
“I’m fine.” Time to move this conversation train to the next station. This stop is way too uncomfortable. “I’ll see you later, I guess.”
“You’re having dinner with me.” It isn’t a question, and I can tell by the set of his jaw it isn’t open for debate. “We’ll get you some soup instead of pizza. Something easy on your stomach.”
“No, pizza sounds good,” I blurt, feeling my stomach rumble. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me?
You’re pregnant.
Once again, quiet in the back, brain.
Owen’s eyes widen as he grins. “Does it? Is that you or the baby talking?”
“I’m not pregnant.”
He wraps his arms around me. A surprise move. “Guess we’ll replace out, won’t we?”
“Yeah, can’t wait to see how fast you’d head for the hills if I’m knocked up.”
His grip tightens as his hand tangles in my hair, forcing me to meet his gaze. “I’d be by your side every minute. I wouldn’t run anywhere but to you, Tally.”
Kerplunk. There goes my heart again. All pitter-patter for this muscled, tattooed, gray-eyed god. “Doesn’t matter anyway, because I’m not pregnant.”
Owen’s low chuckle confirms that he doesn’t believe me, either. Hell, he is a doctor. He’s familiar with the ‘birds and bees’ concept, even alluding to our less than careful sexual history the other night. Okay, we were never careful. We were hot and heavy and immersed in each other.
“I just want to ensure that you know you can’t scare me off with any baby talk.”
My heart flips again. Owen always says the right thing. The only trouble is, do I believe him this time? I smile up at him, grabbing my fedora from the bench. “Noted. Now, how about that pizza? I’m starving.”
He drops a kiss of my forehead and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Your wish is my command, Darlin.”
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