Saving His Feral Mate -
Chapter 66: Getting to know her
Preston POV
I couldn’t be any happier, I was laying beside my beautiful mate in bed while my brother slept on the other side of her. She was so tiny sandwiched between the two of us. I could feel her little baby bump pushing up against my abs and it made me smile. I never thought I would become a father so soon, but now that it was happening, I was thrilled with the idea.
I didn’t even care that the baby wasn’t biologically ours. I had already fully accepted him as mine the moment I laid eyes on her. I knew my brother felt the same way. We would be the only fathers that baby would ever know and he would never feel anything but love from us.
Our little mate was gorgeous, she literally took my breath away. I took my time memorizing every curve and feature of her beautiful face. She was everything I wanted in a mate and more.
She hadn’t woken up yet since we marked. She whimpered a lot at first, but as soon as my brother and I curled up next to her, she almost instantly relaxed and I could even see the slightest smile appear on her face.
When we got back to the pack house, the doctor had been called to check on Sheryl and the baby. We were relieved to hear that they were both doing well and they just needed to rest.
The doctor was acting nervously and definitely seemed sheepish with us, obviously remember our little moment at the hospital when he refused to tell us our mate’s name. We probably weren’t helping the situation by growling at him every time he touched our mate. I knew he was only doing his job, but because we had just found her, we were still very much on edge and definitely over protective.
The doctor ordered bedrest for our beautiful mama and that’s exactly where she would remain, in bed with us waiting on her hand and foot.
My brother and I could be a little rough around the edges. I guess being forced to live as rogues from such a young age made us grow up much faster than we should have. Some would probably compare us to cavemen, hopefully we can reel in our brutish ways a little for our mates benefit. I would hate to scare her away.
I thought Sheryl was a perfect balance for our strong personalities. She was both sweet and innocent, the polar opposite to us. I’m secretly hoping Max was right and that she turns out to be a little vixen behind closed doors. That could be fun. Having twin mates can be a little intimidating, but hopefully she’ll embrace it and be open to try new things.
I was so happy when she let us mark her. I knew as soon as we did, it would sever whatever was left of her bond with Kyle and take away the pain she was feeling. I wasn’t surprised when she passed out, being marked by two Alphas at the same time would have completely drained her.
She had a good gash on her throat from where Kyle had dug the knife into her skin, but luckily with her wolf healing it was gone within a couple hours. I did make sure to snap a picture of it for the council incase they needed some evidence.
I wanted to kill Kyle myself for what he did to Sheryl. But after seeing the look on Max’s face, I knew she needed to bury that demon herself. She was like a little sister to us and I couldn’t f*****g believe what he did to her. It explained a lot, when we first found Max years ago, she was a broken soul. She didn’t speak to anyone for a couple of weeks. It took us a long time to get her out of her shell and back on her feet.
“Have you been laying there staring at her all night?” My brother asked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed that he was awake.
“Pretty much, I can’t seem to look away.” I replied in a low voice making sure not to wake her and heard my brother chuckled in response.
“It’s funny how this tiny little she-wolf can have such a big impact on us, eh?” My brother stated, while also roaming his eyes over her small frame.
“It’s like nothing else matters anymore, only them.” I replied truthfully.
If it wasn’t for how evil Cameron was, I would have considered joining Knox’s pack and living peacefully with our beautiful mate and baby. We could have become warriors here with next to no responsibilities. Focusing all of our attention on this little beauty and pup. As appealing as that sounded, I knew it wasn’t our destiny. We were meant to defeat Cameron and save that pack from his cruel ways. Sheryl would be our perfect little Luna.
“How do you think she’s going to react when she wakes up? She doesn’t even know our names.” My brother asked.
“I don’t know, but I can’t wait so see those bright, innocent eyes widen when she finally does open them.” I replied with a smirk.
“How’s your stomach?” I asked, suddenly remembering that we were in the hospital when Jo messaged us. Parker was still healing from the silver in his system.
“It’s fine, I’m young and indestructible, remember? I bet Sheryl will think the scar makes me hotter.” He replied with a cocky grin, making me roll my eyes.
“I’m going to replace some food. Our mama and baby are going to be hungry when they wake up and there’s no way in hell I’m letting her out of this bed.” I stated firmly and my brothers face turned serious.
“Nope, she won’t even be walking into that bathroom when she needs to use it.” My brother replied and I international smiled, I knew we’d be on the same page about this.
I gently slid out of bed, trying not to disturb our beautiful girl. I smiled when I heard a little whimper leave her lips and her hands reached out to where I once laid. It was nice knowing that we weren’t the only ones affected by the bond.
I quickly slipped on my shorts before putting on my T-shirt and leaving the room. I wasn’t exactly sure where the kitchen was, but figured I would ask someone along the way.
I reached the main level and could hear several voices up ahead. One of the voices I recognized as Knox’s and whoever he was talking to, it sounded serious.
I turned the corner and reached the living room, the front foyer was visible from where I stood. I saw Knox standing by the front doors with Jag, Jo, Max and a couple of the councilmen. I immediately frowned. How did the council get her so quickly?
I walked towards them, curious as to what was going on. When everyone noticed me approaching, they all quieted down and turned to face me. The three elders had confused looks on their faces. Probably wondering what I was doing on Knox’s territory.
“Preston? What are you doing here?” The elder I recognized as, Brett, asked.
“My brother and I found our mate, she’s part of Alpha Knox’s pack.” I replied.
“The twins are Sheryl’s second chance mate.” Knox explained and a look of understanding crossed their faces.
“Congratulations on replaceing your mate, you guys must be very excited.” Brett added.
“Thank you, we are.” I replied.
“We must get going, we have a lot do, but Preston, contact our office and setup an appointment with us. We would like to get a statement from you and your brother and discuss the other matter.” Troy said and I knew exactly what he wanted to discuss, Cameron. I wonder if they reached a decision?
“Absolutely, I’ll call your office today to make an appointment.” I replied with a nod.
“We’ll be in touch, Alpha Knox.” Zeus said before the three elders left the pack house. I waited a few minutes to make sure they would be out of earshot before I spoke again.
“What was that about?” I asked no one in particular. I was a little surprised that Max wasn’t taken away. I thought she was wanted for the murder of her first mate?
“Someone contact them about what happened with Kyle.” Knox replied angrily. That’s when I looked down and noticed the ankle bracelet on Max. My eyes widened, what the hell was that all about?
“I’m on house arrest.” Max grumbled, when she noticed what I was looking at.
“I see, well that’s better than being locked up.” I replied.
“They better make it quick. I’m not walking around with this thing on my ankle for long. It’s even more uncomfortable than clothes.” She huffed, while leaning down and wiggling the clunky gadget around her ankle.
“How’s Sheryl?” Knox’s asked.
“Good, doctor said her and the pup are doing fine. She’s on bedrest so don’t expect to see much of her around for the next couple of weeks.” I replied and couldn’t help the smirk from spreading across my face. I knew there wouldn’t be any funny business happening, but still, I loved the idea of taking care of her.
“Will you guys be staying with us for a while?” Jag asked.
“If that’s ok with you, Knox. We just found Sheryl and we can’t be away from her right now. Rogue territory isn’t exactly safe for a pregnant she-wolf.” I replied.
“Of course, you guys are welcome to stay as long as you want. Let me know if you need anything.” Knox said with a nod.
“I appreciate that. I need to get some food up to my mate, but I would like to have a chat with you later about everything. I think we need to start formulating a plan of attack.” I said and he nodded.
“Absolutely, send me a text when you guys are ready and we can meet in my office.” He replied.
“I will. Now, where’s the kitchen? I have a mate and hungry pup about ready to wake up.” I asked and they all chuckled.
“The kitchen’s right through those doors, take whatever you need. I’ve already given my pack heads up about visitors staying with us so no one will question you guys.” Knox replied and pointed towards a closed door.
“Thanks, I’ll talk to you guys later.” I said and walked off towards the kitchen.
Once inside, I opened the fridge and started pulling out everything I thought my mate might enjoy, fruit, cold cuts, cheese, leftover pasta, I even made toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. Ok, I might have gone a little overboard for a 130 pound she-wolf, but I wanted to make there was something she liked on the plate.
Once the tray was full, I grabbed a pitcher of orange juice and couple of glasses before making my way up to the room. I was silently praying that she hadn’t woken up yet. I really wanted to see her reaction when those beautiful eyes fluttered open.
I was relieved when I got into the room and found Parker and Sheryl in almost the exact position I had left them in. Parker was awake and doing what I had been doing early, staring at her face while she slept. It was kind of creepy, I wonder if that’s what I looked like when I had done it? Nah, I was much more tactful about it. At least that’s what I was telling myself.
She must have sensed my presence, because as soon as I entered the room her eyes fluttered opened.
She scanned the room before stopping on Parker’s arm that was wrapped around her waist. Her eyes widened slightly before following the length of his arm until she met his smiling face. The look on hers was adorable, it was a mixture of shock, confusion and then finally l**t. His bare chest was on full display and I didn’t miss when her eyes lowered to check him out. It made me a little jealous, I wanted her to look at me like that.
I cleared my throat to get her attention and it worked. Her eyes snapped in my direction and I honestly didn’t think it was possible for them to widened any further, but that’s exactly what happened. My brother and I both chuckled at her reaction. I knew the memories of what happened flooded back to her, when she abruptly reached for her throat looking panicked.
“You’re safe.” Parker cooed before tightening the grip around her waist.
“How are you feeling, my love?” I asked softly.
“Ok, I think.” She replied shyly, while rubbing her hand over her baby bump. I noticed her eyebrows furrow together and I knew she was suddenly worried about the baby.
I quickly made my way over to the bed and sat down next to her. Putting my hand over hers that was rested on her stomach.
“The baby’s just fine and so are you. The doctor came by to check.” I reassured and saw her visibly relax.
“This is a little embarrassing, but I don’t know your names.” She said and a blush spread across her face.
“I’m Parker my love. That’s Preston.” My brother replied, before trailing k****s along her collarbone and shoulder. She shivered in response.
“What happened after I passed out? Is Kyle…” She asked and her voice trailed off at the end.
“Yes, he’s dead. He can’t hurt you or the baby ever again.” I replied and saw a whirlwind of emotions swirling in her eyes, the main one being relief.
“Mmmmm… Can I get up?” She asked Parker, motioning to his arms that were firmly wrapped around her waist.
“No.” We both growled and I saw her eyes widened in shock. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh. I should probably explain things a bit better.
“The doctor wants you on bedrest for a couple of weeks, so you’re not allowed out of this bed. I brought you food and if you need anything else, one of us will get it for you.” I replied softly while brushing my finger against her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. I didn’t stopped until she spoke again.
“It’s just, I have to pee.” She said shyly.
“Oh… Here, I’ll help you.” I replied and quickly scooped her up in my arms. She gasped at the sudden action, but then giggled in amusement. I loved the sound of her laugh, it was like music to my ears.
“I can walk you know.” She argued.
“No can do, doctor’s orders.” I replied with a shrug.
I walked into the bathroom before gently setting her down.
“I’ll be right outside the door, let me know when you’re done.” I said and she smiled at me.
Once she was done I brought her back to the bed and laid her down next to Parker. I grabbed the tray of food and set it down next her.
“Thank you.” She said softly before grabbing a piece of dry toast and taking a small bite.
I watched her take a few bites before putting the toast back down on the tray.
“You have to eat more than that, my love. You’re eating for two.” Parker cooed while tickling her thigh with his fingers, starting at her knee and stopping mid thigh where her shorts stopped.
She gulped nervously, as she rubbed her thighs together. It only took a second for the sweet scent of her arousal to hit my nose. I growled in approval, simultaneously with my brother. He had obviously smelt the same thing I had.
“Goddess, you smell delicious.” He said, while licking his lips. His eyes were pure black and I knew his wolf had taken control. Mine wasn’t far behind.
“Stop that, Parker. She needs to eat and rest.” I scolded him. I wanted nothing more then to sample our little mate, but we had to refrain ourselves. She was on bedrest and I wasn’t going to risk her or the pup’s health.
“Sorry, I’m still a little nauseous from the morning sickness. I can’t eat anymore right now.” She practically whispered.
s**t, I hadn’t even thought about that and by the look on my brothers face, he hadn’t either. Her words were enough to snap us both out of our haze.
“Eat what you can baby girl. Do you want some juice or water?” I asked softly.
“Water, please” she replied and I nodded before grabbing the water on the nightstand and handing it to her.
“Thank you.” She said, before taking a sip.
“Now tell us, how far along are you?” I asked, while gently rubbing her belly.
“Three months” She replied excitedly and I watched her face light up.
“We know it’s a boy, Max told us, have you started thinking of names yet?” Parker asked.
“Not yet.” She replied with a sad smile. It was clear even though she was excited about the pregnancy, that she hadn’t been given a chance to properly enjoy it. We would have to change that, a pregnancy should be a special moment in a woman’s life.
“Well, now that you’re bed ridden we have all the time in the world to come up with a name.” My brother suggested and a genuine smile spread across her face.
We spent the entire day lounging in bed with our little mate. We talked about everything and anything. It was by far the best day of my life. I could literally spend the rest of my life like this and be the happiest man in the world.
By the end of the day she had really come out of her shell. She was still shy, but was laughing way more and even initiating physical contact, which literally made my d**k twitch every single time. All she had to do was put her hand on my thigh and I was instantly hard. It was embarrassing, I felt like a hormonal teenager and kept having to hide my crotch under a pillow. The only saving grace, was that my brother was having the same struggle on the other side of her and she seemed to be oblivious with our little problem.
This little vixen already had the power to bring us to our knees and she didn’t even know it yet.
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