The Gamma's Heart
The Gamma’s Heart – Chapter 9

Clara POV

Waking up I seen it was daylight outside.

A small smile formed on my face when I seen both Noah and Wyatt talking to each other on the small couch in the room.

I guess they felt my gaze, because they both turned to look at me. They smiled brightly.

Wyatt’s dark brown eyes twinkled and his hair was almost the same color as his eyes, I swore it was longer in the school hallway.

Shifting my gaze to Noah the sunlight caught his hazel eyes and they almost looked like caramel. His blonde hair was buzzed at the sides, longer at the top. Noah stood up first and walked over.

“Well good morning beautiful” he said softly.

Heat took over my cheeks at his comment, I turned my face away from him so he couldn’t see the blush, his fingers grazed my left cheek causing me to gasp softly, he then gently grabbed my chin turning my face back toward him.

“Don’t hide from me, Clara.” he whispered., his thumb was moving in circles on my cheek, when I looked up he gave me a lopsided grin which caused a giggle to escape me.

I felt the bed dip on my right side, turning my head I seen Wyatt sitting there,with his usual smile. “What?” he shrugged slightly.

“You do look beautiful this morning” shaking my head I said “I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but I’m positive I’ve got bed head.” I laughed lightly.

“Not really, your messy curls look absolutely ravashing.” he stated. “See you just confirmed that they are a mess.”

Noah sat down on the left side of me, I wanted to move over a bit to give him more room but my leg was aching. I winced slightly, and gave up.

“You do know your leg was broken, not something you should move around.”

I glared at Noah, “I’m aware, I’m just uncomfortable.” he laughed along with Wyatt

“When can I get out of here? I hate hospitals!” I asked them both.

They looked at each other, “The Doctor said if everything looks good with the wounds on your shoulder, you can go home today.” Wyatt said as he looked back towards me.

I went to reply when the door opened causing all three of us to look at the door. “Well Miss Baker, I see you’re finally awake. You’ve had the longest nap I’ve ever seen.” The older man chuckled. “I think 9 days would give anyone plenty of rest don’t you agree?”

“I’ve been here 9 days?” I asked a little shocked. “No wonder my back hurts.” I mumbled, while adjusting my position.

“Hows your pain today sweetheart?”

“About the same as it was last time I was asked.” he nodded while looking over the chart that was on a counter by the sink. “We checked your bloodwork. There’s still wolfsbane in your system, and you had a fever lastnight, and the night before.” Noah stood up from the bed and began to pace.

“I want to go home.” I said softly. “I can’t be here any longer than I already have been.” I looked up at the Doctor. “Please?”

“Let’s look at your shoulder, and we’ll go from there okay?” I nodded, Wyatt helped me sit up on the bed, and as the Doctor came closer I felt my heart rate pick up.

He stopped and looked at the machine then back at me. “I’m fine, I just don’t like doctors being so close to me is all.” I breathed out, I shook my head to rid myself of the memories from when I was younger. He gave me an apologetic smile.

“Your parents told us, I’ll be quick.” he said as he moved toward me again. I closed my eyes when he stopped next to me on my right side. I felt someone grab my hand, but I didn’t want to open my eyes to see who it was. By the sparks I knew it was either Noah or Wyatt.

Once the sling was off the Doctor gently eased me arm out of it, I winced when he placed it on my lap. “After we popped it back in place we told your family and these fine young men it was going to be sore for a while. But with the fractured collarbone and the multiple bite marks you received I’m not surprised with the discomfort.”

He continued to talk as he poked and probed at my shoulder, when I thought he was finished I heard him pick something up, “what- what’re you doing?” I asked a little panicked. If it was a needle that wasn’t happeneing. No way in hell was I getting a shot. “I’m checking the wounds, I have to cut the-“

I shook my head violently “N-Nope, not happening.” I stammered out as I tried to move away from him, I went to get off the bed when I felt someone stop me.

Opening my eyes I seen it was Wyatt. He placed his hands on my face and had me look at him. “He’s not going to hurt you, Clara!” he whispered.

I shook my head again, he doesn’t know my fear and why I loathed being in such close proximity with the man. “Calm down, if you want to go home he has to cut the wrapping off and take a look at your arm and shoulder.” Wyatt whispered once again, he was rubbing small circles on my face with his thumbs.

I felt a tear fall down from my eye. “I ca- I can’t.” I managed to say.

“Why don’t you like the nice doctor? He’s done nothing but help you since we brought you in.” Noah asked me.

I shook my head again, they’d be ashamed if they knew why, I heard the Doctor sigh. “I can send in Amanda if that helps?” Noah put up a finger and told the Doctor to wait. He asked Wyatt to move over and said he wanted to try something.

I knew whatever he was going to do wouldn’t work, nothing ever worked.

Moving to where Wyatt was at he moved a lock of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. I looked up at him, he simply smiled at me, he looked over his shoulder at Wyatt and I noticed him smile at Noah and gave him a nod.

“Its not going to work Noah, whatever you think is your magical treatment, it won’t work. Nothing-” I was cut off from my rambling when I felt his lips crash into mine.

My heart skipped a beat, and when I didn’t react he moved even closer to me and moved a hand from my cheek to my hair, when he gripped my hair in his hand my eyes closed, and kissed him back.

I placed my good hand on his chest, I felt his tongue run against my lips, asking for entrance, but I denied him. I heard him g***n as he pulled away resting his forehead against mine.

“How’s it looking Doc?” I heard Wyatt ask.

It wasn’t until he asked him that question, that I realized the wrap and gauze was gone. Looking down at my shoulder and arm quickly before I glared back up at Noah. “You jerk. You used our first k**s as a distraction.”

He laughed at me “Well it worked did it not?” I shoved him away from me. “I hate you, Noah!” I mumbled.

“Everything is healing nicely. But she’ll have to keep that arm in the sling for a few more days.” I heard the Doctor say. “And how long until the cast comes off?” Noah asked

“2 weeks maybe 3,” I huffed.

That meant I had to come back up here for them to remove it. “Can I go home now?” I asked, and all three of them laughed at my question. “Yes, I’ll have your nurse bring in your discharge papers.”

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