Mom. I’m serious. I think I’ve fallen down a tree stump or whatever Alice fell down. If you were here, I’d tell you to pinch me.” I paced in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to see what the older Heath brothers saw when they looked at me.

“That’s dramatic, Maggie. You’re not Alice. You’re a stunning young woman with your mother’s great tits. Of course, men are going to line up for a chance.” Mom loved a chance to talk about her tits. It never failed. “When I was your age, I was beating guys off with a stick. I had tits up to my chin and enough sass to get away with it.”

“Mom. As much as I appreciate hearing about your tits, I need your advice.”

“I already gave you my advice, child!”

“Screw all of them isn’t good advice, Mom.” I groaned. “I don’t know what I was thinking calling you about this. If I took your advice, I’d be in jail by now.”

“If you took my advice, you wouldn’t be on the phone with your mommy when you could be out with those fine Heath men.” She made a spitting noise. “With the exception of Brad. He sucked.”

“What did they put in your meds this morning?” I heard a knock on my door and grabbed Jackson’s robe that I wasn’t ever going to return. “Someone’s at my door. I have to go.”

“Call me when you’re ready to have a little fun, honey.” Mom was already talking to someone in the background before she hung up.

I tied the robe tight and slipped my feet into the slippers Luke had given me. When I made it to the door, I was engulfed in Jackson’s scent and as lost as ever about what I was doing with my life. I really had expected Mom to say something that knocked even a little bit of sense into me, which was dumb of me. Mom had always had a take life by the balls attitude but since her stroke, she was all about living life.

I pulled open the door, expecting anything but the three men I saw standing in front of me. I would’ve been less surprised if I’d opened the door and found Santa Clause staring back at me. I made an embarrassing squeak and felt my entire body go bright red. I felt like a cheater, caught red-handed even though, we certainly never had an exclusivity contract. I shouldn’t have kissed each of them, much less let them touch me the way I had. I was being easy and it was coming back to bite me in the ass.

Before I could burst into a series of apologies, Jackson pushed my door open and stepped inside. He planted a kiss on the tip of my nose and patted my ass. “Morning, Bubbles.”

Ryan stepped in after him and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. “You look beautiful like this, Maggie.”

Luke was there as soon as Ryan let me go. He shut the door behind him and lightly pinched my chin to tip my face up to his. “I like your slippers.”

I was still slack-jawed when he dropped a kiss on my lips and walked to the other side of my small room to join his brothers. I spun around to face them and realized that my room was even smaller than I’d thought. With the three of them standing in it, it was laughable how tiny it was. For some reason, that was the thought that I blurted out first. “This room was made for children, I think.”

Luke raised his brows. “What?”

I shifted from foot to foot. “This room is tiny. It’s miniscule, right? Is it hot in here to you guys? Wow, I’m burning up.”

Jackson flashed me a wicked grin. “Take the robe off then, Bubbles.”

My wide-eyed expression made them each laugh. I normally loved the sound of their laughter but in that moment, it was starting to transform into a carnival theme song in my head. “What is happening?”

Ryan glanced at his brothers before leveling a serious expression at me. “We have a plan we want to run by you.”

“A plan?”

“I don’t know if plan is the right word. We have an idea, I guess.” He bit his lip and looked shy for the first time in his life. Or at least for the first time in all the years I’d known him. “For how to go forward with our relationships.”

“Our relationships?” I’d turned into a parrot. I couldn’t form any other thoughts when I couldn’t make sense of what was happening, though.

“We each want you, Bubbles.” Jackson stepped forward and pushed my wet hair over my shoulders. “And it seems like you want us.”

Apparently, that’s where my brain wanted to start piping in. “I’m so sorry. You talked to each other about what I did? With each of you, I mean? Oh, god. I didn’t mean to let things get so carried away. I’m not usually like that but I think my libido is broken, or something. I meant to go to my room and I ended up sleeping with one of you. I meant to fix a wedding problem and ended up humping another one of you. I was just trying to eat breakfast when I tossed my spanx into the woods like a real lunatic for you, Luke.”

Luke looked like he was struggling to keep a straight face. “You humped one of us?”

I climbed into the bed and dragged the blanket over my head. “Leave me to die in my shame and mortification.”

I felt the bed dip and then I was being lifted. Jackson put me down in his lap and pushed the blanket off my head. He brushed my hair out of my face and then surprised me by gently kissing me.

I gasped and pulled back, tossing a look at Luke and Ryan. “I don’t know what’s happening but I’m seconds from thinking this is a Twilight episode.”

“We met up and talked about what’s been happening. We could keep going after you individually and let you continue to feel guilty like this when you inevitably give into our charms.” Luke unbuttoned his suit jacket and squatted in front of us. Resting his hands on my thighs, he took a deep breath before finishing. “Or you could be with all three of us.”

“Like I’ve already been doing? How does that change anything?” I groaned. “And why am I entertaining this? I’m supposed to be working.”

“Sure, like you’ve already been doing. But also in a different way.” Luke looked up at Ryan. “Your turn.”

Ryan stayed where he was, a few feet away, and gave me another shy smile. “I see a lot of different relationships when I travel. Some of them are unique.”

Jackson groaned and tightened his hands on my waist. “You can have all three of us, Bubbles. We all three want you and are willing to share you to get you. You could fuck us individually, sure, or you can try something different, something we’ve never tried. You could take us together.”

The world dropped out from under me. I stumbled to my feet, nearly knocking Luke over in the process. “Where’s the camera? Is someone going to jump out and reveal the prank?”

Ryan scowled at Jackson before slowly approaching me. “We’re serious. We’re serious about this and we’re serious about you.”

I held up my hands and tried to back up more, just to hit the wall behind me. “So, you think I’m a slut? I can’t say I blame you, not after the way I’ve been acting. I’m not-”

Luke growled as he came towards me. “You’re not a slut, Maggie. None of us think that. We can tell that you want all three of us, though. There’s something between us that hits you just as strongly as it hits us.”

“I can’t say I’ve ever considered something like this before, Bubbles, but I also can’t say I hate the idea of you not having to choose. You picked the wrong brother before and I’m not sure I want to chance being left out in the cold again.”

Shock forgotten, I frowned angrily at Jackson. “I didn’t choose wrong. I wasn’t aware that I had options before I was already in a serious relationship with Brad. That’s not my fault.”

Luke glared at Jackson. “Not helping, asshole.”

“We just all want you, Maggie. Desperately. Enough that we’re willing to chance doing something new and different to be with you.” Ryan cupped my face. “This is strange for us, too.”

As it sunk in that it wasn’t a joke and that they didn’t just assume I was a skank, it also sunk in that they were serious. They wanted me that much. They were clearly insane. And if they weren’t, if they thought I was brave enough to undress in front of all three of them at the same time? Then we were back to them being insane.

My alarm going off saved me from having to finish the conversation. I slipped around them and grabbed my phone. “I can’t do this. I have a wedding to plan. I have to meet Devon and take care of the seating chart. I-”

Luke slowly buttoned his jacket as he interrupted me. “Meet us tonight at my cabin. We’ll finish the conversation. Give us that, Maggie. Please.”

I swallowed my nerves and nodded. “Okay. Fine. A conversation.”

Jackson patted my ass as he walked by. “I’m going to kill Brad for having such a ridiculous wedding.”

Ryan grunted. “Get in line.”

I watched them each watch me with hunger on their faces before they left and then I sank heavily onto my bed. I felt like I’d just run a marathon. If I had the time, I would’ve sat there and panicked over everything for hours. As it was, I was already running late for meeting my new employee.

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