The Luna's Pure Heart -
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 64
(Eleanor pov)
All night the same nightmare kept playing over and over again..the day that I lost my parents. It was the most painful day of my life, the two people that I loved and cherished the most were taken away from me in a second. The sound of my mother’s voice echoes through my mind.
“Elle sweetie, it will be okay, mommy and daddy love you so much. You are so strong, you will get through will endure.” Her voice was fragile and full of fear, but her eyes were only full of love..pure unrelenting love.
I hadn’t felt a pain anywhere near close to that until was almost as if I were losing someone that I loved all over again.
What made it worse was that afterward he ran, he ran because Titus was afraid I was going to reject him. I felt it through the bond, the shame and disappointment Titus felt for doing that. Surprisingly Kari was the more forgiving one, she wanted me to let her shift so she could snuggle with Titus! How the tables have turned…
But seeing Damion so upset seemed to hurt me even worse than anything else because I never wanted to hurt Damion..I accepted him from the start..I have loved him unconditionally and unapologetically, so when I learned of this plan it did make me angry.
I gave my all to Damion and I still am..I don’t doubt his love for me now but I just want him to try a little harder. I want him to realize what he has and cherish me a little more. It might sound petty, but I just want to be pursued for once. I remember all of those times I tried to extend the olive branch and he shot me down, and yet I kept trying.
But to know that the mere idea to reject me even crossed his mind stung pretty bad..Even if it was because he was denying his feelings for me, that still sucks..because rejection is the worst thing you can do to your’s like saying they mean absolutely nothing to you. I guess I want him to prove that those feelings and ideas don’t exist. I hope he proves that this goes beyond the mating bond and he actually cares for me, not just the attraction that comes along with me through the bond.
I’ll be the first to admit I miss him’s like my body craves him and needs him in every way possible. So between the heartbreak yesterday, the bad dreams last night, and now the urge to run into Damion’s room and jump his bones, I’m in a horrible mood. Maybe I can just fall back asleep and waste the day away by doing absolutely nothing..yeah that sounds good to me. I rolled over, pulling the comforter over my head as I inhaled Damion’s masculine scent. It’s been the only thing to put me at ease all night.
“Angel, it’s time to wake up.” Lance’s annoying voice broke through the silence.
“Noooo..go’s too early.” I g*****d, having forgotten all about training with the warriors today.
Suddenly I felt the bed dip, knowing Lance wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Come on, Lucas was really looking forward to know he wants to see you. He feels horrible and is really worried about you..even though he won’t admit it out loud..” Lance muttered and I sat up swiftly, ripping the blanket off of my head.
“No fair, you can’t use that twin guilt on me.” I frowned and Lance frowned too, his eyes studying me intently and making me feel self-conscious.
“What?” I asked cooly, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Not to be a d**k Angel, but you look like shit..did you even get any sleep at all?” He asked with concern..even though he just said I looked like shit..which made me want to punch him in the arm.
I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear nervously and glanced away.
“Not really, but it’s fine..come on, let’s get this over with.” I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about my nightmares or Damion right now..I just don’t think I can afford to cry body has to be tapped by now. Maybe distracting myself with working out is just what I need.
“That’s my girl.” He said excitedly and I jumped off the bed, walking over to the closet to replace something to change into.
“What should I wear? Like is there a dress code or something?” I yelled into the other room, not realizing Lance was right behind me.
“Some stretchy pants and a loose-fitted shirt are fine.” He said right behind me, making me jump and shriek.
Suddenly I heard a loud bang outside the door toward the kitchen.
“What was that?” I asked curiously and Lance quickly yanked two pieces of clothing off of their hanger and shoved them into my arms.
“Get changed, I will go check it out.” He said with a hint of a smile on his lips.
I wondered for a moment if it was Damion, maybe he got hurt somehow..wait did he try to make his own breakfast and cut himself or something?!
No..everything is need to get dramatic. Damion can live one morning without me. Even though I am missing him like crazy and am starting to regret even asking for time apart.
I quickly slipped off my clothes and got changed. I wore black stretchy workout pants that actually fit me perfectly and made my butt look super good. I guess it can’t hurt to look cute and remind Damion of just what he has right?
I slipped on a sports bra and then the matching black shirt that was a tank top that hugged my curves perfectly, giving me support so when I jump around nothing bounces too much.
I fixed my hair up into a high ponytail and pulled on my black sneakers. I guess I am ready to go. I know Damion is going to be there but he will be leading the training session so I won’t have to be one on one with him for now.
I took a deep steadying breath as I tried to pump myself up for seeing him. I was honestly on the fence about either ignoring him completely or pouncing on him and begging him to take me to bed. That’s how extreme my emotions are right now..what is wrong with me?
“Come on Angel, we’re going to be late!” Lance called out to me and I dragged my feet all the way to the elevator where he was now waiting. I looked around nervously, wondering if Damion was coming now.
“He already left, so don’t worry.” Lance stated while wrapping his arm around my shoulders and began leading me onto the elevator where Pierce was now waiting.
“Good morning Pierce.” I said softly.
“Good morning My Queen.” He looked at me carefully, I could see the concern and probably pity he had in his eyes. I wondered for a moment if the word got out about what happened.
I’m sure everyone had to know by now..well maybe they knew everything already like Jane and Piper..ugh, Piper.I can’t even think of her name without wanting to punch something..since when did I start getting so aggressive? Maybe this training will get out some pent-up rage I am apparently harboring.
“So, I must warn you Angel, most of these warriors train without their shirts on..I know you’re used to only seeing one man shirtless, so try not to faint.” Lance teased me, making me scoff as I elbowed him in the side.
“Whatever, I’m not that much of a prude.” I joked, but then my words were instantly shoved back into my mouth as soon as we entered the gym.
Well hot damn..there were half-naked guys everywhere. There had to be at least a hundred shirtless men walking around doing whatever and I think I might have been frozen in place. It wasn’t that I was attracted to them because honestly, only Damion does it for me..but I have never seen so many shirtless men in my life. Surprisingly I noticed a few women as well, I hadn’t seen them on patrol before but it made me proud to know Damion was inclusive with his warriors. A lot of packs don’t let women become warriors but I’m glad to know Damion doesn’t share those beliefs. Luckily the women were wearing shirts though..
“Oh here’s Lucas.” Lance said while dragging me away, I could hear his stifled laughter as I cleared my throat and looked down. My cheeks had to be as red as a tomato right now.
“You might not be a prude angel, but you most certainly are the most innocent girl I have ever met. You should have seen your face.” He teased and I couldn’t even respond, everywhere I looked there were shirtless men. This would take some getting used to..
At least Damion keeps his warriors in good shape..damn good shape if you ask me.
A lot of the warriors said hi to me and showed their respect and excitement that I was there.
“Good morning Luna, are you going to whip us in shape today?” one soilder asked, wiggling his eyebrow and was instantly smacked in the back of the head by at least four different guys.
“Don’t mind him, Deejay just doesn’t know when to shut up.” another man said with a kind smile. I nodded and couldn’t help but laugh.
I wasn’t oblivious..I felt Damion the moment I walked in here, his eyes were burning into me. I felt them wandering my body and then his emotions hit. He was jealous of Lance’s arm around me, that was a given, but now he is trying to control his emotions with all of these men surrounding me. I guess our bond still being so strong made it pretty easy to know what was going on with him, but I am starting to feel bad for the guy. I just can’t bring myself to look at him yet though, because I’m not sure how I will react once I see him.
What if I realize I miss him so much that I run up to him and wrap myself around him like a damn Koala..yeah, that does sound feel his strong arms around me, to bury my face into the crook of his neck and inhale his scent.
“Ready my Queen? The training is about to start.” Lucas asked, cutting into my spiraling thoughts.
“Uh, yes of course.” I managed to sputter out.
Everyone seemed to be paired into groups of two as they all found a spot in the large gym we were in. This place was massive and seemed to be newly built, or at least very well kept with how nice everything looked.
Lucas led me over to an area towards the front, which I felt a little nervous about because I knew Damion was in the front.
I quickly glanced up, my curiosity winning as my eyes met Damion’s fierce clear blue ones. It was almost as if time itself had stopped. He stared into was like I could hear his private thoughts in my mind.
I love you, I miss you so much..I hate being away from you like this..or maybe those were my thoughts that flooded through me as soon as I met his gaze. I had a feeling we were both thinking the same thing.
Damion gave me a gentle smile and nodded his head softly.
‘Let’s show them what you are made of Bunny.’
He quickly linked me, making my heart race as I swallowed hard. It was difficult not to gawk at my mate as he stood in front of everyone shirtless. He was the biggest guy in here, his broad shoulders and wide chest were toned to perfection and he looked handsome as hell with his hair tied back. I also noticed he had stubble on his face..this was the first time I had ever seen him without shaving. Wow, how was it possible he was even sexier than before?
“Okay everyone listen up!” Damion’s loud voice boomed throughout the room, making me jump with surprise. I quickly tried to compose myself after those very inappropriate thoughts.
“Today there is someone very special training with us. I want you to show her how Night Shade does it. Show your Luna the type of men you are and how you dedicate your lives to protect this pack and how hard you train every day. I want you to show my Queen what you are made of.” Damion yelled out, pumping everyone up as they all watched him with excitement.
“Yes, Alpha!” They all responded in unison and I was surprised they called him Alpha, I hadn’t heard anyone address him by that title here.
“We call him Alpha during training as a sign of respect. To show we choose to follow not just his king title but him as our pack leader.” Lucas explained, noticing my confusion.
“I see, so it’s kind of more personal that way?” I didn’t realize that Damion had such a close relationship with his warriors.
Lucas smiled and nodded, looking at me with a softness in his eyes.
“ are you doing?” He asked all of a sudden, surprising me as I cleared my throat to answer.
“Doing better today, I’m sure everything will be fine in a few days. No reason to worry.” I brushed it off, not wanting to whine to Lucas and ruin his mood too.
“Hey, you don’t have to do that, not with me. I know Lance is the one to lighten a mood in an instant..but Elle, if you need to talk..I am here for you.” He spoke kindly, and hearing him call me Elle almost made me want to cry..I don’t even know why..maybe because I missed Lucas? Because he had pulled away from me at one point when I thought we were friends. I guess I know why now, but at the time I didn’t fully understand. I just noticed he was more withdrawn and wasn’t coming around as much.
“Thanks Lucas, that means a know I have missed you.” I admitted, feeling the need to tell my other Beta that he is important to me too.
“I missed you too.” He looked at me intently, his silver eyes full of emotion as I couldn’t help but smile.
“Okay let’s begin with our warm up! Everyone give me ten laps!.” Damion shouted hastily drawing my attention, his eyes were darting from me to Lucas before he turned to start running. I noticed his hands balled into fists and I felt a little guilty. It probably didn’t look the best that I was staring into Lucas’s eyes intently and smiling like that.
Lucas nodded at me softly and then we took off jogging. Werewolves were naturally athletic, considering our healing rate and the muscle development from our wolf side. So running should be an easy task but these guys took it to a whole other level. When Damion said ten laps..I thought he meant around the freaking gym..but no, they literally went out a door that looped around the whole building and back into the other side! Then we had to do ten of these…
“Come on Angel, time to get to work!” Lucas hollered to me while jogging backward. Oh no, I just realized why his attitude was bugging me..because he is a complete morning person! Goddess help me..not another one..why were my closest friends always morning people..
I started running, keeping my head up high as I stayed focused on keeping up with everyone. Considering Damion went first, I didn’t expect to see him the whole time with how fast and in shape he was, I thought he would be ahead of me. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I turned the corner and almost ran straight into his perfectly toned back..
“Oh sorry.” I panted out, trying to keep my breathing steady. I wish I could lie and say I had some type of hidden talent and beat every person in here..but in reality, I had never ran like this in my life..well other than being chased that one time by Damion at the market. I started out fast and even passed a few people but then my stamina started to run out. That’s when my feet felt heavy like I was walking through cement, it was around the seventh lap.
“Your doing great Dar..Eleanor.” Damion quickly corrected himself, the action causing my heart to ache.
“You don’t have to do can still call me what you like..I mean if you want to that is..” Oh goddess, why was I being so awkward all of a sudden?
He just nodded his head, jogging next to me as I pushed myself harder..Sadly this was just the warm-up and I was ready to crawl back into bed and be done with this.
Damion and I ran together the rest of the way in silence. I noticed everyone was still running as well, they had to have overlapped me multiple times by now but they continued to run with the group, not saying a word and when I was done and finally stopped everyone else stopped too.
We all filed back into the gym and met up with our partners once again.
Damion went towards the front and clapped his hands together, getting everyone’s attention.
“Time to do some defensive sparring!” Damion quickly announced and the men seemed to be happy about it from the excited chatter I could catch.
“The rules are, the person with the fewest marks wins at the end of the round.” Damion was looking at me as he said it and suddenly there were long wooden pole-like things being passed around. They looked to have paint or some type of ink at the end.
“We each get a pole and try to hit each other with it. Damion must want today to be fun for you because this is a game we all played as kids, we don’t do it very often.” Lucas smiled brightly and I looked down at my pole.
So he was thinking about me when he was deciding what to do today? I couldn’t help but smile at the realization.
The poles all had a red type of paint on them, I guess to make it more realistic maybe but I could see how this would be fun as a kid. Especially for kids who wanted to grow up and become warriors. I wonder if Damion did. Did he always want to be king or did he have other dreams for his future?
“We will begin when the bell rings!” Damion shouted and I couldn’t help but feel the excitement buzzing around me. Why did I feel like I would be enjoying this much more than the running?
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