Her Precious Baby -
Chapter 291
Chapter 291
Chapter 291
The light of guile glimmered in her eyes. “Hey, you're offering your help voluntarily, right? I never forcedyou to do anything.”
Evander said nothing. Instead, he whipped out an apron from the cabinet and tied it around his lowerbody. Then he slid liis hands into a pair of gloves.
Angeline was surprised he'd do that. So he's serious about this? Very well, then. She quickly took theingredients for her cake from the cabinet and laid them out on the table.
“If you're making cakes for kids, then you have to go with plant-based cream, just enough sugar, andsuperfine flour.” Angeline was explaining the steps to cakemaking patiently as she taught him how towhip the cream.
Thanks to his prior—albeit scarce—experience in the kitchen. Evander was no longer a total klutz.Soon enough, he produced a small basin of whipped cream. “Does this work?”
Despite her surprise at how quickly he was learning, Angeline coolly said, “Yes.” She tried to stay calmand put some distance between them.
And then the microwave trilled. Angeline quickly snapped out of her thoughts and slid some mittensover her hands. Then she took the cake's base out of the microwave. “Flavor isn't the only tiling thatmatters in this case. You want the child to love it, so you have to also make the cake look pretty.”
She placed the cake's base before Evander and solemnly said, “Give it your best shot. First, spreadsome cream on it.”
Oh, this reminds me of that time he somehow made a poop pattern. Beautifying a cake is a slowprocess that requires painstaking effort to create. I wonder if a guy like him has enough patience to do
To her surprise, Evander agreed to the task. “Very well.”
He was calm. Inscrutable. Then, Evander started making different patterns on the cake's base with thetube of cream he had in liis hand. However, he was a newbie, and he moved at snail's pace. Angelinecould barely make out what he was trying to create, yet she was astounded by his sheer patience. Sheblurted, “You'd never spend so much effort on cakemaking.”
Evander did not look at her. Focusing on the task at hand, he answered, “I've been really busy lately.Barely spent any time with Floretta, and she got a bit sad.”
Oh, so he's doing this for Floretta. Angeline was reminded of the girl, especially how the latter lookedso dejected lately. The thought itself made her heart hurt, and she complained, “And I thought you'dditch your own daughter after getting a new fiancee.”
Evander's face turned as dark as thunder, and he squeezed a big pile of cream on the cake. Icily, hehissed, “Do you think I'd neglect my own daughter. Angeline?”
“Oh no, of course not.” She shot him a scornful, mocking look. “Francesca's been taking care ofFloretta since forever. She was never sad that you weren't around for her.”
There was more to that than Angeline let on, but she refrained from any further comments. If she wentstraight to the point, it'd look like she was trying to sabotage Evander's relationship with Olivine.Evander didn't need any more hints, either. He was smart enough to get what she was implying andturned liis attention to Francesca. “Did something happen to Floretta?”
Francesca froze for a moment, then she quickly bowred. “Sir, I didn't mean to hide this from you. butever since Ms. Sherrock came, Floretta has been crying for days. She even went on a hunger strike.”
Evander's face fell, and he hissed. “And yet you hid it from me anyway.”
Francesca could feel the anger that was radiating from her employer, and she shivered. She respondedaggrievedly, “I would've told you, but Ms. Sherrock told me you were busy and that you had to focus onyour work. She promised she'd take care of Floretta.”
Her defense failed to turn her employer's mood around, so she added. “She's your fiancee. Shewouldn't hurt Floretta, but the girl misses Ms. Sorelle. She would even mumble Ms. Sorelle's name inher sleep.”
Silence swooped down upon them. Evander said nothing, but liis eyes were gleaming with dark fury,and liis hands were clenched into fists. Angeline, too, felt upset. Floretta wasn't her real daughter, butafter so long, she was already treating the girl like her
She felt sad for the girl. Floretta must have suffered under that witch. “Mr. Golding, if you're reluctant tosend your fiancee elsewhere, I don't mind taking Floretta in.”
Evander shot her an icy look. “Don't tempt fate. Angeline.” he w’anied her.
Hurt from the contempt, Angeline gripped the hem of her shirt tightly and held her pain down. Sheretorted. “Don't just berate me. You should look at yourself. I think you're too selfish to be a father.Floretta's just a five-year-old girl. She should not have to face this treatment.”
Evander slammed the bowl of cream on the table, liis face utterly grim. A boom erupted across the air,sending shudders down the ladies' spines.
I'm selfish? If I didn't care about them, I wouldn't have set work aside just to have lunch. But w’hat doesshe care? She doesn't know' a thing.
Furious, Evander took the apron off and stormed out of the kitchen, and the air itself seemed to freezefor a moment.
Angeline saw him off, her heart beating painfully.
Worried. Francesca said, “You didn't have to go that far, Ms. Sorelle. If you just talked to him calmly,perhaps you could've salvaged a little of the relationship.”
“No need for that.” Angeline raised her head. Proudly, she said, “I came for the girl. Only the girl.” Shenever expected to get back together with Evander.
Also, not to mention he already had a change of heart. He's going to many Olivine. I'm never going tostoop so low’ and not going to beg someone to take me back.
Olivine was hiding behind the kitchen's entrance. She saw’ everything that transpired, but sheremained in hiding until Evander made liis wray to the lounge.
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