The Gamma's Heart -
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 32
“Can I go home now? I’ve done my breathing treatments, I’ve been taking those horse pills twice a day, can I be released now?” Clara begged the doctor as he continued looking at her chart.
Dr. Andrews chuckled lightly shaking his head. “Well everything looks great, the silver is almost completely gone and fluid in your lungs is nearly gone too.”
“But?” Clara questioned, there’s always a ‘but’ with him. “But I’d like to keep you another night, just in case..” he said looking up.
She shook her head. “Nope, I’m fine. I want to leave.. please?” It was taking all her mental capacity to keep from breakimg down after hearing him say she had to stay another night.
The doctor sighed seeimg how distressed she was becoming over the news. “Alright, I’ll let you go home. But I want to do an ultrasound, you haven’t had one yet, and I want to check the progress on the baby.”
Clara nodded, excitement filling her. “Yes, I’ll do whatever you want. Just let me break out of here already.” hearing the doctor laugh at her made her giggle. “Thank you, Dr. Andrews for being patient with me. I know I’m not exactly the easiest person to deal with.”
“It’s quite alright. I enjoy dealing with you, makes the work place exciting.” he joked with her and she giggled again. “Do you want me to call Wyatt and Noah for the ultrasound?” he asked.
Clara began playing with her fingers, she looked down momentarily “no it’s okay, I’ll be fine without them. I promise.” she glanced up, and smiled slightly.
Dr. Andrews nodded “okay, give me 10 minutes to get the machine brought in, and we’ll have your papers drawn up.” he told her.
After the doctor walked out, Clara then walked over to the bag that her mates had brought in for her with clothes and tolitries.
She walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As she waited for the shower to heat up, Clara looked down. She had a small bump that she’d not realized she had before.
She probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it had she not found out she was pregnant.
Clara placed her hand on her belly and rubbed it gently, a smile formed on her lips when she felt little butterflies flutter around. “Hi peanut,” she whispered.
Hearing someone clear their throat made her jump, when she looked towards the door she seen her mates standing there with smiles on thier faces. “Hi” she said looking away.
“Hi angel. Do you need help?” Noah gestured to the shower.
Seeing her shake her head disappointed him a little, he wanted to help her shower. He wanted to touch her again without her flinching away from him. “Okay, well Wyatt and I will be out here if you need us.”
“Thank you, but I’ll be okay.” Clara told them as she stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain to cover her body. Wyatt went to say something but decided not to.
As the boys sat in the room, Wyatt sighed deeply. “I miss her.” he whispered.
Noah nodded as he played with his phone. “I do too.” As he looked up he seen Wyatt wipe a tear from his eye and it pained him greatly. “We just have to give her time to heal, Wyatt.”
“I know, her dad said that Abigail was distant for months. But her case was so much worse so I get it.” Wyatt cleared his throat.
“We just have to let her know that we’re here and that we love her no matter what.,” Noah nodded his head a smile slipping onto his lips.
Dr. Andrews then walked in with a nurse, he had a weird looking machine with him. “What’s that for doc?” Wyatt asked, the doctor chuckled lightly. “This boys is an ultrasound machine.”
Noah’s head shot up. “We get to see the baby?” he asked excitedly, Wyatt to was bouncing a bit in his seat. “Yes, now where’s our patient at?”
Noah went to tell him, when the bathroom door opened. Clara walked out in a simple white sweater and light blue jeans. She was drying her hair with the towel when she spotted the doctor.
She gave him a smile. “Hey warden, are those my release papers?” Wyatt chuckled along with everyone else, she’s making progress he thought to himself. “Yes dear, now come and lay on the bed please and lift up your shirt when you do.”
Noah watched as the doctor and nurse set everything up. He looked over at Wyatt who was also watching them. “Okay are you ready?” Dr. Andrews knew not make a move unless she was ready, but he still wore a smile no matter her answer.
Clara took a deep breath to calm her nerves and nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”
“This is gonna be cold.” he muttered as he squirted the gel onto her stomach, making her jump slightly at the contact.
“Amanda be a dear and turn the lights off will you?” he asked the nurse as he moved the wand around a bit trying to locate the little munchkin.
Clara’s eyes were glued to the screen as he continuously moved around trying to replace the baby.
The moment she heart the rapid sounds of a heartbeat coming from the machine she felt tears welling up in her eyes.
“There we go, little ones playing hide and seek with me…” Dr. Andrews mused.
He moved his wand around a little more and smiled. “Clara, would you like to know the s*x?” he looked over at the young girl, he’d grown to adore no matter the circumstances.
Her eyes moved from the screen to the only doctor she liked here. “Yes!”
Noah and Wyatt moved in closer as if their hearing wasn’t good enough, just so they wouldn’t miss anything.
“Congratulations, your having a girl!”
As Richard walked over to the entrance of the hospital, he seen the one person he came to see walking out.
The biggest smile spread across his face the moment he seen her. “They bust you out already?” he asked pointing to both Wyatt and Noah.
Clara giggled lightly, “the warden released me on good behavior” she told him with a humorous smile. “Why are you here?” she asked him.
“I came to see you, duh..” Wyatt and Noah watched with glee as Clara interacted with her older brother like they’ve known each other their whole life. “So where are they taking you?”
“I talked to them, and I decided to go back home.” both Wyatt and Noah put on a pout as they nodded at Richard. “Her dad said she got pregnant while alone with us so she had to come home.” Wyatt said while crossing his arms.
Noah’s pout faded and was replaced with a smile when he heard her giggle softly, she tried to hide it but failed miserably. Clara then cleared her throat. “Where’s Brandon and Jackson?”
“Those idiots are with dad.” he chuckled at how they were acting when he left them. “Oh,” Clara scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, anytime someone mentions Samuel she tries to avert the topic.
“Would you like to meet us at my house?” she asked him excitedly. She knew for a fact that none of her other three brothers had been there yet.
They were all staying at the packhouse with Samuel, which was another reason she wanted to go home.
“I would love to. If Abigail don’t mind I’d love to stay for dinner.”
“Out of the three of you, I think you are her favorite.” she giggled again telling him that.
“It’s because I’m good looking of course.” he laughed at the face his baby sister made.
“That’s gross, I honestly think I feel sick,” she wasn’t lying when she said it though. She’d been nauseated all morning.
“Let’s go before he makes me throw up.” Clara mumbled and began walking toward the parking lot.
Knocking on the door Chase asked “can I come in?” upon hearing a quiet yes he walked in and went and sat on the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“nauseous” Clara mumbled with her eyes closed. She found out closing them kept her stomach from wanting to turn. “Well I come with something that might help, mom said when she was pregnant that saltines helped with the morning sickness.”
“Thank you, Chase!” she told him taking the box from him and setting it aside. She sat up slowly and leaned against her headboard. “You know I was wondering why I was feeling so sick while I was with him. But I chalked it up to the horrible food or the pain that I was feeling from the silver cuffs.. but not..not this. I would’ve fought harder if I’d known.” she said quietly while playing with the hair tye on her wrist.
Clara looked up after a not hearing anything from Chase and sighed deeply at the look on his face. “I’m fine, big brother.” she gave him her best smile, but what she didn’t expect was his body colliding with hers, crushing her in his tight embrace.
“Chase,” she whispered, after hearing a sniffle come from him. But when he didn’t let go she responded by returning the hug.
“I was ready to kill someone just to bring you home.” Chase told her fighting back a sob, he hated feeling weak when she was holding it together so strongly.
“Me, Micah, your friends, your mates even your new brothers were all ready… we formed our own little team of wolves. We didn’t care about the rank, just as long as they were willing to die for not just you, but eachother.” He pulled back and when he did she wiped the tears from his face with a smile.
“I’m glad to know I have my own wolf squad looking out for me.” she giggled lightly. “Besides, who’s gonna wrangle this little girl up when I’m not watching?” Clara questioned him.
“You mean..?” A smile slowly crept onto his face. “You’re having a girl?” he watched as she nodded her head with excitement. “Yes, but just because it’s a girl I’m not gonna expect any less if it were a boy.” Clara told him seriously.
They all slacked on the training with her because she wasn’t a boy. She didn’t want that for her daughter. “Also I want to start training.”
His brows bunched together. “Haven’t Noah and Wyatt been training you?”
“Barely, they don’t push me the way I know that you will. I want you to train me, Chase.”
A sense of pride filled him knowing that she wanted him to do it. “It’s gonna have to wait until you have the baby though. We don’t train pregnant she-wolfs.”
Clara nodded knowing this already, “don’t tell mom or dad. I want to tell them what I’m having.” Chase was going to comply with her request but her door opened suddenly.
“Too late. We heard you.” Chase began laughing at his parents as they stood in the doorway with an excited looking Richard. “Werewolf hearing isn’t allowed here remember mom?” his sister told them.
“I know, but he didn’t know that.” Abigail said pointing to Richard, whose cheeks instantly went red causing all of them to laugh.
“Sorry,” he told her but Clara waved him off with a smile. “Would it be alright if I told Brandon and Jackson?” he asked.
Looking up she met his eyes, the eyes she had realized they both shared with Samuel. A small smile formed on her face as she said “just don’t be dramatic about it. I have a village here willing to help me, you guys don’t have to do everything.”
“Me? Dramatic? Since when?” he questioned knowing damn well he was dramatic about everything regarding her.
“I’ve only known you for a few days, and from what I’ve noticed you are worse than Noah!” Clara giggled. “How so?” Richard questioned.
“The nightmare I had on day two after I got home… you wouldn’t let anybody near me. No nurses no doctors, nobody except you, all because I was a little freaked out.”
Abigail couldn’t help the smile on her face. Out of the three boys it was clear Richard was her favorite.
Victor told her it was probably because he and Clara looked so much alike, and it wasn’t until he told her that, that she noticed it. Their eyes, the dark curly hair even the smile was the same.
“Dinner is almost ready, that is if you’re able to eat it honey.” Victor told the three but was looking at his youngest.
“I’ll try my best daddy” Clara told him “Thank you, love you” she called out to her parents as they walked out.
Samuel sat in a chair with his two oldest boys on each side of him as they stared at the vile creature.
The distaste he felt for him over the years was evident on his face. Mostly how he let his mate die at the hands of a rouge attack. His wolf nearly killed him if it hadn’t been for Brandon stepping in with silver cuffs and taming him, giving him back control.
“Brandon? His son, how is he?” Samuel asked, a smirk forming on his face.
Brandon quickly caught on to his father’s intentions. “Noah and Wyatt are treating the bastard well. I believe the last time I seen him they had castrated poor Hank for violating their mate.”
Alex snarled not liking what he was hearing. They can’t do that to someome who’s basically mentally retarded. “My son don’t deserve that.” he hissed at them.
“And my daughter did?” Samuel hissed back. “Do you have any idea the pain someone goes through when they are sexually involved with another while boned to someone?” Samuel was keeping his cool but it was slowly slipping away.
“My son is damaged. I asked him to do it, whatever those- those brats are doing to him, he don’t deserve.” Alex deadpaned.
Samuel stood up and opened the cell door and quickly went over to Alex and grabbed him by his throat pulling him up from the bed.
“What you ‘made’ him do nearly killed her Alex. She’s bonded to two extremely strong boys, and if it wasn’t for that she would’ve died.” Alex tried to pull his hand from his throat as he began squeezing it.
Jackson placed his hand on his father’s shoulder and said “Dad we have to wait for the council’s approval. And we still have to ask him questions.” Samuel gave him one last squeeze before he let go, letting him fall back onto the bed he was previously on.
Alex coughed as he tried to catch his breath, “what else….” he coughed a few more times before he tried asking again. “What else is there to know? You already know everything!” he told them sitting up.
Jackson locked his cell door once again and sat down, “Yes we know that you kidnapped and tortured Clara but what about the previous attacks? There was one here a few months ago where she was seriously injured. And again when..” Jackson’s mind blanked as he’d forgotten how long ago it was.
“Five years ago..” Brandon finished because he knew his brother had forgotten.
Alex’s face contorted into confusion. “That wasn’t me. The only time I came onto the territory was when I took her and that was it. I killed the two rouges I had with me, I even sent Hank to the border to tell them about a fake attack from you if they didn’t send your daughter over to you. I wanted to scare them, but it didn’t work.” he explained.
The room was quiet as things slowly began to come together. Things that everyone here told him and the things Alex was telling him now were coming together.
“Then who could it have been dad?” Brandon asked his father looking over to him.
Samuel’s glare left Alex as he looked at his son. “We’re gonna have to talk to, Clara.” he said softly knowing she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
“Richard said she’s at home now. I can call and see if Abigail is okay if we come over?” Samuel shook his head. “We will ask Clara tommorrow. Let her have today in peace before I make an awkward appearance.” he told his oldest.
Brandon nodded his head but took out his phone anyways and sending a text to Abigail asking if they all could come over tommorrow.
He smiled when she texted back instantly saying she’d love to see them, he informed her that his dad was coming too and that they had to talk to Clara.
It took a moment for her to respond but a breath of relief came out of him when she said to come by around noon.
He looked up at his father and said “Abigail, said we can come by around noon .”
Samuel looked over at his son. “I thought I said to ask tommorrow.” “No you told me to ask Clara, I asked Abigail. It’s her home too you can’t just show up unannounced.” he rolled his eyes at his father’s thinking.
Samuel sighed and then nodded. “Thank you, Brandon.”
Brandon then smiled “you’re welcome.”
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