Rejected By My Mate -
Chapter 79
[Alice/Alexandria’s POV]
As the light spread throughout the magic realm, we took the chance to give our judgment toeveryone present in the magic realm. Unbeknownst to everyone, my sisters and I secretly gatheredall the races earlier that lived in the mortal realm and brought them here in the magic realm for usto give our judgment fairly without someone leaving behind in the mortal world. Now is the perfecttime to lift the curse that the gods and goddesses cast upon them before. The curse brought war tobreak out again because their judgment before was unfair to the demons. Because not all demonsrebelled back then. The same cases happened to other races. My sisters and I wanted to end thefeud and create a new world and a new beginning for everyone.
I signal Darius and the two dragons to go back to my wrist and the holy angels to blow the trumpet,and that's our cue to start the judgment through the divine light. Little did they know that the divinelight we create from the spirit of darkness will be everyone's judgment, including the councils of thegods.
As for Pluto, he became a baby with no memories of the past. And we sealed off his power. Weplanned his future, and we sent him into the mortal world. He should be thankful that we didn'tsend him to his demise. Well, everyone deserves a second chance no matter how bad they were.However, this would be the last chance we give for Pluto—in short, his last life because we took hisimmortality.
For Jupiter and the other members of the council, they could never go back to the Promised Land,not until they finished their mission, and that is to keep the peace and unite all races again. Ofcourse, there are some rules that apply. If they break the rule, the punishment will get worse. As forother punishments, they couldn't use their divine power anymore. They will live as ordinary magicusers and we put limits on their abilities. They could only use one ability. And they need to earntheir rank in order to go higher and get respected by everyone again and redeem their title as aGod. It will take a long way though. Becoming a God again isn't as easy as they think anymore,because one must understand the importance of the balance tower that connects both worlds.Which they have failed to protect, and it almost ruined the entire universe. It's all because of theirselfishness and greediness that made the world almost came crumbling down. And thus, they failedto do their duties and obligations as a God.
And for everyone, we purify their souls and free them from sins. Of course, they are not free frompunishment.
Unbeknownst to everyone, to save them and the entire magic realm and mortal realm, my sistersand I need to sacrifice our infinite power and the orbs of life and death. To heal the world fromdestruction, we will sacrifice our infinite power and the orbs of life and death to restore the balanceof both worlds.
“Are you all ready?” I uttered.
They let out a heavy sigh and then nodded. We joined the six infinite diamonds, and I summoned allthe orbs of life and death at once.
The loud sound of the trumpet echoed throughout the magic realm again. And on one blow of thetrumpet, our infinite diamonds and the orbs of life and death exploded throughout the magicrealm. A rainbow blast from the diamonds and orbs scattered throughout the entire magic realm—to heal the world.
It's done. We sacrifice our infinite power just to save the world from destruction. I felt empty, but atthe same time felt relieved and relaxed because finally, our mission ends here.
When the light subsided, I saw everyone's jaws drop in astonishment while witnessing therestoration of the ruined world and balance tower. My sisters and I smiled sweetly and rewardedeach other with a tight embrace.
The slow restoration of the magic realm felt rewarding. We watched as the water evaporated, thenfreshwater flowed into the river and lake, then the mountain grew higher, plants, trees, and flowersgrew radiantly as the sun rose. Different races of animals appeared out of the blue and took overthe forest. Rocks have changed their formation into a breathtaking view. Ocean returned to itsnormal state and mermaids along with the sea monsters went back into the deepest part of the sea.The saddest thing I saw was the lessened number of mermaids left. Well, in the near future, theirnumbers will grow again.
It's sad, but this is reality. One should accept what happened and move forward because whathappened happens for a reason
I scanned the magic realm after the restoration finished. The only things that we didn't restore arethe houses and kingdoms of each land. The Magic Realm had turned into a new world.
“We did it,” Xandra said happily, and her eyes twinkled with excitement.
"Yes, we finally saved the world from destruction,” Val said with relief.
"And we deserved to be rewarded,” I said while smiling. My sisters looked at me with a grimexpression. I sighed, feeling helpless.
"You better have the best explanation about that man.” Demonise said coldly. I nodded. I know theywould react this way, so I'm prepared.
"Okay, I'll explain everything I know. Let's get down.” I said. They reluctantly nodded with a deepsigh, and we got down to meet everyone.
Suddenly, cheers of happiness echoed throughout the place when we landed in the vast perimeterof the grass field, which was filled with thousands of people from different races. I notice all thewerewolves in front of the crowd, howling and bowing their heads with full respect. Then everyonewas cheering our name with tears in their eyes, but smiling at us in deepest gratitude. The scenetouched my heart and smiled at everyone. Our family, the gods and goddesses, my mate, and ourfriends were on the side while smiling at us. I gave everyone a genuine smile.
My eyes widened slightly when everyone kneeled and bowed down their heads while saying loudlyin unison, “The Great Sextuplets... Thank you for saving us and for restoring the beauty of the magicrealm! From this day onwards, we will devote our lives to you. And we will never forget yourgreatness!”
Their words stuck in my brain and smiled at them. My sister and I looked at them and I said,"Everyone, you must thank the Almighty God for giving this world a chance to restore and all of youto live longer. You are all free from sins, but you are not free from punishment. As you notice, thelight earlier that enveloped the entire magic realm was the divine light we created from the spirit ofdarkness. Through the divine light, we passed our judgment fairly to everyone. The more sins youcommit, the bigger your punishment will be. Don't worry, your punishment will lighten every gooddeed you do.” I paused and glanced at the gods and goddesses.
“Maybe you are wondering what happened to Pluto. He was a God, who committed an unforgivablesin. His punishment was to disappear until eternity.” I continued. Everyone gasped and trembled infear.
“But he is the ruler of the darkness! He cannot disappear!” Mars uttered in shock. The other godswere frowning deeply.
I looked at them with a grim expression. “A God who defies divine rule will pay gravely according tohis sins. A god is no exception from divine punishment, even you.” I said, and Mars looked pale
My gaze turned to the thousands of people listening intently. “Listen, all of you are free from thecurse, but as I said earlier, you are not free from the divine punishment. From now on, you cannotgo back to the mortal realm. We locked the portal that connects to the other world, and only mysisters and I have the power to unlock the portal. And you can only use the portal inside the magicrealm.” I said.
Everyone gasped, and they couldn't believe they couldn't go back home. I can see on their facesthat they wanted to argue, but I think they realized they cannot complain because that is theirpunishment.
“Magic Realm is your new home. All races must cooperate, and that is our divine order. Who daresto defy our word will face a grave punishment.” I said. Everyone fell silent and looked at each other.“Last, we limit everyone's uses of power. You cannot go beyond your limit or else you will suffereternal torment and probably die. For the demon race, excessive uses of dark power will make youdissipate into dust and your soul will forever vanish. By the way, it's the same for other races.”Demons trembled in fear, as well as the witches.
Then I looked at the clan of the angels. “All angels can now go back to Promised Land. We, and theAlmighty God, acknowledged your sacrifices. That is your reward after years of the atonement ofyour sins. However, if you make another mistake again, you will dissipate into dust.” I said.
All the angels bowed with respect and understanding, especially the elders and the archangels. “It isan honor to receive a second chance from the powerful Great Sextuplets. We will not waste thisopportunity to go back to the Promised Land.” Elder Lucriel said, while kneeling and bowing hishead. The angels followed Elder Lucriel's action, and then my sisters and I gave our final blessing tolet them go back to the Promised Land.
The divine light shined upon them, and they were teary-eyed while looking at us. The light tookthem and the holy angels welcomed them at the entrance of the vast golden gate. But I let ElderLucriel and Elder Fana bid goodbye to Elaine and Azrael. Afterward, they flew toward the gate, andwhen the gate closed; it disappeared from our sight. I looked at everyone and they all lookeddumbfounded at the scene that unfolds in front of them.
“Now is the time to let you know about your punishment, Jupiter and the others,” I said whilelooking at the council of the gods.
“We will accept all the consequences of our action because we deserve the punishment,” Jupitersaid and the others also agreed.
Mother and Father looked at the gods and goddesses with utmost displeasure. I know how they felt."All of you cannot go back to Promised Land anymore.” I began, and their jaws dropped.
"WHAT?! That's insane!” They reacted in shock.
“Who would rule the Promised Land?!” Bacchus said, clearly astounded.
“It's not a problem. The holy angels will rule the Promised Land from now on.” Damona said.Everyone frowned and felt despair. They couldn't do anything but accept the punishment ratherthan end up like Pluto. I know they don't want to disappear forever.
“As your other punishment, you cannot use your divine power anymore. Starting today, you will liveas an ordinary magic-user and we also limit the uses of your power like everyone else.” The godsfelt aggrieved, but they couldn't avoid it. They have left with no choice but to accept their fate.
“I'm tired of living as a goddess, anyway. I'll accept whatever the consequences are. Thank you forsaving us, Alice.” Minerva said politely.
It seems like the goddesses and Apollo have no problems with the punishment. They should begrateful to us because we saved them from the wrath of Almighty God. If not for my ideas, theirpunishment must be worse than this. They might turn into humans and suffer more. I think Minervahad probably guessed it.
I turned to my mother and said, “I'm sorry, mother, but you are not an exception. You knew it.” I saidsadly.
Mother smiled genuinely. “I knew this time would come, and I already prepared myself for this day.Finally, I am free from obligations and my duties. Thank you, my daughters, for granting my wish.”she said.
I looked at my sisters, and they nodded. We faced everyone, and I said, “Everyone, you must discusswhich part of the magic realm you will build your kingdom. All rulers of each race shall discusstogether. However, the central part of the magic realm will belong to us.”
Everyone agreed and started discussing. My gaze met with Azrael, and we smiled at each other. Imouthed to him, “later’. Then he nodded in understanding. Mama Leia, Papa Alexander, and Sabrinaalso nodded.
Mother and Father walked towards us anxiously while looking at my sisters and stopped in front ofus.
“Now, we deserve an explanation.” Demonise said. Her gaze fixated on our father.
I sighed and nodded. “I'm sorry for keeping our father's existence a secret. For hundreds of years,the council imprisoned our father in the forbidden room. Remember the day I went to the forbiddenroom? That's when I learned our father was alive.” I said.
“I don't understand. Why did you and mother keep it a secret from us?” Willow said.
“Because we know you will rush toward the forbidden room, and our plan to get our father out ofthere would mess up,” I explained.
“Alice, is that how you and mother thought we would behave back then? Do you not trust us at all?”Damona said, and her eyes reddened.
“I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Please forgive me.” I said with guilt.
“I was the one to blame because I told Alice not to tell you about me,” Father said guiltily. His eyesfilled with longingness. I admire my father though, for staying alive all these years he had spent inthe forbidden room with nothing but darkness and chains all over his body. When I think about it,my eyes watered
“No. It was my fault for lying about your father's existence. I'm so sorry, my daughters. You can hateme all you want. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.” Mother said with tears rolling down her face."Stop. It was all in the past. Let bygones be bygones. Father had suffered so much...” Val said whilesobbing, tears streaming down her eyes while looking at father. She suddenly rushed towards ourfather and embraced him while crying soundly like a little child.
"Oh, my daughter. I'm so sorry... please forgive me.” Father cried.
I wiped off the tears that flowed down my face. “Father had suffered so much inside the forbiddenroom. They wrapped him in cursed chains, that's why our father could never escape.” I said, recallingour father's terrible state in my head.
"Why would the councils do that?” Demonise voice break.
“It's all because of the orbs of life and death,” I said.
"What?" they reacted, their foreheads creased in confusion.
"How come? Aren't the orbs one of your powers?” Damona asked, frowning deeply.
I shook my head. “No. Father transferred it to me when we first met.” I said as I recalled the memory.“The councils are so cruel! We shall let them turn into humans and suffer more instead!” Damonasaid, fuming with rage. She looked at the councils with intense killing intent. The council of godstrembled in fear.
"Y-You cannot do that!” Mars uttered with shaken lips. My sisters looked at him fiercely and hestumbled backward.
I sighed. “Stop. It's all in the past. We should move forward and spend more time with our father tomake up for the lost years.” I said. The councils felt relieved and stumbled a few steps away from us.“Alice is right,” Willow said.
"Wait... where are the Dark Magna Trio?” Val uttered while looking around.
Now that Val mentioned it. I forgot to tell them where the three brothers were.
“Alice, where are they?” Damona asked nervously.
“I'm sorry..." I said sadly.
Their faces went pale and sobbed. Even Willow looked stunned.
"A-are they gone?” Willow stuttered.
“No! I promise to save him!" Damona cried. “Please, Alice, do something! I can’t lose him! I can'tlose Helix!"
“Drelix...” Val uttered and slammed her butt on the ground as tears streamed down her face.
I looked at them, speechless. Demonise and Xandra looked at me suspiciously. Then Demoniseglared at me. Uh, what did I do wrong?
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