The Gamma's Heart
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 58

Samuel walked into the house the next morning with the triplets only to replace Noah awake with the baby. He had dark circles under his eyes and he frowned in confusion.

“What happened?”

He seen him shake his head “You should have told us, Samuel!”

He sighed “where is she?”

“She has been in and out of sleep all night. She’s running a fever and won’t eat, I’m worried and Bailey wants her but Clara is worried about getting her sick.” Noah said, he was exhausted.

He and Wyatt both took turns lastnight between her and Bailey. And on top of it the pain she was feeling has gotten worse. “She’s in pain Sam, if anything that alone will kill her.”

Samuel turned and looked at the witches behind him then turned back to Noah. “I’m going to have her block you boys out again. What we are about to do will hurt.”

Then he went to the stairs and began going up.

“Just make sure she’s okay!” he heard him yell. “Their room is soundproof, so if she screams no one will hear it.” Samuel told them.

“This part won’t guarantee that she lives, Samuel. It will just keep your ancestor from drawing off her for a while.” Marco said as he followed him down the hall.

“It will give her time to get her strength back!” Landon told his brother.

Samuel nodded and knocked on the bedroom door, he was surprised to smell her coming from their bedroom when she asked to be set up in the guest room.

He planned on moving her to this one, but she seemed to already be here.

When the door opened and he seen Wyatt, he looked just as bad as Noah did downstairs.

“Son we have to do something, we need you to not be in the room while we do it.” Samuel told him softly but firmly.

Wyatt looked back at his mate and sighed, he nodded his head and stepped out.

“Clara mentioned something lastnight about you bringing people in to help her, but didn’t say they would be witches.”

Ophiela placed her hand on his chest and smiled “We’re friends of The Judas Coven!”

Wyatt nodded once again and turned to walk away.

Samuel turned his attention to the girl who was tossing and turning on the bed. Her skin was pale, but Noah mentioned a fever so her cheeks were red from it, he could even see a sheen of cold sweat on her skin from the doorway.

“dimitte quaeso” (let me go please)

They heard her cry out, Samuel moved into the room and went over. Her hair was in a ponytail but from the tossing and turning a few peices made their way out of it.

He wiped away the wetness from her face and called out her name “Clara?” he got nothing, he even felt an aura rush over him but he knew it wasn’t her.

“Amara, relinque eam.” (Amara, leave her be.) he ordered just as he felt her body begin to lift up.

“Amara Clarisse Mathilde Judas!”

Samuel jumped up from the bed when he realized that the aura he felt after all was hers.

“Non abis a capite meo, non te ipse diabolus adiuvat c*m ego tecum sum!” (You don’t get out of my head, the devil himself won’t help you when I’m done with you!) Clara half yelled half m****d out in agony.

“She can’t do that…can she?” Opheila whisper yelled. The witches weren’t affected by a wolf aura like Samuel was.

“Samuel, get her to stop. It’ll piss the witch off even more. She’ll use her to go after her loved ones if she tries something.” Landon told him.

He shook his head “I can’t get close enough to her. Between her aura and Amara’s…it’s too much.”

Marco g*****d and jumped up onto the bed, his brother following him on the opposite side.

She was levitating making it to where they were beide her on their knees. “Clara, if you can hear us, block out your mates, because this is going to hurt.” Landon told her and placed one hand on her head the other grabbing her hand, when she gripped it tightly he knew she heard him.

Her eyes opened partly but the people beside her were blurry, she could see their dark colored skin but that was it.

She was hot and cold at the same time, and everywhere hurt. Amara kept screaming profanities in her head making her head pound.

Clara could hear them chanting and that’s when a sob slipped out of her mouth. She was holding onto two different hands and because of the instant shot of pain that hit her her body jerked.

She felt herself falling before she hit the soft mattress below her but the pain didn’t subside, it was still just as painful if not more.

A scream left her when she felt a knife run over the mark on her side. She wanted to look down but she didn’t have the willpower to do it.

Tears continued to pour from her eyes.

She felt another set of hands on her but they weren’t a man’s hands, they felt feminine and soft

“You cut too deep Marco!” a woman scolded.

The tight grip she had on their hands began to loosen, her eyes opened once again, her eyes landed on the woman first and shock covered her features.


Ophelia looked up from the cut on her side a confused look on her face.

“How does she know our mothers name?” Landon asked looking between his sister and Clara.

“I don’t know, but I have a pretty good idea why!” she answered him while putting pressure on the cut.

She took one of the towels from Samuel when he returned from the bathroom.

Samuel moved to the bed when he realized there was no aura coming from her anymore. “Hey kiddo, they are almost finished.”

He didn’t get an answer out of her just a m**n from the pain, he knew she was still hurting so he didn’t pry much for her to talk to him.

“I feel funny…” Clara mumbled

Marco looked down while still chanting, her skin did look more pale than it should have been, even with the cut he made.

“How so?” Ophelia asked her so that her brothers wouldn’t get interrupted again.

“My chest….it feels tight.” she explained, her left arm also felt numb but it was mostly her chest.

Samuel swept his hand across her cheek to remove the tears that fell from her eyes. “Five nore minutes” he looked up at Landon who nodded confirming what he just said.

“It really hurts,” she took a shaky breath and tried to relax. She closed her eyes, but they opened again when she heard the door open.

The sound of her screaming daughter brought her out of her delirium.

“What is it?” Samuel asked “is something wrong with Bailey?”

“No but we believe she can feel her” Wyatt said pointing at Clara. “This is twice now that Bailey has done this…”

“Done what?” Ophelia asked confused.

A sharp intake of breath was heard, before Samuel felt the hand he was holding being ripped away.

Clara cluched her chest and cried out trying to breath through the pain forming in her heart.

Both Wyatt and Noah had to steady themself on the door frame to keep from falling.

“Whenever something happens to her, Baliey goes berserk. I believe she can only feel her mother’s pain, that’s why she wants her. She wants to know she is okay.” Noah said while holding Bailey who was still crying.

Samuel grabbed her face and whispered. “Breathe Clara…just breathe.”

“It..” she gasped grabbing his hands that covered her face. “…hurts”

“Landon, Marco hurry…” Samuel said with a clenched jaw. He focused on her again “it’s just a panic attack, Clara.”

She shook her head biting down on her bottom l*p “I have had…panic attacks before. This feels different.” her eyes closed when she finished, she couldn’t keep them open any longer.

“”Are you almost finished?” Samuel snapped wanting to hold her, but knowing if he moved her they would have to start over.

They didn’t answer, but 30 seconds later a white glow was seen above her, and Samuel grabbed both her hands letting her know she wasn’t alone.

This was the most painful part.

As it lowered down and began to go into her another scream left her “Stop it, it hurts” her voice was hoarse now from the crying and the screaming that had happened in the last 15 minutes.

Samuel, Ophiela and Wyatt had to keep her from hitting and kicking them as the two men finished the spell while Noah sat their shielding their infant daughter from it all.

When the glow went down and completely covered her body she settled down.

Or more or less passed out from the pain.

Marco and Landon took a deep breath and got up from the bed.

Wyatt stood up but instantly grabbed his chest a burnning pain hitting him. “Samuel…” he growled he looked over seeing Noah doing the same thing.

“Her heart just stopped!” Noah finished, as Bailey’s screaming got louder.

“What?” Landon asked his spell should have protected her from that. Atleast for the time being.

Ophelia moved up and pushed a shocked Samuel out of the way and placed her head on her chest. Yep, nothing. “Marco move the pillows and blankets from the bad.”

He hastily moved everything out of her way, what the hell did they do wrong?

Did they do something wrong?

As his sister worked on her, he looked at her mates and Samuel. “Has this happened before?” they all nodded “When?”

“The night before last, but we thought it was a night terror that caused it. She told us lastnight it was Amara that did it!” Wyatt ran his hand through his brown locks then down his face.

“Bailey reacted the same way. It’s like she knows when something is about to happen to her”

Samuel looked at them “You think she can sense imminent danger when it comes to the people around her?”

Noah shook his head. “She didn’t do this when the rouges attacked, this only started after she came home” he pointed at Clara.

“Bailey may not have had the power then, The Covenant and The Moon Goddess may have seen that now it was needed, even for such a young child.” Landon said

They all turned when Ophiela said something that caught their attention.

“I got her back.”

She brushed the young woman’s hair from her pale face. “But she needs to go to the hospital.”

Wyatt and Noah moved closer “but she’s alive” Noah stated

Ophelia nodded “Yes she is and you want to keep it that way right??” they all nodded “then let’s replace out what happened”


A few hours later the entire waiting room was filled with people that was related or were friends with Clara.

Samuel had called his boys and told them what happened while Noah and Wyatt called Chase and her friends, they were all there within the hour.

Samuel explained to everyone in greater detail what was happening.

It seems Clara only gave her mates the simple version and not the full extent of what was really going on, like she did with Josie.

John walked out into the waiting room shaking his head while looking at the test results in his hands. He removed his glasses and cleared his throat catching everyone’s attention.

“She is resting now, and you are very lucky that this woman had you guys bring her in.” John told them a little pissed off as he pointed at the dark skin toned

woman he met earlier this morning, when they rushed Clara in.

He was told her name while she explained what happened and what she did but he was in such a rush, he had forgotten it.

“John, what’s going on?” Dan asked while standing up.

He shook his head again “someone want to tell me why I just admitted a 17 year old for a heart attack?”

John seen everyone’s face face fall especially Samuel’s and her mates. “She nearly died. You told me yourself that she has been feeling tired for weeks and didn’t tell me.” he pointed at Samuel.

“That’s a early sign, and it could have been avoided. Hell she could have told me herself, and what the hell is that thing on her side and why is there a huge cut on it? I noticed it last time she was here but she told me not to worry about it, but it’s gotten bigger and it has changed colors.” he ranted, he couldn’t help it he was tired of her coming in injured or nearly dead.

Samuel stood up and walked over to him, he placed his hands on the older mans shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. “While she was away, she got into something really bad.”

“How bad?” John questioned, his anger was now replaced with worry.

“She was cursed by another witch, I have friends here that did a spell today that hopefully will give us time to get everything figured out” Samuel explained.

He glanced over and the three people that he knew weren’t werewolves. “I’m assumimg that they are witches?”

Samuel nodded “Clara let them in. They can help us!”

Noah and Wyatt stood up, they had finally got the baby to settle down enough to eat and take a nap,but she stilldidn’t want them, she wanted her mother “Can we see her?”

John nodded “for now just you 2,”

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