The Gamma's Heart
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 35

Wyatt turned off his car. He asked Noah on his drive over last night if he thought it would be alright if he came by, but since she was still upset with him he told him to wait until morning.

So he turned around and just went home. He was up most of the night, Wyatt was mad at himself because he snapped at her over something she was showing to a kid. Axel was even upset.

So when morning came he went to the store and got her two favorite things, his whole body cringed at the thought of putting them together.

He grabbed the bags from the passenger seat and got out. Wyatt, locked the doors, and went up to the front door. Before he could knock, the door opened suddenly revealing Noah.

Noah chuckled, “Hey Wyatt!” he watched as his cousin stood there with a confused expression on his face with his hand still frozen in the air.

“She had a dream that you would come over. I didn’t tell her, it freaked me out. She even told me what you’d be wearing. Looks like she got that right too.”

“So now she’s having visions too?” Wyatt asked, and Noah nodded. “Oh Goddess, we have to tell Samuel.”

“She already did!” Noah patted Wyatt’s back when he came in. “He did tell her that she was more powerful than even he was. So her powers are gonna differ from his I suppose.” Noah told him.

Wyatt nodded slightly. “Where is she?”

“Guest bedroom across from my room, you know the way.” Noah said and walked towards the living room.

Wyatt took a deep breath and started walking down the hallway.

She still didn’t want to sleep in the bed with them, she’ll stay a week with one of them and week at home then go with the other the next week.

As long as there was an adult in the house her father was okay with it. But he also knew that Robin was alone so he was more lenient with Wyatt.

But Noah, he had two parents. So as long as Dan or Wendy was at home while the other was at work he was okay with her being here.

But what he didn’t quite get is she wouldn’t let us really be affectionate with her.

Not even a k**s was allowed.

Noah did it out of instinct about two weeks ago and she freaked out so bad she blew a hole through her bedroom wall, before teleporting herself in the front yard where Samuel and Victor were talking.

She kept apologizing after she realized what she did. But she wasn’t the one to blame, we just have to pace ourselves back into that role again with her.

They loved her, and they knew that she loved them but she was just afraid of letting herself feel it again.

We believe if she wasn’t pregnant we would have lost her mentally when Hank brought her back. Clara knowing that she’s preganat is what’s keeping her going right now. It’s not me or Noah.

Wyatt stopped at the door and knocked. I heard some shuffling in the room, the door opened shortly after. “Hey sweetheart!” I chuckled lightly at how she was struggling with her pants.

“It’s not funny Wyatt! Nothing fits me anymore.” she told me giving up on them. She had clothes thrown everywhere.

She went back over to her bag searching for something else. Clara looked up at me, she then seen the bags in my hand “is that what I think it is?”

“Unfortually yes. Peanut butter and pickles. Gross combo but…what baby wants” “baby gets” she squealed loudly over the snack “thank you. I asked Noah to go get it but his car is in the shop.”

She told me engulfing me in a hug. I was a little surprised, usually it was us who hugged her not the other way around.

I smiled and returned the hug, while rubbing small circles on her lower back.

“If you want I can take you to get some maternity clothes?” she shook her head. “The girls are taking me. I told them last night after I found out I couldn’t wear any of my pjs, I had to wear Noah’s shirt to bed.”

“I won’t hate it if you were wearing mine. My pants either, they’re quite soft.” I chuckled when she hit my chest as she pulled away. “I’m serious. Just buy a few outfits for daytime. You can wear mine and his at night.”

I looked up at him. Why do I feel like crying? Goddess these stupid hormones are gonna get me killed. “Thank you, Wyatt.” I told him and quickly looked away wiping my eyes.

I went back over to my bag and continued searching for something. I finally found a denim skirt and a pair of black warm leggings.. Thankfully my feet haven’t swollen too bad for my boots. I was already wearing a red sweater and black scarf.

“Where are you going?” Wyatt asked as he watched his mate move into the bathroom to change. “To the mall! Mariah is picking me up, we’re meeting Josie and Kelly there.”

“Oh,” he watched as she closed the door behind her. He so badly wanted to go in with her but he knew he couldn’t. So he waited. When she was done she walked back out looking more radiant than ever.

“I want to apologize for yesterday.” Wyatt started. “You don’t have to” Clara told him in a small voice.

“No I do. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I didn’t know that Brent asked you to show off more of your magic. I’m glad you are getting a better handle on it really. So I’m sorry.”

Clara looked at him and gave him a small smile. “It’s okay Wyatt. Thank you for apologizing. But it really wasn’t necessary.” she said meekly.

Wyatt sighed knowing she wasn’t gonna change her mind on the matter. “I have an appointment tomorrow at 10 to see how the baby is doing. Why don’t you come and get me and Noah so we can all go together?”

He smiled widely. “I’d love that.” Clara saw the joy in his eyes. “We also need to think about names…I don’t care who her father is I just need a name. So why don’t you and Noah choose the middle name and I pick the first name?”

Wyatt nodded eagerly, then frowned. “What about her last name?” he asked.

“I was thinking about that myself. Since I’ll be both the Beta Female until you both replace a replacement and the Luna why don’t we go with Nichols Evans give her both.”

Noah popped his head in the doorway with a huge grin on his face. “Really? You’d do that?”

Wyatt jumped, causimg Clara to giggle. “Damn Noah, don’t do that!”

“What if she’s Wyatt’s? Shouldn’t her name go Evans Nichols?” Noah asked with a serious face.

“No, because that’s how my last name will be when we get married way, way, WAY in the future.” Clara said heat rising in her cheeks at what she told them.

She’d been thinkikg about it but she wanted to wait a while. She also wanted to wait on kids, try out surrogacy to see if that was possible for them but plans changed.

“You want to marry us?” Wyatt asked her with a smile on his face as he stepped closer toward her. “I do, but not until after I’m of age to be the packs Luna!” she told him softly her cheeks feeling even more hotter. Was that even possible?

“That’s less than four years away angel!” Noah said as he also began walking closer to her. “Are you sure you want to wait that long?” he asked her placing a hand on her cheek, she instinctively leaned into it.

“Mm-hm” she hummed softly as her eyes closed, she enjoyed the feeling of the sparks rushing through her skin. “Well then that’s fine with us!” Wyatt said softly.

“Clara?” Wyatt called out nervously “Mm?” Clara opened her eyes to see him look into hers then dart down to her lips then back up to her eyes. “Yes, Wyatt?”

“Can I…can I k**s you?” Clara stepped back some as she stared at him. Her wolf was yelling yes, but Clary wasn’t there when everything happened.

She don’t know what it felt like. How it still feels, she will sometimes see Hank at the hospital durring her check ups. But thankfully he dosen’t see her.

“It’s okay Clara. You aren’t ready.” Wyatt told her with a smile. He understood.

“It’s isn’t that!” Clara whispered. “I don’t feel like I…like I deserve it, I guess! Like I don’t deserve you! Like I’m not worthy?” she explained.

The looks the boys shared with one another both shared anger, saddness, hurt and most of all regret. Regret because they couldn’t protect her. Get to her in time, before Alex took her.

“You deserve so much more than both of us angel.” Noah said matter of factly with a crack in his voice.

“We love you, and will always love you no matter what happens. You can go on a killing spree right now and we’d still love you.” Wyatt was dead serious, he meant every word and she felt that.

Clara looked at both of them, her eyes glissing with tears. “I know that you do.” she told them, a tear falling from her eye. She took a deep breath and stepped forward again.

She couldn’t say it back, not yet. Last time she said it she was drugged and kidnapped, and she didn’t even say it to them it was relayed to Robin and Wendy to tell them.

Clara leaned up and gently kissed Wyatt’s cheek, she repeated the same gesture on Noah’s cheek aswell.

Both boys had huge grins on their faces, as she stepped back. “That’s a start angel.” Noah beamed at her.

“Give me time please? Let me go through all of this on my own. I’m sure everything will resolve itself on it’s own.” she told them looking down at her feet.

“But you aren’t alone. You will never have to be alone again. We can help you get through this, sweetheart.” Wyatt told her softly the smile slipping from his face.

The sound of her phone going off made the conversation halt. As Clara looked down at it she seen it was Mariah. “I have to go. My ride is here.”

Both boys dug in their pockets pulling out money. As they gave it to her they told her to grab some things for the baby and whatever she needed.

Clara tried to tell them she didn’t need it but they insisted.

“Drive safe she devil” Noah chuckled as Mariah flipped him off as she drove away.

“Her dad is a warrior and her mother is of Gamma b***d do you wanna push her?” Wyatt asked his cousin.

“I’m not scared of a five foot blonde Barbie doll!” Noah told him with a smug look. “I’m sure she’d still kick your a*s. She’s little, therefore she can move around you faster than you can her.”

Noah’s smug face fell as he started thinking about how he could be taken down by an 18 year old who practically is the size of a nugget.


As they walked out of the store Clara scolded herself for wearing boots. Her feet were swollen. They’ve been at it now for four hours and she was done.

She didn’t even think she’d beable to take them off when Mariah dropped her back off at Noah’s.

“Let’s go eat, I’m starving!” Kelly said as she began boucing up and down on her feet. “Yes me too” Mariah said.

Clara g*****d internally. Atleast she would get to sit down. “Alright, but after we’re done. I’m tired.” she said rubbing her belly.

When they arrived in the food court Clara dug into her wallet and gave Josie her money. “I don’t care what you get me, keep the change, I have to sit down.”

Josie giggled as she watched her best friend waddle over to a table and sigh the moment she’s off her feet.

“Let’s get Panda-” “we know what you want, Kelly.” Mariah shook her head at her predictable friends food choice.

As they stood in the line Josie kept sneaking glances back at Clara just to make sure she was still there. She seen someone approaching her at a distance but she couldn’t place where she’d seen him from.

Clara sat there groaning and sighing at the same time. When she opened her eyes again her whole body went stiff. Please don’t freak out here.

Hank waved politely as he took short and tentative steps toward Clara. “Hello!” he looked down nervously. “I’ve been trying to get ahold of you through, Brandon.”

He’s talking, and I can’t block him out, Just calm down Clara! Everything is fine.

There’s humans here, they could get seriously hurt if you don’t calm down your nerves.

She could hear her phone ringing but she couldn’t move to answer it, couldn’t speak to ask him to leave. Just stare at him and pray he realizes he’s sending me into a panic attack.

As Hank got closer he noticed her baby bump, and in his head he started doing the math. Is she carrying his child? “Is that…mine?” he asked quietly.

Clara couldn’t trust her voice so she shook her head as tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She looked over and seen that Josie, Mariah and Kelly were walking back over.

She couldn’t help it, but a sob escaped as one of them rounded the table. “What’s wrong?” Kelly asked genuinely concerned for her.

“I think it may be my fault, I’m sorry Clara. I’ll leave.”

Clara wrapped her arms around Kelly as she sat beside her, her eyes closed as he began walking away, her breathing heavy, almost like she’d been holding it this whole time. “Clara, who was that guy?” Mariah asked her, as she looked back at his retreating back.

“Now I remember where I’ve seen him. He’s the guy that brought you home.” Josie exclaims, her memory finally kicking in.

Clara buried her face into Kelly more when she said that.

“Josie, if he is the one who brought her home then he’s also the one who…you know!” Mariah didn’t want to say the ‘R’ word to trigger anything. She was sure seeing him did enough of that.

“You should have linked us honey, we would have came right over.” Kelly cooed into her ear.

“I was trying to calm myself down.. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here.” she mumbled into Kelly’s shirt.

“I also froze.”

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