Forgot To Tell You Something: An Angsty, Later in Life Romance
Forgot To Tell You Something: Chapter 18

Tally, being her usual stubborn self, refuses to leave her car in the parking garage, so I follow her to the pizzeria. I swear, that woman never makes it easy.

I’m in the turning lane when my phone rings. It’s my ex-fiancée. Again. She’s called more in the last four days than she did in the last year of our relationship.

With a resigned sigh, I answer the call. “Hello, Charlotte.”

“You answered.” I hear the surprise in her voice, likely because of my radio silence after the last dozen messages.

“You’re persistent. What can I do for you?”

“So much for pleasantries. Can we start with a hello, first? It is tradition.”

“I already said hello, Charlotte.” The truth is, I have nothing to say to the woman. I never really did, but I wasted too many years figuring out that fact.

“Your mother says you’re doing well, adjusting to your new role.” Charlotte, for her part, is always polite. It wouldn’t do to be anything else, at least in public. In private, she’ll stab you while you sleep.

A light knock on my window brings me back to the moment, and my gaze swings to Tally standing outside the car, a perplexed look on her face. “Hang on a moment, Charlotte.” I roll down the window, giving my tiny vixen a smile. “Sorry, it’s a work call.”

“Do you have to go?”

“No,” I chuckle. “You’re not getting rid of me that easy. Can you get us a seat? I’ll be right in.”

She nods, and I grab her hand, brushing my lips across her fingers. I’m no fool. Tally needs reassurance, even if she’d rather tar and feather herself than ask for it.

I also need to broach the topic of my ex-fiancée. I need total transparency with Tally, everything out on the table. Any more lies and my beauty will never forgive me.

“Owen,” Charlotte’s high-pitched voice calls out from the phone.

I’m so wrapped up watching Tally’s sexy ass walk inside I forget Charlotte is on the phone. “Sorry about the interruption. What can I do for you?”

“No need to be short, Owen.”

I run my hand over my beard, willing my heart rate down. I know Charlotte. She doesn’t call people to catch up, or because she misses them. There is always an agenda. I just need to figure out what that agenda is and what role I’m playing in it. “I’m not trying to be rude, but I have someone waiting for me.”

“I’ll be in Fort Lauderdale next week.”

My blood turns to ice in my veins. “Why? You hate Florida.”

“Daddy has some business down there.”

“Since when does Mr. Auerback have business in Florida?”

I hear the clicking of Charlotte’s heels against the floor. She’s pacing, which is never a good sign. “Since one of his largest investments relocated to Florida.”

There it is.

I knew I’d have this conversation one day, but I expected it with Mr. Auerback, not his daughter. Looks like it really is a family business.

I’m grateful to the man, even if he detests me. He invested enormous sums of start-up capital into the robotic cath lab. He also made a windfall when the venture proved itself successful.

“Your father earned back four times his initial investment. They paid him off almost a year ago.”

Apparently, that’s not good enough. I grip the phone, awaiting a response. I’m not getting one.

I clench my jaw, beyond tired of the games played by the uber-wealthy. “Why isn’t your father conducting this business? Why are you the one making contact?”

“He’s not doing well. The whole stress of our broken engagement weighs heavily on Daddy.”

I roll my eyes, stifling a groan. “Charlotte, our entire relationship was more of a business transaction than a love affair.”

“Aren’t most marriages?”

I feel sorry for Charlotte because she’s serious with that question. In her world, they arrange marriages for alliance, not love. She defied her father’s demands when we started dating, but it wasn’t until I helped spearhead the robotics cath lab that I became a worthy contender for her hand. “No, Charlotte, not in the real world.”

Silence. The woman is so closed off, it’s impossible to gauge if my words have any effect.

“Be that as it may, I’ll be in town. I need to see you while I’m in Florida.”

I glance at my watch. This conversation has already dragged on far longer than I expected. I want to be inside, next to Tally, trying to tame my ever-present erection while I convince her that loving me is still a good idea.

“I don’t think that’s smart, Charlotte. We said everything we had to say in San Francisco.”

“Owen, this is not about us. This is business. I believe you’ll be very keen to hear the idea Daddy came up with a couple of weeks ago. After all, you are in the business of saving people, aren’t you? He wants to further that cause.”

I hate that Charlotte plays that card because she knows I’ll cave. If there’s a chance to save more lives through technology or training, I’m on board. Every time. And she knows it.

“Call me when you arrive. We’ll arrange something.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

More silence. Holy shit, this conversation is painful.

“Right, well, I’m going to have dinner. Have a nice day.”

“You, too.” I can tell from Charlotte’s voice that she has more to say, but I don’t have the wherewithal to listen.

Charlotte had her chance. I spent years trying to love her, searching for ways to heat that iceberg she calls a heart. Don’t get me wrong, Charlotte is gorgeous, and she ensures the world is aware. She’s smart, too, and can work a deal even better than her Dad. But she’s an ice queen. Cool, collected, and without a speck of emotion.

Tally is fire. So full of vibrancy and life that she’ll burn you if you get too close. But I’ve never wanted to be scorched so much in my life. I felt her energy from across the room that night at Wicked Chucks. I spent the better part of an hour watching her, trying to drum up the courage to approach her. Lucky for me, I stole her seat on the balcony. Fair enough, though, considering she stole my heart.

“Everything okay?” Tally inquires as I slide into the booth opposite her.

“It is now. So, what are you getting?”

“I’m starving, so I ordered a supreme pizza, with extra supremeness.” She smiles and giggles.

I love that Tally eats, except for that dinner, where she ordered a salad. I guarantee she scarfed down some pasta the minute she got home. I never understood women subsisting on lettuce.

“You’re eating a whole pizza?” I joke, grabbing her hand.

“No, big shot, I planned on giving you a couple slices, but if you want to be huffy, I’ll eat it all myself.” Tally sticks out her tongue, and my dick twitches in response. I swear, the woman doesn’t have to do a damn thing overtly sexual, but with Tally, my mind tuns the most innocent gesture dirty.

The pizza arrives, and my girl jumps right in. For someone with a supposed stomach bug, she is wolfing down her food.

“Glad to see your stomach has calmed down.”

Tally shrugs, blotting her lips with a napkin. “Something we should all be thankful for.”

“Maybe you should see a doctor,” I suggest.

“I am. I’m having dinner with one right now.”

“Smart ass.”

“Better than being a dumb one.”

I love our banter. There’s never a dull moment with Tally. Like I said, she’s fire, and I’ll go down in flames just to be near her.

“I think I’ll go skating this weekend,” she says, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

Be careful of the baby. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? Lord knows I need the practice.”

I shrug, trying to appear noncommittal. “You haven’t been feeling well. You should take it easy, Darlin.”

“Fine. I’ll just shovel pizza into my gullet and leave the festivities for other people.” She sets down her piece, her gaze on the table. “I have to ask you something.”

“Anything.” I mean it, too. No more secrets.

“Nicole really has a thing for you.”

I nod. No point in denying it. “I know. She’s obvious about it.”

“Have you two slept together?”

My mouth falls open. Talk about a surprise detour. “Never.”

“Everything but sex?”

I grab her hand, pressing it to my mouth. I didn’t realize that Nicole’s flirtations were bothering her that much. I assumed Tally knew the woman wasn’t a threat. “I’m a one-woman kind of guy, and that woman has been you since the night we met. Even if you refuse to believe me.”

She has yet to meet my gaze, focusing her eyes on her lap. “I believe you.”

“That’s a good start, but do you forgive me, Tally?”

She releases a long exhale. That’s never a good sign. “It doesn’t do me much good to stay angry, even if I’m entitled to my rightful indignation.” The words are harsh, but her wink assures me she’s joking.

“Is that a yes?”

“That’s a ‘you owe me amazing oral for the next month’ yes,” she volleys back.

I can’t hold back the shit-eating grin crossing my face. My punishment is her pussy? Yes, please. “Can I start now?”

“Right now?”

“Right here.” I’m serious, too. And Tally knows it.

“No,” she starts, holding up her hand to prevent me from arguing, “and it’s not because I won’t do it in a public place. But I want to return to this pizzeria. I don’t want one of those most wanted photos of me hanging behind the counter.”

“There is another option, then.”

“I’m not doing it in their bathroom, either,” she retorts, squashing my plan.

“Buzzkill. How about this?” I take a deep breath, preparing to lay all my cards out on the table. “After we eat, I think we should go get Hecate and head back to the condo. I want you to live there with me.”

She chews her lip as she considers my offer. “Why don’t we stay at my place tonight, since it’s closer, and head back to your—our—condo tomorrow?”

I grasp her hands. She’s not the only one needing reassurance. “Are you back? Do I have my Tally back? I’m talking one hundred percent, Darlin. No more hiding or pretending that we aren’t together.”

After a moment, she nods. “I don’t know how we’re going to do this—”

“We love each other. That’s all. It’s pretty simple.”

“You won’t lie to me again?” I see the apprehension in her eyes. Tally is risking her heart by giving me another chance. I’m sure as hell not blowing it this time.

“I swear. Never again. Hey, I’m a pretty good catch. I’m a doctor, not a derelict. You say I’m hot, and I think I’m damn good in bed.”

“You have a few redeeming qualities, I suppose.”

“That, and if you say no, you won’t have my tongue at your beck and call for the next month.” It’s a total bullshit statement, and Tally knows it, too.

“Yes, I will,” she smiles, leaning across the table and planting a hard kiss on my mouth, solidifying our deal.

We barely make it to her apartment. Okay, I barely make it. I need my hands and mouth on this woman. Now.

I jump out of my car, grabbing the keys from her hand and tossing her over my shoulder. It’s becoming a bit of a thing with us. She whoops in surprise, but I ignore any protests.

Without a word, I carry her into the bathroom, setting her down on the tile floor. I let the water heat in the shower as I turn my attention back to Tally. She opens her mouth to speak, but I press my fingers to her lips.

Sometimes, words get in the way. We’ll let our bodies do the talking. I waste no time stripping her down, letting my hands skim along her skin. The woman’s curves are every man’s wet dream, but it’s the feel of her pussy milking my cock, which sends my body into overdrive.

Shedding my own clothes, I grasp her waist, backing her against the shower wall. I wrap my hand into her hair as I claim her mouth. The woman always tastes so damn good and now is no exception.

She’s ready for me, her tongue sliding against mine as she scratches her nails along my arms. My hand drifts down between her thighs, feeling her writhe against me as I stroke her. I love how wet she is; every time I touch her, she holds nothing back.

I push a second finger into her, curving around to tease her from the inside.

“Owen.” It’s the way she says my name, huffed out on a heated breath, that spurs me further.

My teeth scrape against the soft skin of her neck, delivering a small nip. She’s so pale, I know it will leave a mark. Now ask me if I care. “What did I tell you about talking?”

A ragged moan breaks from her lips as a third finger joins the party, and she pulsates around me. She’s so close, but I’m not letting her come just yet.

Flipping Tally to face the wall, I bury myself inside her warmth. Every time I sink into her, it’s better than the last. Her body shivers around me, and I struggle to maintain. But when a moan of ecstasy slips past her lips, it’s all over.

Fire. Pure fire.

I watch her sleeping, a sated smile on her mouth—nothing like three orgasms to knock Tally out. I swear, she’s so tight, she’s going to snap my dick in two. But I love every second, and I love every inch of her.

Tally is terrified about giving us another chance, but I’ll prove what a good gamble I am. I’m not playing around. I shocked the hell out of her when I mentioned buying an engagement ring last week. What she doesn’t know is that it’s already a done deal. I’m putting a ring on her finger as soon as possible.

How someone hasn’t snatched Tally up yet is beyond comprehension. Maybe, like she said, she was waiting for me. God knows I was searching for her.

My tiny vixen turns on her side, mumbling in her sleep. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her to my chest.

This woman is everything, including a damn liar.

She’s the most adorable liar on the planet, but she’s a liar, nonetheless.

My darling Tally doesn’t have a stomach virus. She knows it, and as I run my hand along her abdomen, I know it, too.

I’ve been dropping hints that I’m aware of situation, hoping she’ll fess up, but as I’ve said before, the woman is a vault.

How many more obstacles is she going to make me dodge before she lets me back in?

I reach my free hand down to pet Hecate, curled against my leg. “You know she’s lying, don’t you?” I inquire, earning an affirmative purr in response.

My phone buzzes, and I stretch to reach it, careful not to wake Tally. When you’re an interventional cardiologist, you’re never off duty.

Only problem? It isn’t work.

It’s Charlotte. Again.

Five missed phone calls. I swear, if someone isn’t dead, they will be after this conversation. I slip from the bed and throw on my pants before strolling onto the deck. This had better be good.

“Good evening, Owen.”

Oh, hell, no. We will not exchange pleasantries like she didn’t just rouse me from bed next to a gorgeous, naked woman. “Do you know what time it is, Charlotte?”

“It’s eight o’clock.”

“On the west coast,” I snap, tapping my fist against the deck railing. “It’s eleven here, and I was in bed.”

I never know how to interpret silence from Charlotte. She shows no emotions, so it’s a guess, at best. “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

Doubtful. She is a jet setter, with friends around the globe. Time zones are nothing new for her. My guess? She was trying to catch me with another woman.

Mission accomplished.

“What do you want?”

“I’ll be landing tomorrow morning, around noon. I thought we might meet for a late lunch.”

My fingers tighten around the railing as my stomach churns. “You said you weren’t arriving until next week.”

“Change of plans. I looked online, and there’s a lovely French bistro just a few blocks from your home.”

“How do you know where I live?”

Charlotte, ever the elusive businesswoman, evades my question. “It will be nice to catch up. Two-thirty?”

“Does it matter if I have plans?”

She releases an irritated huff. Huh, a genuine emotion. Who knew? “If you can’t have lunch tomorrow, please say so. I figured that the sooner we meet, the sooner you can be in the loop about the latest developments.”

“Now they’re developments? Is this a business proposition, or are we overthrowing a government?”

“Owen, please. I know you’re angry, but this is a windfall opportunity for you.”

“Says the woman who stands to gain even more from this opportunity.”

“Why are you so hateful?”

“I’m not”—I stop myself, aware that my volume is increasing—“being hateful. I’m being real. We hardly ended on good terms, Charlotte. Forgive me for having reservations.”

More silence. At this rate, the conversation won’t be over until tomorrow.

It’s easier to suffer through one lunch and be done—as much as I hate the idea. “Fine. Two-thirty, but it’s just lunch.”

“I’ll text you the address of the bistro. I look forward to seeing you.” There’s that cheery tone again. Why wouldn’t it be back? I’m caving to her whims.

“Right. Goodbye.” I stalk back into the apartment, feeling the weight of my decision settle over me. I still haven’t told Tally about Charlotte or our relationship. The woman knows that I’ve dated others, but she has no idea how close I was to the altar. When I came to Florida, it was to escape from a life that didn’t fit. The last thing I expected when I arrived here was another relationship. I wasn’t looking for love, but it found me.

Isn’t that the way it happens?

I slide into bed, but I can tell that Tally is awake. I only pray my conversation didn’t rouse her. “Sorry about that, Darlin.”

Tally snuggles against me, dripping kisses along my chest. “Do you have to go?”

“No. But I have a business lunch tomorrow. It shouldn’t take too long.”

“They phoned at eleven at night to set up a luncheon? Sounds like a booty call, mister.” She scoffs, but I hear the uncertainty in her voice. “You sure it wasn’t Nicole?”

Oh, no, Nicole would be way easier.

“It wasn’t Nicole. It’s a business associate from the west coast. They forgot about the time difference.”

“Ah, I see.” She nibbles my lower lip, pulling it between her teeth. “Too bad for you. If it was a booty call, you might have gotten lucky again.”

I roll on top of her, pinning her body against the mattress. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head, Darlin. I’m going to get lucky again. Right now.”

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