Once My Mate, Always My Mate
The Vampire King Is Back

"Hello beautiful.” Cayden says to a shocked Josey, who came barrellingin to my room after bringing Cayden back to life.

Cayden, the vampire king who she happened to fall for and deeply. Ihad tasked Evan to replace his remains and bring them together, in thehopes of giving my sister another chance at love but now, Cayden hastaken over my true mate's body.

From the voice, to the eyes and the hair. To his stance and the way hethrows his words around, my mate in every way....

I know Josey never intended on him taking over Aiden’s body but herewe are, Cayden alive and well inside my true mate who lay somewherefighting off his own bad spirits... there was also no need to debate thisbecause ain't now way I am allowing this new host to take over a bodythat belongs to me.

"Well this is weird and almost to the point of disgust.” Xander pointsout as he checks Aiden out, looking for something different in him but Icould see it... It was in his eyes

These were the eyes of an evil I fought long and hard before allowing itto return, only for my sister's happiness. Clearly, coming at a very highcost and I am now beginning to worry if bringing him back was notreckless...

"Oh you mean this body? I am going to have to disagree with you therepal, this is a work of art. The things I will get to do with this body that Icould not even do with mine, I can already feel the surge of energywithin me and I am so ready to take him for a ride.” Cayden saysexcitedly.

"What you are not going to do is stay in there. That body belongs tome and if you want to see another day, I suggest you heed my warningand replace someone else.” I say.

"Oh come on, there was nobody in here. You would have done thesame thing!" Cayden shouts out in frustration.

"Yes but I am the moon goddess and you are in my world now, takingover a body that exclusively belongs to me. A body that has a hostreturning to it very soon and I can't let you do as you please. I havegrown to adore those eyes, enjoy those lips and much muchmore..leaving you be inside Aiden would be a crime far worse thankilling him in person. Besides, Josey and I will not be sleeping with thesame guy, fuck no!" I say in disgust to the last part as I imagine mysister locking lips with Aiden...

"Technically, it would not be the same person..." Xander points out and Igrowl, making him raise his arms in surrender.

"Don't worry, I am sure the things I will be doing to Josey will not bethe same. There is jsut no way that the little boy matches myexperience.” He says, rolling my eyes I turn to my sister.

"Josey, I can't allow this so you can either replace a new body for your hostor I kill him for good and there is no way to spin this. You can't replaceenough reason to convince me otherwise. That is Aiden’s body whichbares my mark... that body belongs to me and I won't allow anotherwoman, not even my sister to touch it." I say, not feeling my powerrelease itself and shaking the room.

Cayden smiles, clearly enjoying my inner turmoil from witnessing hiscorruption on the very temple I worshipped daily...

"I don't know how to fix this..." Josey says, looking a little helpless."Fine. I can fix this... One, I will make you weak because there is no wayyou are using the strength gifted to a god for your own benefit andsince you were not born a wolf, I can't allow your version of hybridCayden. The pain is excruciating, just removing the wolf from you willtake a lot out of you and then I will send you to a place where lostwolves go until Josey replaces you a suitable body. You can either race toreplace a dead body right now or have it my way but what we are notgoing to do is waste another second debating this. You all know what Iam capable of, I really don't want to act out.” I say to a now groaningJosey.

"Where will I go?" Cayden asks and I smile.

"I am so glad you asked. You will have to replace a human body to takeover, not one of mine dead or alive. You are a vampire, the product ofbad magic and even though my sister shares in your dna, I can't gift thevampire king a wolf... you have immense strength as it is. I can't allowyou to one up my kind... that would require me to babysit you and Ihave too much to deal with as it is." I say, nodding to Evan to go replace ahuman for Cayden.

We all stay quiet as Evan leaves, watching Josey and making sure shekeeps her distance from my Aiden...

“Just knock him out then.. won't that make things easier?” Xander asksme, Josey hears this, she shakes her head no. Not wanting to be apartfrom Cayden any longer.

"Can I say that this is really unfair. I don't understand why I can't justuse his body for the time being... This might take Evan some time toacquire what is needed and I could have taken the time to get to knowmy love once again." Cayden says, looking at a blushing Josey.

"I can't even be jealous about it. We wolves are possessive, somethingJosey should understand. Aiden is Sabrina's mate and there is no wayher wolf will allow it. It's bad enough he's gone off to do some soulsearching after all the mess that he put us in, now you come here andtake over his body right after Sabrina granted you a second chancebecause her sister seems to still be pining after you.. don't beungrateful. Not so long ago, you were haunting these walls and drivingJosey crazy. Girl was barely eating and you're gonna come here withwhat's unfair. What's unfair is that you jumped in to the first body thatpleased you without asking for permission... What's also unfair isexpecting Sabrina to be understanding after going against her father,the ruler on bringing you back and seeming to hold zero gratitude.What is also unfair is that Josey is not out there trying to replace a suitablehost for you, she instead can actually see a life with you in the body ofthe man that is fated to be with her sister for ever and before you showyour teeth Josey, am I wrong? We all know you have missed the guybut you can't honestly be thinking of kissing those lips, sleeping withhim after that same body was twisting and turning in a bed with yoursister to the point where they created a child together.. How wouldAiden feel? I can tell you how I would feel.... " Xander says.

Cayden lets out a sigh, getting annoyed by the righteous man standingbefore all of us.

"I would feel violated and not just the rapey kind, like boundaries. Iwould still be alive, coming back to the very same body only to have tolook at you every day after what you did to me or what is my body. It isthe same brain, same lips and I really have to say this so it's graphic inall of our heads, the same fucken penis! What if you fall pregnant? Areyou and Sabrina going to have cousins or siblings? Will they not looklike Aiden because well, I am not sure vampire's can procreate andprove me wrong but I highly doubt they will come out looking like thevampire king.. Will you kill them then? Because I would not want them..who would? Or will this be the vampire king's way of taking overSabrina's place in this realm? Unseating her children because yourswould probably be born first with Aiden away? This gets messier themore I talk..." Xander runs his hand through his hair.

Josey looks at me in alarm, not wanting me to actually think she woulddo that to me and I know she wouldn't but I can't trust that Caydenwould not betray me like that..

"I will go help Evan in the search.” Josey runs out with her vampirespeed. Cayden tries to go out after her but I intercept him quickly bygrabbing his legs and throwing him in the opposite side of the room."Don't make me fight you. You may be inside my mate and but trust mewhen I say that he has done some foul things to me and I would lovemore than anything to beat him around like a sack of potatoes."l warnCayden, having landed on his buttocks, remains seated.

"Look, I don't want to start any trouble. I just want to be with Josey,away from here. This is no place for a vampire. I am better suited nearhumans, where I can create my own with my woman by my side. Ifchoosing another body will allow that, then I am all for it. You just can'tblame me for hopping in to this one, I mean anyone would given thechance but I want to be with Josey more than anything..." Caydenopens up.

"Then they should be back any second, so don't waste any more time. Iam about tired hearing about this Aiden, he's gone and I want this timeto fix things with my chosen mate. Your need to be with Josey is thesame one I have for Sabrina, if not more. I want to build a life with heras soon as possible and give her the little bit of happiness I can affordher. I can't imagine the loneliness you or Josey felt during your timeapart but I can tell you that it has killed me to be in the same room asher, knowing I can't be with her." Xander has a heart to heart withCayden.

"I feel you." Cayden says in return.

I look around the room, the emotions coming off the two boys wasbeginning to overwhelm me, shocking me the most was Cayden. Atfirst, he seemed cold and aloof but right now, the man is on his ass andpouring out his heart. If this was not awkward for me, listening to himtalk about my sister in the same voice that said the famous three wordsto me, I'd actually shed a tear but there is a jealous rage growing insideof me and I wonder if, I had taken taken Xander and Aiden's offer atfirst, we would not be in this room, in this fucken position. They wouldboth be singing my praises and I'd probably have two men looking topleasure me right now...

Evan and Josey come rushing in, Evan carrying a man that looked to bein his twenties and out of it.

"We found him, he's dying so this should do." Josey says, lookin atCayden who gets on his feet and approaches the body that Evan layson the floor.

Cayden looks a little disappointed and I can't really blame him. Afterbeing inside Aiden, I don't know why he would want to be anyoneelse... but he has got to get out of my mate.

"Come on, you said you want to be with Josey... jump in there!" Xandertaps Cayden on the shoulder.

"It is not as easy as it looks. He needs to kind of die... to give me someroom in there." Cayden says and I kneel down to snap his neck, eagerto get him the hell out of Aiden.

They all look at me with their mouth's on the floor from my action and Ijust shrug.

"Well then?" I ask before Aiden's body drops to the ground. Releasing asigh of relief, I watch the life returnon the human's skin as life goes outin Aiden'’s, to going pale once again and Cayden's icy blue eyes makinga return.

His power coming through in waves, the room going cold as he standsup and stretches his limbs before smiling at us. He scoops Josey up andspins her around before they run out of the room and we are left topick up our bearings.

Cayden was back. The Cayden we all know and Aiden’s body was leftalone, ready to be cleansed before his return...

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