The Luna's Pure Heart
The Luna’s Pure Heart – Chapter 65

(Eleanor pov)

I stood in a defensive stance that Lucas showed me, excitement filling me as even Lucas looked more than eager to start.

“Would you like to make a wager?” Lucas asked, looking at me curiously.

“A wager? Like a bet if I win?” This could be interesting..even though I am pretty sure I will lose..but maybe I can make it fair so I could have a sliver of a chance.

Lucas nodded his head and I noticed a few other people around us making their own wagers, this must be what they did as kids.

“Hmm, if I can hit you three times, then you have to make me that spaghetti again..this time from scratch.” I smiled brightly and Lucas frowned.

“From scratch?” He looked worried for a moment before composing himself and extending his hand.

“Deal, and if I win, you have to come to training every morning for the rest of the month.” He quickly added right as I shook his hand and my mouth dropped.

“Every morning..Wake up at five!!?” I was trying not to be hysterical but it was hard..I heard a few of the warriors around us chuckling and I glanced over toward Damion, who was very clearly trying to hide his own smile.

He probably put Lucas up to it..that punk.

I stood up straighter, grabbing my pole as I got into a defensive stance.

“Well, it doesn’t matter..because by tonight I will be stuffing my face with spaghetti.” I narrowed my eyes, feeling a sense of false confidence..obviously there was a high probability I was going to lose..but I felt like I just signed my life away. So I am going to fight for it with everything I sleep means too much for me to gamble it away in a kid’s game!

Plus I said I had to hit him three times, he never said anything about him hitting me more.

Suddenly a loud bell rang, and Lucas sprung forward tapping me right on the shoulder with little effort. What the hell? I never thought he would be the competitive his own queen!

Fine, he wants to play, then I am going to play.

I quickly stepped forward, realizing he can doge my every move with very little effort..okay this would be tougher than I thought. I already had six marks on me and Lucas wasn’t even winded..and here I thought he was the gentle one all this time. It didn’t help that I could feel Damion watching my every move, his eyes burning into me as I swear he inched closer every time I looked back.

“Focus Elle, we have four more minutes.” Lucas chastised me, seeing how distracted I was.

Just then I saw him looking at my abdomen and I knew that’s where he wanted to strike. I took a deep steadying breath, telling myself if I can get him just once that would be enough for me.

He pushed forward, extending his arm out at lightning speed and I quickly turned sideways and lunged forward, dipping myself down as I felt an impact. For some reason, I had closed my eyes, and now blinking them open I was met with the shocked expression of Lucas and my stick poking him right in the thigh where a red mark now stained his pants.

“Yes!” Damion’s voice boomed through the whole gym, surprising everyone as he tried to compose himself. I couldn’t help but smile brightly at him.

“Okay, well, two more..we have three minutes left.” Lucas’s voice brought me back to what I was supposed to be doing. I looked at him and nodded, seeing the mark on his leg as I felt like maybe I might just be able to do this.

I stood straight once again, seeing where Lucas was looking now and starting to get used to his movements. Before I could even guess where he was going he rushed me and got two more marks without any hesitation. I think I made him even more determined than before.

Looking up at the clock there was only one minute left and I knew it was over, but I vowed to get at least one more. I was already winded and sweat was dripping down my back but I wasn’t a quitter.

‘Come on Eleanor, look how he dips down on his right leg before he strikes..use that as your cue to strike.’

Kari suddenly chimed in and I almost frowned..that information would have been much more useful like four minutes ago!

I began to watch his right leg though and sure enough, he bent forward on it and that’s when I lunged first, striking him right in the chest. He just so happened to hit me at the same time as well, but I still got him.

I jumped up and down excitedly and then instantly felt that dread as soon as the bell rang.

“Nooo.” I sunk to my knees, my hands coming to my face as Lucas laughed.

“My sleep, my precious sleep.” I sobbed embarrassingly.

“Okay, no use in making a scene.” Lucas extended his hand, helping me stand as I let out a deep sigh.

Before I could even say another word I felt Damion behind me, I just wanted to crawl into his arms and let him carry me to bed..but then I remembered we were supposed to be giving each other space and I felt worse.

“You did really good, especially against our top sparrer.” He smiled softly and I suddenly just felt sad..really sad.

“Thanks.” I smiled half-heartedly. I don’t know what was wrong with me, I just wanted to go take a shower and lay in bed for the rest of the day.

Damion studied me carefully and before he could speak Lance ran up, patting me on the shoulder.

“Wow Angel, I can’t believe you got two on him. I’m pretty sure you found out how competitive he is by now..shocking huh?” Lance teased, earning a punch in the stomach from his twin.

“Is there more we have to do?” I quickly asked, feeling upset for some reason.

“Ugh no, this is good for today.” Lucas answered for Damion, who kept his gaze on me the entire time.

I nodded my head and turned on my heel, walking away..needing to get out of there. I don’t know what is wrong with me..maybe it was lack of sleep or just everything that happened but suddenly I had the urge to cry.

I miss him..I miss him a lot and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. Can I just let this go and forgive him for everything? I want to so bad..but I also want him to mean this..I want him to really truly love me. I don’t want to doubt what we have, I don’t want to see him and wonder if he feels the same as I do.

I practically ran to the castle, feeling Pierce following behind as I was so close to breaking down. I quickly hit the elevator button and chewed my l*p anxiously. Being by Damion but not close with him like always has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.. I don’t think I can do that again..I think I need to talk to him tonight. I’m ready to fix this and get my Damion back..first I just need to sleep.

(Damion pov)

Well, I might have really f****d this up. Seeing how Eleanor couldn’t even look me in the eye and practically ran out of here..something was going on with her. It took Lance and Lucas holding me back not to chase after her and wrap her in my arms. I was so damn proud of her..she actually got Lucas twice..which is damn good for her first time. I knew he wouldn’t go easy on her..he loves winning too much for that. But he must have let his guard down and my Bunny is anything but predictable.

Jake walked up to us, he came to the training late because he had a meeting with some of the other warriors.

“What did I miss?” He asked, looking between us as I g*****d and began walking away.

“Just me officially f*****g my life up completely.” I said behind my shoulder, watching as my Beta’s and Gamma followed after me.

“Come on, maybe she just was tired and needed to go lay down.” Lance, always being the optimistic one said.

“She couldn’t even look me in the eye Lance.” I know I am being dramatic, but this really really sucks.

“Well, maybe it’s time to step up your game. Show her how sorry you really are. Like, do a big gesture or something.” Jake added nonchalantly, making us all freeze in place and look over at him in surprise. Jake wasn’t one to actually help out in these you can say we are all surprised.

“Big gesture?” Why was this so foreign to me? I have never done any of this s**t before..that date before was my first ever and now this is all new territory..I’m completely clueless, to say the least.

“Yeah, like buy her flowers or a necklace or some shit.” Jake continued walking, okay that sounded more like him.

“You cannot just do something generic Damion. It has to be personal, something that Angel likes.” Lance added, glaring at Jake as we all stopped for a drink of water.

“Something she likes..” I was pretty much a broken record at this point. What does Bunny like..

I began to think about it as Lance and Lucas began to toss around ideas.

“She liked that date before, you could just do that again.” Jake added, not helping one single bit..I can’t just do the same thing again.

“She loves food..that’s for sure.” Lucas grumbled and then it all clicked..

One of my favorite first memories of that kept me up all night.

“I know what I’m going to do.” I said firmly, standing up and walking towards the castle with pure determination.

“What? What are you going to do?!” Lance yelled from behind me.

“I’m going to bake my Bunny a cake!” I hollered behind me and watched as all the guys glanced between each other and took off after me.

“I guess you’re going to need some help.” Lance said, placing his arm over my shoulder as he smiled brightly.

“I’ll link Jane to send us a recipe and some supplies.” Lucas added and Jake just nodded, coming along for the ride.

This is exactly what will show her how I feel..I will bake for my Darling and let her know just how much I love and appreciate her. She has done so much for me, and it’s time I do something for her, something that she loves.

I’m going to bake my girl a damn cake.

We decided to do it in the Beta’s kitchen that way we don’t disrupt Eleanor and I can keep it a secret. Jane sent Lucas a recipe for a basic vanilla cake with buttercream frosting. We all showered beforehand and put on some aprons Jane came and brought us, along with the supplies. She tried to convince us to let her stay and help but I wanted to do this myself, just for my Bunny. Let’s be honest..the guys are useless anyway and are just drinking beer and pretty much bossing me around and telling me what to do.

I looked down at the two bowls in front of me, Lance has put on some music while they make smart-a*s comments. I guess you are supposed to do a wet mix and a dry mix or something. Doesn’t it all get blended together anyway? I scooped out a cup of flour and quickly plopped it into the bowl, making a cloud of white poof up around me.

“Think you’re not supposed to do it like that.” Lance commented and I shot daggers at him while fanning the air around me.

“Why are you making her a cake anyway? What’s the reason?” Jake asked while taking a sip of his beer and casually leaning against the counter.

I scooped another cup of flour and put it into the bowl a lot slower this time. Feeling satisfied with myself when it didn’t explode.

“She offered to make me a cake once and I told her I didn’t like cake. I was a real a*****e to her.” I mumbled while trying to focus.

“Yeah, you really were, now look at you though, covered in flour and being all domesticated and shit.” Lance smirked.

“Are you guys just going to stand there and be d***s the whole time?” I was about to snap..this was hard enough just trying to understand these instructions..and Eleanor likes doing this for fun.

“You want some help?” Lucas offered, even though he looked just as confused as I felt and he wasn’t even cooking.

“It’s fine..just a little less of the smart-a*s comments please.” I grumbled, adding the sugar now.

I began to mix the dry ingredients together and then started working on the wet. By the twelfth piece of eggshell I had to pick out of the batter, I was ready to add them together.

“Lucas, can you set the oven to 350 degrees?” I instructed, they were on their fifth beer now. That’s how long this was taking..

“Yes sir.” He confirmed and went to do his task.

I mixed the batter and it kind of looked lumpy..was it supposed to be like this?

“What are those little lumps? Chocolate chips?” Lance asked, pointing to the batter and I growled, feeling overwhelmed with this whole thing. This has to be perfect for Eleanor..she needs to love it..

“I guess not.” Lance mumbled and walked away carefully.

“I think they will cook down in the oven.” I proclaimed, basically telling the cake that they better bake down or I will be pissed..I followed the directions perfectly.

After pouring the batter into the pans, I placed it into the oven and collapsed against the counter.

“Here, you need this more than anyone.” Jake said while handing me a cool beer.

“Thanks, why the hell is baking so hard?” This just makes me appreciate Eleanor even more. She does this so effortlessly and looks happy when she does it.

I remembered seeing her earlier when she was going against Lance, and the look in her eyes as soon as she made a mark on him. That’s the same look she gets when she is cooking. A thrill she has, an excitement..that’s one of my favorite expressions from her. How her tongue swipes across her bottom l*p when she is concentrating really hard, and her brow furrows together with her beautiful hair in a wavy mess. Then how she wipes her forehead with the back of her hand and hums to herself. I could watch her cook all day..I miss that, I miss her so much..

After drinking my beer, I decided to work on the frosting and get it into the fridge to sit.

The guys moved on to the other room and were watching a movie now, I didn’t mind that one bit. Considering I’m pretty sure they were all tipsy now..and I thought they were coming to help.

I added the powdered sugar and butter then turned on the hand mixer Jane brought for me. Apparently, it’s pretty touchy because my big a*s finger turned it on max level, causing sugar and butter to fly everywhere in the kitchen..and I mean everywhere..walls, ceiling, floor, on me..yeah, mostly on me.

“Shit.” I cursed under my breath, trying to salvage this in anyway I could as I added more to the bowl and made sure to be much more gentle this time.

After the frosting resembled actual frosting I felt pretty damn good about this. The alarm went off for the oven and I took out the cake and was surprised to see that it rose and everything. Did I actually pull this off?

I set it on the counter and decided to shower again before icing the cake and bringing it to Eleanor..I wanted to make this a big surprise, I wanted her to know just how much I loved her so I had a new task for the guys, one hopefully they can manage.

I told them to decorate my living room with candles and flowers so I could ask Eleanor to meet me there and show her my surprise. I am going to make this all up to her and show her how sorry I am, and how much I truly love her. If this doesn’t express that then I have no idea what will.

Let’s hope she likes cake..well my cake in particular.

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