I took small drinks of my beer as we waited for Maggie that night. My nerves were driving me crazy. “We should’ve decided on a time. She could think we meant later tonight.”

Jackson drained his glass of whiskey and shook his head. “This is nuts. We shouldn’t have asked her for this. She was freaked out.”

“What other option was there?” I snapped, feeling defensive of my idea. Even if I agreed with him. “Keep sneaking around and leaving her feeling guilty?”

Luke leaned against the fireplace, his eyes distant. “Did either of you see her today? I spotted her at a distance but I couldn’t get a read on her mood.”

“No.” Jackson growled. “She could’ve been locked away crying for all we know.”

“I saw her with the new guy. She blushed and practically ran away.” Rubbing my temples, I blew out a harsh breath. “Maybe I was fucking stupid for offering this up as a plan. It would’ve been better to know she was with one of you than all alone.”

“You weren’t stupid.” Jackson surprised me with that. “You were trying to figure this out.”

“Exactly. If it doesn’t work, it’s not your fault. We all thought about it and decided it was a good idea.” Luke let out a sardonic laugh. “Granted, I was drunk as shit when I decided it wouldn’t be awkward to have my dick out next to you two.”

“Oh, it would’ve been awkward.” Jackson snorted. “Especially when the two of you remembered that I’m the true big brother.”

Shaking my head, I stood up and drained my beer. “I’m ignoring that delusion.”

A faint knock went unheard by Jackson and Luke but I was closer to the door. I slammed my bottle down and rushed to open the door. On the other side, standing in a t-shirt and leggings, Maggie gripped her hands together and smiled nervously.

I stepped out of the way, too nervous to say anything, and watched as she stepped inside. Her hair was freshly washed, just as it had been that morning, and she smelled like heaven. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her scrubbed clean face to see how my brothers were reacting to her presence. Nothing else mattered right then, nothing except her answer.

“I have a few questions.” She pushed her hair behind her ears and walked around the couch to perch at the edge of it. “I thought a lot about this today and I hit a few walls that I couldn’t get around without discussing it with you guys.”

I sat down next to her. “Ask us anything.”

She blushed so deeply that even the insides of her ears turned bright red. “I did some research.”

Jackson cleared his throat. “That’s not a question, Bubbles.”

“I did some research and I saw some very NSFW images. Are you expecting me to do all of those things?”

“There’s the question.” Jackson sounded strangled as he spoke.

Luke daringly sat on the coffee table right in front of Maggie. He didn’t seem as concerned as I felt about his dick tenting his pants in her face. “Tell us what you saw.”

She let out a short burst of laughter. “You want me to tell you what I saw?”

Luke nodded. “Yes.”

We all waited while holding our breath as Maggie seemed to debate with herself. When it was clear she’d made up her mind, we all leaned forward, eager to know if she was going to tell us what she saw.

“I saw positions…” She cleared her throat. “Some of them were less surprising than others. And the ones that I’m most worried about… They weren’t…bad. I’m just concerned about the logistics.”

I was going to die from the amount of blood rushing away from my brain. My voice came out broken as I spoke. “The logistics?”

“All of the figures they use in the drawings are tiny.” Finding a safer topic, she sped up as she spoke, growing more animated. “Like, of course that figure can be bent in half, she’s the size of a pipe cleaner. And then there were the real people… Those women were little, too. Really little. I’m not sure they should physically be able to do the things they were doing. I’m not tiny, though. I’m not going to be able to put my legs anywhere near my head. I also don’t want to. And then there were the insertions… I’ve never… I mean… My butt…”

Jackson made a pained sound. “Jesus Christ.”

Maggie straightened in her seat. “I have to be able to talk about this. If I can’t talk about it, I can’t do it. That’s what Mom always taught me.”

“Oh, now we’re talking about your mom.” Jackson sank back into the couch. “My brain is going to implode.”

“I’ve never had anal sex!” Maggie shouted the words and then let out an embarrassed giggle. “God, that was loud. Sorry. I’m sorry. Whew. It’s really hot in here, right?”

“Maggie, focus.” Luke leaned forward and gripped her knee. “You’ve never had anal. And?”

She stared at his hand and licked her lips. “Some of the images showed penises everywhere. Do you guys want that?”

Luke was keeping his composure far better than me or Jackson. “If you’re asking if we want to fuck you every way we possible can, then the answer is yes. We don’t expect that, though, Maggie, unless you want it. If you’re ever ready for that, we’d be more than happy to take that virginity off your hands. There are three of us, though. That means that there are going to be more dicks than you’re used to.”

She swallowed audibly. “Wow. Okay. Yep. So, you mean…”

“Your mouth. Your hands. Your very sweet and wet pussy.” Luke raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know what the pictures you saw showed, but as much as we want to fuck you senseless, Maggie, we also want to make you come in a dozen different ways. Nothing about this would be unpleasurable for you.”

“Wow.” Maggie slipped out of her seat and walked behind the couch. “I started the day thinking that you three were drunk. Then the idea of getting to have my cake and eat it too made me feel selfish and greedy but very, very interested. Then, there was all the self-doubt. I don’t want all three of you looking at my body at the same time, seeing all of my flaws. Under it all, the entire time, though, was the thought that walking away from this would be the biggest regret of my life. When I talked to Mom about it-”

“You talked to your mom about it.” I pressed my knuckles to my mouth. We were never getting closer to her than we were right then. Her mom had probably already called the cops.

“Yeah, I talk to her about everything. She told me I’d be an idiot to not grab life by the balls. Only she didn’t suggest I grab life by the balls, but you seem freaked out about me talking about my mom, so I’m not going to go into that.” Taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, Maggie gripped the bottom of her shirt. “I have to do this my way. Just let me do it and when I’m done, you can decide if you want this still.”

I was about to ask her what she was talking about when she pulled her shirt over her head and clutched it to her chest. My mouth went dry and all I could do was watch.

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