Stay With Me: A Best Friend’s Brother Small Town Romance (Sugarland Creek Book 2) -
Stay With Me (Sugarland Creek Book 2): Chapter 23
The past few days have been hell for Landen, and even when I try to talk to him about something else, he either ignores me or grunts out a response. I haven’t seen him this way since his ex broke up with him in high school. Landen’s not one to process his feelings with words. Instead, he’s hiding out in the middle of the woods with a case of beer and an axe.
I’m not sure how long he’s been out here, but it’s safe to say we have enough chopped wood to last the retreat for the rest of winter.
“It’s gettin’ cold out here,” I say, approaching him delicately so he doesn’t whip the axe at me.
“Then take your scrawny bitch ass back inside.”
His tone is crude and harsh, but I bark out a laugh at his ability to insult me so easily.
He slices through another chunk of wood and the pieces go flying.
“C’mon, man. Let me take you home. Magnolia’s worried about you. She keeps askin’ why you aren’t responding to her texts.”
“Because I have nothin’ to say.”
Another chop.
“I know you’re in pain, but drunk wood choppin’ is just gonna send you to the ER.”
He ignores me and cuts through another stump. “Do you remember when Noah helped me rescue her? She was just skin and bones.”
I nod because that day was absolutely nuts. We don’t make it a habit of stealing horses, but it was obvious Sydney was neglected. Her owner couldn’t afford the cost, and instead of giving her away to someone who could take care of her, they just left her in a barn to die. Landen got a tip from a neighbor, and one night, he and Noah snuck into the barn. Our sister is basically a horse whisperer, which is why Landen dragged her along. But when the flashlights and break-in spooked Sydney, it was not Noah she wanted. Landen held out his hand and spoke softly to her, telling her they were there to help her. She immediately warmed up to him and came up to him. Once she was close enough, he was able to slide the halter around her neck and get her inside the trailer.
Once she was ours and got a full health check, we realized she had a laundry list of health issues from being malnourished and having overgrown hooves. Landen took her under his wing and even paid for all her treatments himself. He trained her for riding, and eventually, she was healthy enough for ranch work too. He was so proud to have Sydney as his own and kept up the responsibilities of making sure she got all her vaccines and annual physical exams.
“You gave her a good life,” I tell him when he stays silent. “She woulda died much sooner if it wasn’t for you.”
“I should’ve kept a closer eye on her,” he mutters. “Then I’d have seen the signs before she got worse.”
“You couldn’t have known, Landen. A genetic heart condition isn’t easy to diagnose. The signs weren’t obvious enough to know we needed to do those types of tests.”
“It’s fuckin’ bullshit.” He raises his arms over his head and then slams the axe through another block. “She coulda had so many healthy years left in her had she been on meds for it.”
There’s nothing more I can say to change the outcome or how he feels about it. We didn’t know Sydney was sick before we approved her for the surgery. There was no way to know it’d be too hard on her heart and she’d go into a cardiac shock. When there was no improvement after forty-eight hours, Dr. Weston said it was only a matter of time before her heart would stop completely. Instead of letting her suffer, Landen demanded he give her the meds to let her go peacefully.
My parents and siblings stood around Sydney’s stall as Landen sat next to her. She lifted her head just enough to look at him before Dr. Weston injected her with the sedation and then seconds later, the euthanasia drug mixture.
After she was confirmed gone, there wasn’t a dry eye in the barn. Magnolia kneeled behind Landen and rubbed his back as silent tears fell down his cheeks. And later when we were alone, I pulled her into my arms while she let out her own.
A loud engine roaring breaks me out of my memories. Two loud, rowdy voices echo in the distance, and soon, Wilder and Waylon are charging through the woods to us.
“Y’all havin’ a woods party without us?” Wilder scoffs, carrying a twenty-four pack of beer. “Now the real fun can begin.”
Waylon grabs a can and sits next to me on one of the trunks. “He doin’ okay?” He nods toward Landen, who’s still chopping away.
“Whaddya think, asshole?” I shake my head. “And no party. We’re just…hangin’ out.”
“Sounds fuckin’ boring.” Wilder cracks open his beer and sits next to Waylon. “Where’s the music? The chicks?”
“Probably at the bar,” I murmur.
We sit in silence as we watch Landen. None of us know what to say or do to make him feel better, so instead of forcing him to talk, we continue drinking, and I keep a close eye on him. Even if he doesn’t want our company, he’s getting it anyway.
“So what’s up with you and Magnolia?” Wilder blurts out to no one in particular, and I can’t grasp if he’s asking me or Landen.
“What’re you talkin’ about?” I finally ask when Landen continues his silent treatment.
“Wonderin’ if he still has a crush on her or if she’s open season.” When he waggles his brows, I crush the empty beer can in my palm and fight the temptation to throw it at his face.
“Fuck off. She’s not a piece of meat,” I say instead.
“Told ya.” Waylon smirks back at Wilder as if they’re in on some twin secret.
“Told him what?” I ask.
“You’re the one who wants her, not Landen. And that reaction proves I’m right.” Waylon points at Wilder. “Cough up my money.”
“Y’all made a bet?”
“Wilder was so sure that she and Landen were foolin’ around, but I bet fifty bucks that it was you she was after,” Waylon explains.
“That doesn’t prove anything,” Wilder argues. “Tripp’s always defended her. So until I see it with my own eyes, I’m not payin’ you shit.”
“Dude! You’re such a cheap ass.” Waylon shakes his head, sucking down the rest of his beer.
I neither confirm nor deny helping Waylon win his money. It serves them right for always getting in my business and being nosy fuckers.
“I’m not datin’ Magnolia,” Landen speaks minutes later. He finally drops the axe and shakes out his arm. “But I know who is. Does that mean I get money from both of ya?”
I glare at him, but he’s not looking at me. Is he honestly going to throw me under the bus for a hundred bucks?
“You’re bluffin’,” Waylon says. “You don’t know.”
“She’s one of my best friends. Why wouldn’t I?” Landen counters, opening a new beer.
I’m happy he’s finally talking, but I could’ve done without the topic of my girlfriend.
“He’s gotta point,” Wilder says. “Okay, so tell us. Who’s her new guy? And can I kick his ass?”
Waylon howls out a laugh. “Magnolia wouldn’t date you even if she were single.”
“No, I think even if he were the last man on Earth, she’d still reject him.” Landen laughs at Wilder’s expense, and I stay frozen, waiting to hear where Landen takes this.
Wilder stands and swings his arm around in a roping motion. “She couldn’t handle all this anyway.”
Waylon tosses one of the empty cans at him and then brings his attention back to Landen. “So are you gonna say who it is or not?”
Landen briefly catches my gaze before snapping it back to Waylon’s. “Nah. Bestie code.”
“Motherfucker!” Wilder tosses up his arms.
I bring my beer to my lips to hide the smile spreading across my face. Five minutes later, and the twins are already talking shit about something else.
But the mention of Magnolia has me missing her even more. It’s been an emotional week and all our free time has been spent in the barn with Sydney or in the house with Landen. We continue to text and FaceTime, but I’m dying for Friday to roll around so we can have our sleepover redo. She’s bringing over her holiday drinks so I can taste test and if all goes right, she’ll be stripped down to nothing before the evening ends.
I check my phone as my brothers continue shooting the shit and getting wasted.
How are things going with Landen?
Well, he finally stopped chopping and is now drinking with the twins.
He’s gonna hurt for a while. It’s good y’all are spending time with him. Keep his mind busy.
I’m trying. The twins brought up your name, and I had to resist blurting out that you were mine, and they better stop getting ideas.
So damn possessive.
Then she adds a blushing smiley emoji.
Protective. And okay, maybe a little obsessive.
Just a smidge…
Speaking of, where are you?
Taking a bath. Wanna see?
Yes, but I really don’t need a boner with my brothers around.
I’m sure you can use your imagination, cowboy.
You have no fucking idea. I don’t think I can wait two more days to touch you.
Don’t worry, baby. I plan to make the wait so, so worth it 😉
I can hear her sweet, seductive voice in my head, and that’s all it takes for my cock to wake up.
Her calling me baby is new. And I like it, a lot.
Landen decides he’s done and asks me to drive him home. Wilder and Waylon opt to stay and have a wood-chopping contest.
“You morons better not call me in ten minutes because someone chopped off a foot,” I warn before leaving them behind.
It’s times like these Noah would be the logical one and take the axe away from them, but I’m not in the mood for a fight. If they wanna be dumbasses, then by all means.
Landen climbs in my truck and slumps against the door.
“No throwin’ up in here,” I taunt.
He scoffs. “I don’t get sick from beer.”
“Last night, you were doing shots of tequila, so at least beer’s a step away from a cry for help.”
He lifts his shoulder. “Whatever numbs the pain.”
I know that feeling all too well.
“It’s a temporary fix, Landen. I know you’re hurtin’, but alcohol won’t solve your problems.”
“Maybe not, but it sure as hell beats the overwhelming sadness.”
I blow out an uncertain breath, white-knuckling the steering wheel as we get closer to home. “I think Franklin actually misses her, too. He was snippy with me all mornin’.”
“They were in the makin’ of their own enemies-to-lovers romance story.”
My lips part as I bark out a laugh. “What do you know about romance books?”
“I was listenin’ to Noah and Magnolia talk about one they were reading.”
“You mean eavesdropping.”
“A man’s gotta learn somehow.” The corner of his mouth teases a smile. “There was some knife to the throat scene they were going feral over.”
My brow etches up in interest. “Who was holdin’ the knife?”
“The chick and then when the guy leaned forward with a smirk, they squealed like a bunch of seagulls.”
I laugh at that because that definitely sounds like Noah and Magnolia.
“Sounds like it could be your enemies-to-lovers moment between you and Ellie.”
“Pfft. She’d take the knife and just stab me in the heart with it.”
“You sure? She did give you a condolence card.”
“That just means she’s not a heartless bitch. Doesn’t mean she likes me.”
“Ya never know.” I shrug. “Crazier shit has happened.”
When I park in front of our duplex, I look over, and he’s frowning.
“Wanna hang out for a bit and play GTA?”
He shrugs but then nods. “I wouldn’t mind kickin’ your ass.”
“So overconfident of your skills.” We jump out of the truck, and I follow him up to his place.
Even though I rarely play video games and admittingly suck at them, I’ll deal with losing if it means Landen doesn’t spend the night sulking alone.
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