Sky's Rejection -
Sky’s Rejection Chapter 35
(Sky’s POV)
It has been an exhausting three days.
I am exhausted, I am on the verge of giving up and I now know that Dean is getting frustrated with the way he must keep being my voice. I miss talking with Rain, I miss talking with Angel. I miss being in my own thoughts. Why is it so hard for us to figure out how to get me back into my own body?
“Sky?” I perk up as Dimitri walks into the room. No one else is in here meaning I can’t let him know anything from my end.
“Dean will be back soon. I just wanted to thank you for saving Dean, having the Moon Goddess bring me back and for warning us about the rogues before they crossed the border. I hope to have the type of relationship normal mates have when you are back. I know this is tough for you, but I am working day and night to figure out how to bring you back into your body.” Dimitri says as he looks at my body, I look like I am in a peaceful sleep, and I can’t believe that I am experiencing this.
See, after everyone finally believed me, I explained to everyone what had happened. I haven’t talked with Henry to tell him what mother and father said but I figure I should wait till I get back so we can have a private conversation about that.
“I need you to relay an important message.” I said to Dean waiting for him to accept. He nods his head to me, waiting for me to continue. “Okay, the Goddess sent me back because I still have a prophecy to finish, and it wasn’t my time to leave. She said I can’t complete the prophecy without Dimitri, so she allowed to grant my wish to bring him back. I had to choose something very private. In the long run I choose to be sent to save you, Dean. I had to stop you before going over the border. This is time sensitive. The Rogues are about a hundred and fifty meters out from the border. I need you guys to go and deal with that before they attack the pack. I wasn’t going to allow you to die Dean and that is why you can hear me.”
“What?” Dean asked in shock.
“What did she say?” Dimitri asked in curiosity.
“Spit it out boy, NOW.” Ty demanded as I felt his anger slowly rising.
“I… um… I…” Dean stutters trying to comprehend what I told him, but right now I just need him to tell them what I said before it is to late.
“Tell them now Dean.” I demanded, using my aura on him.
“I guess she said, the Goddess sent her back here because she has some kind of prophecy to still full fill, and it wasn’t her time to die, I guess. The Goddess told her she couldn’t complete the prophecy without Dimitri, so she allowed to grant Sky’s wish to bring him back. She had some hard chooses to make. In the long run she chooses to be sent back to save me. “Dean starts to say slowly, as if trying to understand his words as they leave his mouth. Well, that was till he got cut off.
“Save you from what?” Mark asked in concern.
“What kind of private thing did she have to choose? Is she still my mate? Is she okay?” Dimitri asked in concern, did he really think I wouldn’t save Dean though no matter what the consequences was?
“Let him finish.” I growled in annoyance. This isn’t even the important part yet.
“She growled for you guys to stop cutting in and let me finish. We haven’t even gotten to the time sensitive issue yet.” Dean said as they nodded and kept their mouths shut. “Sky had to stop me before going over our pack border. There are Rogues about a hundred and fifty meters out from the border. She needs us to go and deal with that before they attack the pack. She chose me over what ever other option she had, that is why I can hear her.”
“Rogues? The left over from the fight?” Dimitri growled as I felt his anger radiating off him and Demon take control. Within seconds everyone except Samantha and Ariel were gone.
*End of Flashback*
“I know I can’t hear anything you say, meaning you probably are not responding. I don’t blame you. This must be hard on you, that you’re just able to watch yourself unconscious, you can’t talk to anyone, but Dean and we all keep leaving you. I want you to know I am here for you, and I miss you more than you can imagine. I wish you would come back. Demon misses you too. I will never let you go through all that pain you have been through ever again.” Dimitri whispers, as if he wasn’t sure if he should even tell me how he feels. I walk up to him and place my hand on his cheek. The warmth and sparks spread through me, but he feels nothing at all. With a sigh he gets up, walking straight through me as he leaves the room. I fall to the ground crying my heart out.
Within a few minutes I feel a person enter the room, by the scent I know it is Dean. I sniffle, trying to calm myself down.
“What is wrong Sky?” Dean asked as I feel him sit in the middle of the room. I crawl myself over to him and lay down my head in his lap.
“I can’t do this anymore. This is worse than being dead. I can’t talk to Angel or Rain. No one sees me or can feel me. I just touched Dimitri as I felt sparks and heat spread through me and all he did was sigh and walk through me as he left. He can’t feel me. He can’t hear me.” I cry in a whisper as I hide my head into his stomach.
“I hear you and I can feel you.” Dean whispers as he pets my hair, trying to calm me down.
“You can really feel me?” I whimper into his stomach, coming out in a mumbled mess.
Dean deep throat chuckles as he looks down towards his lap. “I can’t see you, Sky, but I hear every word you say, and I feel your head laying on my lap. I feel your breath tickling my stomach and I know I am rubbing your hair. So, I may not be able to see you, but I know you are upset, I know I can listen, and I know I can be here to support you. I am here for you, my Luna.”
I look up at his face, he means every word he says. “I made a decision to save you.”
“I know you did. I know you most likely sacrificed a huge thing and are now hurting from it.” Dean says as he looks down, it seems as if he is staring straight into my soul, but I know he can’t see me. I wish he could, the most torturous part of this is not being able to interact with anyone other than Dean. We have grown close from this experience though.
“It was an easy decision Dean; I would sacrifice anything and everything just to save my mate from experiencing the death of a close loved one like I have been through. Plus, you have grown on me, a little, I guess.” I joked with him, as he chuckled in amusement. “I just don’t know how to tell Dimitri what I had to sacrifice or if I should even tell him.”
“Is it that bad?” Dean whispered, as he continued to stroke my hair even more. I am not sure if he is trying to calm himself down or me.
“No, it is just something I have always wanted, and most people want.” I whispered, deciding I should probably change the subject. “Thank you for being here for me through this. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t.”
“What happen to the stuck-up girl, who was emotionless and always glaring at everyone?” Dean jokes as I see his eyes light up in humor.
“She got locked away from all beings and became invisible.” I told him, as I tried to shove him in a playful manner.
“Hey, I felt that, not so strong anymore now that you’re a ghost.” Dean says as he breaks into a fit of laughter. I can’t help but smile in content. I may not be back in my body yet but at least I don’t feel alone.
“What’s so funny in here?” Ariel says as she wobbles in with a smile on her face and a twinkle of amusement in her eye. Her belly has gotten huge, and I would say, by the looks of it, that bundle of joy will be here in no time at all.
“What has happened to her? Her belly looks ready to explode. Like an over cooked watermelon.” I said in shock as my eyes stay focused on her belly. Dean falls backwards, literally rolling around in a fit of laughter as I roll my eyes at him. He is so immature, nothing I said was that funny. I huff in annoyance.
“What did she say? Why are you laughing?” Ariel asked, her face is turning red as she begins to get angry from being left out. Uh – oh.
“That is not the saying. It is the watermelon seed she swallowed finally popped. I have never heard anyone say it the way you did. She goes, what happened to her? Her belly looks ready to explode, like an over cooked watermelon.” Dean says as he wipes tears from his eyes and hoists himself up into a sitting position.
To my surprise Ariel starts laughing hysterically. Pregnant people and their emotions. I watched as Mark rush inside the room followed by Dimitri and his parents. Where has Ty taken off too? As I watch Ariel, I see her belly shake with ever laugh. I slide across the floor, landing under her belly and using my hands to try to hold it in place. It looks as if the baby and her belly will just fall off her. “I am holding her stomach; help Dean I don’t think it is working and the way her belly is shaking while laughing the pup is for sure going to fall out.” I am sure he can hear the panic and concern in my voice. Does he care though? Nope, not at all.
Dean starts cracking up again as he stares at Ariel’s belly in shock, but I feel like he is seeing me again. Suddenly, Ariel stopped laughing and stares at him. “Why are you looking at Ariel’s belly and laughing?” Mark asked in anger, I could see him fuming, almost as if steam would come out of his ears.
“Sky must have gotten scared your baby would fall out of your belly. She literally slid across the floor, stopped under your belly and is currently trying to hold your belly up with her hands.” Dean says quickly as he continues laughing, as everyone else joins them. What is so funny?
Ty and the doctor walk into the room, as my brother follows behind. Wait my brother is here? I am happy he didn’t die but why is he here? Does he want to be here or is Dimitri forcing him to be here. I am staring at them with my mouth gaped in shock.
“Sky dear, the baby will not fall out. The baby is protected in Ariel’s stomach I promise.” The doctor says as he continues to the middle of the room. Thank goddess. I breath a sigh of relief and move back into Deans arms. He must feel me as his one arm wraps around me and the other starts to pet my hair again as I sigh in exhaustion. Everyday I am getting more and more tired. I don’t know how much longer I will be able to hold on.
“It’s okay Sky, I have you.” Dean whispers as I feel his hold on me tighten. I see Dimitri tense, as if he knows what is going on. I try to fight to keep myself awake.
“What’s wrong with her?” Dimitri asks as he tries to suppress a growl. I know it must be bothering Demon that I am this close to Dean, but he is the only one who can touch me and hear me. I need someone to stablize me here instead of allowing my soul to float off. I can connect and feed off Dean’s energy. I feel his worry and tiredness. I am dragging him down with me. I stop anchoring to him.
“I am tired Dean. I don’t think I can hold on much longer. I am cold and I can’t stay anchored to you anymore. It is taking too much from you for me to stay in this state.” I said sadly. I knew this was a possibility. The goddess said she could only help so much to get me back. She could have sent me straight to my body but then Dean would have died before I was able to reach him. If I went to save him, I knew I had to figure this out myself. I don’t think we will figure it out in time though. I feel my eyes drooping shut.
“Shhh, it is going to be okay.” Dean says quietly as I feel his tears begin to fall on me. He is trying to reassure me, but he doesn’t even believe his own words. “Has anyone figured out how to connect her back to her body? She can’t stay this way.”
“Answer me Dean. Is she okay?” Dimitri panics as he moves closer to Dean and me. At this point, I am barely conscious now as I reach my hand up and connect it to Dean’s. He looks down towards me as I see all the emotions running through him.
“No, we haven’t yet.” The doctor says slowly. Dean shakes his head, side from side, making my mate start to tear up, before he walks to the other side of the room. Trying to hide it all.
“We will in no time though Sky, any minute now we will come across the answer just give us a few hours.” Ty said, I can tell he already knows what is starting to happen.
“Tell Ty that I always hang on, there is never a time I will let go. He will understand.” I whisper as Dean’s tears flow even faster down his face. I hear Ariel and my brother sniffling, trying to hold back their tears. Realization passes through my mate’s eyes and Demon takes over.
“Ty. Sky said to let you know that she will always hang on…” Dean starts before Ty interrupts him, “There is never a time I will let go. Same my child. I am always here. Just hold on, give me a couple hours.” With that Ty rushes out of the room, barely being seen.
“FIND AN ANSWER NOW.” Demon demands as he growls in frustration. He stumps out of the room, probably not being able to handle me in Dean’s arms.
“Did you hear them? You just need to hold on a little longer.” Dean says softly at the top off my head.
“I heard them. I am going to sleep now, Dean. I can’t stay awake anymore.” I whisper as my eyes close.
“I will hold you until we figure out a solution. Sleep, but don’t leave us.” I barely hear his response, before I pass out. Wishing they hurry because I am afraid I will wake up and not be here anymore.
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