Her Precious Baby -
Chapter 281
Chapter 281
Chapter 281
Just then, she slipped. Right at the moment she was about to fall off the ladder, she felt a hand on herbutt that prevented her from falling.
“Be careful!” Evander said caringly.
Angeline blushed because she could feel Evander deliberately giving her butt a squeeze. He molestedme!
Angeline was angry and frustrated, but knowing that she was still on the ladder, she dared not makeany sudden movements.
She had no choice but to endure the embarrassment and slowly continue her climb to the top.
Although Evander had taken advantage of her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of security.
After climbing out of the cellar, Angeline felt she could breathe more easily. While patting off the dust onher body, she glanced at the sky. What? I've been in there the whole night? By the time I get off thismountain. I bet the sun is going to be up.
“Are you all right, Mr. Golding?” Nigel ran toward Evander. “This is my fault. You don't know the wayaround. I should've stayed by your side. That way, you wouldn't have fallen into the cellar.”
“That's enough.” Evander was annoyed by liis speech. “I've already inspected the peach wine. Now, Ihave a question for you.”
“Sure!” Nigel replied with a straight face.
When Evander raised his head, he saw how infuriated Angeline was and felt a little helpless. Eversince we broke up. she has never been nice to me whenever we met.
Indeed, she was the only person who dared to behave as she wished around Evander. Yet, not onlywould he not get angry at her. but he would also still look out for her in return.
“Is there a designer called Joel Quinn living on Linlow Island? Where is he staying at?” Evander asked.
The mention of Joel's name caught Angeline's instant attention. With a frown, she looked at Nigel inanticipation.
“Joel Quinn? Yes, he's on Linlow Island, but he's living in isolation. He's kind of weird.” Nigel heaved asigh. “To be frank, that fellow has a miserable life. Mr. Golding, if you wish to meet him, I can bring youto him.”
“Okay. Lead the way,” Evander said.
“Wait!” Angeline piped up.
She was ticked off when she saw Evander intended to tag along. I've already broken up with him. Byright, we should go our separate ways. Although there's nothing I could've done to prevent bumpinginto him on Linlow Island by chance, it would be a mistake to let him tag along in my search for Joel.Moreover, the date for the wedding between him and Olivine has been set. I can't allow the possibilityof me becoming a mistress!
Angeline put on a serious expression, pulling her own suitcase toward herself. “Mr. Golding, thank youfor your help, but I think I should probably go forward on my own.”
She made it obvious she didn't want Evander to accompany her.
Evander noticed her intention to keep a distance. With a solemn expression, he replied. “Okay. LetNigel bring you there, then.”
“That won't be necessary.” Angeline didn't want to have anything to do with Nigel either.
She lifted the handle of the suitcase and turned around to leave.
After only taking one step forward, she heard Evander reminding her indifferently. “I don't mind yourefusing my help, but you might run into wolves along the way. and I won't be able to guarantee yoursafety.”
Angeline immediately halted in her tracks, and she lifted her head to look at the night sky. At thatmoment, images of unfortunate events flashed across her mind, and she gulped in fear. Although dawnis breaking soon, Evander is right. I don't know' my wray around. I would rather swallow my pride thanget eaten by wolves!
“Okay. I owre you a favor, then. Once I get off Linlow’ Island, I'll tiy to repay you,” Angeline saidincoherently after turning around.
Because of the guilt, she didn't dare to look Evander in the eyes. Her palms were beginning to sweat.
Luckily for her, Evander didn't give her a hard time. Instead, he took off his jacket and put it over hershoulders.
In response, Angeline took a step backward.
“Return me the jacket while you're at it,” Evander said authoritatively, his eyes dark.
“I...” Angeline was tongue-tied. She had no words to reject the man.
She merely stood rooted to the spot and let Evander put his jacket over her shoulders. As soon as hedid that, she felt a wave of w’annth surging through her heart.
After that, Evander turned around and headed in the opposite direction to get to the bottom of themountain. While staring at his retreating figure, Angeline was racked with guilt. After all, he had savedher life.
Was I being mean for doing what I just did? Conflicting emotions wrarred in Angeline's heart, and shejust couldn't bring herself to say the w’ords on the tip of her tongue. Forget about it. We have nothing todo with each other anymore. What's the point? In the end. I'll still be on my own.
Nigel and Angeline spent the next two hours descending the mountain before arriving at a hut Joelstayed in.
When they were walking, Nigel suddenly became a chatterbox and kept singing Evander's praise infront of her.
Obviously, Nigel was hoping that she would say positive tilings about himself to Evander.
Angeline tried telling Nigel she had nothing to do with Evander, but Nigel wouldn't believe her. In theend. she gave up convincing Nigel.
“Ms. Sorelie. this is where Joel stays. He used to stay with his sister, but after liis sister passed away,he's been staying on liis own,” Nigel said truthfully.
Angeline couldn't help looking at the state of the hut. Although the place is old. it seems tidy and clean.
Instead of seeing plants in the courtyard, she saw countless racks with all sorts of fabrics on them.
“All right. Thanks.” Angeline nodded at Nigel.
She then checked out the courtyard and got curious about the furnishings inside the hut.
All of the sudden, Nigel shouted, “Are you in there, Joel?”
Angeline wanted to stop him, but it was too late.
Moments later, a creaking sound could be heard, and the door was pushed open as a man walked out.
“What is it?” the man asked.
Angeline was stunned when her gaze landed on the man.
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