Rejected By My Mate
Chapter 80

[Alice/Alexandria’s POV]

Val and Damona looked pitiful right now as they cried their mates’ names, while Willow's faceturned grim and her expression was indescribable. She looked conflicted on how she would reactabout losing her mate. Ugh, I said the wrong words. Why did I say sorry, anyway? Damn this mouth!By the way, when we created the divine light from the spirit of darkness, it also healed Willow'sweak heart, but in an exchange for our infinite power. Also, since we lost our infinite power, wecould only use our ordinary ability, but we are still superior to everyone, including the gods andgoddesses.

Pft. My sisters misunderstood me. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. They looked perplexed atmy sudden reaction. However, I saw my mother and father shook their heads while looking at mewith a smile. Of course, they both knew where the three brothers were. They must have seen whathappened when they didn't appear yet. Because I know they were watching us before they camedown.

“Alice? How dare you laugh at us!” Damona creased her forehead, looked upset.

I wiped the tears that escaped from the corner of my eyes. I replace the scene just now hilarious. Theyreacted too quickly without even letting me finish talking. “Okay, I didn't mean it. It's just that youmisunderstood me." I said, while still stifling a laugh.

"What do you mean?!” my three sisters reacted. Demonise shook her head in disbelief. I guess shesaw through me. My gaze met Willow's forest green ones, and she suddenly sighed in relief. Justlike that, she's fine. She really knows me well! Unbelievable!

"Okay, I know where they are and they're alive, okay? No need to panic.” I said.

"What?! Why did you even say you're sorry!” Val and Damona both exclaimed while glaring at me.“I was going to say, I'm sorry... I forgot to mention that they were in a safe place. So, you don't haveto worry. That's what I'm going to say, but you reacted too quickly earlier and made a drama.” I saidwhile rolling my eyes. Later on, they also laughed along with me.

"Ah! I want to feed you to the beast!” Val said while pouting her lips

“As if the beast would dare to harm me! Hahaha, they can't even touch my hair!” I said and laughed.Damona and Val sighed in relief, and they both held my hand.

“Where are they?” they asked in unison.

“I'll tell you, but let my hand go first,” I said, and they quickly let me go. They looked excited, butalso anxious.

I turned around to look for Sabrina, and I saw her talking to the witches with Vorges on her side.“Sabrina!” I called out. She turned to look at me and smiled.

“Yes, Alex?” Sabrina answered. My gaze fell on the staff in her right hand. “Oh, right! Are theylooking for them now?” she asked, with a glint of excitement in her eyes. I know she just wanted toshow off the power of the staff.

"Yes. Please make it fast because I don't want my sisters to continue making a fuzz.” I said, lettingout a groan.

“Yeah, sure,” Sabrina said while letting out a low chuckle and walked towards us together withVorges, Azrael, Elaine, Michelle, Cyn, and Lucia. Then Sabrina raised the staff to summon Kyrios, butafter a minute, Kyrios didn’t come out. “Oh no. I can't summon Kyrios.” Sabrina said anxiously whilelooking at me and my sisters.

"WHAT?!" my sisters blurted out in panic and froze on their feet.

Oh no. It must be the consequence of limiting everyone's powers. What am I going to do now?Sabrina looked at me in worry. I was the one ordering Sabrina to keep the three brothers insideKyrios.

“Alice!” Val and Damona let out, on the verge of crying. Willow put her hand on her forehead,looked tense.

I bit my lips as everyone's eyes fixated on me. I must think of a way to summon Kyrios. Uh, this isreal trouble! It's our fault, anyway. I looked at my sisters and I felt helpless. They're a mess!Demonise and Xandra was frowning deeply while looking at me.

Well, Sabrina is a witch, and her magic has limitations now. It's like she’s back at square one. Andthat means witches can do magic using spells. Bingo!

“That's it! Sabrina, try to chant a spell to summon Kyrios!” I said with excitement.

"Alex, you're brilliant!” Sabrina said. And my sisters’ faces lit up, full of hope.

“Sis, I hope your idea will work. Please let it work...” Damona said and clasped her hands togetherwhile closing her eyes.

“Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, prithee, hear my command. Let the dragon devourer, Kyrios, hear myplea. I summoned you!” Sabrina chanted. However, the staff didn't react, and it's still motionless.What went wrong?

“It didn't work.” Sabrina blurted out, stupefied, and froze on her feet, looking conflicted.

Val and Damona gasped and were completely stunned.

“Maybe your chant isn't strong enough. I can try to summon Kyrios.” Demonise uttered and walkedtowards Sabrina, then reached for the staff. My sisters looked at Demonise with a hopefulexpression. Demonise chants a summoning spell. “Hear me out. Let my voice be heard in the deepabyss of darkness and hear my request. I shall command the spirit of the dragon devourer, Kyrios, tohear my plea and come to me. I summoned you!”

After my sister chanted, the staff remained motionless. That time, my sisters broke into tears.Everyone was at a loss for words, except me because I'm everyone's ray of hope.

“Strange.” Demonise mumbled, while frowning deeply.

"Wait, I think I know why we can't summon Kyrios,” I said, and everyone's gaze turned to me."Why?" my sisters blurted out.

“Well, Kyrios isn't just an ordinary dragon. He is next to the King of the Dragon, which was Darius.And only a dragon summoner can summon him from that staff since our ability has limitations now.To summon a dragon will need a lot of spiritual energy.” I explained. Everyone fell into deepthoughts.

“But where can we replace a dragon summoner?” Sabrina said, her eyebrows furrowed together."Have you forgotten something?” I said, a little smugly. They stared at me in confusion. I rolled myeyes in disbelief. Only Xandra's face lights up.

“Alice, it's you!” she said.

“I try to summon him. However, please don't get carried away because it needs a lot of spiritualenergy to summon a powerful dragon.” I said.

“We can lend you our spiritual energy, Sis. Just do everything to summon that dragon.” Damonasaid with a serious expression. My sisters nodded too.

“I can lend mine too,” Sabrina uttered.

“Me too,” Azrael said while smiling. Then the rest are also willing to lend some of their spiritualenergy.

"Okay. Then let's do it.” I said and sighed.

As a matter of fact, everyone didn't notice the difference between our spiritual energy. I have thethickest spiritual energy amongst all the beings here. I could see it, but I think they couldn't.Demonise handed the staff to me, and I grip it tightly. I can feel its enormous power. Actually, thisstaff belongs to me and Kyrios is my dragon. I think he just wanted attention from me because it'sbeen so long since we saw each other.

'lt's been so long, master." a voice echoed in my head. Then the staff glimmered.

“It reacted!” everyone uttered in astonishment. I sighed.

“Sabrina, I forgot to tell you that this staff weapon belonged to me and I used this staff before totame the dragon devourer. Then I named him, Kyrios. He served me ages ago. But somethinghappened, and I had no choice but to keep him hidden. I know Kyrios has served you too. And Iapologize for not telling you before.” I said, feeling guilty. However, Sabrina smiled.

"Alex, I know it from the start. I'm giving it back to you. It's yours anyway. You can do as you please.”she said.

“Thank you, Sabrina,” I said with a smile. She just nodded and ushered me to go on. I nodded andsaid, “I guess I don't need your spiritual energy anymore.”

Everyone nodded and waited as I summoned the dragon.

"Kyrios, I summoned you!” I chanted. After that, the staff shone brightly.

My lips curved into a wide smile after seeing Kyrios. He lowered his head and bowed at me."Kyrios, please release the three brothers now,” I commanded.

“In your command, my master.” Kyrios said. In an instant, he glimmered and opened his mouth wideopen. A dark purple ball appeared in his mouth.

The dark purple magic ball slowly descended to the ground. The three brothers were unconsciousinside the magic ball. I call my sisters to step closer to me so that we can release the three brothers,since we are the only ones who can undo the spell

Damona immediately hugged the unconscious body of Helix when they fell to the ground. While Valtried to wake Drelix by shaking him continuously. Willow sighed heavily while staring at Zelix'sunconscious body. I understand Willow's feelings. She's still hurt by the way Zelix treats her before.Being rejected by your other half was excruciating, and nothing could compare to the pain itinflicted.

Kyrios growled and flew above us. I guess he's happy seeing the new Magic Realm. I summonedDarius and the two gigantic dragons to accompany Kyrios in the air. They happily flew around like afamily.

“Alice, how about their curse?” Demonise asked, while looking at the unconscious brothers. Mysisters looked at me with an anxious expression.

“It's gone. They are now free.” I said. They sighed in relief.

“I have to go to see Cybelle,” Xandra said, and excuse herself.

“Demonise, have you already found your mate?” I asked. Demonise gasped and looked around as ifshe just remembered it.

"Yes, and I have to talk to him,” she said impatiently. My eyes widened when she smiled.

“Go on. Be good to him, okay?” I said while smiling. I'm so happy for her.

"Of course. I've been waiting for this day,” she said and walked away at a quick pace. I've never seenher so eager before.

Now it's my turn to go to Azrael side. I saw him smiling at me and we walked closer towards eachother.

“Azrael,” I uttered as I spread my arms wide open to greet him.

“Finally, I could hold you in my arms again,” he said, and engulfed me in a warm, tight embrace.Somehow, I felt at home. His warmth sends a soothing feeling in my heart. We looked into eachother's eyes and smiled sweetly. I really fell deeply in love with this man. And I couldn't ask for morethan being with his side forever. He's the man I want to spend a lifetime with. I couldn't wait tomarry him.

“Is that Demonise and... Prince Echo?” I heard Michelle say.

Azrael and I turned around and looked at where Michelle was looking at. My mouth hangs in awe. Icouldn't believe my eyes! Was I dreaming? I just saw my cold-blooded sister kissing the oppositesex which she despises the most.

"Azrael, did my eyes trick me?” I blurted out, unbelievably.

He chuckled. “I guess what you see is happening right now. I can't believe Prince Echo is Demonisemate,” he said while smiling.

“Prince Echo? You know him?" I asked.

"Yes. He is the son of King Gustav and Queen Elizabeth. And he is also the student of Master Leon.”he answered.

My eyes widened slightly in realization. I remember that child before. I couldn't help but chuckle atthe memory. When we visited the Northern Land before we got punished, Prince Echo was still ababy at that time. When Demonise carried him, he didn’t want to let her go. He sticks to Demoniselike a little koala. Echo would cry loudly if they took him away from Demonise. Wow, Echo grewtaller and turned into a handsome man.

Well, I'm happy for both of them. It looks like they are meant to be. But a loud slap resonatedthrough my ears. My jaw dropped in awe.

"How dare you kiss me without my approval?!” Demonise agitated voice echoed. Is she angry ortaken off guard? Now, everyone was looking at them while smiling. I saw Queen Elizabeth and KingGustav from a distance, smiling from ear to ear.

“Oh, come on, you are my mate. There's nothing wrong with that, eh?” I heard Echo say whilerubbing his hurt face, but his lips curved into a naughty smile.

“Nothing wrong? Of course, there is! You stole my first kiss, you idiot!” Demonise said, while grittingher teeth. It's like she wanted to strangle Echo as punishment for stealing her first kiss.

“I'm your first kiss?” Echo said while smiling widely.

“Ugh!” Demonise helplessly grumbled. Oh no, he just provoked my sister. I wonder what she will doto Echo.

"Az—" I trailed off when I saw Demonise making a move. My mouth hangs again in shock.Seriously? Did my cold-blooded sister really grab Echo's collar and kiss him again? Woah. I'mspeechless.

I heard Azrael chuckled. “Let them be. Come on, I miss you.” Azrael said and intertwined our hands. Iturned to him and nodded while smiling.

We walked away from the others while holding hands. “You know what, I'm so proud of you,” hesaid. His eyes looked at me admiringly. We stopped walking, and I smiled at him gently. “But Alex, Ihave some questions,” he added, and his expression became uneasy.

"What is it?" I asked calmly. He seemed worried about something.

“You know that I'm a half-werewolf and half-angel, right?” he said, and I nodded quizzically.

“Yes, what about it?" I asked.

He let out a heavy sigh and said, “Well, all angels have come back to Promised Land. But what aboutme and Layla—I mean, Elaine?”

That's what bothers him? Perhaps it bothered him when Elder Lucriel and Elder Fana with the rest ofthe angels that live in the southern land returned to Promised Land. I guess I owe him anexplanation.

I sighed and smiled. “You and Elaine also became fallen angels and now a half werewolves. Andboth of you are hybrids. Truthfully, once an angel became fallen, he or she couldn't go back to thesacred place of the Promised Land. Azrael, you are immortal and in this lifetime, you could only livein this world and stick with me forever.”

He let out a sigh of relief and smiled, “I'm delighted to hear it because I plan to stick with youforever.” he said and wink. I let out a giggle.

“By the way, how about your pack? Wouldn't you be leading them?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No. I gave up my title as an Alpha when I thought I lost you forever. Matthew,lead the pack now, so I'm at ease.” he said.

We stopped when we saw a small, beautiful lake full of flying butterflies and fairies. There were alsoa lot of different colors of fish swimming happily. We sat on the grass while still holding hands.“You will never lose me again,” I uttered with certainty.

“You promise?” he said.

I smiled and nodded. “I promise. I'll never leave you again, Azrael. Cross my heart.”

He stared at my face with full admiration in his eyes. “I'll never leave you too, Alexandria. I will loveyou until eternity,” he said, and kissed me gently.

After the kiss, I rest my head on his shoulder while playing with his hand. “Do you remember whatyou said when we were a kid?" I blurted out.

He fell silent for a while and then he said happily, “Hm, of course! As far as I remember, I said beforethat when we grow up, I want you to be my Luna.”

A smile plastered on my lips. “Then how would I become a Luna if you give up your position?” Iasked.

A warm smile appeared on his lips. “Even if I don't have my position anymore, as long as you'remine, you are still my one and only Luna. And that would never change,” He said while caressing myface with admiration in his eyes.

"And you are still my one and only Alpha. I hope you won't reject me again.” I said, while staring athis alluring dark brown eyes. “Rejecting you before was the stupidest and dumbest decision I evermade in my entire life. That won't happen ever again.” He said, then kissed me, and I kissed himback.

“Can't you go back to your pack?” I said as we lay down on the grass, staring at the bright sky.

“Do you want me to?” he said.

“Hm, let me think about it!" I said, and he laughed. I looked at him happily and content. I neverthought there would come a day like this. I thought we would never see each other again when Idied 3 months ago.

“Alex, as long as you're happy, I'm willing to do anything you'll ask for,” he said, and I smiled.

“I love you so much, Azrael,” I said, while lost in his mesmerizing dark brown eyes.

“I love you more than everything, Alexandria. You mean the world to me because you are my sunthat shines on my darkest days,” he said. His words almost melt my heart. Is it just me, or does hereally look so handsome in my eyes?

“And you are my moon that illuminates and magic my empty soul and gives light to my life,” I saidsweetly while grinning from ear to ear. He looked so emotional while staring at me lovingly.

We stayed in the lake for how many minutes, talking about everything that happened, until mymother called us. I think everyone already decided which part of the magic realm they will buildtheir kingdom.

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