The Gamma's Heart
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 33

Jackson knocked on the door as he stood on the front steps with his brothers and father. A smile replaced his frown as he seen his bubbly little sister. “Well hey short stuff”

Clara huffed “I’m not that short,” she told him. “girl your like a whole foot and some change shorter than I am.” He teased as he entered the house. He chuckled as she crossed her arms and glared at him.

Brandon went over and kissed the top of her head and smiled. “Hey little sister, how’s your day so far?” He asked her. “Oh it’s great…” She said sarcastically. “If throwing up every 30 minutes at the smell of my own perfume is normal then I’m good.”

The four of them laughed, but the moment her eyes fell on Samuel when he entered the house she stopped laughing. Her parents got called into work and Chase had to leave.

So it was just her here and she didnt know he was coming over with her brothers. Her mom only told her it was, Brandon, Jackson and Richard.

“I’ll be in the kitchen.” She told them quietly.

Samuel sighed as they all followed her into the kitchen. When they got there he could see that she was mind-linking and so they patiently waited for her to finish her conversation with whoever she was talking to.

“I told Abigail you’d be with us. I guess she never told Clara.” Brandon whispered to his dad. Sam nodded “seems so”

Once her mother cut the link Clara g*****d and turned around putting on a fake smile. “Mom said you wanted to talk, I’d rather be given a dose of silver than talk to him” she said irritably as she looked at her brothers.

“Clara we understand you don’t want to talk to him but this is important.” Brandon told her. Clara turned around again, she grabbed her glass from earlier taking a sip from it.

She didn’t realize how aggravated she’d become until the glass in her hand shattered, she jumped stepping back and ended up stepping on a peice of glass that landed the floor.

Clara hissed at the sudden pain that radiated through her foot.

On instinct Samuel went over and grabbed her hand but her flinching away from him surprised him. “I’m not gonna hurt you.” He seen that she’d not only stepped in the glass but managed to get a few pieces in her hand aswell.

“Can I look at it please?” Sam motioned towards her foot. Clara sighed and nodded, she wrapped her arm around his neck when he picked her up and placed her on the counter.

“Where’s your first aid kit?” Jackson asked her. “It’s in the bathroom down the hall, in the cabinet under the sink.” Clara hissed as Samuel took a peice of glass from her hand. “Sorry kiddo..” Samuel said as he pulled another peice out.

Clara looked over at Brandon who was cleaning up the glass, Richard who was getting some wet towels to clean up the b***d off the floor and Jackson who ran back in with the first aid kit.

Samuel took the kit from his son and placed it on the counter. “This one is a bit deeper… so it’s gonna hurt more.” “I’ve been through worse.” Sam chuckled lightly at her response.

He gripped the glass tightly and pulled it out, the small gasp the left her made his heart hurt. She shouldn’t have to be so tough, so young.

“While you’re distracted,” Brandon started slowly. “The rouge attack a few months ago…Noah said you were there first when the attack started.” Clara nodded her head slowly “I was, yes” Brandon then cleared his throat. “Do you remember any details at all?”

Clara sat there thinking about it, as that day came rushing back to her.


The moment I realized he was mindlinking I took off, running down the stream and into the trees. “Why did you run away from him? He’s our mate, go back!” Clary demanded.

“I can’t Clary, the Moon Goddess has bonded us with two men who require children to succeed them. I can’t give that to them. What was she thinking?” I told her, my heart racing a million miles a minute.

I heard him yelling but I was too far away to make out what he was saying, then the smell hit me. “Rouges!” Clary growled. I regained my footing after stepping over a fallen tree.

As I moved further into the woods I seen them and I began to panic, I can take on maybe two shifted wolves but not over ten of them. My steps halted when I stepped on a tree branch catching the attention of one of the wolves. He growled at me.

I waited for him to charge at me, but something tackled me from behind, a whimper left me as I made contact with the ground.

I quickly turned over, and the wolf snapped at me. Another growled at him and he snapped at him. When the other wolf lached itself onto my shoulder I let out a scream.

“Clara?” I heard Noah yell through the link. “N-noah, theres too many of them. I can’t shift, I just turned 17!” I told him, it felt like the wolf had ripped my shoulder off.

The wolf on top of me quickly jumped on him and they rolled around a few times before he came back over to me. Almost protective.

He began shifting back to his human form as the others surrounded us. “Quentin?” I questioned as he looked down at me.

“Sorry about this honey. It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.” Before I could ask him what he was talking about I felt something pinch my neck. He quickly got off of me as he heard a loud growl behind him.

My whole body began to feel hot and I was feeling sick and weak. As I began to crawl away, I felt something clamp down on my left leg.

I let out another scream as it drug me back to the other wolves. “Let me go,” I mustered up all the strength I had and kicked him off of me. I then got up and ran, not knowing where I was going but I knew I was running from them.

Once I got to a clearing I felt sudden pain ripple throughout my whole body and I let out another agonizing scream, and fell to the ground. My head was pounding, my leg I think was broken so me running on it probably made it worse, and I have no clue what that one did to my shoulder.

As I laid there I heard through the link Chase and Wyatt asking me where I was but i couldn’t answer them. My breathing was shallow as my eyes closed. I could smell Wyatt before I completely passed out.


Richard seen the disturbed look on her face, but she remained quiet. “Clara? You remembered something what was it?” He asked her gently.

“If I tell you, you have to promise me you won’t tell Wyatt!” She whispered as she watched Samuel wrap up her foot. “If it’s concerning these attacks, I can’t make that promise Clara.” Richard told her softly.

“The last time his name was mentioned…I cast a spell that forced my mold to shift early. I can’t risk anyone getting hurt because Wyatt can’t hold back his anger for the jerk.” Both Jackson and Brandon were now as intrigued to the story now.

“What do you mean?” Richard asked her, Samuel didn’t have to ask. Both Noah and Wyatt already told the adults how and why she got her wolf early. He just didn’t know who this guy was to her to make her mate so angry, it confused him.

Clara sighed, she knew that but she hoped that he would. She nodded her head. “Quentin was there that day. He’s the one who injected me with the wolfsbane.” She continued looking down.

“Okay so who is this Quentin guy to you? Where does he fit in?” Clara looked up and seen that her brothers were all staring at her. She chewed on her bottom l*p nervously.

“He’s the guy I lost my virginity to.” She whispered quietly.

“What?” Jackson asked, she said it so quietly that I’m sure nobody heard her. When she looked up he noticed her cheels where red. “Hes the guy I lost my virginity to.” She repeated a little louder.

Samuel stopped what he was doing and immediately became uncomfortable and angry at the same time. “What?” He growled lowly. Clara jumped slightly from his growl and looked down at him.

“Dad, knock it off you’re scaring her.” Jackson told his dad with a laugh, as he watched his father throw things back into the first aid kit.

“No he isn’t. He just…” Samuel looked up from the stuff infront of him, a small smile on his face. “caught me off guard.” Clara finished. As she caught his eye. She held it for a few seconds before looking away.

“Okay, so do we know if he’s dead or no?” Brandon asked. “I have no idea. That’s a question for the guys that were there. I know it was Chase,, Micah, Noah and Wyatt plus a few warriors.” Clara told them “I honestly forgot I’d seen him there, with everything that happened after it just slipped my mind.”

They nodded understanding where she was coming from. “Alright baby girl, everything is all cleaned and wrapped up. Give it a day and it should be healed.” Samuel said standing back up.

Richard took the trash from his dad and went to throw it away. “Thanks son.” Jackson took the kit and took it back to the bathroom where he got it from.

Clara looked down, she had a question but didn’t know how to ask him. “What is it?” She heard him ask her, but she continued to pick at the wrapping on her hand.

Samuel, placed his fingers under her chin, and lifted her head up so she was looking up at him. “What do you want to ask me?” He gave her a reassuring smile.

Clara’s lips tugged slightly but she refused to give him a smile. “Mom said that it wasn’t you, that it was…that it was your wolf.” Sam nodded slowly “my question is, why?”

He ran his hand through his dark curls, his wolf began to whimper at the look his pup was giving his human. He hated everything he does when his temper gets the best of him, he can’t help it. The power just calls to him like a drug.

Samuel sighed “The power!” he stated, the confused look she was giving him made him continue. “The coven that we come from is very dark, Clara! I was glad that none of my boys got the curse.” He started out slowly.

“but, when I found out about you.. I was upset with my wolf. Happy but upset with him.” Samuel explained. Clara however was still lost. “I still don’t understand. How does your wolf overpower you?”

“My great grandmother’s name was Amara Clarisse Mathilde Judas! She was the first of the coven, she was cursed by another coven and unbeknownst to them they turned her into their worst enemy. She used her new power to slaughter them, even the children.”

Clara’s eyes widened at the last part. “She made sure that her children and their children were able to become what she was. But I guess with the more wolf, that gene dies out.” her l*p trembled lightly as she spoke “but not with me, why didn’t it skip me?”

Seeing she tremble of her l*p and the crack in her voice made Samuel place his hand on her cheek. “I think it has alot to do with your wolf. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but you’re stronger than me. Your aura and power are massively greater than mine.”

A sob escaped her lips, she didn’t want to be stronger than anybody. Not in anyway. Feeling arms wrap around her she quickly wrapped hers around them.

Samuel ran his hand down her back and rubbed it gently as she cried quietly. He knew the burden she felt. He’d help her every step of the way, if she allowed him.


Wyatt sat down on the couch beside his cousin while his uncle was on the phone with the Alpha from The Forest Pack.

“No Otis, I understand.” He chuckled lightly. “Yes you too. Tell Margot I said hi!” After hanging up he turned to the people in the room. “Hes either lying or he has no clue.”

Wendy was rubbing her mates shoulders. “Otis is always high, Dan. Margot isn’t. You should’ve called her.” “Sober people lie, people who are on something don’t have the ability to do that!”

Dale’s face instantly lit up with laughter, that is until his Luna shot him a glare and while he had to bite back to urge to keep from laughing again. That is until Noah said something to that he let out another chuckle.

“Mom, you got to admit that was funny. Leave the poor Delta alone. He’s doing a Beta’s job. He’s earned the right to laugh at dad’s jokes.” Noah teased.

“Noah!” She said in a scolding tone. “Not today!” Noah put his hands up in mock surrender earning a satisfied grin from his mother.

“So, when are the packs joining uncle Dan?” Wyatt asked, getting excited. “Depends, have you both told your mate yet?”

Both Noah and Wyatt looked at each other quickly with wide eyes.

“I’ll take that as a no honey.” Wendy giggled. Wyatt g*****d, “She promised to come over for dinner. I can link her myself. If she don’t want you boys there Dan and I can tell her.”

Noah was greatful for how understanding his mother has been through all of this. He’s been telling her about how his mate has been with both him and Wyatt since she’s been home, she simply told him ‘to give her time’ and he knew that but it was killing him to do so.

Clara had just said goodbye to her brothers and Samuel when her eyes glazed over. “Hey, honey it’s Wendy.”

A smile formed on her face when she heard her voice. “Hi Luna, is everything alright?” Clara asked a little worried for her brother and father who were currently patroling.

“Oh yes, sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. I was just wondering if you’d like to come over for dinner tonight?” Wendy felt a hand grasp hers, and a smile formed knowing it was Dan.

Clara bit her fingernail thinkimg about it. “I don’t know. I’m still not comfortable leaving home.”

A sigh left Wendy’s mouth “I can get Dan to pick you up, or me if that’s easier. We just have some news to tell you regarding the pack.”

“Does this have anything to do with Black Moon merging with ours? Because Jackson blurted it out today while he, Brandon, Richard and Samuel were over here.”

A shocked expression took over Wendy’s face. “Actually it was yes. We wanted to tell you in person. And Samuel, was in your home? Your parents allowed that?”

Clara g*****d “”Mom planned it actually, she knew he was coming and pretended to have to go to work to avoid being here. The woman set me up.”

Wendy giggled at how frustrated she sounded. “Sounds like Abigail. I hope you didn’t hurt him to bad.”

“Only a cup, my poor glass of water didn’t see it coming.” Wendy giggled again. “Is the offer still available though? Be nice to get away from mom’s pity looking gaze” Clara asked now thinking it would be a good idea to get out of the house for a few hours.

“Of course,how’s 5:30 sound?” Clara looked down at the watch on her wrist, “gives me enough time to be ready. Tell the boys who set you up to be outside.”

Wendy went to say something but Clara cut the link, so she smirked at the two boys instead. “She’s smarter than you give her credit for.”

“I’m just dreading this talk we’re going to have later on” Wyatt mumbled. “No need. Jackson, told her already.” Wendy giggled.

“I usually hate that i***t, but right now I love him.” Noah sighed, “dinner is at 6 and you both are picking her up at 5:30, she insisted.

Dan, Wendy and Dale all chuckled at the shocked looks the boys were giving the Luna. “Come on, now go get ready. Chop chop.” Wendy said clapping her hands at them both causimg them to both jump up and run out of the room.

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