Stay With Me: A Best Friend’s Brother Small Town Romance (Sugarland Creek Book 2) -
Stay With Me (Sugarland Creek Book 2): Chapter 24
This Friday’s busier than it’s been previously at the retreat, and I can hardly keep up as customers form a line at my trailer. It’s a good problem to have, and I’m grateful for the business, but I’m so damn anxious for this weekend I can hardly focus.
It doesn’t help that this week has been an emotional rollercoaster, and I’ve felt a bit off. But I’ve been waiting for tonight with Tripp for the past several days and am not letting anything get in the way now.
I hand off a customer’s latte, and when I see the man standing behind her, an uneasy shiver runs through me.
He stands tall in an all-black suit, with his hands in his pockets and a sly smirk on his lips. His gaze lowers down to my chest and then back up again. Sugarland Creek’s population is two thousand, and most of the locals are ranchers, work on one, or own a small business. And he doesn’t look like any of those. He’s even too dressed up to be one of the two lawyers in town.
Assuming he’s staying at one of the cabins here, he still sticks out like a sore thumb. Most of the guests come for horseback rides, mountain biking, fishing, or any of the other numerous outdoor activities they offer.
“Hello, welcome to Magnolia’s. How can I caffeinate you this mornin’?” I continue with my usual introduction to new customers.
“Good morning. Can I assume you’re Magnolia?” His little flirty tone has me eager to reach for my bag where I not only keep my taser but my new pepper spray and brass kitty knuckles. Even if they’re pink and sparkly, they could cause real harm when I need them to.
“Yep, the one and only.”
“That’s a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
Without sounding dramatic, I’m certain my breakfast just came up my throat, but I force a smile and swallow it down.
“Thanks. How can I help you?”
“Just a black coffee, please.” He reaches into his suit coat and takes out his wallet. “Actually, those muffins are calling my name. I’ll get one of those, too.”
I smile because I spent three hours last night baking my new double-choco pumpkin-flavored muffins. At least the creepy stranger has good taste.
“Good pick. They’re perfect for the fall season, too.”
Even though Thanksgiving is next week and the town will turn into full-on Christmas mode, I’m holding onto these muffin fall flavors as long as I can.
Once I have his coffee and bagged pastry on the counter, I input his order into the cash register.
“That’ll be seven-fifty, please.”
He hands me a twenty. “Keep the change, Magnolia.”
I don’t like the way he says my name or holds onto the bill a second too long before releasing it. And I especially don’t like when he winks at me as if I’m in on some creepy secret.
But for the sake of staying professional, I thank him and put the rest in my tip jar.
“Have a great rest of your day,” I say, hoping he gets the hint to walk away.
When he finally does, I help the customer behind him but subtly watch as he goes to his blacked-out Denali.
Yeah, he’s definitely not from here.
By the time I finish work, take an everything shower—where I exfoliate, do a hair mask with avocado oil, extra moisturizer, and shave every inch of unwanted body hair—get dressed with my new black lingerie underneath, pack an overnight bag, and collect all my coffee ingredients, it’s after six before I get to Tripp’s place. He’s freshly clean and looking even more delicious than usual.
“I’ve missed you.” He captures my lips before I even step inside.
“Mm…I’ve missed you more.” I lean into the kiss as he cups my cheeks and then I slide my hands around his waist. “I have a couple bags to bring in.”
“Stay here. I’ll grab ’em for you.” He pecks my lips once more before going out to my car, and I wait for him at the breakfast bar.
I watch as he effortlessly carries in my mini espresso maker from home, my bag of syrups, milk, and toppings, and then my overnight bag.
“I can’t believe you brought this all in with one trip.”
“I’m used to liftin’ two hay bales at a time for a solid hour. This was nothing.”
He flexes his biceps as if to prove his point, and I laugh at how confident he looks.
“Oh, would you mind grabbin’ my purse for me, please? It’s on the passenger seat.”
“Yep.” He kisses my temple as I stand and start organizing everything.
My espresso maker from home isn’t as precise as my expensive one in the trailer, but it’ll do for taste testing. I have three new flavor combos I want him to try and maybe a fourth if he still hasn’t stripped me down to nothing.
Tripp’s deep drawl using my real name has an icy shiver running down my spine. When I meet his eyes, they’re lethal as he holds up the rose and note from Travis I was supposed to take into my apartment last weekend. The rose is withering from days without water, but all I can focus on is Tripp’s tense jaw and tight grip on the piece of paper.
“What is this?” He slams them down on the counter. “And what the fuck did he do to you that he’s apologizing?”
I flinch at how angry he sounds. Telling him about him coming into my trailer will get him even more fired up.
“What aren’t you tellin’ me?” he prompts when I stay silent. When I struggle to get out the words, he steps closer, grabs my hand, and then tilts my chin until our gazes meet. “Sunny, tell me. Please.”
Finally, I blow out a hesitant breath and nod.
“He’s been beggin’ me to take him back, and when I blocked his number, he showed up when I was closing. When he wouldn’t leave, I kicked him in the balls, stepped on his wrist, and threatened him with my taser. Then I might’ve said something along the lines of the Hollis boys digging me a six-foot hole and helpin’ me push his body inside.”
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters with a breathy laugh. “When was this?”
“Last Tuesday when you got held up at The Lodge.”
“That motherfucker.” He scrubs a hand over his jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“The last thing I want is for you to get in trouble again because of me. I didn’t want you to get involved because Travis is nothing to me and he’s not worth going to jail for.”
He cups my face and plucks my lower lip out from my teeth. “Stop worryin’ about me and feelin’ guilty about what happened last time. Even knowin’ I’d have to do a hundred hours of community service, I’d do it all over again if it meant keepin’ you safe and away from him.”
“He’s just lookin’ for trouble and if you give him a reason, he’ll fight you. I don’t wanna see you get hurt either. So it’s better if you stay away from him.”
He barks out a humorless laugh. “No, sweetheart. It’s better for him to stay away from me. And most importantly, away from my girlfriend. Perhaps he needs a reminder not to touch what’s mine…”
I groan at his implications. “See, this is exactly why I didn’t tell you.”
With a brow arched, he asks, “Have there been any other unwanted visits or letters since then?”
“No. I was only keepin’ the note in case of a restraining order, and I’d need proof for the sheriff.”
“Save everything.” He grabs my hands and holds them to his chest as he closes the gap between us. “If he does anything else, you need to tell me. Promise, Sunny.”
Reluctantly, I nod. “I just got pepper spray and kitty knuckles too. So you shouldn’t be too worried about me. I took care of him by myself.”
“But you shouldn’t have to nor do I want him around you. If he can’t get over you breakin’ up with him over two years ago, he’s unhinged at this point.”
My chest tightens at the words trapped in my throat. The ones where I confess we hooked up four weeks ago and that’s what prompted his obsession to get back together.
But the truth would only hurt him, especially seeing his reaction to Travis being near me. Tripp would want to kill him for real if he knew we’d slept together. And he’d most likely hate me for it, too.
“I can take care of myself,” I remind him. “But I don’t think he’s gonna bother me anymore, so there’s no need to worry.”
He takes my mouth and delivers the most delicious harsh kiss I’ve ever experienced. Tongue lapping at mine, strong hold on my cheeks, moaning between breaths. My fingers dig into his hips as I cling to his body, desperate for more.
After breaking our kiss, he leans his forehead against mine. “I’ll always worry when it comes to you, Sunny. Even though I’ve witnessed you makin’ grown men cry—hell, women too—but that doesn’t mean I want you dealin’ with assholes on your own. We’re a team now. If someone’s giving you shit, I wanna know about it. Got it?”
Grinning, my heart flutters at him calling us a team. I’ve never depended on anyone else except Noah, and even then, I don’t like her being involved in anything regarding Travis drama. I’d rather forget he exists.
“Okay, deal.” I wrap my arms around his neck and slide my fingers into his hair. “As long as that goes both ways and I get to know if any chicks are after you.”
“With you on my mind every second of every day, I don’t even pay attention to anyone else to know if they are. You never have to worry about that, baby.” He grips my chin and pulls my lips to his. “But in the event I get a stalker, you and your kitty knuckles will be the first to know.”
A laugh bubbles out of me at his smart-ass comment. “Don’t underestimate the knuckles until you see how much pain they can cause.” Then I lower my hand to his groin and palm the outline of his cock. “Especially here.”
His eyes widen and he shakes his head, grabbing my wrist. “I don’t trust you with sharp objects near my junk.”
I snicker. “Good, then you know to be scared of me and my weapons.”
“Cute.” He lowers his hand to my ass and gives it a little smack. “Now, didn’t you promise me a lingerie strip show?”
“Ha! After you taste test my drinks. Then if you’re a good boy, I’ll give you a personal viewing.”
Tripp buries his face in my neck and growls in my ear, pressing his erection into my stomach. “Then you better make it fast.”
I’m seconds away from saying screw it and tearing off his clothes before he backs away, then sits at the breakfast bar. I stare at how sexy he looks in his plain T-shirt and backward baseball cap. It’s basic, nothing special, but he wears it like a professional country boy model. And I’m tempted as hell to climb into his lap.
“What’s the first one?” he asks, knocking me out of my trance.
“Um…well, it’s a traditional peppermint mocha, but in mine, I put a pump of vanilla syrup for added sweetness and top it with whipped cream, dark chocolate drizzle, and candy cane pieces.”
He grins. “Sounds pretty good.”
“I hope so.”
He updates me about Landen while I set up my espresso machine. I feel terrible for what he’s going through, and I’ve tried reaching out, but he’s not wanted to talk. Watching him cry over Sydney was one of the saddest moments I’ve ever witnessed him go through.
After I steam the milk, I grab one of his mugs and line it with the dark chocolate. Then I pour the hot milk over the syrups and espresso and stir it up real good. Once it’s mixed, I swirl the whipped cream on top, add the drizzle, and sprinkle the peppermint pieces until it looks perfect.
“That’s quite the presentation,” he muses when I set it in front of him.
“Hopefully, it tastes as good as it looks,” I say, prompting him to try it. “Oh, wait, let me take a picture. I’m tryin’ to grow my social media pages.”
I snap a few without him in the photo and then steal a couple as he holds it up.
“Am I good to try it now?”
“Yep, dig in.”
As he takes a drink, I snap a few more.
I chuckle when he lowers the mug. “The whipped cream on your nose is what’s really gonna sell it.”
“Such a little smart-ass.” He smirks, wiping off his face.
Laughing, I dip my finger into the cup, swipe more whipped cream, and then smear it over his mouth. “Here, let me get that for ya.”
I lean in and brush my tongue over his lips, tasting the mix of him and the sweetness of the coffee. He moans as our mouths fuse together in a heated kiss.
When I pull back, he yanks me between his thighs and cups my ass.
“Mm…better be careful or you’re gonna get addicted,” I taunt, wrapping my arms around him as he kisses my neck.
“You’ve already infected my veins and consume all my thoughts, Sunny. Addicted would be an understatement.”
As much as I planned on teasing him and slowly revealing the lacy black lingerie I’m wearing underneath my clothes, I’m not sure I can wait much longer. His hands and mouth on my body have my skin on fire, and the more he touches me, the more I want to rip off his clothes.
“I think I’m owed a piece of clothing,” he muses, flirting his fingers along the hem of my sweater. “And I’m choosing this.”
Raising my arms, he slides it up and off. His gaze goes to my chest, and he licks his lips.
“Goddamn, baby. This is so much sexier in person.” The pad of his finger glides down in between my breasts, around the corset lace, and then traces around my hard nipple. “I wanna rip this off you right now.”
“Tsk, tsk.” I step back out of his grasp. “No touchin’, cowboy.”
He pouts. “Since when?”
“That was the deal. For every drink you sample, I lose a piece of clothing. Nothin’ about getting handsy.”
Although I very much want his hands all over me, that’s not part of our little game.
He arches a brow and crosses his arms. “Then I want to revisit the terms of this contract before the next drink…”
“Sorry, oral contracts cannot be altered.” I smirk, then go back behind the counter and start on my next latte.
Although I’m not focusing on him, I can feel his gaze on me—specifically, my chest. But I love having his full attention on me even if I’m being my own personal cock block.
“You know, my eyes are up here.”
“I’m aware, but your nipples stared at me first.”
I snort at how serious he sounds. “And all this time, I thought you were an ass man.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken, love. I’m a Magnolia man who’s obsessed with everything about you.”
My cheeks heat as I fight the urge to say fuck it and jump into his arms. But I’m not folding this easily just yet.
“Are you ready for the next one?” I top this drink with sweet, cold foam and cinnamon.
“That looks like dessert in a cup.”
“Pretty close. I’m gonna call it the Cinnamon Roll Latte.”
He takes a sip, licks the cold foam off his lips, and then tastes it again. “Very sweet, but I like it.”
“Too sweet? I could add less syrup.”
“Maybe a little, but honestly, it’s still good.”
“The sweet, cold foam on top adds a layer of sweetness, so maybe I’ll put less syrup in the cup so it’s not so overwhelming.” I grab my phone and write myself a note for the next time I make it. “Okay, that was good feedback. You’ve earned another piece of clothing.”
“Hmm…” His tongue teases his bottom lip as his gaze lowers down the length of me. “Jeans.”
Just as I figured. He’s going to die when he sees the see-through lacy panties, garter belt, and black stockings.
I flick open the button before he stops me. “Do I at least get the honor of removin’ it for you?”
“If you think you can handle keepin’ your hands to yourself,” I tease and stand between his legs.
“Turn around,” he orders, and I put my back toward him.
He wraps his arms around my waist, lowers the zipper, and then oh-so-slowly slides my jeans to my ankles.
“Boots?” he asks.
“Depends if you want ’em on or off…” I glance over my shoulder and see him contemplating.
“On…for now.”
I kick them off so he can remove my jeans, then I slip the boots back on.
“Fuckin’ hell. You’re stunning, baby.” His labored breathing tickles my neck as he stands behind me. “Not touchin’ you is torture.”
I turn around so he can appreciate the full look and his eyes grow to saucers at what he sees. His arms are behind his back as if he has to physically restrain himself from reaching for me and that level of respect from a man isn’t something I’ve ever had. I teasingly tell him no touching and he’s ready to cuff his wrists back so he doesn’t cross the boundary I set.
When his heated gaze burns me from the inside out, I’ve never wanted his touch more than I do right now.
“I’m about to get on my knees and beg you to let me kiss you right now.”
The desperation in his voice has me cracking. I wrap my arms around his neck, pull his head down, and crash our mouths together. His needy hands circle my waist, and he yanks me flush against his body with a relieved moan. The hardness beneath his jeans pokes into my stomach and my heart hammers at the anticipation of finally giving all of myself to him.
Tripp lifts my ass and my legs wrap around him as he settles me on the counter. Our mouths stay glued together as his hands explore my body, cup my breasts, and wander down to the garter piece.
“As beautiful as you look in this, I want to rip it off and kiss every inch of your skin.”
“Just don’t ruin it. Fisher paid for it.”
Tripp freezes mid-touch and kiss. Welp, shouldn’t have let that bit slip.
The corners of my lips tilt up as I wait for him to process what I just said.
Finally, he swallows hard. “Not sure I like the idea of another man payin’ for my girlfriend’s lingerie.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t your girlfriend at the time he did.” I shrug as if that’s explanation enough.
“And why exactly did my sister’s new husband buy it for you?”
I chuckle at his serious tone. “Are you jealous?”
“Sunny.” His fingers dig into my hips as he pulls my ass to the edge of the counter. “I’m holdin’ back every ounce of restraint not to go all caveman on your ass, so you better just tell me before my imagination runs wild.”
Lowering my hand between us, I rub my palm over his erection and he groans. Then because I want him to very much lose control, I tell him the truth about Fisher asking me for help and letting me pick out my own.
“I probably didn’t need to know you helped him pick out pieces for my sister.”
“You asked.” I smirk as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “That’s what you get for being an obsessive, jealous addict.”
He yeets me off the counter, throws me over his shoulder with one arm, and then walks out of the kitchen.
“Oh my God, Tripp!” I shriek as the whiplash has my hands reaching for something to hang onto and end up holding on to his back pockets.
His calloused palm connects with my bare cheek, and I squeal at the hard crack that ripples through me.
“You’re gonna pay for that,” I tell him in my most serious tone.
He tosses me on the bed, then hovers over me. “Such a devious little Sunflower. How shall I punish you?”
“Hmm…” I pretend to contemplate my answer, teasing my foot up the side of his leg. “You could fuck me six ways to Sunday and make me scream in ten foreign languages.”
“Fuckin’ hell. I don’t know how I’m gonna survive you and that dirty mouth of yours.” He tosses his hat, reaches behind his neck, and then yanks off his shirt.
About goddamn time.
Tripp’s body is all tan skin and muscles with a light feathering of chest hair. I can’t wait to drag my tongue all the way down his happy trail and that perfect V that hides beneath his boxer shorts to his thick erection. I’m going to make a whole meal out of this man’s cock.
“Guess you’ll have to keep my mouth busy then.” Sitting up on my elbows, I reach for him, and he slips his tongue between my lips.
“Before we go any further, I need to make sure you really want this. There’s no rush, and I don’t want you to feel pressured.”
Damn. God knew what he was doing when he created this man for me. So sweet and perfect.
With the ability to melt my heart and body with just his words.
I really don’t know what I did to deserve him, but I’m soaking in every minute he’s mine.
Cupping his face, I bring his forehead to mine. “I want you, Tripp. In any way you want to give me, I’ll take, but never worry I’m not right where I wanna be when we’re together. In case you’ve somehow missed it, I’ve been crazy about you for some time…”
His cheeks stretch with a smile. “I’m glad you meet my level of obsession or this could get awkward.”
A laugh bubbles out of my chest. “You mean more awkward than me tellin’ you to knock me up in a text?”
His dick visibly twitches against me and my eyes lower to the noticeable bulge in his jeans. He quickly adjusts himself, clearly turned on by my words, and I grin at him liking it.
“Are you…” I laugh at the cute blush spreading across his cheeks. “Do you have a breeding kink I should know about?”
He grins with a shrug. “Or a Magnolia kink. Maybe both. Take it out and see for yourself, Sunny.”
Licking my lips, I reach between us until I can pull him out and appreciate every solid inch of him. I wrap my fingers around his shaft, stroke the velvety skin, and watch as he squeezes his eyes.
“Time to test my theory.” I continue my movements, increasing my pace as his breathing hitches.
Let’s see how turned on he gets when I tease him.
“You wanna fuck me and put your baby-making seed inside me? Fill me over and over, own my body, and make me your good little breeding hole?”
His eyes roll to the back of his head. “Jesus Christ. You’re gonna kill me.”
Thank you, Noah, for introducing me to alien breeding smut because it just helped me seduce your brother.
“Too much?” I ask, but then pre-cum spills from his tip, and I smile with pride at getting him so easily worked up. “Guess not.”
“Not at all. My cum is all yours, baby.”
“In that case…” I rub the pad of my thumb over his crown, making him a mess for me. “Knock me up, cowboy.”
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